James Potter Lily Evans Sirius Black
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Published: 03/01/2004
Updated: 06/29/2004
Words: 54,235
Chapters: 13
Hits: 9,145

Black Lily

Jaimie Potter

Story Summary:
Lily has changed. Sweet innocence is gone for good as she reveals her true colours at school. James is determined to find out whats going on with her, but may get more then he bargained for, without finding out much...

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
A twig snapped, and a soft voice swore. Moony’s head snapped up. Prongs’ eyes met Padfoots’.

Chapter five

Thank You

"...What?" her voice sounded small and bewildered, like the Fake Lily. James lowered his eyes. She licked her lips, a little self conscious.

"You love me?" he nodded, and began to stroke the back of her hand with his thumb. Little shivers ran down Lily's spine, and she tried to ignore them.

"You can't, it's not... possible..."

"Why isn't it?"

"Because I'm me and you're you." James raised his eyes to hers, and she had to bite the inside of her cheek to fight back the impulse to kiss him. Since when was he this attractive??

"What does that have to do with anything Lily?"

"It has to do with every thing." She pulled her hands away, and walked over to the window, resting her palms on the ledge. She sighed. "You're James Potter, every girls dream and Quidditch player extraordinaire. Every body loves you." The bitter stress on the word 'loves' made the boy wince, though she didn't see it, "And then there's me. Freaky Lily. First of all, I'm just the book worm every one laughs at, and then I'm the rock singer every one loves, but that's only for five minutes, because bloody Maz Burns opens her big trap and tells EVERYBODY my biggest secret! And then I'm just the Witch. Labelled by my friendships and who my family is, and I just don't know why..." She closed her eyes, bit her lip and took a deep breath. A hand grabbed her shoulder and swung her around. She lowered her head, ashamed that James had seen her almost cry.

"Do you really think that that's how I see you? As a freak?"

"How else?"

"I see you as a head strong, ever wilful, irritatingly always right girl, with the voice of a siren and possibly the most bewitching eyes in the universe." Lily smiled slightly.

"Open your eyes." Slowly, she raised her eyelashes and looked up at him. He smiled, and Lily felt her throat tighten.

"That's better. Look, I know that I'm probably the last person you want around you, but-"

"Shut up." He blinked. She looked up at him, green eyes void of all emotion.

"Who said that you were the last person?" he smiled, and let out a breath that she hadn't seen him take. He has a nice smile. Whoa, where did that come from?? She was brought out of her thoughts as James kissed her. It wasn't a soft kiss, like she had expected his kisses to be. The force of his mouth on hers was hard enough to bruise. For a moment, Lily struggled against him, in shock, but when he didn't let her go, she stopped. James slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Lily felt the slight pressure of his glasses on her nose, and had to stop herself from smiling. She curled a hand around his neck, and kissed him back; hard. She felt him stiffen slightly. Aha. He wasn't expecting that, not at all. She ran the tip of her tongue over his lower lip, and nipped at it slightly with her teeth. He moaned slightly, and his grip tightened on her waist. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open, and she pushed his away.

"Get out of here James. Now." He looked at her, confused.




"Get the fuck out of here Potter! Now!" she licked her lips, trying to ignore the fact that they still tasted of him.

"You're right. You are the last person I want to see right now." His jaw tightened, and he turned and stiffly walked out. Lily sighed, and sat on the window ledge.

"The last person, because you're the one person I can't resist. Can't you see that? Or are you just blind?" She sighed, and stared out of the window, all traces of the fatigue she had felt in the library gone. Lily knew that she wouldn't be getting any sleep that night, and that if she did, all she would think about was a pair of glinting hazel eyes.


"Do you never stop chewing that quill?" she looked up, quill still in her mouth.

"Mmm?" Sev' rolled his eyes.

"Never mind. You're out of it this morning aren't you?" she removed the quill from her mouth, and smiled.

"No sleep. I don't sleep well."

"We could get you a potion."

"Now, where's the fun in that?" she yawned, and put the quill back in her mouth. Sev' ran his eyes over his Potions essay, nodded, and put it down.

"What are you writing any way?"

"A new song." He raised his eye brows.

"Can I hear?" she hesitated, and then tucked the quill behind her ear.

"Do you see me? Am I a shadow,

Following a false light?

When you touch me, do you feel

A heart beat, nothing? Am I real?

Was there a dreamer following the dawn,

When I woke up in your bed alone?

Faking it, is there emotion,

Behind your cold eyes?

Why am I fighting,

Trying to believe your lies?

Am I still breathing? Sometimes I don't know,

What's a lie and what is real,

My soul is there, but I don't feel,

Why do I linger here?

When there is only ice,

To hide a face,

From a real life." She looked up at him apologetically.

"Sorry, it's not much."

