Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger
Slash Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 02/24/2002
Updated: 04/26/2006
Words: 53,734
Chapters: 14
Hits: 23,310

Harry And Draco Chronicles

K.A. Malfoy

Story Summary:
SLASH, Prequel to "Life with Draco." Explores the first developments of Harry and Draco's romance, the trials the couple have to overcome to be together and Draco's fight to just be alive.

Chapter 14 - Harry's Turn


Chapter 14: Harry's Turn

Harry stood in the middle of the sidewalk, as his gaze flickered to the numbers on the townhouses in front of him. Although he had been to Godric's Hollow on several occasions with Sirius to look at the small plot of land that once held his family's home, Hermione's neighborhood was foreign to him. "Yuppie Row" was what the villagers called that street, since most that lived in those homes were childless and in their twenties.

He walked past a couple of houses, before finding his destination. Ron opened the door a moment later, holding a sandwich in one hand. He quickly swallowed the morsels in his mouth. "Come in," he said as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Hermione said you wouldn't be coming by until this afternoon." He glanced down at what remained of his meal. "I wouldn't have eaten the last of the ham, if I had known you'd be here so early."

"Don't worry about it," said Harry. "I already ate." Harry followed Ron down the hall to the living room, when a room to his right caught his attention and made him stop. The door was opened, and he let his gaze wander over equipment and bottles which would not have looked out of place in Snape's supply room.

"That's Hermione's study," said Ron. "She's in there most of the time."

Harry turned his head to the side, and saw Hermione sitting behind her desk. She had just finished filling a small glass bottle with a clear liquid, when she glanced up and met his gaze. She quickly got up from her seat and approached the two men. "Here's the potion you wanted," she said, placing the bottle in his hand. "But be careful with that. It's very powerful. It's capable of burning your skin." Her brows then creased as she gave him a hard look. "Why do you need it?"

"Not now Hermione," said Ron. "Harry and I have some talking to do." He was about to place an arm around Harry's shoulders and draw him into the living room, when he caught a glimpse of the mayonnaise on his fingers. He brought his hand back to his side and wiped his fingers against his jeans. Although Harry had not seen what he was doing, Ron's unhygienic behavior did not escape Hermione's eyes, and she now glared at him.

"Tell me more about the racing brooms you guys are developing," Ron said as he dropped down into the chair in the living room. "Word has it that Firebolt has negotiated to design a broom exclusively for the Cannons. Is that true?"

"I really can't answer that," Harry said.

"I knew it." A smile now creased Ron's lips, as he leaned forward in his seat. He lowered his voice. "Do you think you could give me a little hint?"

"I really can't talk about that. I'll get fined if I mention anything about the company's future designs."

Ron opened his mouth to further plead with his friend for any shred of information, when Hermione cut him off. "He said he can't talk about it." Her gaze remained on Ron until he leaned back in his seat.

"Anyway," Hermione continued, "there are more important things going on in Harry's life than racing brooms." She reached over and placed her hand on Harry's knee. "We heard about Draco's disappearance. I'm sorry." She turned towards Ron and waited a moment, but he did not say a word. She finally gave up and uttered, "Ron and I are both very sorry."

Although Ron did not bear a look of delight on his face, Harry thought he appeared far from being sad. Harry now avoided Hermione's eyes, and looked down at his hands.

"Have you heard anything new about it?" Hermione asked.

"I don't think Harry wants to talk about that," snapped Ron. "Leave him alone, will you?"

Harry's gaze remained lowered, as he twirled the small bottle in his hands. "Draco didn't really disappear." He finally lifted his head and looked at Hermione when she tightened the grip on his knee. Even Ron was now looking intrigued. "He was in London."

"I knew it," said Ron. He crossed his arms against his chest and snorted loudly. "It was all a stunt. He just did it so he'd be on the cover of all the papers. Figures he would do something that shameless."

"You don't know that for sure," said Hermione.

"Hermione, he's an attention seeking little git. That's exactly what he'd do. And to think I was actually thinking about volunteering to be in his search party."

"No you weren't," said Hermione. "You told me you wouldn't do it in a hundred years."

"I said I thought about it. I didn't say I'd do it."

