Fleur Delacour Harry Potter Hermione Granger
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Published: 06/10/2002
Updated: 06/10/2002
Words: 9,438
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,519

Harry Potter and the War for the World


Story Summary:
When Voldemort threatens to take over the world, Harry Potter and his friends, The Most Trusted, and The Five have to stop him before he takes over the world. If they don’t, the world, as they know it, will come to a violent end.

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
When Voldemort threatens to take over the world, Harry Potter and his friends, The Most Trusted, and The Five have to stop him before he takes over the world. If they don't, the world, as they know it, will come to a violent end.

Voldemort looked his servant in the eye. "It is almost time. Soon the Muggle world and the Wizard world will be mine," he hissed. He laughed so loudly you could hear it ringing from the rafters.


"What dose this mean, Professor?" the woman asked.

"It means we must summon The Most Trusted to us. No students but The Five may be allowed to come back. Send the letters as soon as possible," the man said.


Fleur looked up at the pyramid with great awe. She had never been to Egypt and most likely never would be again. Fleur thought. Fleur was working for the British Ministry of Magic. She was writing a report on how safe the pyramids really were.

Fleur wasn't working for the Ministry in France because she knew the deepest, darkest secret there. It had to do with Voldemort. Her father had said that if she told anyone, he would kill her sister. She had never felt very close to her father, now she felt even further apart.

She remembered how her sister had wanted to come with her. She had promised to bring back lots of souvenirs. Fleur wanted to bring her sister but her mother wouldn't allow it.

Fleur took a breath and walked into the pyramid. It was dark, damp, and musty. Fleur shuddered. She hated damp, musty places. She walked on for quite some way. She came to a torch. She looked up and saw some paintings. They were old and worn.

Fleur sighed and continued on. Suddenly she heard the sound of running feet. She stopped, not knowing what to expect. The sound of running feet grew closer and closer. Fleur was about to scream when someone crashed into her.

Fleur landed on the ground hard. "Ow!" Fleur cried.

"Sorry," a man's voice said from the darkness. He helped her up.

"Bill, hurry up, we haven't got all day. We need that light!" a woman's voice called from down the hall.

"Er, sorry, have to run," he said.

Fleur continued down the hall. Fleur thought. Fleur turned a corner and saw dim black shapes up ahead. "Bill is that you?" the woman called out. Fleur turned around and saw a light coming towards her. She didn't want another encounter with him so she sped up.

Fleur was going so fast she didn't see where she was going and crashed into someone.

"Ow! Watch were you are going," an irritated voice said.

"Sorry I didn't see you."

"Oh, sorry, I thought you were my twin brother." Fleur looked back at the light. It hadn't moved.

"Bill hurry up," the voice said next to her.

"Is Bill your brother?" Fleur asked.

"Yep, and my name's George, my twin's name is Fred," George said.

"Fred and George Weasley? The pranksters from Hogwarts?" Fleur asked.

"Yep. You know us then?" George asked.

"Fleur Delacour. I was one of the Triwizard Champions," Fleur said.

"Oh yeh. You're the veela girl," George said.

"Who's a veela girl?" a voice said from in front of them.

"Oh hi Bill. Just talking to Fleur," George answered.

"You mean Fleur Delacour, the Triwizard Champion?" Bill said.

"Yep that's me," Fleur said.

"Now what's a pretty girl like you doing in the middle of a dark, damp, musty place like this?" Bill asked.

"Work," Fleur replied.

"Bill. Hurry up," a woman's voice called.

"Coming mum," Bill called. Bill, George, and Fleur hurried down the hall. They soon came to the place were Mrs. Weasley was waiting anxiously by a wall.

"Oh good. Now help me find that lever," she said.


The owls swooped out and headed in different directions. "How long do you think it will be until we have them all assembled professor?" the woman asked.

"No less than a week." he replied.

"If they don't come, what will we do?" she asked.

"We will have to surrender," he said.


"Well this is just fine Ron. We are stuck in a pyramid with no light," Harry said.

"Well look on the bright side, at least it couldn't get any worse," Hermione said.

"Yes it could. There could be spiders climbing all over us," Ron said, and shuddered. The wall behind them suddenly turned and they spilled back into the chamber where Mrs. Weasley was.

"Oh thank heavens you're all right!" she cried.

"Where's your father and brothers?" she asked.

"We don't know. They must have wandered off," Ron said.

"We better go after them," Bill said.

"Was your sister with you?" Molly asked.

"I don't know. I couldn't see anything in the dark," Ron said.

"Oh dear, I hope they're alright. Well let's head back and get help," Molly said.

"Mum, we don't know the way out, remember we got lost," Fred said.

"When I went to get the light, a big, horrible row of corpses fell in the way of the door, so we don't want to go that way," Bill said.

"Well we better go the way your father is going, and hope we can catch him," Molly said.

"Well this is just great," Harry said, "We are stuck in a pyramid, and we don't even know if we're walking into a death trap."

"Let's try not to think about that," Hermione said. Fleur shuddered at the thought. Bill, sensing her shudder, put his arm around her and drew her close. She didn't pull away like he thought she would. After walking for about half an hour they saw a light ahead.

"Is it just me, or do I see a light at the end of a tunnel?" George said.

"There is something ahead," Fleur said, "but I don't know what it is."

They soon walked into the outside world. Fleur thought.

"Hello dear," a man's voice said.

"Arthur! You're okay! Where are the other children?"

"They are in the car.' Arthur replied. Molly busted into tears.

"I thought you were dead!" she cried.

Fleur slipped off and headed to her car. Fleur thought. What Fleur didn't notice was Bill looking after her with a longing expression. Fleur drove to her hotel for dinner.

At the restaurant she saw the Weasleys come in with their guests. She looked at Bill for the first time that day. She noticed that he seemed depressed. Fleur thought. After her meal she paid and left. Bill looked at her with that longing expression on his face again, and looked away. Fleur looked at him with an expression of longing, and looked away. Fleur thought. Bill thought.

