Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger
Slash Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 01/20/2002
Updated: 01/28/2002
Words: 11,330
Chapters: 5
Hits: 14,604

Life With Draco

K.A. Malfoy

Story Summary:
When Harry takes Draco to Ron and Hermione's house for a party, he wonders what his friends will think of his lover. He especially wonders how Ron and Draco will react to each other (I predict hostility). Soon, Harry and Draco's secrets and lies get exposed, in front of all their friends.

Chapter 01

[completed] When Harry takes Draco to Ron and Hermione's house for a party, he wonders what his friends will think of his lover. He especially wonders how Ron and Draco will react to each other (I predict hostility). Soon, Harry and Draco's secrets and lies get exposed, in front of all their friends.

Words: 2,283
Hits: 7,906
Chapter 02

[completed] When Harry takes Draco to Ron and Hermione's house for a party, he wonders what his friends will think of his lover. He especially wonders how Ron and Draco will react to each other (I predict hostility). Soon, Harry and Draco's secrets and lies get exposed, in front of all their friends.

Words: 2,706
Hits: 1,609
Chapter 03

[completed] When Harry takes Draco to Ron and Hermione's house for a party, he wonders what his friends will think of his lover. He especially wonders how Ron and Draco will react to each other (I predict hostility). Soon, Harry and Draco's secrets and lies get exposed, in front of all their friends.

Words: 1,807
Hits: 1,367
Chapter 04

[completed] When Harry takes Draco to Ron and Hermione's house for a party, he wonders what his friends will think of his lover. He especially wonders how Ron and Draco will react to each other (I predict hostility). Soon, Harry and Draco's secrets and lies get exposed, in front of all their friends.

Words: 1,510
Hits: 1,340
Chapter 05

[completed] When Harry takes Draco to Ron and Hermione's house for a party, he wonders what his friends will think of his lover. He especially wonders how Ron and Draco will react to each other (I predict hostility). Soon, Harry and Draco's secrets and lies get exposed, in front of all their friends.

Words: 3,024
Hits: 2,382