Ron and Hermione continued to bicker back and forth with one another for several more minutes. Both were so caught up in proving their point, that they forgot that Harry was sitting only a few feet away. Ron's insults towards Draco grew more personal as his and Hermione's shouting got louder.

"Well, he deserves everything he gets," spouted Ron. "The stupid little queer." For the first time in that few minutes, he and Hermione suddenly looked at Harry. "I'm sorry about that," Ron said. "I didn't mean to use that word."

Harry held up his hand. He knew his friend's statement was not meant to hurt him. He remained quiet for a moment. "It's not what you think," he finally said. "He didn't fake that whole disappearance thing for publicity. He actually had nothing to do with it. It was his parents' idea. They threw him out of the house when they found out he was communicating with me. So, they made up the story of him disappearing to save face."

Hermione brought her hand to her mouth. "That's terrible."

"Big deal," said Ron. "He's got plenty of money. Plus, my father was telling me that his family has homes all over England. He's probably having the time of his life in London. I bet he's got twenty house-elves at his beck-and-call." Ron then muttered something under his breath, which Harry thought sounded like an obscenity.

"Draco's actually living with me," Harry said in a soft voice. When Ron and Hermione's gazes flashed towards him, he quickly added, "His parents left him with nothing when they threw him out. He had to live..."

Harry hesitated continuing. Although he wanted to tell them Draco's plight, he still wanted to protect his lover by editing some of the more embarrassing aspects of his life. When he resumed talking, his voice was a lot shakier than usual. "He had to live with some family friends. And they couldn't afford to pay for his tuition to Durmstrang, so--"

"You're kidding me," exclaimed Ron. "Malfoy didn't graduate from school?"

While Harry nodded his head, he saw from the corner of his eye that Hermione was watching him closely. Her gaze then traveled to the bottle in his hands. Harry quickly pocketed the bottle, before she could ask him any questions pertaining to his reasons for wanting it.

"He's had a rough year and a half," said Harry. "So, I don't you to say anything about it. When you see him, just pretend that he's come back from his disappearance."

"What do you mean 'when you see him?'" asked Ron. But he soon answered his own question. It was now apparent that the former Slytherin was going to be a permanent fixture in Harry's life from that point on. Ron looked away.

"We won't mention anything about it," said Hermione. "Right Ron?" When her boyfriend did not respond, she gave him a swift kick on the shins.

"Fine," Ron responded in a tight voice.


Draco stared into the hall for another minute, before making his way to Harry's bedroom. He had been disappointed to find that Harry was not there with him when he awoke that morning. But the other man had a habit of sneaking back into his own bedroom in the early morning to keep Sirius from thinking they were being intimate with one another. An act which Draco thought was childish.

Harry's bedroom door creaked open, and Draco stepped inside. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Draco placed his elbows on his knees and lowered his head. He sighed loudly as he tapped his foot on the floor; that was the first time Harry had not made him aware of his plans.

He stared in front of him for a moment, when his gaze wondered to Harry's nightstand. The top drawer was opened and he placed his hand inside. His fingers wrapped around a small velvet box. The box was just as he remembered it. He lifted the lid, half expecting the instrument inside to be tarnished and plastered with fingerprints. But to his surprise the pocket watch was in perfect condition, as it reflected the gleam of sunlight towards his face. A satisfied smile spread on his lips, as he admired his good taste. But he eventually placed the box carefully back in the drawer.

In the process of closing the drawer, his attention was caught by the gleaming glow of the gold necklace that lay within inches of his gift. Draco lifted the necklace with the tip of his finger and held it up to the light. A scrutinizing glare then traveled along the length of the jewelry. The quality was definitely sub par, he thought; but its gaudiness amused him so much that he could not put it down. Plus, he liked the feel of it against his fingers.

He stared at it for a moment later, wondering why he had never seen it around Harry's neck - his alert gaze surely would not have missed such a ridiculous object, nor would he have missed the opportunity to poke fun of the man for wearing it. The necklace did not go back in the drawer, but found its new home in Draco's trouser pocket.

As he got up to leave, he noticed a newspaper sticking from underneath Harry's bed. Normally such a sight would not have intrigued him, except for the fact that his father's face was now staring up at him from the front page. He picked up the week old copy of the Daily Prophet and skimmed the article.