When she got to her room, there was an owl sitting on her desk. She walked over to it and took the letter from him. She paid him and he flew away. She opened the letter and read it.

Dear Fleur,

Due to unexpected events there have been some changes in plans. You will not be coming to Hogwarts in the beginning of the school year. Instead you will come as soon as possible. If you have any problems, please let me know.


Albus Dumbledore

Fleur folded the letter and started to pack. Fleur thought. After she finished packing she headed downstairs to check out. Half way down the stairs someone grabbed the suitcase out of her hands. Fleur spun around to see who it was.

"You!" she said. It was Bill.

"Where are you going?" Bill asked.

"Hogwarts," Fleur replied.

"Really! That's where my family's going," Bill said, "We all got letters from Dumbledore."

"Really! So did I," Fleur said. Bill and Fleur made there way downstairs, hand in hand, looking deep into each other's eyes.

After Fleur checked out, Bill called a taxi. Before she got in she turned to him.

"Owl me sometime."

"I will," Bill said. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips.


"Professor, all the owls are back," the woman said.

"Good, they will be arriving very soon." he said.

"Will you tell them everything?" she asked.

"No, not everything... yet," he said.


On the flight Ron watched as Harry and Hermione kissed. They had been dating for about a year. Ron had been hurt at first, but now he was used to it. He had noticed Fleur on the plane but he didn't say anything. He turned his head to look at her.

She was deep in conversation with Bill. Ron thought. Fleur laughed and Bill smiled. He leaned down to kiss her.

Ron looked away.

"Ron is everything all right?" Ginny asked.

"Everything's fine," he said, and looked out the window. The landscape flew beneath them. Ron thought.


Once Fleur, the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione had arrived at the Hogwarts Express they noticed a few other people that they knew.

"Harry, is that Sirius, and Remus Lupin?"

"Yeah. Hey, isn't that Krum?"

"Hey look! There's Madam Maxime!"

"Is that Malfoy?"

Once everyone was on the train it took off. Harry ran up to Sirius and hugged his godfather. Everyone fell asleep until they reached the other station. Then they filed into the horseless carriages. They had no idea what lay headed of them at Hogwarts.


"They have arrived professor," she said.

"Good, take them to the hall," he said.


When the group arrived at the castle, Professor McGonagall led them into the Great Hall. Hagrid and Professor Snape were already at the table.

"Please have a seat," said Professor McGonagall. Charlie was the first one to sit down. Bill, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Percy, Madam Maxime, Molly, Arthur, Draco, Sirius, Remus, Harry, Hermione, Krum, and Fleur followed him. Professor McGonagall left the room.

"Dose anyone know why we're here?" Ron asked.

"You will find out shortly," Professor Snape snapped. Professor McGonagall re-entered the room followed by Professor Dumbledore.

"You will now learn why you are here," Professor Dumbledore said, "The Dark Lord is plotting to take over the world. The world needs your help. You are The Most Trusted and The Five."

"What are The Most Trusted and The Five?" Ron asked.

"The Most Trusted are the people we trust most. Two years ago we lost one of The Trusted. You knew him well." Professor Dumbledore said.

"You mean Cedric Diggory was one of the Trusted?" Fleur asked.

"Yes he was. Now the trusted is made up of Hagrid, Madam Maxime, Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, Remus, Victor Krum, Sirius, Arthur, Molly, Charlie, Percy, George, Fred, Bill, Fleur, and myself. The Five are students. They are Draco, Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Ginny," Dumbledore said.

"So what do you want us to do? Fight Voldemort?" Harry said. Every one but Harry and Dumbledore flinched.

"Yes Harry. That's exactly what I want you to do," Dumbledore said.

"How? Isn't He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named expecting something like that?" Percy asked.

"Yes. We will disappear from the Wizarding world. We will live like Muggles for a month and then attack," Dumbledore said, "If Voldemort makes his move first, then we will move sooner,"

"Wait! Does everyone else in the Wizarding world know this?" Fleur asked.

"They know. In a month come back. to Hogwarts. Until then, be careful," Dumbledore said.

"How will we know to come back?" Madam Maxime asked.

"Will you send owls?" Krum said.

"Of course he will," Hagrid said. Everyone got up and left. Once they got off the train they went their own separate ways.


"What shall we do till they return?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"We shall wait. Send owls to Fleur, Charlie, Bill and Remus. We need them here," Dumbledore said. She nodded and left.


Harry walked along with Sirius.

"We need to buy new clothes," Harry said.

Sirius nodded, "We do. Let's go get some now," Harry and Sirius went around the corner and into the world of the Muggles.


Fleur went into the Muggle shop. She went over to her favorite side of the store. She picked out five dresses, three sweaters, four skirts, two pairs of jeans, and six blouses.

She went over to the jewelry department and picked out five pairs of earrings, ten necklaces, two bracelets, and a ring for he sister. She paid and left. Fleur thought.


Hermione walked into her closet. Most of her favorite clothes were too small. "I can fix that," She said to herself. She waved her wand and they grew to her size.


The Weasleys were putting spells on all their clothes to make them turn to Muggle clothes. When they were done, Bill went to his room to write a letter to Fleur.


Remus looked at all his clothes. They were ratty and torn.

"Oh well, nothing like a good spell to fix that," he said to himself. He waved his wand and they became as good as new.


Draco turned some of his clothes into Muggle clothes, and hid them. Draco thought.


Madam Maxime waved her wand and all her clothes became those of a rich Muggle woman's clothes. She thought.


Snape was in his dungeon putting away potions when the Dark Mark on his arm suddenly started burning. He looked at it and saw it was black. Dumbledore came in and saw it.

"Go, gather as much information as you can," Dumbledore said. Snape nodded and left. Dumbledore sighed and went back to his office.


