The Dark Arts
James Potter Lily Evans Lord Voldemort
Angst Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 09/01/2003
Updated: 09/01/2003
Words: 3,063
Chapters: 1
Hits: 210


Janne Richardson

Story Summary:
My take on the events of that fateful October night in 1981. Told through many changing points of view and ranges to include an appearance by the whole lot of redheaded Weasley children, Sirius' escapades and the first indoor Quidditch match at the Potter household.

Chapter Summary:
My take on the events of that fateful October night in 1981. Told through many changing points of view and ranges to include an appearance by the whole lot of redheaded Weasley children, Sirius' escapades and the 1st indoor Quidditch match at the Potter household.
Author's Note:
Well... this is my first fic! yea! Thanks to Jugi... my main beta, and Allie, Michael, Emily, and Christine for their input! thanks y'all!

    It was a clear, crisp October night in Godric´s Hollow, a quaint wizarding village similar to Hogsmeade. All of the houses in the neighborhood were moderately sized. One house, belonging to James and Lily Potter, was festively decorated. Enchanted pumpkins sang Halloween songs and charmed bats flew in circles around the light posts. A light was on in the living room of the house, and upon closer inspection, one could make out three figures. Two adults sat on the couch and watched as their child played with his toys. As it was still early in the evening, Lily and James were discussing possible plans for the rest of the night.

    "Lily, we have to dress him up in something. Even if we can´t go outside, at least he´ll be able to have a little fun."

    "And just what, pray tell, do you have in mind James?"

    James just looked at her and grinned.

    "Oh no! I know exactly what you´re thinking, and the answer is no! James, you cannot possibly..."

    "Oh come on, Lily! We´ve been stuck in this house for entirely too long. I can´t even go outside, or walk Pepper. And you know how much Harry loved strolling to the park everyday. And we can´t even do that anymore. I need this now or I will go insane!"

    "Alright, James," Lily said, exasperated, "just as long as you put everything up and don´t break anything. And whatever you do, do not bring out those Bludgers, do you understand me?" She finished with a glare.

    James jumped up, his blue eyes sparkling with youthful ecstasy. He spun her around, saying, "Thank you! Thank you, Lily! I won´t break anything, I promise!"

    "And you be mindful of Harry now! He had better not get hurt, for your sake."

    "Thanks, Lils! You´re the best! Now to get you suited up, young man." James said, lifting Harry off the floor and carrying him upstairs to the nursery.

    "James, isn´t Sirius coming over tonight?"

    "I think so, dear, after he checks on Peter."

    "Do you think he´ll be staying long?"

    "I don´t know. Probably not since it´s the full moon and all. He´ll probably go and keep Moony company."

    "Oh that´s right. I forgot that was tonight. Well, shall I get my broom then?"

    "Of course. I knew you wouldn´t pass up this chance. You´ve got cabin fever as bad as I do." He said with a smile.

    Lily smiled back as she finished placing selective charms on all the fragile items in the living room area. Then, running upstairs, she grabbed her broom, a Starlight 8, and came back downstairs. As she reached the bottom, there was a knock at the door. Looking out the window and seeing a group of red-headed children, she opened it.

    "Trick-or-treat!" They called. There were three young boys, a toddler, and two older boys, one holding an infant.

    "Bill!" Lily called and went to give the eldest a hug. Bill Weasley had been an outgoing second year Gryffindor when Lily and James were in their seventh year at Hogwarts. "It´s so good to see you again! I see this the rest of the family."

    "Yep. The whole lot of them. This one here," he said, referring to the infant in his arms, "is Ginny. The toddler´s Ron." A curious two year old stepped from behind Bill and looked in the house. He was about to go inside when the other older boy caught his arm and picked him up.

    "That´s Charlie. He started Hogwarts the year after you graduated. Percy´s the one with the really curly hair." The boy mentioned scowled at his older brother and chased his two younger brothers out of the candy

dish. "And those two troublemakers are Fred and George, twins."

    "Wow! That´s a lot to remember. Do come inside and make yourself at home."

