The Dark Arts
Blaise Zabini Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Hermione Granger Lord Voldemort
Romance Horror
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/12/2004
Updated: 02/01/2005
Words: 17,144
Chapters: 14
Hits: 4,130

Turning Points


Story Summary:
When something tragic happens to somebody close to Hermione, something snaps and all goes to hell. Instead of grieving like a normal seventeen-year-old, she decides to take matters into her own hands. And who better to help her take down Lord Voldemort than Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini?

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
When Hermione imagined her final year at Hogwarts, she never dreamed she'd be forming a bond with Draco Malfoy to take down the Dark Lord. And what happens with Blaise Zabini to make the year even stranger? This story is officially AU after the release of HBP. It's also a work in progress.. indefinitely.

Turning Points: Chapter Three

Hermione outlined her plans for her eventual take down of The Dark Lord to Draco that night in the library. The plan was for him to help her find a way for Harry to defeat Lord Voldemort, among other things, and make it all look like one giant accident. Draco, however, felt that she needed more than just one other person to help accomplish the goal. Two for research was fine, but to carry out the last half of her plan, he knew she'd need followers.

Adamantly opposed to having minions like the current dark lord, Hermione refused to even listen to any of Draco's suggestions when he brought up how futile it was to attempt this with only two people. He might want to have power of his own, but he definitely didn't want to waste the opportunity by getting killed first thing out of the gates.

"No, Malfoy, I've told you already. Nobody can know about my plans! If you keep pestering me about this I'll bloody well blow your brains out!" she threatened.

"All I'm saying is that it would make a lot more sense to have just a few people on our side that we can call on in case anything goes wrong--"


"Think about this for a second, Hermione. We're planning on rushing in to kill Voldemort and all of his minions. He has thousands. How do you expect two students to kill fully trained dark wizards and witches?"

"It's very simple really," and with that, she went back to browsing for new books to read.

After staring at her for several minutes, Draco finally pulled himself together and started screaming bloody murder about how she was such a stupid filthy mudblood for even thinking they'd get past the wards sure to be in place to keep aurors and the like out.

"Look, Draco, you obviously haven't been paying attention. Do you know the kind of power it takes to cast a memory charm inside of Hogwarts without Dumbledore knowing? Hell, do you know how much power it takes to be able to break into the restricted section day in and day out and not be caught in the wards placed around all of these dark books? I'm going to hazard a guess and say no, right?"

Draco nodded and opened his mouth to speak, but Hermione cut him off, "And, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop calling me a mudblood. It's not nice to tell lies about people. Especially when said person is about you in rank, power and authority and would gladly remove you of your fifth limb," she said matter-of-factly.

"What in Merlin's name are you on about now? You honestly can't believe that just because you plan on being a dark witch that you're no longer of dirty blood? Even you can't be that thick!"

"Humph, no, what I meant was that I don't come from dirty blood so I'd appreciate it if you stop the insults."

"Not from dirty blood? Are you mad, woman? Your parents are muggles, are they not?"

"My adoptive parents are muggles. My real parents are just as high up in society as yours. If not higher, in fact."

"Who, then?"

"I can't say."

"Why not?"

"Because if they find out I'm alive and going against their Lord, we're doomed. Now drop it, please," she said, smiling sweetly at him.

"You've trusted me with this much already, haven't you?" he replied haughtily.

"Yes, and look where it's gotten me-- teamed up with a blasted ferret."

"But I--"

"Drop it," she said with an air of finality.

They went back to looking up various curses and writing down the ones that could be potentially helpful. At around two in the morning, Draco spoke up again, "If we brewed some polyjuice potion and dressed up like anonymous people, then we could probably get a few followers to help us with these plans..." he trailed off, hoping her reaction was a positive one.

"Yes, I suppose we could," she said slowly.

"Okay, so I have the ingredient list right here--"

"We're not making polyjuice," she said.

"But you just said that we could!"

"Yes, that we could, but not that we will," and with that, the conversation was over.

Coming to his senses and realizing what was happening, Draco said, "You know, I'm getting bloody sick and tired of you bossing me around. I'm a Malfoy. We do the bossing."

"Yes, but unfortunately for you, love, I wear the pants in this relationship," she said with a smirk, getting up to leave. "Remember to reshelf all of these books, Malfoy darling. Have a nice night!"

Grumbling under his breath, Hermione was sure she heard a couple less than gentlemanly words escape. "Oh, and Malfoy?"

"Yes, dear?" he muttered sarcastically.

"It's Zabini," she called on her way out the door.