Voldemort looked at the Death Eaters.

"Good, all of you are here. Except Snape," he hissed.

"My lord, remember he is a double agent. He is probably at Hogwarts, getting ready to leave," Lucius said. Right after Lucius finished his sentence, Snape Apparated at Voldemort's feet. He fell to his knees.

"Forgive me my lord, I had to get out of Hogwarts territory," Snape murmured.

Voldemort smiled. "You are forgiven," He hissed. "Now on to my plan."


Hagrid gathered his belongings and headed out of the door. Fang followed.

"Maybe sometime we will come back," he said softly, and locked the door.


Fleur arrived home at her apartment at 4:30 pm, two hours after she had gotten off the train from Hogwarts. There was an owl sitting in the window. Fleur rushed to the window, took the letter, paid the owl and sat down. The letter was from Bill.

Dear Fleur,

I had a great time with you. I was wondering if you would like to come and visited me. If you do, please write back, and I will send directions so you can visit me.


Bill Weasley

Fleur smiled. She liked Bill. She sat down and replied to Bills letter.

Dear Bill,

I would love to come and visit you. I had a wonderful time with you to. Hope to see you soon.


Fleur Delacour

Fleur took the letter over to her owl that she had named Jelly Bean.

"Find him," She told the owl. The owl flew out of the window and disappeared.


The Weasleys sat down to dinner.

"Mum, can I have Harry live with us for a month?" Ron asked. "Sure, you can dear. Why don't you have Hermione come over to? She can have the gust room," Molly said.

"Mum, are you forgetting that Fleur coming to stay with?" Bill asked.

"You heard back from her? Well in that case Hermione can share a room with Ginny," Molly said.

"You invited Fleur over here?!" Ron said.

"Yeah, I did," Bill said.

"How could you?" Ron screamed. He stood up and fled up the stairs. Everyone looked after him.

"I'll go talk to him," Bill said softly and stood up and walked up the stairs.

Bill knocked on Ron's door.

"Go away," Ron said. Bill entered Ron's room anyway. Ron spun around and saw Bill standing in his door.

"I said go away," Ron said coldly.

"I need to talk. I need to know why you don't want Fleur here," Bill said.

Ron sat down on the bed. Bill did the same.

"I don't like her, I think she's a stuck up snob who doesn't know what's good for her," Ron said.

"Ron, just give her a chance, she's not that bad," Bill said.

"How can I?" Ron asked.

Bill stood up, "Get to know her better." And left. Ron got up and took up his quill and invited Harry and Hermione over for a month. Then he sent the letters with Pig.


Draco walked up the stairs to the Malfoy mansion. When he walked into the mansion his father was waiting for him.

"I told you never to leave the house without permission," His father growled.

"My headmaster summoned me. I had to go right away," Draco replied.

"Well in that case it's alright. What was it about?" his father asked.

"School has been canceled. He wanted to tell me personally," Draco replied.

"Why has school been canceled dear?" his mother said as she entered the room.

"Dumbledore didn't go into to detail. It was something about some kind of deadly mold that was found in the school," Draco lied.

"We are having a dinner party tonight. Go and get ready Draco," His father said. Draco went upstairs to his room. His ghost butler had already picked out an outfit.

"Dose it have to be the one with the rhinestones?" Draco complained.

"It's the one your mother wanted," he replied. Draco muttered some vile swear words and began to change.

When he was ready his father came into the room.

"Now remember, this is a Death Eater party. Try and behave," His father said and scowled.

"Lucius, the gusts have started to arrive," Narcissa called from the bottom of the stairs. Lucius turned out of Draco's room and went to welcome his guests.


"Hello Harry. It's nice to see you aging. Hello Hermione, you're looking as lovely as ever," Molly said when Harry and Hermione arrived by Floo powder.

"It's nice to see you to Mrs. Weasley," Hermione said. Harry and Hermione went up to their rooms to unpack.

Ron was sitting on his bed when Harry came in.

"Hello Harry," he said.

"Why dose Hermione have to share a room with your sister?" Harry asked.

"Because Bill invited Fleur over, and mum said she could have her own room," Ron answered.

Bill burst into Ron's room.

"Can I help you?" Ron asked. Bill slammed the door shut a leaned against it.

"Unless you can stop an angry Percy, nope nothing you can do to help," Bill answered.

"What did you do this time?" Ron asked.

"I threw out his cologne," Bill answered.

"You mean the one that stunk up the whole house?" Ron asked.

"Yep, that's the one," Bill replied.

Just then Percy started banging on the door.

"Percy, leave your brother alone," Molly called from downstairs. Percy left.

"That was close," Bill said.

"So I hear you invited Fleur over," Harry said.

"Yep, she would have to gone all the way back to France is I hadn't," Bill said.

"Diner!" Molly called from downstairs.

"Last one to the table is a rotten wizard!" Bill exclaimed and they all raced down the stairs.


Fleur pinched the Floo powder, flung it up into the air, and called out 'The Burrow' and was whisked away to the Weasleys.


The Weasleys and their guests had just finished dinner when Fleur arrived.

"Hello dear. Good to see you again," Molly said, "Bill, take Fleur to her room," Bill took Fleur's luggage and headed up to the guest room.

"I hope you don't mind having to share a room with a ghost. We can't find another room that he likes." Bill said.

"It's okay. At my house I have to share a room with a whole family of ghosts," Fleur said.

Right then an owl flew in the window.

"That's odd. It's a letter from Hogwarts," Fleur said. She opened the letter and read it.

Dear Fleur,

Please come to Hogwarts as soon as possible. We don't have much time!


Albus Dumbledore

Fleur folded the letter and put it in her robes.

"Who's it from?" Bill asked. "Dumbledore, he wants me to come to Hogwarts eminently," Fleur said. Another owl flew in the window.