"Not much. Are you crazy? It's great!" Lily smiled.


"So... you're rather talented musically, aren't you?"

"... I guess."

"You sing, play the guitar-"

"And piano."

"-And piano, and write your own songs. Now, to me, going solo is a good idea. Correct me if I'm wrong."

"I'm correcting you Sev'."

"C'est la vie, I am destined to be wrong forever."

"True." She rubbed her eyes, and threw herself back on the grass.

"Urgh, I'm so tired."

"And lying in wet grass can't help you much."

"Au contraire mon ami, cold is proven to upgrade a witch or wizards energy stores. Every one knows that."

"Another useless fact that I will store in the back of my mind then forget."

"Uh huh." She yawned.

"Oh god, I'm sleepy. Stupid Potter..."

"Potter? That did he do?"

"I didn't mean to tell you." She chewed ne side of her lip. "Potter was in my room last night." Sev' cackled.

"Oh Lili, you vixen!"

"Heh heh heh, very droll." She stared upwards for a moment, while Sev' sipped from a flask of pumpkin juice.

"He said... he said he loved me." Sev' choked, turning faintly purple for a moment before swallowing. Lily continued, her nose wrinkled slightly as she remembered with slight conclusion.

"He asked me to forgive him for everything. He said... that he was jealous of you. Because I was your friend and not his, and you were closer to me then he had ever been." She could feel Sev' staring at her, but she refused to acknowledge it, staring at the grey sky.

"... Bloody hell Lili."

"My sentiments exactly."

"He loves you?" she sighed.

"That's what he said."

"But you don't believe him."

""Frankly Sev', I don't know." She pulled her quill out from behind her ear, and tapped it against her lip. Sev' leaned back against a tree.

"Time's gone quickly, hasn't it?"


"One minute it's the beginning of Seventh year-"

"-And the next it's the middle of it?" She smiled as he finished her sentence lazily.

"Pretty soon it will be over."

"Then we'll be free from home work."

"Yeah. I'll miss the old place though. Oh well."

"You'll miss it? Why?"

"Lots of things. Mainly the food. Some of the rooms. My bed. God, I'll miss that bed. And the view from my window. I can see everything on this side of the castle. But I won't miss people."

"Oh thanks. I feel so loved."

"Oh shut up Sev', you know perfectly well who I mean."

"The Trinity?"

"Formerly the Angels. Yep, exactly."

"You still hate them?"

"They abandoned me. Maz told every one my secret. Of course I hate them." She stretch, wriggled, and sat up.

"We should probably go back up to the castle." He groaned and used the tree to haul himself up.

"Why are you constantly on the move? In the castle, out of the castle, in the castle, out, in, out, in, out..."

"Oh shut up."


"Miss Evans! What do you have to say for your self?"

"Je ne regretted rien."


"I rather think she said she regrets nothing Professor."


"Miss Evans, please revert to speaking English."


"Lili, le professor aimierait que tu ait parlé dans l'anglais."

"Well, why didn't she just say so?"

"Miss Evans, 20 points from Gryffindor for your sheer impertinence."


"I heard that."

"I didn't say anything." Marlowe glared at her, then walked away, swirling his cloak in what he thought was a menacing but really just silly manner. Lily bit her lip hard, and as soon as he was out of sight, burst into laughter. The Gryffindor students around her shook their heads, the Slytherins looked only mildly irritated, but the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs looked at her as though she was a lunatic. Sev' rolled his eyes.

"Ok, nothing to see here, move along now people-" He stopped, looking over to one side.

"Lili, I'll see you in a while, I left a book in the library." He vanished. Lily stopped laughing.

"S... Sev'? Where are you?"

"He's gone." She sighed, and pushed her hair out of her eyes. The Ravenclaw boy swallowed a little nervously.

"May I make a suggestion?"

"Be my guest."

"Why don't you try tying your hair back?"

"You got a bobble or ribbon on you?" The boy grinned, and pulled a length of black ribbon out of his pocket. Lily laughed.

"I'm not going to ask why you have that, but may I borrow it?" he handed it over.

"Thank you... what's your name?"

"Falcon. Falcon Carlisle." She smiled, and pulled her hair into a pony tail at the nape of her neck, and tied it deftly with the ribbon. A few strands came loose, and hung over her face and curled on her neck.

"You know who I am, right?"

"Sure. You're the Head girl." Lily laughed with delight.

"That's a first! Mostly its cowering and mad stuttering about Morgan Le Fey, but with you it's 'Sure, you're the head girl.' I like you Falcon. But do you know my name?"

"Full name, abbreviation, or nickname?"

"Try all three.

"Lilith Morgan Le Fey Evans. Lily. Lili." She laughed again. Falcon smiled, and tossed a lock of chestnut coloured hair out of his eyes.

