Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Harry Potter
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/23/2004
Updated: 10/28/2004
Words: 19,510
Chapters: 14
Hits: 6,009



Story Summary:
One day, Ginny's storybook life comes crashing down as she finds the love of her life with another. She finally sees that maybe the person she thought she had known, is really not such a great guy anymore.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
One day, Ginny's storybook life comes crashing down as she finds the love of her life with another. She finally sees that maybe the person she thought she had known, is really not such a great guy anymore.
Author's Note:
Hey everyone, before we get to the next chapter there is just one thing I want to address. I have received a few comments that Harry seems a bit OoC in this story. Hopefully, the reason behind his change in attitude will be clear later in the story. But the title is Flipside, which is mainly because of the different way Harry is being portrayed, instead of being the hero is he a darker character.

Chapter Three

It took Ginny a long time to fall asleep that night. The fact that she had taken to bed just after dinnertime - without actually eating anything - didn't help. She twisted and turned in her sheets, first wrapping herself up in a linen cocoon, and then tossing the blankets off in a hot flash. She eventually fell into a restless slumber after what seemed like hours, only to be woken up moments later by the arrival of her roommates. For the first time since her first year in Hogwarts she was thankful that she didn't get along with them, for no one bothered to check up on her.


Ginny woke up as the early dawn began. She tried to sit up, only to collapse back into bed. Every bone, every muscle in her body screamed at her. Her eyes were burning, and her head was throbbing. She figured she had slept about six hours the previous night, but her body was acting as if it hadn't slept at all. Back came the events of the previous night in a sudden rush. This time, instead of breaking down like before, Ginny was smothered in rage, gripping the bed sheets tightly in her fists. She decided right then and there that one Mr. Harry Potter was not going to break her. As he had proved to her last night, he was hardly worth her tears, and she was tired already of crying over him. She locked all emotions away into the back of her mind. She would carry an aura of aloofness and be calm and collected. Ginny would show him exactly what he had thrown away. One word ran over and over through her head, revenge.

Hauling herself up and out of bed, Ginny saw how early it truly was. The sun had barely begun to rise, and her dorm-mates had yet to stir. 'Just as well,' she thought bitterly, 'they would probably have nothing but snide remarks if they saw me taking the time to get ready.'

For the first time in ages, Ginny took more than her customary five minutes to get ready. She carefully brushed her hair until it glowed in the early morning light. Fastening the silky tresses in a ponytail high on her head, it cascaded down her neck just reaching past her shoulders. Using some stolen makeup from her beauty-obsessed roommates, she gave herself subtle smoky eyes, just enough to hide the dark rings that had formed. She also used blush hide her ghost-like complexion. Satisfied with her appearance, she hurried off to the Great Hall to eat some breakfast before the rest of the school rose.


The Great Hall was almost entirely deserted. No one was yet present at the Gryffindor and the Hufflepuff tables, and there was a group of three fourth-year Ravenclaws huddled around the end of their table. A lone Slytherin occupied the last table - Draco Malfoy. Ginny took pride in noting that he looked like hell, almost as horrible a train wreck as she had only thirty minutes prior. Smiling to herself, she sat down facing away from the other houses. Sitting as she did, she was oblivious to the silver eyes that were taking in her presence and ignoring everything else going on around him.

While she ate, Ginny took out a piece of parchment and her quill. Writing Harry a letter seemed to be the best way to relay her thoughts. Ginny knew her temper, and a face-to-face confrontation would not end well. She wondered whether or not the letter would come as a surprise to him. Ginny didn't know Parvati all that well, but she knew what a gossip the girl was. Had she told him that Ginny witnessed their little escapade? Maybe that was the point; Ginny was supposed to see them because he didn't have the guts to come right out and say it. Ginny shook in anger at the thought of the great Harry Potter being so cowardly. Suddenly she sat up with determination. Ginny had to see his reaction herself. She quickly finished her letter, gobbled up a bit of her forgotten breakfast, and hurried up to the Owlery to post it in time for the morning's post.