Draco stood still for several moments after the gist of the article had finally sunk in. His father's scheme did not surprise him at the least, as he had seen plain evidence of what the man was capable of during his childhood. He glanced down at the picture of the man once more; he could see the image of his mother in the background. He wrapped his arm around the bedpost as he looked into her face. He quickly folded the newspaper and placed it under Harry's bed.

Draco wandered out of the room and lingered by the doorway for another moment. He walked down the hall and paused in front of Sirius' bedroom. He held his breath as he pressed his ear against the door and listened for any movement. He still had not figured out Sirius' schedule, since the man always left the house at odd hours. When he heard no sounds from the other end of the door, he proceeded downstairs.

"Harry," he said as he walked from room to room. Draco stopped calling out the other man's name when he realized he was alone in the house. He ventured to the kitchen and stood in the middle of the room, as his gaze flickered from cabinet to cabinet. He was about to grab the box of cereal that stood on the counter, when he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

He turned around to find Sirius leaning against the doorway, staring at him. Sirius brought the coffee cup in his hands to his lips and took a sip, all the while keeping his eyes on Draco.

"I can make you something to eat if you want," said Sirius. "Are you hungry?" Draco shook his head. "Harry just stepped out to get you something for those," continued Sirius. He ran a finger down the length of his cheek as he talked.

Draco lowered his head, allowing his hair to fall in front of his face. "Do you know when he'll be back?"

"Shortly, I assume." Sirius placed his cup in the sink. "I'm just heading off to...my thing. Are you sure there's nothing you need?" When Draco did not answer him, he left the room.

Draco spent the next thirty minutes sitting on the couch, looking around the room, but mostly focusing on the front door. He pulled his fingers out of the box of cereal that had been his meal and placed them in his pocket. He pulled out the chain once more and twirled it around in his fingers.

However, the jewelry had long lost the soothing quality it possessed moments before, and he found himself growing edgy. He even longed for the uncomfortable presence of Sirius; but the man had abandoned him as well. As the exorbitant boredom of his new life overcame him, he considered throwing the box of cereal across the room, just for the excitement of watching the contents spill onto the floor.

Just as he reached for the box again, the front door opened. Harry walked into the foyer, carrying a large bag in one hand and several letters in the other. He placed the bag on the floor and glanced through his correspondences. Draco watched for several moments in silence as Harry began to read a letter. But he soon grew tired of not being noticed and loudly cleared his throat; he smiled to himself when the sudden noise caused Harry to drop his letters.

"I didn't know you were down here," said Harry. He bent down and gathered the letters off the floor. He placed most of them on the nearby table, except for the parchment he had been reading, which he immediately deposited into his pocket. "It's good to see that you've decided to come out of your room."

He picked up the bag at his feet and placed it next to the box of cereal on the coffee table. Harry furrowed his brows as he glanced into the half-empty box. "You didn't have to eat that. I brought you a proper meal," he said as he looked down at the bag of takeout.

"How was I supposed to know you'd bring something back?" Draco asked. "You didn't exactly let me know about your excursion."

"It wasn't an excursion. I just stepped out to get--"

"Something for my scars," said Draco. "I already know. Your godfather was kind enough to tell me. And he made sure to make this gesture," he then slid his finger down his face in a mocking fashion, "so I would know exactly what he was talking about. I've never been so embarrassed in my life."

"Sirius wasn't trying to embarrass you. He just wants to help." He was about to take a seat n the sofa as well, but seeing that Draco was not making any effort to move his outstretched legs, he sat on the sofa's arm instead. "You should be thankful to Sirius. He's the one that suggested I see Hermione about getting you this." Harry reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out the bottle. He held it out to Draco.

Draco turned his head to the side and glanced at the shiny object in his hand. Harry eventually placed the bottle on the coffee table. "Hermione said to only apply a small amount on your skin or else it might burn you."

Draco remained motionless as he casually gazed at the small writing on the bottle.

"Hermione gave me some gloves to apply it with," continued Harry. "I can help you with it, if you--"

"What did you tell Hermione?"

"About what?"

"About me," said Draco. He now gazed up at Harry and gave him a hard look. "She obviously wouldn't have given it to you unless she knew what you needed it for. And I'm sure," the look in his eyes intensified as they roamed Harry's face, "that you told her it was for me."