"Whose it for?" Fleur asked.

"Me." Bill said. He opened the letter.

Dear Bill,

Please come to Hogwarts as soon as possible. We don't have much time!


Albus Dumbledore

"That's funny. He wants me back to," Bill said to Fleur. Just then Charlie entered the room.

"I just came to say good-bye. Dumbledore wants me back at Hogwarts," Charlie said.

"He wants us back there to," Bill said, indicating to Fleur and himself.

As soon as they were all packed and ready to go, Mr. Weasley drove them down to the station.

"Be good, and hurry home," he said. They nodded, took their luggage and went to platform 9 ¾.

On the train they discovered Remus Lupin already on board.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"We got letters from Dumbledore," Charlie replied. "So did I," Remus said.

Once they reached Hogwarts they were greeted by Professor Dumbledore.

"Please follow me," He said and led them into his office, "I have called you here for very important reasons. Charlie, how is your job going?"

"Very well. We found that the Dark Lord has been trying to enslave dragons. We have also found out that the dragons want to help us because the Dark Lord has taken so many of their children," Charlie said.

"Remus, how is your job going?" Dumbledore asked.

"Very smoothly. The creatures in the forbidden forest have spotted the Dark Lord severely times. And the unicorns said they would help us when the time is right," Lupin said.

"Very good." Dumbledore said, "Bill, how is your job going?"

"Well, not so well. The Dark Lord has found some new deadly curses, and he has been taking Muggles and putting the curses on them," Bill said. Dumbledore nodded.

"You three knew I was going to call you back. You may go now. Go back and tell the Trusted and the Five to prepare to come next week." Dumbledore said. Charlie and Remus got up and left right away, Bill was a little more hesitant has he walked out.

"Fleur, tell me, how is the ministry in France?" Dumbledore asked. Fleur went pale.

"What do you mean?" Fleur asked cautiously.

"I think you know what I mean," Dumbledore said.

Fleur looked around nervously, "I can't tell you."

"Why not?" Dumbledore said.

"It's a matter of life and death professor. If I were to tell you my sister would be killed," Fleur said.


Draco slipped away from the party. He changed his clothes and headed down to the station. He got on the train and headed to Hogwarts.


A week later:

Dumbledore stood at the head of the table, "Now is the time when we will go undercover. You must not return to your houses. Draco needs a place to stay, for if he returns home it will be the end to us."

"He can stay with me," Remus said.

"Good. Now no one can go by his or her real name. Madam Maxime, you will be called Sophie. Remus, you will be called Fred. Fred, will be called Dan. George, will be called Stan. Sirius will be called Steve. Hagrid will be called Charles. Charlie will be called George. Bill will be called Jesse. Fleur will be called Mackenzie. Molly will be called Julie. Arthur will be called Victor. Victor will be called Arthur. Ginny will be called Annabelle. Draco will be called David. Ron will be Noah. Harry will be Thaddeus. Hermione will be called Rose. McGonagall will be called Molly. Snape will be called James. And I will be called Edward," Dumbledore said.

"Fleur and Bill will play lovers, along with Hagrid and Madam Maxime, and Hermione and Harry." Dumbledore said.


Bill sat down at the bar to right a letter to 'Mackenzie'.

Dear Mackenzie,

Love, darling, I can't wait to see you. Please visit soon. My heart is dying without you. If I do not see you soon I will not be able to go on! Your lips are like roses. You hair is like spun gold. Your eyes like pools of love. I know I was stupid when I dumped you, but I want you back. Come back to me! My love, my darling! My sugar pie! My heart cries out for you every second of the day! Do not leave me love. My darling, love of my life. You are the sunlight in my universe! Don't go out on me.

With all my love and heart,


Bill looked at the letter satisfied. It had a secret message, and that was that they were going to have to leave to go to Hogwarts next week. Bill addressed the letter and sent it by Muggle post.


Fleur changed into her blue flowered dress. She walked out the door to her apartment and ran straight into her father.

"What are doing here?" she gasped.

"I'm here to take you home," He growled, "Pack your bags, you won't be coming back." Fleur turned back to her apartment, packed, and wrote a quick note to Bill. She was just sneaking out the window when her father came in and pulled her back in.

There was a quick struggle, but it was enough to leave the apartment in ruins, which was what Fleur wanted. Her father forced her down to the waiting taxi. It took them to the airport. On the plan her father knocked her out so she couldn't escape.


Everyone crowded into the great hall. They had survived the time as Muggles. Bill looked around anxiously. He hadn't seen Fleur yet.

"Everyone, please take you seats." Professor Dumbledore said. When everyone was seated Dumbledore looked around, "Everyone is here but Fleur. Has anyone seen her?" he asked.

"I sent a letter to her, but she never replied," Bill said.

Everyone looked around anxiously. Why wasn't Fleur there? What had happened to her?

"Bill, go to her apartment. Charlie go with him," Dumbledore said.

Charlie and Bill left in a hurry. Snape secretly snuck out of the hall and headed to a place where he could Apparate. Everyone else looked extremely nervous.


Voldemort looked at Mr. Delacour.

"I will have her join us tomorrow morning," he hissed. Fleur's father nodded. Fleur was lying unconscious on a bed. She was bound to it so she couldn't escape.

Voldemort and Mr. Delacour strode out of the room. Fleur woke up just as they left.

"Where... where am I?" she asked to herself. She tried to sit up, but she couldn't. She looked at her arms and saw she was bounded to the bed. She lay down and went to sleep.


Voldemort looked at the Death Eaters.

"We know have the girl. Tomorrow we will have her join us. We will make her tell us everything about possible plans to attack," Voldemort hissed. The Death Eaters nodded. Snape looked uneasy as he nodded. Snape thought.

As soon as Voldemort dismissed the Death Eaters, Snape went in search of Fleur. He found her tied to a bed, asleep. Snape walked over to the bed and shook her.