    The children obliged and seated themselves on the couch. Lily reappeared, a little boy walking beside her, holding her hand. James also walked in and greeted Bill with a firm handshake and a warm smile.

    "This little one is our Harry. He looks to be about Ron´s age. Maybe they´ll go to Hogwarts together one day." Lily said wistfully, ruffling her son´s already messy hair.

    She set him down on the floor again with his toys, and Ron toddled over to play too. While they shared most everything without conflict, when Ron tried to take Harry´s baby broomstick, it sent the latter into a crying fit. Lily tried to soothe her son with his favorite stuffed animal and a blanket while Bill was attempting to remove the broom from his little brother´s surprising strong grip.

    When he succeeded, Bill gave the broom back to its owner, whose tears dried almost instantaneously. Harry smiled and started to laugh and play again.

    "Well, thanks for the candy. I´m sure these little ones will enjoy it thoroughly. And," he leaned over, whispering, "maybe they will share some of it with their favorite older brother."

    Lily smiled, picturing the fight that would ensue over the said candy. "Thanks for stopping by, Bill. And you kids be careful and take good care of yourselves."

    "I know, Lily. Thanks for caring."

    The Weasley children left.

    "Well, look at the time! It's already almost 9 o'clock. Best get the little ones home to bed. Alright, everyone, gather 'round the portkey."

    Bill was just about to activate it when he saw a flash of green light out of the corner of his eye. Looking back, the Potter house was now surrounded by Death Eaters.

    Panicking, he pulled Charlie aside, telling him, "Take the kids home. Tell Dad what's going on and call the Ministry. You-Know-Who's at Lily and James'."

    "But, Bill. What are you going to do?"

    "Try and help, if I can."

    "By yourself! Are you crazy? The Death Eaters outnumber you a hundred to one. There's nothing you can do, Bill. You're only sixteen. You'll get yourself killed!"

    Thinking quickly, Bill suddenly got an idea. "Alright, I won't fight them by myself. But I'm not leaving Lily and James alone against that monster. I'll round up the neighbors. I'm sure some will be willing to help. That better?"

    Charlie shook his head and said, "No. But it'll have to do. Be careful, Bill."

    Bill nodded and set off to the neighboring houses as the rest of the Weasley children disappeared.


    The Potters were set to start their indoor Quidditch match with Pepper seated on the couch, devouring the rest of the candy. A strange creaking noise, coming from the rear of the house, sent Pepper sprinting in that direction, barking like mad. Pepper barking was not a normal thing, and it made James feel a bit squeamish and he went to check out what was back there. To his horror, he came face-to-face with Lord Voldemort himself.

    "Lily! Take Harry and go! It´s him! Go! Run! I´ll hold him off!"*

    "James!" He turned to face her. His loving wife. He looked at her, a feeling in his gut reminding him that this could very well be the last time he ever looked at her. She mouthed, `I love you,´ before turning and leaving, in search of a means of escape.

    "Mr. Potter. We meet at last."

    His attention focused on the looming figure before him.    

    "Voldemort." He said calmly, much more so than he felt. James kept thinking, hoping that Lily had left.

    "I will offer you one more chance to live, Potter. Join me. Together, we can rule the world."

    "Never!" He spat. The very thought of joining this monster made him sick to his stomach.

    "I see. You were always the nobleman, the defender of the Light. Well, now it´s time you paid for all the trouble you´ve caused me. Crucio!"

    Searing pain like a thousand white-hot knives ripped through every muscle in his body. His screams were loud and pronounced as he convulsed on the kitchen floor. As the curse was lifted, James managed to bring himself first to his knees, then upright in a standing position. His wand out and still slightly panting, James faced the evil fiend before him.

    `Well, I always knew it would come to this. Lily, my darling, I love you so much. Please have gotten out while you could. Harry, my boy, I´m sorry it´s come to this. I tried, son, I really did. I tried my best to prevent this and I failed you. I´m sorry I couldn´t rid the world of this monster. I love you, my child.´

    "That was nowhere near as enjoyable as I had hoped it would be. Ah, nevertheless, it´s time for you to meet your end, James Potter. A noble quest, trying to stop the mighty and all powerful Lord Voldemort."