Harry lowered his gaze, and fiddled with the gloves now in his hands. An awkward silence soon grew over them, until Draco sat up and knocked the gloves to the floor. "What did you tell her about me?" Draco asked.

"I just told her that we had reunited," Harry finally responded.

"I'm sure it wasn't as simple as that. Granger must have had some questions about me, considering my parents have called a nationwide search for me." Draco closely watched the changing expressions on Harry's face, before saying, "Yes, I know all about my supposed disappearance."

Although Draco tried to keep calm, he soon realized that his voice quivered as he talked.

And when he felt Harry's hand on his leg, he knew the other man had sensed he was troubled. Draco quickly moved his leg from Harry's touch. "Just tell me what you said to her," he snapped.

"I told them that your parents made the story up. That they actually kicked you out of the house."

"And why would you say that?"

"I couldn't lie to them," said Harry. "Plus, I didn't tell them every--"

"Who is 'them?'"

Harry paused for a moment, as he ran his fingers along his neck. "Ron was with her."

Draco slammed his fist down on the coffee table. "Great. Weasley is never going to let me live this down. Why would you tell anyone about that? Especially him."

"They thought you and your parents made up the disappearance story for the publicity. And I had to prove to them that you wouldn't do anything like that."

"Don't do me any favors," Draco retorted. "I'd rather they think I was a publicity hound, than have them know I had been disowned by my family. Which scenario do you think would humiliate me more?"

Harry avoided Draco's gaze and lowered his head. "I didn't tell them everything, you know. I didn't say anything about you living on the streets. I told them you went to live with some friends." He attempted to touch the man's leg once more, but thought better of it and withdrew his hand. "They promised not to tell anyone. And I know you think Ron would never keep the secret to himself," Harry paused when Draco snorted loudly, "but he would keep quiet for me. I trust him."

"And what about my education? You didn't say anything to them about that, did you?"

"Of course not," Harry answered almost immediately. "As far as they're concerned, you went to Durmstrang."

Resting his head down on the pillow, a relaxed look spread across Draco's face for the first time. "You really should have told me where you were going," he said as he glanced at Harry from the corner of his eye. "I would have been able to coach you on what to say. Well, at least you were able to keep your mouth shut about the more important aspects of my life." Harry only smiled weakly and glanced down at his feet.

Draco failed to notice Harry's actions, as his attention now focused on the bag on the coffee table. "What's in there?" he asked pointing at it with his right hand. When Harry didn't answer him, Draco stated, "I hope you didn't get that same stuff Sirius got the other night. It was horrible."

"Where did you get that?" Harry asked, as he pointed down at the gold chain now dangling out of Draco's fist.

"From your room." He then held it between his thumb and forefinger and dangled it in front of Harry. "I never would have thought you'd be into something like this, considering the nice piece of jewelry I got you."

"Don't do that," said Harry. He then grabbed the necklace from Draco's grasp. "It was given to me by someone who couldn't afford anything better and I won't have you making fun of it." He held it in his hand for a moment, looking down at it with a mournful expression in his eyes.

Draco sat up on his elbows and observed the way Harry now ran his fingers along the chain. "Did that girl give it to you?" he asked. A sly smile then spread on his lips. "Next time she decides to pay you a visit, I'll have to tell her that the gift is poorly made. Even the clasp," he said as he jabbed the necklace with his pinky, "looks like it's about to disintegrate."

Harry pulled his hand away before Draco could take the necklace from him. "It's not from Linda," he said in a soft voice. "It was a present from an old schoolmate."

Draco lay on his back once more and glanced at the nearest wall. He remained quiet for some time, before asking, "Were you with someone when I was gone?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's apparent that you and this gift bearer had some connection," said Draco. "Don't try to deny it," he added, when he saw that Harry was about to say something. "I saw the way you were looking at that thing. It and that girl must mean a lot to you."

There was no immediate admittance of guilt from Harry. In fact, he drew his gaze from Draco and stared down at his lap.