She woke up.

"Snape? Is that you?" Fleur asked.

"Yes," he said as he undid her bond, "I have come to get you out of here," Snape said. Fleur sat up.

"What are you doing here?" Fleur asked.

"I'm a double agent. Dumbledore knows this," Snape said.

Snape and Fleur made their way down the hall. Snape looked nervous. When they were at the door, Lucius stepped in front of them.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here. Are you trying to sneak out or trying to sneak out?" Lucius asked. He pulled out his wand and stunned them.


Bill and Charlie looked around the apartment. It was totally demolished.

"I wondered what happened," Charlie said. Bill just looked dumbstruck. He couldn't believe that she would be kidnapped. He looked around for any clues that might lead to possible clues to her kidnappers.

"Hey, Bill look at this," Charlie said. Bill looked and saw a quickly written note in Fleur's handwriting.


My dad is taking me. He is taking me to Shetland Island, in the North Pacific Ocean. Please bring everyone you can. Voldemort will be there.


Fleur Delacour

P.S. You will find important information under the loose floorboard under the window.

Bill set the letter down and walked over to the window. He picked up the board, and collected the papers. Bill and Charlie Apparated down to the Hogwarts Express.


"I'm telling you, that's what the letter said. That her father was taking her Shetland Island," Bill told Dumbledore for the tenth time. Dumbledore nodded.

"You said she left papers. Will you give them to me know?" Dumbledore asked. Bill handed over the papers.

Dumbledore flipped through the paper until he found what he was looking for, Fleur's diary. He opened it and read.

Dear Diary,

A stranger came to the Ministry today. I don't like him. He reminds me of someone, but I don't know whom. He is having a big influence on father. They came home today after work, and they locked themselves in fathers study for hours. I will have to be careful, and I will have to do my best to keep Gabriel away from him.

Dumbledore flipped through a few more pages and came to another important entry. He read it allowed to everyone in the room.

Dear Diary,

When I got home today, Dad and his friend were already home. I accidentally walked in on them in the kitchen. My fathers' friend had taken his cloak off. It was Voldemort. My father said that if I told anyone, he would kill Gabriel. Now Voldemort has control over France. I am going to go work for the British Ministry of Magic and hopefully be able to tell someone over there about what's happing over here.

Dumbledore put down the diary.

"We have to go to Shetland Island as soon as possible," he said, "Get everyone ready."


The Most Trusted and The Five left for Shetland Island. Everyone was prepared to fight.

"Professor Dumbledore, why am I one of the Five?" Draco asked.

"Because, you are the heir to Voldemort, who is the heir to Salazar Slytherin. Voldemort said he would let your father live, if his child would become Voldemort's heir. Your father agreed. The only reason that you weren't the one to open the Chamber of Secrets was because a form of Voldemort was using the Chamber to get revenge. If he had not done that, you would have been the one behind it," Dumbledore explained.

Draco nodded. He understood why he was part of the Five.

"Why are the others part of the Five?" Draco asked. Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny turned around, waiting for the answer.

"That is a simple answer. Harry is Godric Gryffindor's heir. Hermione is Rowena Ravenclaw's heir. Ginny is Helga Hufflepuff's heir. Ron is their protector. Together all of you are the Five," Dumbledore said.


Voldemort looked at Snape.

"Well, well, well. A double crosser, or under the Imperious curse? This should be interesting," Voldemort hissed. Snape showed no sign of fear. He was very calm, considering the situation he was in.


Snape had just told Voldemort everything about the plans to attack him. Of course it wasn't really Snape's fault. He had been forced to take a truth potion.

Voldemort looked immensely pleased with himself.

"Harry Potter will be with them. I will take him prisoner, and he will be my salve for the rest of his life!" Voldemort hissed.

"What will you do with my daughter?" Mr. Delacour asked.

"I think I will marry her. As for Snape, he will be killed," Voldemort hissed.


Harry looked down on Voldemort's base.

"It looks like they have Death Eaters and dementors down there," he whispered to Dumbledore. Harry slid down the bank.

"What are we going to do?" he asked.

"We will wait until nighttime, and then we will move out," Dumbledore said.

That night when the group moved out, everyone was grim. They all knew that they might be killed. What they didn't know was that Voldemort had set a trap in the big willow tree that was only a few feet ahead of them.

As Harry and the group neared the willow they grew more and more anxious. When they were right in front of the willow tree, twenty voices shouted, "STUPEFY!" Harry and the group were caught.


Fleur woke up from being hit. Snape was bending over her.

"Are you all right?" he asked. "I... I think so," she replied. Voldemort burst into the room, with Mr. Delacour at his heels. "We have captured your friends. Prepare to surrender. Snape will be killed at dawn," Voldemort hissed.

"Fleur, your sister will also be killed if Dumbledore knows about the French Ministry of Magic," Mr. Delacour said. They turned and left the room.

Just then a dementor entered the room. It took a step towards Fleur. She went pale and screamed. *********************************************************************

Bill looked around his cell. He had been relived just a few minutes ago. Bill thought. He looked around his cell for a way out.

"Well there is no possible way out," he said to himself. He lay down on his bed to try and get some sleep. Just as he closed his eyes, a woman screamed.

He sat up and cried, "Fleur!!!"


Voldemort looked at Snape.

"You miserable bastared! You son-of-a-bitch! You will burn in hell for all of eternity for all I care! You will wish you were never born!" he hissed. Snape looked him straight in the eye.

"I would rather be a double agent, than just work for you," he said calmly.

"Malfoy, lock him up in the special cell, and make sure all thirteen doors are securely locked," he hissed. Lucius nodded and took Snape down to the special cell.


Dumbledore carefully opened the door. He saw that no one was in the hall. He crept down to Harry's, Ron's, and Hermione's cell.