Ginny watched as the scraggly brown barn owl took off with her letter in the direction of the Great Hall. Over and over the words she had written played through her mind.

My Dearest Harry, (Ginny wished he could sense the sarcasm)

Last night, whether you intended to or not, you got your point across loud and clear. I am finding it hard to believe that I ever trusted, let alone loved you, right now. The part that pains me the most however is your choice of locations. Of all the places for that lovely 'display', you chose somewhere that was seemingly sacred in my mind.

Well my darling, you are dead to me. I may still be force to endure your presence on a daily basis, but you are no longer worthy of even being my acquaintance. Frankly, if I never have to speak to you again, it will be too soon.

You may have broken my heart, but you will not break me.

Forever and Always,

Virginia Weasley.

Ginny turned from the window and began to walk back through the castle. She felt an appearance was necessary at breakfast this morning. Squaring her shoulders she put one foot in front of the other, ready to face the world.


She stood just in the doorway of the Hall, but out of sight from her classmates. She could see her housemates at the table from where she was. 'Perfect timing,' she thought as the post owls soared into the Hall.

Her eyes were glued to him as he began to read her letter. She saw the sudden look of surprise mixed with horror surface on his face. 'I suppose Parvati kept her mouth shut - for once,' Ginny thought. Harry was apparently caught off guard; the fork full of scrambled eggs that he was going to eat clattered to the ground. The clinking of the silver against the stone floor brought him to his senses. Ginny could see he was still frazzled, for as he reached under the table, he banged his head painfully on the way back up. She chuckled when Harry's clumsiness caused a pitcher of orange juice to spill all over Neville Longbottom. Ginny then noticed the looks of confusion that Hermione and Ron were sharing. Ron tried to snatch the letter from Harry's grasp to read, but Harry yanked it out of reach and shoved it deep into his robes. Ginny gave a small giggle at the look that Ron shot Hermione after this. Harry then looked frantically around the Hall, 'probably lo! oking for me - or Parvati,' she thought smugly. When she noticed he was making a move to leave, Ginny decided it was time to make her entrance.

Calmly and gracefully she glided across the Hall towards the trio. All emotions pushed away, she donned a smile and forced her eyes to mirror its cheerfulness. Upon reaching the table she could see the fear written all over his face. 'Won't he be surprised when I don't blow up at him like he expects,' she thought smugly.

She was the first one to break the silence, "Good morning Ron," she greeted warmly. "Harry," Ginny said coldly, giving him a curt nod. "Hermione, could I have a word?" she continued with a smile.

Hermione gave her a small questioning nod, and then Ginny turned while waiting for her friend to gather her things. Observing the rest of the students Ginny waited, with an ear tuned to the conversations behind her.

In barely a whisper she could hear Ron addressing Harry, "Oi, mate. I don't know what you've done but you've made her so mad she won't even yell. Scary."

As she walked away from the boys with Hermione, she chuckled to herself at Ron's quick observation. Exiting the Great Hall, Ginny grabbed the other girl's arm and pulled her into a secluded corner.

"God Ginny," Hermione blurted all of a sudden, "what did he do? I've never seen you so cold to anyone before - not even Malfoy."

Ginny shuddered at the mention of Malfoy; remember their encounter last night. "Well that is what I wanted to talk to you about," Ginny said. "Now I'm sure Harry hasn't had the chance to tell you yet, but we have broken up. I no longer consider him a friend." With this statement Hermione's eyes widened, and she opened her mouth to speak. "Wait Hermione," Ginny said cutting her off, "I just wanted to let you know that I don't expect you to take sides; I don't want you to feel torn between the two of us."

"But," Hermione started, "oh Ginny! What happened!! Yesterday morning you two were so happy, so - in love!"

Ginny grimaced at the mention of love. "If you must know, ask Harry. He will be able to explain it to you much better than me."

With that Ginny turned and walked out of the Hall, leaving her older brown-haired friend wide-eyed and in a state of utter confusion.

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