Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger
Slash Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 02/24/2002
Updated: 04/26/2006
Words: 53,734
Chapters: 14
Hits: 23,310

Harry And Draco Chronicles

K.A. Malfoy

Story Summary:
SLASH, Prequel to "Life with Draco." Explores the first developments of Harry and Draco's romance, the trials the couple have to overcome to be together and Draco's fight to just be alive.

Chapter 05


Chapter 5: Daddy Dearest

Draco stumbled to the floor, before getting up and saying, "Father, what's wrong?" 

But just then his father walked over to him and punched him in the stomach. 

The blow knocked the wind out of him, as he struggled for air. Lucius lunged at him again, this time striking the boy in the head. Draco toppled to the floor once more. 

"What the hell is going on with you and that Potter boy?" Lucius screamed. 

"Nothing. Nothing's going on." Draco slowly got to his feet. He felt the warm blood trickle down the side of his face from where his father's ring had sliced his skin. 

"Don't lie to me boy." 

"I'm not lying." 

"Yes you are." 

Lucius pushed the boy down. Draco fell backwards, his head hitting the wall. He stayed slumped against the wall and began to rub the back of his head, checking to see if there was blood on his hands. 

His father walked up to him. "So, Potter put a curse on you?" 


Lucius knelt down close to his son. "What curse did he use?" 

"I don't know, I couldn't hear what he was saying." Draco watched as his father leaned closer to him, waiting for an explanation. "I saw him sneaking around after hours and decided to follow him and see what he was up to. I confronted him in a corridor and threatened to tell on him. That's when he pointed his wand at me and muttered something." 

"What happened after that?" 

"I just felt my body become seared by something. Something strange was running through my veins. I can't remember what happened after that. But I know I wasn't myself." 

Draco took at deep breath and continued his story. "When I heard Peeves' story, I knew that I must have done those things when I was under the control of the spell." He laughed nervously. "I mean, I would never do those things with Harry on my own. I hate him too much." 

He looked at his father to see if he believed his story. The expression on the man's face revealed nothing, staying placid and emotionless. 

"Why didn't you report Potter's actions to Snape?" asked Lucius.


"Why didn't you tell on the rat if he cursed you?" 

"I....I didn't want it to become an issue. I didn't want people to think that a Malfoy could be cursed by Potter." 

"Instead, you let everyone think that you willingly went to bed with him?" Draco remained quiet. 

"When did the spell wear off?" inquired Lucius. "Since you're now thinking clearly, when did he lift the spell?" 

"I'm not sure." 

"Where were you when you felt like your old self again?" 

"I don't remember." 

"Do you know the kinds of things he did to you when you were cursed?" 

"Peeves says he saw us having intercourse, but I think he was just making it up." 

Lucius stood up and turned his back to his son. "I think we can press charges against him." 

"For what?" 

"Rape." Lucius began to stroke his chin as he paced the office. "In actuality, he raped you. We can press charges against him for that and cursing you. I'll talk to Dumbledore immediately. If he does nothing, then I will go directly to the Ministry." 

"Wait. You don't have to do all that." 

Lucius stopped stroking his chin and looked down at the boy. "But don't you want to clear the Malfoy name? I don't want people thinking that my son is a poufter." 

"But no one thinks that. People at school already know that he bewitched me." 

"Then we can file charges against him." 

"But Harry didn't rape me." 

Lucius stopped walking and remained still. "So, you don't want to press charges huh?" A slight grin came over his face as he walked towards Draco. "Answer me this question. Since when did you start calling Potter by his first name?" 

Before Draco would answer, his father kicked him in the ribs. He doubled over in pain, holding his chest and crying out. 

Lucius stood over his son's slumped over body. "Get up!" 

"I can't. It hurts to move." 

"If I tell you to do something, you better do it." He grabbed his son's arms and violently pulled him to his feet. "Stop your damn crying! I will not have a weak, whimpering son." Draco squeezed his eyes tightly, trying not to think about the pain growing in his chest. 

His father wrapped his hands around his neck. "Why are you lying to me?" he asked, his hands pressing Draco's head into the wall. 

"I'm not father. I swear."

"Yes you are. I could tell the minute you started telling me that ludicrous story of yours. But the thing that was the clincher was when you refused to press charges against the little bastard."

"You were just testing me?"

"Yes. My, what a bright boy you are." He slapped Draco on the cheek. "Do you really think I would publicize the fact that you let Potter have his way with you? Do you know what that bitch Rita Skeeter would do if she heard about all of this?" 

"That's the same reason I didn't want to press any charges. I knew that it would cause trouble for you. I didn't want you to face the repercussions of my mistake."

"That's very considerate of you." Lucius released Draco's neck and walked away, pacing in circles. He suddenly turned around. "Do you have feelings for Potter?"


"I've heard some disturbing things that would lead me to think otherwise." Lucius glared at him. "I've heard reports that you might have taken a liking to Potter. That you've even been nice to him."

"Yes. It's true that I've stopped teasing him. That's because you told me not show any hatred towards him. That it wouldn't look good, since the wizarding world worships him."

"I did say that. But I never meant for you to become his best friend." Lucius began to clench his hands into fists. "Sources have told me that you've been sneaking out late at night to meet Potter, is that not true?"

"Who ever these sources are, they are lying to you father."

"These sources happen to be the sons of two very respectable men. They have no reason to lie to me. They told me everything they had seen and heard over the past year. They said that you remained quite calm when the story about you and Potter broke. You did little to dissuade the rumors."

"Father, these sources are obviously fooling you. I said nothing about the incident because I just wanted everything to die down." He got to his feet and approached his father. "Please believe me."