"Harry, Ron, Hermione, are you all right?" he asked. "Yes," Harry said, "But how did you get out?" "Stand back and I'll get you out too," Dumbledore said, and with a flick of his wrist the door swung open.


After an hour, the whole group was ready to leave. When they heard footsteps coming, they all hid behind a tapestry of Voldemort. Lucius Malfoy walked past them, dragging Snape.

Dumbledore leapt out from behind the tapestry and stunned Draco's father. Snape wrenched his arm out of Lucius grip, and the whole group left.

When the group got to the plane they leapt aboard, and it took off immediately.

"Is everyone here?" Dumbledore asked. Everyone nodded except Snape.

"We left Fleur," he said. Everyone went white.


Voldemort had put Fleur in a special tower so she couldn't escape.

"After what happened to our other guest, I can't have you escape. You will stay here until our wedding day, which is in two days," Voldemort hissed. He turned and left, and locked the door behind him.

Fleur looked around the room. It had cozy cushions on one side, a four-poster bed on the other, and a window seat on the far wall. She also had some comfy chairs, a table, a fireplace, and a bookshelf full of books. Fleur sighed and went over to the bookshelf, grabbed a book on the Hogwarts Four Founders and sat in a chair in front of the fireplace. Fleur thought, and started to cry.


Bill looked out the window. He let his tears flow freely. He didn't care about anything anymore. Bill thought,

As Bill was sinking into depression, Ron was very happy that Fleur was left behind. Ron thought.

Snape was also thinking thoughts about Fleur. Snape said.


Narcissa pointed to a nice wedding dress.

"What about that one dear?" she asked.

"No. I want one that doesn't have such a puffy skirt," Fleur said. Narcissa turned to the next page.

"There, that's the one I want," Fleur said. She pointed to a midlevel style dress. It had a slime skirt, with a tight top.

"That one is very pretty dear, but I don't think the Lord would approve of it," Narcissa said.

"Doesn't want me to be happy?" Fleur asked.

"Yes, he wants you to be happy," Narcissa replied.

"Well wearing that dress on my wedding day would make me extremely happy," Fleur said.

"Oh well. If you insist," Narcissa said.

"I do," Fleur replied. Narcissa waved her wand and the dress appeared on the bed. Fleur went over and picked it up. It was made of real silk on the top, and satin on the bottom.

"It's so pretty!" Fleur exclaimed.

Fleur laid the dress back down on the bed. She walked over to where Narcissa was and sat down.

"Thank you. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever done to me," she whispered. Narcissa smiled.

"I think we will need a veil to go with that dress," she said. Fleur smiled and picked up another magazine.


Bill crept into the kitchen at Hogwarts. Dumbledore had decided to go there because it was the safest place. Now Bill was going to use it for his advantage. He opened drawer after drawer searching for what he needed. When at last he found what he needed he smiled.

Bill thought. He pulled out the butcher knife and walked to the center of the room.

"Here's to my love!" he said. He raised the knife and plunged it into his heart.


Fleur screamed and clutched her heart. Narcissa jumped up and ran to her.

"Fleur! Fleur! Help! Help! Someone! Anyone! Help!" she screamed. Fleur toppled over in a dead faint. Lucius rushed in and saw Fleur.

"Great god! Help! Quick! Get help!" he screamed. Mr. Delacour rushed in. When he saw his daughter lying on the floor he quickly conjured a stretcher and placed Fleur on it and ran all the way to the hospital wing, the stretcher by his side.


Dumbledore ran into the kitchen just in time to see Bill stab himself. He quickly conjured a stretcher. He put a blood stopping on the wound. He ran all the way to the hospital wing, the stretcher with him all the way.

Madam Pomfrey was there.

"What happened professor?" she asked when she saw Bill.

"Please, just help him now. I'll explain everything later," Dumbledore said.

Madam Pomfrey did severely healing charms before the wound was completely healed.

"He's all right, but he has the oddest shaped scar," she said.

"What dose it look like?" Dumbledore asked.

"It's shaped like a heart," she said.

"Then he was going to kill himself over Fleur. Everything makes sense know. Why Bill was so depressed after we found out Fleur was still on the island," he muttered.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"Nothing. Watch him until he wakes up then call me," Dumbledore ordered, and left.


Voldemort looked down at the unconscious Fleur.

"What happened?" he hissed.

"We were looking at wedding veils and she screamed and fainted," Narcissa sobbed.

"You are her father. Do you know what would cause this?" Voldemort hissed at Mr. Delacour.

"I don't know. Unless she has a lover and he tried to commit suicide, I know of nothing that would cause this to happen," he said.

Voldemort frowned.

"Find out if she dose. And if she dose find out who he is!" he hissed. Mr. Delacour nodded and Apparated to Fleur old apartment.


Fleur walked down a gold paved road. She had on a white dress. She looked at the trees. Their branches were made of silver; their leaves were made of diamonds, rubies, and emeralds.

"Where am I?" she asked. She noticed little fairies in the trees. She hurried up. When she reached the end of the path, there was a unicorn waiting for her. She got on and he took off. The unicorn arrived at a crystal castle. Fleur walked inside. There was a long table full of food. Fleur walked over to the table, she realized it was only set for two.

"Fleur?" a voice asked from behind her. Fleur spun around and saw Bill.

"Bill!" she cried and ran to him. He took her in his arms and kissed her like he had never kissed anyone in his life before.


"Bill! Bill wake up! Oh God! Bill wake up!" Molly shirked. Bill didn't respond.

"Why won't you wake up?" Mrs. Weasley cried.

"Molly dear, he won't wake up for another few hours," Dumbledore said gently.

"I want my son now. Wake him up Dumbledore or I will kill my whole family out of grief!" Mrs. Weasley shrieked.

Dumbledore sighed. He woke Bill up with a simple charm.

"Where am I?" Bill asked.

"Bill you are at Hogwarts. Do you remember what happened?" Dumbledore asked. Bill sat up.

