The Dark Arts
Blaise Zabini Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 08/16/2004
Updated: 07/25/2005
Words: 70,821
Chapters: 21
Hits: 12,580

On Fire


Story Summary:
Meet Ginny Weasley, a girl who alienates herself from her family and house when she becomes friends with two Slytherins. One of them is her best friend, and the other is her family’s enemy; both are in love with her. When the war finally reaches its terrifying end, who will she choose?

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
The trio (Draco, Blaise, and Ginny) make their grand entrance. Harry is just baffled by the situation. And, what's this? Draco pretends to be a gentleman?! Not quite...
Author's Note:
I loved writing the entrance scene to this. Again, major kudos to my beta

does it scare you that I can

be something different than you?

would it make you feel more comfortable if I wasn't?

you can't control me

and you can't take away from me who I am

- Lifehouse

Chapter 3

Draco had drifted into a fitful sleep while Ginny and Blaise talked. He was jerked awake as the train slowed to a stop. Blaise looked at the bleary-eyed Draco, cleared his throat with annoyance, and looked at Ginny. "Well, Ginevra," he smiled, "we're here!"

Ginny smiled back; all of her suspicions about Blaise were gone. During their conversation, he had spoken honestly about his family and his summer. Apparently, his family wanted him to become a Death Eater, but Ginny was certain that he would not become one because of the absolute disgust Blaise had shown for it. His summer was spent learning a variety of hexes and curses, as well as dabbling in the Dark Arts. When he had heard that Ginny had spent her summer as a tester for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, he seemed almost envious of her. Ginny knew that if Blaise was jealous of her, then his summer had definitely been horrific.

She was startled out of her thoughts when Blaise stood up to put on his cloak. Draco also managed to push himself up, and was now stretching. Ginny sighed, stood up, and arranged her cloak about her shoulders. She nodded at both boys and was about to leave when she felt a hand clamp down on her arm. Turning quickly, she saw that Draco had stopped her. With a smirk he said, "No one's going to believe that we're friends if we don't enter the Great Hall together."

Ginny twisted around a little further and saw that Blaise was nodding emphatically. She groaned, "All right then, how are we going to enter?" she asked. Draco looked slightly confused, so she continued, "Should I follow you, with Blaise behind me? Or should I follow both of you? Or-"

"How about side-by-side?" Blaise interrupted. "Draco on your left, me on your right," he said, nudging Draco. "That'll make quite the impression, eh Draco?"

Draco nodded and smirked again. "Scarhead and his friends won't know what to think."

Ginny laughed a little, and slid open the compartment door, beckoning the two Slytherins to follow her. "Ron will have my head for it, but I could care less," she stated nonchalantly.

As Ginny was preparing to step down from the train, she found that Draco had offered her his arm in mock gallantry. She laughed and smacked him, but accepted his proffered arm. They found an empty carriage, and were swept off to Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry together.

Ginny hung on Draco's arm as they walked through the entrance towards the Great Hall. As they entered the Hall, she realized that Blaise's predictions were painfully accurate. All of the murmuring and laughter died down, and Ginny was uncomfortably aware that everyone's eyes were on them. Instead of panicking, she forced herself to smile sweetly up at Draco and hug Blaise. Ginny suddenly realized that she was being a bit overdramatic when she buried her face into Blaise's shoulder, so she broke away quickly. Blaise winked down at her as they separated and sat down at their respective house tables. Once Ginny was seated, the whispers began again; this time they sounded like a furious hum of bees, but it did not bother her.

As the Sorting Ceremony began, Ginny found her mind drifting away. She thought about both Draco and Blaise. They were good friends, which was obvious, but they were so different from each other. Blaise was open, friendly, and awfully funny. Sure, he was just as devious as any other Slytherin, but that only seemed to add to his personality rather than detract from it. In fact, if he had had red hair, Ginny would be willing to wager that he was a long-lost brother of hers.

