Astronomy Tower
Hermione Granger
Slash Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 02/24/2002
Updated: 04/26/2006
Words: 53,734
Chapters: 14
Hits: 23,310

Harry And Draco Chronicles

K.A. Malfoy

Story Summary:
SLASH, Prequel to "Life with Draco." Explores the first developments of Harry and Draco's romance, the trials the couple have to overcome to be together and Draco's fight to just be alive.

Harry And Draco Chronicles 01


Chapter 1: That Night

The snow fell quickly across the grounds, covering the lake with a thin film of ice that caused it to sparkle and gleam, even in the dead of night. But most of the students were gone from Hogwarts and could not enjoy the delicious view; they surely would have pressed their faces against the windows of their dorms rooms to eye the wintry splendor of Mother Nature. The halls of the grand castle lay barren except for the poltergeist that roomed the corridors for a bit of late night mischief. The place was quite a sight to beheld, as the house-elves had outdone themselves decorating it for the few students who stayed behind during the Christmas break. The house-elves were now in the kitchen setting up the menu for the next day's feast - one of them humming to himself as he scurried around the place, his feet bedecked with the fluorescent socks Harry had given him earlier that day.

As everyone else lay sleep, dreaming of the delicious meal that will greet them in the morning, Harry and Draco were wide-awake in the drafty dungeons.

The Slytherin common room lay dormant, devout of the shouting and shenanigans that were usually present on any given night. Although it had been several days since most of the students departed for their homes, the stench of the stink bomb Goyle set off still lingered in the air. Draco had tried his best to rid the room of the odor before his guest arrived, to no avail. But he had been able to redecorate the common room to elude a romantic feel by dimming the lights and scattering pillows in front of the blazing fireplace.

However, the common room was not his main focus, as much of the activities he had planned were to happen in the sixth year boys' dorm. A silk comforter, which was ablaze with a rich green color that brought out the creaminess in his pale complexion, replaced the cotton duvet on his bed. He had strategically placed candles around the room, and a large silver bowl of strawberries on his nightstand.

His plan for that night was to seduce Harry. In the common room, he would place light kisses on the green-eyed boy’s lips that he hoped would eventually lead them to the dorms. He would then enrapture Harry’s senses with the delectable fruit, and give him a sensual body massage that would force them to continue the rest of their activities in bed. However, things had not gone entirely as planned.

Although Harry had eaten the strawberries with great fervor, and had surely enjoyed the gentle massage that Draco gave him, he had balked when it came time to proceed further. Harry now sat on Goyle's bed, his knees pulled up to this chest as he shivered. He didn't know if his shaking was caused by the chill that drifted in and out of the room or of his nervousness of what was to come. His gaze flickered to the young man lying on the bed across from him. Harry met those gray eyes for only a moment, before looking away.

He certainly had no reason to be nervous, as he and Draco had planned that evening several weeks in advance, and had already spent an exorbitant amount of time getting familiar with each other's body during their many late night excursions into the empty rooms in the North Tower. They never ventured into the overly populated Astronomy Tower, as it allowed for very little privacy. Plus, Harry knew that a coupling of his and Draco's sort would cause many of the students - who normally would not notice a natural disaster, as they satisfied their teenage hormonal needs in semi dark corners - to raise an eyebrow or two. Additionally, that he and the Slytherin had chosen one another would have sent a ripple through the school, as many had grown accustomed to seeing them as rivals.

A smile curled onto Harry's lips, as he couldn't believe that he and Draco would find themselves in a relationship with one another. Over the years, he had come to see their relationship purely as that of enemies who glared at one another in the halls.

He'd always envisioned being with someone more like himself - like fellow Gryffindor Oliver Wood. He and Oliver had spent some time together the summer following fourth year, when the Quidditch player stopped at The Burrow to see how he was coping with Voldemort’s return. Harry had long admired Oliver's determination, and thought he was aesthetically pleasing.

Several other young lads had caught Harry's eye over the years, even Draco. It was difficult not to notice the Slytherin, as he stood out from the rest with his striking features. Everything about the confident way in which he walked down the halls, to the way he flicked his long hair out of his eyes every so often never ceased to catch Harry's eye. But Draco's mean spirit and insensitive quips about Ron's finances always enabled Harry to keep his distance from him.

But things had changed drastically during their fifth year. The taunting that usually accompanied their encounters had disappeared, much to Ron's chagrin - he wanted to have an excuse to pummel the blond. Hermione saw the transformation as a show of maturity. She assumed that Voldemort's present threat had forced him to push all petty bickering to the wayside. Ron, on the other hand, thought Hermione's reasoning was rubbish and often warned Harry that the sudden change in Draco's demeanor was a trick to catch him off guard. Regardless of the reasons, Harry greeted the change with much happiness, as he had grown weary of always doing battle with the other lad.

But he soon noticed other changes in Draco that year. The other boy seemed to spend a great deal of time staring at him. But unlike previous years, these stares were never accompanied with pursed lips and narrowed eyes. He often observed how Draco would casually glance over his shoulder during Potions class and stare at the Gryffindor section of the classroom. Even when Harry had his head buried in one of the books, he could still feel Draco's eyes on him. The intense glare of the other boy’s eyes always caused him to move around uncomfortably in his chair.