"Fleur!" he cried, "I have to get back to her!"

"Calm down Bill. We will have to wait until you are better," Dumbledore said.

"No! I won't wait! I will not let her marry Voldemort!" Bill screamed.


Fleur opened her eyes. She was back with Voldemort.

"How are you feeling my dear?" Voldemort hissed.

"I feel kind of woozy," she replied.

"Well get some rest. We have postponed the wedding for a few more weeks," he hissed and left.

Fleur got up and went back to her room. Her wedding dress was still on the bed. She picked it up. She noticed that it was more of a fantasy dress, than a wedding dress.

Fleur sighed and set the dress down. She walked over to the window and looked out. Fleur cried out in her thoughts. She through herself on the bed and started to cry.


Mr. Delacour found a letter on Fleur's desk. It was a love letter.

"Lets see whose it from," Mr. Delacour said.

The letter was from Bill.

"Bill, you have just sealed your death certificate," Mr. Delacour said, and Apparated back to Shelton Island.


Harry woke up from a dream about Voldemort wanting to kidnap him. Of course that would be very hard, considering where he was at the moment. Harry thought.

Harry got up and dressed, and walked down to Dumbledore's office. He ran right into Ron as he was going to the office.

"Were are you going?" Ron asked.

"Dumbledore's office," Harry replied.

"That's were I was going!" Ron exclaimed.

When Ron and Harry arrived at Dumbledore's office Bill was sitting outside the doors with a glum expression on his face.

"You can go in Ron, they're waiting for you," Bill said.

Ron nodded and went inside. Harry sat down and looked at Bill. He noticed dark circles under his eyes.

"What are you doing here this late?" Bill asked Harry.

"I had a weird dream about Voldemort, so I came to tell Dumbledore about it, but he's busy. What are you doing here?" Harry replied.

"Nothing. Just waiting for a chance to speak with Dumbledore," Bill said.

Harry looked out the window. He noticed a strange green light coming towards the castle. It grew closer and closer.

"What's that?" he asked, and pointed to the light. Bill looked up and saw the light. His eyes grew wider and wider.

"Harry, run for you life! That is a very powerful summing charm, and I bet Voldemort sent it," Bill said.

They both leaped to their feet, but before either of them could move it hit Harry and started to leave. Bill started yelling and his whole family came running out. When they saw what was happing, they pulled out their wands and started shooting spells at it. Nothing worked. Soon Harry was out of sight, on his way to either death or slavery.


Voldemort looked up into the sky. Harry had arrived just a few minutes ago. Voldemort was very pleased with himself. He had captured the greatest threat to himself. He would have Harry killed tomorrow.


Ginny walked along the edge of the lake. She thought about all that had happened. She knew that if anything else went wrong the whole group would begin to despair. With Fleur being forced to marry Voldemort, and Harry being kidnapped, she was starting to lose hope.

"What are you doing out here?" a voice asked above her. She looked up and saw Draco sitting in a tree.

"Just walking. What are you doing?" she asked.

"Just feeling sorry for myself, I guess. I hate my father, and I'm Voldemort's heir. It couldn't possibly get any worse," Draco said.

"How long have you been out here?" Ginny asked.

"All night," Draco replied.

"Well, I'm sorry to say that things have gotten worse," Ginny said, " Harry was just kidnapped."

"He was kidnapped!" Draco said, and jumped out of the tree.

"Yes," said Ginny grimly, "Voldemort sent a very powerful summing charm to capture Harry. Now we have to go back and get both Harry and Fleur. So we will leave at 5:30 a.m. and hopefully get there in time to save Harry," Ginny said.


Fleur changed into a blue sweater and a light blue skirt. She grabbed a bag that contained enough food. She put on a red wig over her long hair.

"Are you sure this will work?" she asked the woman beside her.

"Of course it will work," the woman said, "stop asking questions."

"I'm sorry mom, I just don't want you to be killed," Fleur said.

Her mother smiled. She threw a rope down to the bottom of the tower. She and Fleur and her mother climbed down and ran to a boat that would take them to freedom.


Harry opened his eyes. He was in a small cell. He had never felt so awful in his life. His body ached with pain. He tried to sit up but he couldn't. Harry thought.

The door to his cell opened, and Voldemort strode in.

"Enjoy your last minutes alive, Harry Potter!" he hissed.

As Voldemort left, Harry smiled. He stood up and Apparated to platform 93/4.


Fleur, her mother, and Gabriel, made their way to Hogwarts. They were on the train, and they were due to arrive at Hogsmeade very shortly. They had no follow them at all. They were in disguise so no one would recognize them.

When they got to Hogwarts they knocked on the doors. Hagrid answered.

"What can I do for you?" he asked.

"We are from France. We have traveled by foot to get here. May we please speak to the headmaster?" Fleur's mother said.

"Okay follow me," Hagrid said.

As Hagrid lead Fleur and her mother and sister upstairs, they became very nervous. They didn't want Dumbledore to know who they were.


Ginny and Draco were talking in the library when Ron walked in.

"What are you two doing here?" he asked.

"Talking. You have a problem with that?" Draco asked.

"No. But I'm warning you Malfoy, if you hurt my sister I will hurt you," Ron said, and left the room.

Ginny and Draco watched him leave. They went back to talking. They didn't know it at the time, but they were falling in love with each other.


"You say you're from France. Why did you leave?" Dumbledore asked Mrs. Delacour.

"We heard about you from a friend. When we found out about the Dark Lord we decided to come to you for help," Mrs. Delacour said.

"I see. What did you say your name was?" Dumbledore asked Mrs. Delacour.

"My name is Marie. My youngest is Melody," Mrs. Delacour said. Dumbledore nodded and turned to Fleur.

"What is your name?" he asked.

"My name is Chantal," Fleur said.

"You may stay here, but please stay away from the kitchen," Dumbledore said.