Draco closed his eyes. "I don't blame you for finding someone else. I mean, you're a...decent looking bloke, and considering all the fans you had at Hogwarts, I can understand it. I, on the other hand, did not have the luxury of getting together with someone else. I didn't get many desirable visitors at the manor, and the pickings on the street were very slim. If I had been around people my own age, I would have kept myself busy."

He let out a bitter laugh, before gazing back at painting on the wall and lowering his voice. "Did you love her?" he asked.

Harry placed the necklace on the table and slid down onto the sofa. Draco lifted his legs, and allowed Harry some space to sit down. He then draped his long legs across Harry's lap. Harry brought his hand to Draco's right foot and grazed his fingers along his bare skin.

"She was nice," Harry finally said. "But I didn't love her. It was comforting to have someone there for me." When Draco turned his head and began to stare at the wall once more, Harry added, "She and I were close friends, nothing more. I missed you too much to do anything with her." That statement seemed to have affected Draco because he now gazed back at him. Harry's fingers traveled along the leg in front of him, reacquainting himself with the hard muscles of Draco's body.

A slight smile curled onto Draco's lips. He leaned back into the cushions of the sofa and closed his eyes as Harry continued to massage the lower half of his body. "I missed you too," he whispered. He opened his eyes when Harry's hand slid into the leg of his trousers.

"I lied to you earlier," said Draco. A slow grin grew on his lips when Harry stopped massaging his leg and gave him a tense stare. "No, I didn't lie about not being with anyone. I said that I didn't have the opportunity to be around people my own age, but that's not true. I was always surrounded by other teenagers. I didn't sleep with any of them because I didn't feel the need to. I still thought we'd see each other again. Anyway, who would want me when I looked the way I did? But now that I'm beautiful again, you never know."

He let out a hearty laugh. But when Harry failed to share his amusement, Draco grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "I'm just kidding," said Draco. Harry's expression finally softened and an eventual smile soon replaced his frown. Draco took the opportunity to lift his hand and place his fingers along Harry's jaw-line. The other man had some newly formed stubble on his chin, and Draco relished feeling it under his fingertips.

His hand moved to Harry's mouth. Draco ran a finger across the top and lower lip before bringing his hand back to his side. Harry flicked his tongue over his lips and absorbed the sweet taste of the cereal Draco had been eating. He feel of the other man's fingers still stayed on his lips and he allowed those lingering sensations to engulf him. But Harry was finally pulled out of his enjoyment when he felt Draco's foot tapping his chest.

"Weren't you doing something with your hands?" Draco asked. He closed his eyes once more when Harry dutifully obeyed him and began to caress his feet.

"Do you think you'd like living here?" Harry asked.

"Are you kidding me? It's boring here. This kind of mundane lifestyle might be fine for you, but not for me." Draco folded his arms behind his head and said, "I was thinking about getting a flat in London. Knowing my mother, I'm pretty sure she saved up a gold mine for me. I could probably get a place in Chelsea. And if you're nice to me, I'll even let you visit."

Harry kept his head lowered and didn't say anything for a considerable time. "I thought you'd be with us for awhile. Sirius said you could stay here as long as you want. He really likes you." When Draco raised his eyebrows, Harry said, "I know he doesn't say much, but he cares about your well-being." He lowered his voice then, and added, "Plus, he knows how happy you make me."

Draco brought his fingers to the side of Harry's face. "I made you happy?" he asked. Harry leaned his head into the caress and let this action speak for him. Draco's fingers then drifted to the nape of Harry's neck.

"When is Sirius getting back?" Draco asked.

"Not until much later tonight. Why?"

Draco let his hand flutter up to Harry's tousled hair, before saying, "I just wanted to make sure we wouldn't be interrupted like yesterday."

He placed a hand on Harry's chest when the other man moved towards him for a kiss. "Not here," said Draco. "There's a loose spring on this sofa that's digging into my back." He got up from the sofa and held out his hand to Harry. They walked upstairs to Harry's bedroom.


Harry lay on the bed next to Draco. He placed a hand on the side of Draco's head and stared at him. He then allowed himself several moments to explore Draco's face by running his fingers over his eyes and mouth. Draco's skin felt hot. Harry wondered if sexual activity might be too much for the other man, considering the physical trauma he had already faced. But Draco answered his question when he opened his mouth and let Harry's forefinger slip inside.