Draco, on the other hand, was a complete mystery. He only seemed to tease her and smirk a lot, but he had fought with his father about the diary incident. What had he said? Something about how no one deserved that, even if they were a Weasley. Ginny rolled her eyes inwardly as she thought about that. Draco had apparently not lost his distaste for Weasleys. But he had gotten over that quickly to make Ginny's acquaintance. He had even defended her in front of Ron. Why had he offered her his arm as she disembarked? Ginny flushed a little when she remembered that Draco had tucked her arm in his tightly, ensuring that she could not let go.

While puzzled over Draco's actions, Ginny absentmindedly averted her gaze toward the Slytherin table. She sat up with a start when she realized that Draco was watching her speculatively. Next to him, Blaise grinned and waved when he saw her looking that way. Ginny returned a grin, before turning her eyes back to Draco. He was smirked at her, and to her astonishment, winked at her. Instead of jumping back in surprise, which was her first instinct, Ginny forced herself to grin even wider and wink back at him. If it were possible, his smirk just grew wider. Ginny just rolled her eyes at him and turned her attention to the staff table.

The Sorting had finished, for Professor Dumbledore had risen and was preparing to speak. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" he said, his voice booming throughout the entire hall. "Before I bore you all to death," he continued, "I suggest that you... tuck in!" With two claps of his hands, food appeared on the tables, and the Welcoming Feast began.

Ginny was sitting next to Ron, forcing her to ask him to pass the food her way several times. He only grunted in response and did as she asked, never looking at her or speaking to her. Ginny sighed inwardly, knowing that she would have to speak to him soon. Hermione, who was sitting opposite Ron, kept shooting concerned looks in her direction, but Ginny carefully ignored them.

Ginny propped her left elbow on the table, and held her head as she chewed her food discontentedly. She chanced a look at the Slytherin table again, and saw Blaise waving to get her attention. While she watched him, he mouthed, "Wait for us," and inclined his head towards the doorway of the Great Hall as he looked at her. She nodded and smiled, realizing that he wanted her to wait for them when the feast was over.

Ginny let her eyes wander about the hall, and suddenly realized that Harry was watching her. When she looked at him, he dropped his gaze quickly, triggering a flush that spread over his cheeks. Ginny just shrugged mentally and continued to chew.

Once the feast had finished and Dumbledore had made his usual beginning of the year remarks, the students began filing out of the Great Hall. Ginny reached the doorway and waited there silently for Blaise. As other Slytherins passed by Ginny, they gave her superior smirks. Some fell to whispering right in front of her, while others just nudged each other and winked knowingly. With all of the murmurs of the students leaving the hall, Ginny was able to discern one clear, low voice say, "I'll bet she's doing both of them to get back at Potter. Everyone knows she's been crazy about him for years, but he doesn't even know she exists."

Ginny's paled when she heard this, but she held her head up bravely and refused to be intimidated by such a comment. Inwardly, she was seething. But all thoughts of that statement drained from her when she saw Blaise and Draco approaching her. Pansy Parkinson had latched onto Draco, her arms wrapped around his waist possessively. Draco was trying to remove her arms from him very unsuccessfully. Instead, he was just dragging her along with him as he walked. When both boys and Parkinson spotted Ginny, she saw Draco's eyes light up with relief. With a quick movement, he managed to push off Parkinson, and sprinted over to Ginny, hugging her tightly.

Ginny was momentarily stunned as she stood stiffly in his embrace. She soon sank into it, and clasped her arms around his back. She closed her eyes as she leaned in, and could smell polished leather and a sweet, expensive soap. "Oh Drakie," cooed Pansy, standing next to them. "Why did you run to a bloody Gryffindor? You know that I'm always here for you, Drakie. After all, I'm in your own house. And, I'm always nearby for easy access-"

"Bloody hell, Pansy!" Blaise blurted out, "You sound more and more like a whore as each year goes by."