Chantal made her way to the Great Hall. She looked inside and saw Bill sitting there alone. She walked in and went up to him.

"Excuse me, is this what you call the 'Great Hall'?" she asked.

He looked up surprised, "Yeh, this is. Who are you?"

"My name is Chantal. What's yours?" Chantal asked.

"Bill. It's nice to meet you," he said.

"It's nice to meet you to," Chantal said, and smiled.


Draco made his way to his room. He hadn't realized how fun Ginny was in-till this evening. He really liked her. He hoped she liked him. Draco thought.

He changed into his white silk pajamas. He crawled into his bed, and turned off the light. He had almost fallen asleep when someone knocked on his door. He turned on the light and opened the door and Ginny stood there in her bathrobe.

"Come in," Draco said. Ginny smiled and stepped in the room.

"Thanks. Some family from France took over my bedroom," Ginny said.

"I have a extra bed if you want it," Draco said, and smiled.

"That would be great," Ginny said. Draco closed the door and looked around.

"Oops, my mistake, there are no other beds. Guess you'll have to share a bed with me," Draco teased.

Ginny smiled, "I guess I'll just have to sleep on the floor."

Draco shook his head, "Nope, that won't be necessary, my bed it made of two beds, so we'll just pull them apart slightly."

After Draco pulled the beds apart, he climbed into one. Ginny took off her bathrobe and reveled a white, silk, see-through, nightgown. Draco whistled, and Ginny climbed into the other bed. Draco turned off the lights.

"Ginny, do you like me?" he asked.

"Of course I like you," she said.

"What kind of 'like'?" he asked.

"Love-like I guess. Why?" she replied.

"Because I love you Ginny Weasley," he replied.

"I love you to Draco Malfoy," she said.


Bill walked around the lake. He thoughts drifted between Fleur and Chantal. He missed Fleur terribly, but Chantal gave him a great sense of peace. It was like Fleur was around when he was with Chantal, but he wasn't in love with Chantal, and he was in love with Fleur.

"What are you thinking about?" a voice said from above him. He looked up and saw Chantal sitting on a rock.

"My girlfriend, and you," he said.

"Why me?" she asked.

"Because you remind me of her," he replied.

"Who's your girlfriend?" Chantal asked.

"Her names Fleur Delacour," he said.

"I know Fleur! She was one of my best friends! How is she?" she asked.

"I don't know. She was kidnapped, and we think she was forced to marry He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named," Bill said.

"Ouch, that must really hurt you," she said.

"It hurt so much I lost my mind and tried to commit suicide," he said.

"I'm sure Fleur would want you to be alive and well, the dead and rotting," she said.

Bill smiled, "I know that now."


"So, you say you are Bulgaria. Why did you come here?" Dumbledore asked the boy in front of him.

"I came to help fight the Dark Lord. He killed my family, and I want to have revenge," the boy said.

"What did you say your name was?" Dumbledore asked.

"My name is Jango," Jango said.

"Welcome to Hogwarts Jango," Dumbledore said.

Jango smiled and left. He wandered down the hall to the Gryffindor common room. He stopped to look in a mirror. He liked what he saw.

He ran his hand through his blond hair. His blue eyes were deep as a lake. He had no scar on his forehead. Jango thought.


Voldemort looked at a Death Eater. He was shaking.

"You let him get away? How could you do something that stupid?" Voldemort asked.

"He must of Apparated," the Death Eater said.

"Of course, that would explain it, you are forgiven, now get out of my sight before I change my mind," he hissed.


Chantal walked to her room. Her sister was in bed and her mother was reading. Her mother looked up and saw her.

"Where have you been?" she asked.

"I took a walk around the lake," she replied.

Chantal got undressed and changed into a blue-silk nightgown. She climbed into bed and went to sleep.


Dumbledore looked out the window of his office. Charlie was down there telling the dragons about when they were going to attack. They were planning to have everyone gathered by the end of next week.

Charlie was telling the dragons that they could stay there in till they were ready to fight. The unicorns would arrive tomorrow. Then they would assign some people a dragon to ride, and some people would ride unicorns.


Snape crept into the kitchen and took out a knife and crept out of the kitchen. He crept down the hall to where the Weasleys were staying. He peaked inside and saw Hermione and Ron talking.

He backed away from the door and headed down the hall. He came to the room where Chantal and her family were staying. He peaked inside and quietly shut the door. Chantal woke up and saw the door shut, so she decided to follow the guy who had shut the door. Grabbing her bathrobe she hurried after him.

Snape had soon disturbed enough people that, Hermione, Ron, Jango, Charlie, and Chantal were all following him.

He went to the great hall and found Bill sitting at the Gryffindor table reading.

"Hello Bill," Snape said cheerfully, clutching the knife behind his back.

Bill looked up surprised, "Hi Snape."

"I just wanted to tell you that your girlfriend is an amazing lover," Snape said.

"What are you talking about?" Bill asked harshly.

"Oh you didn't know? She and I were lovers, she was cheating on you from behind your back," Snape said.

"Fleur would never do that to me!" Bill screamed.

The group outside the door was getting anxious. What was Snape playing at? Was he trying to get Bill to attack him?

"Oh poor you. She never even told you she pregnant with my child," Snape said.

"You're a liar!" Bill screamed and lunged at Snape.

Snape quickly pulled out the knife and stabbed Bill. Behind the doors everyone had their wand in hand, and when they saw Snape plunge the knife into Bill, they all jumped in and shouted, 'Avada Kedavra'.

Snape fell to the floor. Dead. Charlie ran over to Bill. The wound had been placed on his arm. He did a simple charm to make it better. He floated Bill to his room.

Author notes: Mr. Delacour comes to Hogwarts. Bill finds out who Chantal really is. Ginny and Draco are given a talk about love by Ron. The battle for the world starts. Harry is discovered.