"Hey, why didn't you tie your hair back? You had a ribbon."

"Why else did you think I had it?"

"I see..." she raised an eyebrow. She pulled her robes about her a little more tightly as a blast of cold air rushed through the castle.

"So... Lunch at the Prefects table?" Lily grinned.

"I don't normally sit there. It's too... snobbish. But ok, just so I can eat with a friend." Falcon smiled. Lily looked around for Sev' once more, then slipped her arm through Falcons.

"To lunch?"

"To lunch."


"I don't believe this. First, it's a Slytherin. Now it's a Ravenclaw. Does she have some objection to Gryffindors?" Remus looked up from his meal, and looked over to the door. Lily had just walked in, smiling brilliantly, talking animatedly with a long haired Ravenclaw boy.

"James, enough of the jealousy, please. There is only so much a guy can take."

"Shut up Padfoot." James watched moodily as lily pulled a small, silver coloured badge out of her skirt pocket and pinned it to the front of her robes. Remus chuckled.

"Now there's something you don't see every day; Lily wearing her Head girl badge." Sirius nodded absent mindedly, and continued to turn his lasagne into mush before eating it. James shuddered slightly.

"Honestly Padfoot, can't you eat normally for once in your life?" His three friends looked a him, eyebrows raised. James waved a hand. "No, actually, don't bother answering. Ask a silly question..." he smiled and went back to his sausages. Peter looked at his now empty plate, then glanced sideways at the lasagne that Sirius hadn't mushed.

"What do we have next Moony?"

"Free session, luckily for you." Sirius's eyes glazed over, and he didn't notice when Peter stole the lasagne that didn't look like regurgitated sludge off his plate.

"Yeah... Who's up for testing what happens when you swallow a dung bomb on Twiddles?" Remus swallowed his mouthful of food.

"Actually, I meant lucky because you can now finish all the homework that you need to do. I couldn't help but notice that you all have rather a lot of work to be done." Sirius pouted.

"Aww, Moony..." Peter gave a muffled wail as Sirius glared at him and took the lasagne back. James looked at Remus's face closely. A muscle beside the werewolf's mouth twitched.

"You're joking, aren't you?"

"... No..." he snorted, and then started laughing. James raised an eyebrow, and scooped up some of the peas on his plate with a serving spoon. Remus saw and ducked, so the peas almost missed, just clipping his ear and cheek.

"Now, what have we here boys?" they looked up. Lily and the Ravenclaw boy were standing over them. One corner of Lily's mouth was raised in a smile, and her eyes sparkled.

"It looks rather like a food fight to me. What do you think Fal'?"

"Food fight. Definitely." Lily nodded sagely, and calmly sat in James's lap.

"Now, let me give you a tip," she whispered, her lips close to his ear, "When you're aiming for him, try tilting the spoon a little more. Like this." She wrapped her fingers around his, scooped up more peas, and aimed at Sirius. Before he had time to duck, she had sharply flicked her wrist and the peas hit him in the face. She smiled.

"Oh yeah, and you can always feign which way you're dodging, so he aims the wrong way." She winked at Remus, smiled at Sirius, and raised her eyebrows at a still gorging himself. "...Each to their own. If you want to eat asparagus and lasagne, do so Peter. I won't remind you of a little thing called stomach ache." She kissed James on the cheek, patted his head, and stood up. She and the Ravenclaw boy went straight back to the prefect table, where she sat side ways on in the Head girl chair, her legs hanging over the arm. Sirius shook his head, smiling.

"Utterly mad, isn't she?" Remus nodded, rubbing his eyes. His face was haggard, his shoulders slumped; the full moon was coming up. James grinned.

"You need a pep up potion. That time of the month, eh Moon?"

"Shhhh." A girl next to Remus gave him an odd look, and shifted away from him slightly. The bespectacled boy received a glare that would have burnt him if that was possible.





"Mm hmm?"



"It's time. Come on." James pushed his glasses up, rubbed his eyes and nodded. He put down his quill, pushed his chair back from the table and stretched languidly, hiding a grin at the longing sigh of a girl on the next table. Peter rolled his eyes, and Sirius hit him over the head with a thick book.

"HEY!" His friend shrugged, and dragged him out of the library.

"I don't get why people go in there. I don't understand why you even think about going in there! You never used to go in there, what's wrong with the common room?" James shrugged, and yanked his arm out of Sirius's grip.

"Too noisy."

"I swear, you are not James Potter." Peter hid a grin.

"Except he has the same hair, same nose, same glasses, wears the same clothes, is just as arrogant-" James frowned.

"Arrogant? Moi? Surely not."

"Yes, actually, you are."

"Oh..." they began to walk toward the doors.

"So, Moony's out already?"

"Yeah. He'll be in the Forbidden Forest."