Harry leaned forward and kissed him.

They remained side by side, holding each other as their hands ran up and down the other's body. Harry splayed his fingers on the small of Draco's back and pushed him close. Their chests were now melded together and only separated by the thin cotton material of both their shirts. Harry moved his hips forward, and pressed his arousal against Draco's

The hand that once roamed Harry's back swiftly moved to Harry's belt buckle. After a few quick movements, Draco was able to push his hand forward. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's neck and moaned. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips against the delicate skin of Draco's neck. His leg lifted and curled around Draco's thigh as his excitement grew.

But fortunately for both of them, Draco did not let things escalate.

Draco pulled away. He normally would have initiated the removal of clothing by then, but he lazily lay back on the bed and stared at Harry.

Harry sat up on his heels and began to unbutton Draco's shirt. His excitement grew as he saw more and more of the skin that had enticed him the previous day. He then placed his hands on the bare chest beneath him and grazed his fingers along Draco's nipples, the hard muscles of his stomach and the silky patch of hair that began under the button of his trousers.

He bent down and pressed his mouth against that smooth skin. He began to trace the area around Draco's nipples with his tongue before clamping down onto the skin. He wondered if nibbling the area would have the same effect on Draco as it had with Ginny. His question was answered when Draco began to arch towards him.

Harry trailed kisses down Draco's chest and stomach. With trembling hands, he undid Draco's pants and slid them down his body.
He wasn't wearing underwear. Harry had seen Draco naked before, but he rarely got the chance or nerve to fully enjoy the sight that now lay before him. He sat back on his heels and soaked in the grandness of his lover.

Draco's skin was soft to the touch. Harry looked down to see if his partner was enjoying what he was doing; Draco's eyes were closed. Harry found the encouragement to continue with his caresses when Draco began to writhe under his touch.

After bringing Draco to the brink of orgasm several times, Harry got up from the bed and undressed. He then sat on the edge of the bed and awaited instructions from the other man.

Draco remained quiet.

Harry recalled the times they had made love and decided to duplicate Draco's actions. He positioned himself over his lover. As they proceeded, Harry noticed that his movements were not as smooth and concise as Draco's. But looking down at Draco's parted
lips and half closed eyes, he didn't think his partner cared too much about his lack of technique.

The feeling was almost too much for him, as he found himself rushing towards his grand climax. By taking deep breaths, he was able to slow down long enough to fully enjoy the experience. But he was soon encouraged to adopt a quicker pace when he felt Draco's fingers digging into his back.

Draco tightened his arms around him, and moaned his pleasure when he climaxed. Harry quickly followed, as he trembled while the spasms rushed through him.

His body still moist, Harry bent down and kissed him, devouring the salty taste of perspiration on Draco's lips. He placed his head on Draco's chest and listened as the rapid thumping of his lover's heart slowly regained its normal rhythm.

Harry felt Draco's arm curl around his shoulders, and those strong fingers, which had gripped tightly onto his body during the last few seconds of their love-making, now fluttered lightly through his hair.

It was a considerable time before either of them spoke, and they spent that quiet moment tracing the fine lines on the other's skin with their fingers and mapping out the curves of the other man's body.

"I was thinking," Draco finally said. "Maybe you can come live with me when I get my own place." He lifted his head and looked at Harry. "Only if you wouldn't mind leaving your godfather. I know the two of you are close."

"I wouldn't mind that," said Harry. "Plus, it's not like I'd be too far away from him." He took a long pause and then asked, "Are you sure about this?"

"I'm pretty sure. I mean, I don't have my house-elves anymore, so I could really use someone to cook and clean for me. And you seem to be so good at it." Draco rested his head back on the pillow and smiled. "Actually..." He trailed off and began to stroke his chin.

"Actually," Draco began again, "I like having you around. I've spent almost a year on my own and I didn't like it. I don't want to be by myself anymore." He closed his eyes then and took a deep breath. "And, of course, I have feelings for you. I wanna say more, but...it's a bit difficult."

"You don't have to say anything else," replied Harry. "I understand completely." He leaned down and kissed Draco again. "I love you, too," Harry whispered against Draco's ear.

Draco tightened his arms around Harry and closed his eyes.

The End.