"I'll believe whomever I want." Lucius walked over to this desk. He opened the top drawer and pulled out his dagger.

Draco took a step back. He eyed his father as he ran the blade against his hand. 

Lucius put the dagger down and reached into the drawer once more. Draco could see him holding a small bottle in his hand. He watched as his father walked towards him. 

"Open your damn mouth," Lucius said, prying the boy's mouth open. He stuck his fingers in his son's mouth as he tilted his head backwards. "If you bite me, I'll fuckin' kill you." Draco began to cough as he felt something drip down his throat. 

Lucius squeezed his nose shut. "Swallow all of it." He then backed away and pointed his wand at the boy. Draco hit the wall with great force as the beam of green light from his father's wand struck his chest. 

"Now Draco, did Potter put a spell on you?"

Draco stared at his father with a blank look on his face. He opened his mouth and said, "No." 

"Do you have feelings for Potter?"


Lucius gritted his teeth when he heard that word escape from his son's lips, for his worst nightmare was coming true. 

"Tell me when these feelings first developed."

Lucius sat on his desk with his arms crossed as his son began to talk. "I've had feelings for him for the past four years. But I never acted upon them until last year." 

"What happened last year?"

"I kissed him for the first time." Lucius contorted his face and shook his head. "He was walking out of Potions class alone and entered a secluded hallway. That's when I grabbed him and pulled him into an empty classroom. I think he was surprised, but never once did he try to escape as I forced him against the wall. I saw something flicker in his eyes and that's when I kissed him. His mouth stayed pressed tightly together at first, but he soon kissed me back."

"Did you make love to Potter?"


"Did you enjoy it, you little whore?"

"Yes, immensely. Both times," muttered Draco. 

His father just stared at him with wide, startled eyes. "You slept with Potter twice?"

"Yes sir. The first time I slept with Harry was on Christmas eve. We both decided that it would be the perfect night to consummate our relationship. I wanted to make our first night together special. I wanted it to be a great night for him."

Lucius looked away as he contorted his face. 

"He was still a virgin and was nervous," Draco continued. "He worried that he would not be able to please me. But he was wrong. What he lacked in experience, he made up with his enthusiasm. The second time was last night and he was more passionate." 

"Do you love Potter?" asked Lucius. Draco did not answer.

"Do you?" he asked again.


Lucius had heard all he could take and lifted the spell off Draco. The boy immediately collapsed onto the floor. "You are a disgrace to the family! I can't believe I have a son who would whore himself out to Potter!" he yelled, his face turning red. 

Draco began to back away as his father approached him. "I didn't want to believe Crabbe and Goyle," Lucius stated. "I was outraged when they suggested that you were fond of Potter. But I guess they were right all along."

As his father took another step towards him, Draco began to crawl under the mahogany desk. His father stopped him from escaping by stomping hard on his back with his boot. Draco's face crashed into the floor, causing him to bite down on his tongue. Lucius lifted his foot and brought it down on Draco's back once more. 

"Father stop!" cried Draco as he rolled onto his side. His father ignored his pleas and began to savagely kick him in the chest. Draco screamed.

"Draco! What's going on in there?" called his mother.

While she pounded on the door, Lucius kicked Draco in the face, causing the boy's head to violently whip backwards. He leaned down and grabbed Draco by the hair, lifting his bloody head off the ground. 

Pressing his lips close to the boy's ear, he snarled, "This is between us. If you tell anyone what went on in this room, I'll kill you. You just keep your mother believing that Potter bewitched you." He let Draco's head drop to the floor and walked over to the door. 

"What's happening?" asked Narcissa when her husband opened the door.

"My dear, why are you so hysterical?"

Narcissa looked over her husband's shoulder. "Oh my God," she gasped as she caught a glimpse of her son. "What did you do?" 

Lucius looked at his wife, his expression remaining calm. "This is between us men and it does not concern you."

"But he's hurt." 

"Must I tell you again?" he bellowed. Narcissa did not say another word. 

Lucius looked at his two house-elves and then at his wife. "Draco is not to be helped out of this room, nor is he to have any meals today. Is that understood?" 

"Yes sir," replied their house-elf Willa and her daughter Tally.

Lucius glared at his wife. "I didn't hear you say anything."

Narcissa looked away. "Yes," she finally muttered under her breath.

Lucius clapped his hands together. "Well, all this excitement is making me hungry. I can't wait to see what Bowe has prepared for us." He turned around and stared at his son. "And you. You clean up that damn mess before I get back!" 

Taking one last glimpse of her son's unmoving body, Narcissa allowed Lucius to lead her off to the dining room. As Lucius walked away, he left a small trail of blood on the marble floor, the outcome of his boot coming into contact with his son's face.

When Lucius and Narcissa were out of sight, Tally peered into the study and looked at Draco. She let out a small squeak when she saw the boy lying on the floor, the blood from his face collecting into a velvety red pool on the white rug. 

As she entered the room, she heard her mother say, "Tally, you heard what Master Malfoy said. Now come back here."

Ignoring her mother's words, she crept up to Draco and knelt down next to him. She ripped some fabric from her pillowcase dress and began to wipe the blood off his swollen face. 

Draco grabbed her small wrist. "Get out of here!" he yelled. Tally screamed and ran out of the room.

Draco sat up on the floor and began to examine his injuries. He leaned against his father's desk as he gingerly tried to get to his feet. He had trouble breathing, as his ribs throbbed in pain every time he tried to inhale and exhale. The excruciating pain in his chest told him that his father had broken one of his ribs, again. That was not the first beating he had taken from his father and it certainly would not be the last.