Soon afterwards, Draco's staring escalated into something more: touching. It was surprising for Harry, to say the least, when he felt Draco's fingers graze his arm or back while he made his way to class. The unexpected physical contact would always cause Harry to barricade himself in his dorm room after classes, and ponder whether the other boy was flirting with him. His heart always rang with a mixture of excitement and worry as he wondered about Draco’s intentions.

But he soon learned of Mr. Malfoy's intentions on April 5, 1996. After running back to his dorm to get his homework, Harry encountered Draco in a dark corridor in the North Tower. Neither boy said a word as they glanced at one another from opposite ends of the hall. But it was Draco who broke the silence, when he made an offhand remark about the dreary weather outside. Harry moved back against the wall, unable to believe that the other boy was talking to him so casually. Then suddenly, he began to get his suspicions about Draco. "He's up to something," he thought to himself. But before he had time to think things through, Draco began to approach him. His back already pressed against the wall, Harry had nowhere to go, and soon found himself merely inches away from the other boy. What happened next was something he still couldn’t believe to this day.

Harry never did make it the rest of his classes that day. He retreated back to his dorm and lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. His fingers flittered to his mouth, and gingerly grazed the same spot Draco had kissed. His mind had gone blank when Draco leaned in for the embrace. He was surprised that he did not try to resist nor turn his head to the side. He was even more taken aback that Draco would even attempt to kiss him.

He in no way would have assumed that Draco was gay, considering the Malfoy family's hatred of all those who were not like themselves. Plus, the Slytherin’s reputation with the girls in the school had firmly solidified him as a heterosexual, in Harry’s eyes. But Draco later admitted that all of this was a facade; he engaged in the macho behavior to satisfy his father’s views of masculinity.

The following day, Draco had sent him a letter inviting him to a secret meeting. Harry could still remember the talk they had that evening. That was the time Draco confessed that his attraction to him had occurred during their meeting in Madam Malkin's robe shop. It was also discovered that the public humiliation Draco experienced when Harry refused his hand was what sparked their rivalry.

Harry was surprised to learn that Draco had come to terms with his homosexuality at such an early age. Although Harry had felt some fondness for his own sex, he always tried to ignore them. Plus, momentary infatuations with girls such Cho had helped to confuse him even more.

His and Draco’s relationship slowly build from that point forward, as they began to owl one another on a daily basis and sneaked off to be alone each night. These nightly excursions always filled Harry with fear, and he would often throw up beforehand. Although he had engaged in some kissing and petting with another boy - he won't give out that boy's name - during the early part of his fifth year, Harry was still sexually inexperienced with members of either sex. He knew Draco had had many encounters with women, as stories of his sexual prowess, which were fueled by Pansy Parkinson, were legendary around school. But Draco possessed great patience and gentleness, and was able to slowly rid Harry of his inhibitions.

Still drunk from his encounter with Draco, Harry would often stumble into the common room in the wee hours of the morning. He always spent several minutes fixing his disheveled clothes and hair, before proceeding to the dorms, where he knew Ron would be waiting up for him. Ron always assumed he was gallivanting around school with some young Ravenclaw or Hufflupuff; the redhead surely would have gotten word if Harry was fooling around with a house mate, as gossip always spread fast in Gryffindor House. And for nearly a year, those close to Harry had been kept in the dark about his homosexuality and coupling with Draco.

The summer months after his fifth year were difficult for Harry, as he experienced a slow and painful withdrawal from being away from Draco. He spent most of his days in that tiny bedroom on 4 Privet Drive awaiting an owl post from Draco's eagle owl. Excitement would always flood throughout his body when he received a package from Malfoy Manor. That had been the only summer he did not lose weight, as he was able to live off the abundunt food Draco sent him on a daily basis.

When sixth year started, his and Draco’s interactions with one another became more frequent and intense. They eventually decided that the Christmas break was the right time for them to finally consummate their relationship.

But in actuality, the two young lads couldn't wait and proceeded with things a lot sooner than planned. Two weeks prior, they were in their usual room kissing, when things quickly became heated. Before either of them knew what was happening, they found themselves making love. Their first go around was a lackluster experience for Harry, as he only marginally participated in the activity; he was too busy marveling at the fact that he was naked and making love to another boy. Plus, the encounter was too short for him to get any actual physical pleasure from it.

But now they sat facing one another, as they both waited for the other to make the first move. "Why don't you come over here?" Draco asked. He was lounging on his bed, his legs stretched out before him. The buttons on his satin pajama top were open, revealing his chest. Although Harry had seen that smooth skin on many occasions, he never tired of glancing at it, or running his hands up and down its muscular form.

Harry climbed off of Goyle’s lumpy bed and walked towards Draco. He grabbed the waistline of his pajamas when he felt them begin to slide down his body. He wished he had something better to wear for that special occasion other than Dudley’s old baggy clothes.