    "You wish you were all powerful. One day, mark my words, the Light will win. They will stop you."

    "Brave last words, Potter. Being a famous Auror isn´t helping you now. Say goodbye. Avada Kedavra!"

    A flash of green light permeated the room and Edward James Potter dropped to the floor, dead. Voldemort smiled at his handiwork and proceeded to search out the girl and the little brat.


    "Lily! Take Harry and go! It´s him! Go! Run! I´ll hold him off!"*

    Lily ran to the rear of the house. "James!" She looked at her husband quickly. Lily searched his eyes for some glimmer of hope, but found none. Instead, she saw true fear, something she never thought she´d ever in his eyes. Grasping Harry closer, she mouthed, "I love you," to her brave, loving husband. In the back of her mind, Lily knew that James wouldn´t make it, and she probably wouldn´t either. If she could just protect Harry...

    Lily looked frantically for a possible escape route. The only problem with being in hiding is that you aren´t supposed to be found. Therefore, her possibilities were limited severely. Apparition was out of the question, wards had been placed around the house so that no one accidentally found them. And they had been disconnected from the Floo Network for obvious reasons. Fingering the portkey in her pocket, Lily removed it and activated it, saying, "Fawkes." When nothing happened, the small stone was discarded as she ran to the front door. She opened it, only to find that Death Eaters had her house and yard surrounded. Thankfully, none the innocent children were out on the street anymore. Pepper came running out and found a hole in the fence to the neighbor's yard. 'What is that dog doing?' Lily thought before she brought herself back to the present predicament.

    `There´s no way out. We´re trapped!´ Lily heard screaming downstairs, and she knew it was James. She went quickly upstairs and locked the door to Harry´s nursery. Placing Harry in the crib, she proceeded to move large, heavy furniture to block the door. Also, she had to make quick work of some charms to at least delay the inevitable. Through the crack under the door, Lily saw the tell-tale green light and sank to the ground, crying. Hearing footsteps draw closer, she walked back to the crib and took Harry in her arms.

    It was only a matter of time before Voldemort figured which room they were in. And it only took minutes before he managed to break through the hastily casted spells. Once the spells were out of the way, a simple Destruction spell took care of the furniture. The girl was standing in the corner, the child in her arms, look of fear in her eyes.

    "Not Harry! Not Harry! Please- I´ll do anything-"

    "The boy is the only one who has to die. Give him over and I will spare your life, daughter."

    Lily´s eyes widened in surprise. Then, she began shaking her head, mumbling, "No, no!"

    "It´s true, my dear. Ever wonder where those eyes of yours came from? Look closely. Why did you think I pursued your family so much. You were only one of many "mudblood" families. In truth, you were the only one I was really after. After your mother realized how I truly was, she abandoned me, taking you with her. A foolish move. I tracked her down and made sure she paid dearly for that insolence. As for you, you are the heir of Slytherin. As such, your offspring became the heir. Had you married anyone else, anyone else but the Potter boy, you and the child might have lived. But, Potter was the heir of Gryffindor, my hated enemy, and Harry here inherited both lines. One problem, he could defeat me, later in life. Thus, he must be done away with. Stand aside! Stand aside, you silly girl-"    

    Turning to put Harry down behind her and kissing him on the forehead, Lily faced her "father." It would be quick and easy, hopefully painless, she knew. "Avada Kedavra!" Those two fateful words were aimed at her. As the poisonous green light swept her soul and life away, she thought, `at least Harry will be safe.´

    High-pitched, maniacal laughter filled the room as Lily Riddle Evans Potter died. Tom Riddle looked at his infant grandson with nothing short of disgust. There was no familial tie, in essence, to the child. The child was crying, crawling over to its mother. One last time, "Avada Kedavra!"

    But something wasn´t right. Instead of killing the child, it rebounded onto the caster. Lord Voldemort, in the physical sense, was no more. His menacing spirit was released. And Harry Potter sat crying with a lightening bolt shaped cut that was bleeding profusely on his forehead, at the exact place his mother had kissed him only minutes before.


    At the third flash of green light, the Death Eaters outside rejoiced for another successful night.