Ginny stifled a fit of giggles using Draco's chest when she heard Pansy's loud huff. They pulled away from each other when they heard Pansy walking away. Draco smirked and gave her a wink, while wrapping his arm around her to usher her out. As they left the hall, Blaise hurried behind, matching their pace when he was on the other side of Ginny. When Ginny saw him, she threw her head back and laughed out loud. This time, both boys joined in her laughter as they walked down the dark, echoing hallways of Hogwarts together.

After she spent two hours in an empty classroom with Blaise and Draco, talking and laughing, she decided to head back to Gryffindor Tower. The three of them walked through the halls confidently; after all, Draco was Head Boy. If they were caught by Filch, Draco would claim that he was escorting them back to their houses. They stopped before they reached the portrait leading to the Gryffindor Tower; Draco refused to get anywhere near "those bloody Potter-lovers." Ginny just hugged both of them, laughing, "I should thank both of you for tonight. I've never had that much fun while driving people batty and causing a huge scene."

Blaise grinned at her, while Draco just smirked back. Blaise then dramatically bowed to Ginny, waving his hand deferentially as he said, "It was our pleasure, Ms. Ginevra."

Ginny laughed again, leaving them with a cheerful "Good night." When she reached the portrait leading to the Gryffindor common room, she heard the Fat Lady's imperious "Password?" only to realize that she did not know it. Ginny smacked herself in the head and muttered, "Shit!" She tried explaining this to the Fat Lady, but was refused entrance. Ginny slumped against the wall next to the portrait in defeat; she slid down to the floor and leaned her head back, dozing off.

Later that night, Ginny was woken by someone shaking her shoulder roughly and a concerned, "Ginny! Wake up!" She muttered something groggily and tried to open her eyes. She could not see a person in front of her, but she looked to her shoulder and found a white hand. That could only mean that they were wearing an invisibility cloak.

"Harry?" she whispered, trying to wake herself completely. Indeed, the invisibility cloak was removed and Harry emerged from beneath it. He looked at Ginny concernedly when he asked, "Are you all right, Ginny? What are you doing out here at this time of night?"

Ginny mumbled, "Password," and Harry nodded in understanding. He helped her stand, turned towards the portrait and muttered, "Hippogriff." The portrait door swung open, Harry helping Ginny crawl into the common room as he followed behind her. When they stood and straightened themselves out, Ginny smiled at Harry and thanked him.

He looked at her speculatively before he asked, "Ginny? Do you think we could talk for a bit?"

At this point, Ginny was fully awake, so she nodded and they moved to the squashy armchairs before the dwindling fire. Harry cleared his throat, "Well... I, err, wanted to ask you... why are you friends with Malfoy and Zabini?" he inquired.

Ginny sighed tiredly, before responding to his blunt question, "Honestly, Harry, you don't have to worry about me. They're just new acquaintances of mine."

But Harry persisted, "See, that's just it, Ginny. You've never talked to them before this year - at least I don't think you have - and now they're your friends. Doesn't it seem a bit... suspicious?"

Ginny smiled wanly at him. "I know they're Slytherins, Harry. And I'm always on my guard whenever I'm around them. I will admit that, yes, it does seem a bit suspicious. But," she shrugged, "You never know. I just might find a good friend in all of this."

Harry paled. "Is that it, Ginny? Have we not been good friends? Because if that's the case, you don't have to-"

"No, Harry, I didn't mean it that way," Ginny interrupted as she held up her hand to stop him. "What I meant was... well, I'm bored with just being friends with Gryffindors." Harry still looked offended, so she tried to explain. "I enjoy being your friend, Harry, but there are just so many interesting people in this school. I'd love to meet them all, to find their quirks, cheer their triumphs and help soothe their hurts."

"Bullshit!" Harry snorted. "That git Malfoy is not interesting, and he's next in line to become a Death Eater!"

Ginny looked at him quietly. "Maybe you're right, and maybe you're wrong. But I'm going to give Blaise and Draco a chance," she retorted as she rose. After bidding goodnight to a very stunned Harry, she climbed the stairs to her dormitory.

Author notes: So, what do you think? Please review - it makes my day!