He sat down on the edge of Draco's bed and glanced down at the other boy. Harry looked away and stared straight ahead of him. He then imagined the shock the other Slytherins would face, if they were to step into the room at that moment. He placed his hand over his mouth to hide his smile, when he felt Draco's warm breath on his ear. He closed his eyes when his earlobe was suddenly enveloped by the other boy's mouth.

Draco's mouth ventured south, until it landed on the nape of Harry's neck. But the embrace ended just as suddenly as it had begun. Draco abruptly pulled away from him and resumed his lounging position on the bed.

"Why did you stop?" asked Harry.

Draco brought his hand to his face and examined his nails. "You didn't seem like you were enjoying it." He reached out his hand and placed it on Harry's knee. "It's okay if you don't want to do this. I could tell you weren't into it when we first started."

"But I was enjoying it." But Harry had to admit that he was not being as responsive as he would have liked. In normal circumstances, he would have allowed a moan to escape his mouth. But that night, he had been extremely tightlipped. He supposed his nervousness stemmed from being in the Slytherin dorms.

Harry glanced down at Draco's face, trying to detect if he was angry at his less than amorous response. But there was no such annoyance on the other boy's face. "I really want to do this," he responded. "In fact, I haven’t been able to think of anything else this entire week."

Draco sat up and moved next to Harry. He then allowed his hand to drift along Harry's thigh. He could feel the other boy’s hard muscles tense underneath his fingertips. "I know the last time wasn't anything special," he said, sounding almost embarrassed. "But I promise that tonight will be a lot better." He lifted his hand to Harry’s face and curled his fingers around his chin, gently forcing him to gaze his way. He then leaned forward and kissed Harry.

Harry closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss. But he had little time to enjoy the sensual pleasure of Draco’s mouth against his, when he felt Draco pull him onto the bed. The blond quickly maneuvered on top of him. Harry looked up at those eyes that were now staring down at him; it amazed him that Draco’s gaze could convey so much emotion.

Draco’s hands traveled to Harry’s face, pushing his hair out of his eyes. He then brought his mouth down on Harry’s, slowly tasting the other boy’s lips. His lips then worked their way along Harry’s neck and shoulders, while his hands worked quickly to disrobe him.

Harry was completely unaware that Draco had taken off his pajama pants and boxers - he was surely still intoxicated by the kisses he’d received earlier - until he felt the sudden rush of cold air hit his skin. Instinctively, he placed his hands over his groin. Although they had been naked together once before, tonight was different; Draco would have ample opportunity to eye his naked physique, and critique every flaw.

Draco sat up on the bed and looked down at Harry’s reddened cheeks and closed eyes. "I want to see all of you," he said. He reached for Harry’s hands and pushed them away.

Harry’s heart thumped as Draco’s eyes glided down the length of his body - lingering on certain parts in the process. He held his breath as he awaited a verdict from the other boy. But Draco said nothing, as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips. Harry kept his hands clenched in a tight ball at first, but eventually relaxed and wrapped his arms around Draco’s shoulders.

Draco got off the bed and began to undress. He let his shirt fall to the ground and slid the pants down his hips; he was not wearing any underwear. Noticing that Harry’s gaze was fixed on him, he remained in the middle of the room, allowing the other boy enough time to observe him.

Although Harry had seen a male’s naked body before - he had often sneaked quick glances at his teammates in the Quidditch changing rooms - he still couldn’t draw his eyes away from the sight in front of him. When they had made love the first time, the room was dark; but this time, Harry was able to sit up on the bed, and drink in the milky white flesh. But after getting an eyeful, he watched as Draco slowly climbed into bed with him.

That night was surely more enjoyable than the first. Even an hour after their encounter, Harry’s heart still beat fast, as he recalled what had happened. His tongue flickered over his lips, as he savored the taste of Draco’s mouth. His eyes drifted to the now sleeping lad beside him. He brought his hand to Draco’s chest and let his fingers glide along the hard muscles of his body. Harry left his hand on the other boy’s chest and drifted off to sleep.


Draco turned his head to the side and moaned in his sleep. That dream of him ravishing another boy in the teacher's lounge had plagued him for the past couple of months. The possibility of Snape - or better yet, McGonagall - walking in and catching them in the act excited him. But he would never confess this desire to Harry, as the Gryffindor was reserved when it came to venues for conducting amorous trysts. Draco was thoroughly enjoying the seduction, when an icy cold sensation on his chest caused him to awake.

"Harry," he murmured, while his eyes were still closed. "Your hands are cold."

He slowly opened his eyes and gazed at the clock on his nightstand. It was four in the morning. He then sank into his warm bedcovers and attempted to fall back to sleep. But his hopes of returning to his blissful dream was cut short when he felt another cold sensation on his neck.

"Harry," he said once more, this time with more annoyance in his voice. The arm that was draped across his waist moved, as the boy lying next to him stirred in his sleep. Draco could feel Harry's warm fingers tightened their grip around his skin.

He opened his eyes again to look at who, or what, was causing him to be cold. As his eyes become more focused, he could roughly see an image floating above his head. He blinked several times, as his gaze came into contact with the dark eyes of Peeves the Poltergeist.