    "Morsmordre!" The young Lucius Malfoy called out. After doing so, he went inside. He found the body of James Potter lying on his kitchen floor. Lucius walked over to his school rival, kicked his body, and spit upon it. Walking upstairs, he found the mudblood´s body, but the child was still alive.

    "How could this be? Where is Voldemort?" He walked over to the child, and pulling out his wand, began the incantation, "Avada Keda-" when there was a sufficient amount of noise made below him.

    "I´ll deal with you later!"

    Making his way back downstairs, Malfoy discovered that the Ministry had finally made it on the scene. He snickered quietly to himself, `too little, too late!´ Heading toward the back of the house, Malfoy also made use of the simple Destructo curse, and the Potter house was now only a ruin. Hopping the fence into a neighboring yard, Malfoy disapparated before he could be tied to the fiasco.


A little earlier that evening...

    Sirius Black left his flat in London en route to his friend, and fellow Marauder, Peter´s house. Peter was in hiding, like Sirius´ other friends Lily and James Potter. Sirius was just checking up on Peter. Sirius and his flying motorcycle touched down outside of Peter´s house. Sirius found the house abandoned, deserted, but there was no sign of a struggle. Then it all clicked.

    `Oh no! Pete, you didn´t! Oh my god! Lily, James, Harry!´

    Sirius didn´t even bother with his motorcycle. This time, he apparated to Gryffindor Lane, Godric´s Hollow. And what met his eyes, Sirius will never forget. The street was total and utter chaos. There were people everywhere and Death Eaters all over. The Dark Mark was in the sky and directly below it was the Potter home in ruin.

    Sirius started running to the house but was stalled by a number of Death Eaters. While he was exchanging spells with one directly in front of him, two more flanked in on either side. Backing up slightly, he bumped into Bill Weasley, who was dueling with two Death Eaters of his own.

    "Sirius! James... and Lily. I couldn't get there fast enough!"

    Sirius' eyes went blank for a moment, then they took on a fiery look.

    "Bill, focus! Let's get rid of these Death Eaters!"

    With a sense of renewed strength, Sirius fought off his Death Eaters with a few quick spells and a "Stupefy!" each. When his were down, Sirius turned to help Bill with his last one. Seeing the gaping hole in the Death Eater ring, Sirius raced up the front walk and into the dilapidated house while Bill went to help round up the Death Eaters.

     Once inside, he saw a red Quidditch robe beneath a pile of bricks. Scrambling to remove the debris, Sirius realized it was James and he noticed James wasn´t breathing.

    "No, James, you can´t- you can´t be-" Sirius croaked.

    He heard noise upstairs. Maybe he wasn´t too late to save Lily or Harry. Sprinting upstairs and sliding into the nursery, he saw Lily´s unmoving form on the floor. But Harry was still there, crying by his mother´s body. Tears began to fall as Sirius gathered his godson into his arms and held him close. He and Harry went down the stairs and found Hagrid standing in what used to be the living room.

    "Sirius, I´ll be needin´ teh take little `arry with me. Dumbledore´s orders."

    "Hagrid, let me take him. I´m his godfather after all. He´s all I´ve got left."

    "Sorry Sirius, Albus will be takin´ him teh his aunt´s house fer the time bein´."

    Sirius nodded and went outside. Once out of the range of the protective wards, he disapparated to an alley in Muggle London. The Shrew´s Nest was a pub/bar/restaurant where Peter frequented as of late. As expected, Sirius found him standing outside the establishment. When Peter noticed Sirius, he shouted, "Lily and James, Sirius! How could you!"

    A moment later, Sirius was thrown to the ground by an explosion that left a five foot crater where Peter had been standing seconds ago. Twelve other people, all innocent Muggle bystanders, had been killed. The Ministry aurors arrived on the scene quickly.

    `Quicker than when Lily and James needed them.´ Sirius thought bitterly. Before he knew it, they were flanking around him and he was under arrest. No questions asked and no trial given, for the government was so sure of their information.

    Crime: deaths of Lily and James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Twelve Muggle bystanders, and being a Death Eater. Sentence: Azkaban.

The End

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