Sev' turned a page in his book, and Falcon carefully severed the end off another clump of his hair. Lily punched the wall.

"For goodness sake Lili, if you're so restless, go find something to explode or paint." Lily glared at a vase. It shattered. She sighed.

"I'm going to go for a walk."

"It's after dark, why would you want to do that?"

"Restless. I guess the Forest is a good a place as any." She headed to the archway, then paused.

"Don't blow up my common room, will you?" She left, laughing at Sev's indignant face, and the long lock of hair that Falcon had accidentally severed.


Even with his eye tightly shut, James's stomach was churning as he listened to his friend whimper and moan as he turned into a werewolf. When a low growl reached his ears, he opened his eyes and blinked. Burning yellow eyes glared out of the snarling face that was his best friend. Quickly, he pulled off his glasses, slipped them into his pocket, and transformed.

Prongs shook his antlers at the werewolf.

"Don't bother Moony; you know you can't hurt me." The werewolf's lip slowly covered his fangs, and his ears picked up from where they had been lying flat against his skull. Padfoot panted happily, his thick tail sweeping the dust around his up into the air, a huge black paw hitting the ground.

"What are we gonna do?"

"We are going into the Forest tonight. We promised Moony." Wormtail scrambled up Prongs' leg, up his neck and perched between his antlers.

"Don't drop me Prongs."

"I won't." With Prongs and Wormtail on one side of Moony and Padfoot on the other, they left the tunnel and headed into the woods. Prongs could hear Padfoots' human side whistling in his head.

"You're tone deaf mate, you know that?"

"Aww, I thought you liked 'Witches Ghost'."

"That, my friend, wasn't 'Witches Ghost'. That sounded like a cross between two muggle songs' the Moonlight Sonata and Colonel Bogie." A snigger drifted through his mind, but Padfoot did stop whistling. Shaking his head and ignoring Wormtail's squeak of indignation and fright, Prongs stretched out his legs and began to canter. With a howl, Moony followed, 'hunting' his friend. A picture came into James's mind. It was of a dog with a large, meaty bone, licking its chops.

"Happy are you Moony?" he always felt a little sorry that he had a telepathic connection with the others when they transformed. Moony could only send pictures to symbolize how he was feeling. Padfoot was only just beginning to catch up with them.

"That's right, leave me behind, see if I care."

"I'm not seeing." He skidded to a halt, staggering as a large werewolf and then a bear sized dog rammed into him.

"HEY!" Padfoot lay on the ground, grinning, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Moony pushed the picture of two cubs wrestling and an old wolf watching, grinning.

"Oh yes, because you two are so amusing." Wormtail scrambled up from where he had been thrown off.

"I don't feel so good... I'm going back to the castle, ok?"

"Oh... fine."

"See you Wormtail." The rat scampered into the darkness, tail whipping about it.

A twig snapped, and a soft voice swore. Moony's head snapped up. Prongs' eyes met Padfoots'.

"Oh shit. Padfoot, help!" The werewolf's hackles rose, and it began growling. A bloodcurdling howl chilled Prongs' blood. Padfoot grabbed the ruff of fur around Moony's neck with his teeth, and held on.

"Moony, NO!!" But not matter how big an animal is, it is never really a match for a fully grown werewolf. Moony tore off into the trees, and Prongs practically flew after him. A figure, silhouetted against the moon, spun around, and Prongs felt an icy hand squeeze his heart.


Moony growled, and Lily's green eyes widened as the werewolf began stalking toward her. Prongs stood frozen to the spot, staring as she cupped her hands, slammed them together, twisted them, and then opened them again. A bolt of crackling blue fire flew at the wolf and sent him flying backward, howling with rage. Lily turned and fled into the woods, the werewolf following within a second, snarling angrily.

"Lily..." Prongs suddenly regained the use of his legs, and dived after the two.

"Lily, Lily... oh god Lily!! Don't run; you can't escape! Hide! Climb a tree! Anything but run! What are you doing in the forest at the full moon??"

For once in his life, all the trees looked the same. Every path, every leaf, every gnarled, twisted trunk was identical. Panic began to claw at Prongs' mind, and he plunged into a different clump of trees, following the ragged, hungry breathing of the werewolf and the sound of breaking foliage. He skidded to a halt. Lily was backed up against a rock, panting and gasping for breath. Her eyes were fixed on the werewolf, and her lips were moving constantly. Prongs felt himself loose his grip on his stag form.

James fell to his knees.

"Lily..." he tried to scramble up, but his knees kept giving way. He watched helplessly, angry tears pouring down his face as Moony sprang forward, jaws open and salivating.

"NOO!" James cried out as the werewolf pinned her down...

... And clamped his jaws around a wolfs' foreleg.

Author notes: i know, i know, you all hate me for cutting it off, but DEAL WITH IT!