Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Ron Weasley Tom Riddle
Romance Mystery
Multiple Eras
Published: 01/12/2003
Updated: 01/01/2004
Words: 8,218
Chapters: 6
Hits: 4,632

The Secret Admirer


Story Summary:
Who is Ginny's secret admirer? What is Tom Riddle up to? What is wrong with Harry? Is Draco really mean? And is Ron really overprotective? Find out all this and more!

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Draco is the main character in the chapter in which he learns of a contest, gets burned (by words, not fire), and has an odd talk with Tom.
Author's Note:
Things will be running a little slow at the factory. I have a lot of school work to catch up on. If you want to e-mail me so I can e-mail you when I update, feel free cause it MIGHT take a while. I'm

The Secret Admirer

Chapter 5


Draco felt extremely relieved when the 27th came. Although he had made multiple efforts to talk to Ginny, she would just pass by him without a backwards glance. He went down to the hall to meet everyone else and found that he was the last person there.

"Well, now that everyone is present we shall start, I do believe," said Dumbledore. "This year I have a special announcement for all of you. We are having a special sort of activity this year. All of you are required to go to our dance on night of the 31st with whomever chose you, but there is more to it then that. This coming year marks another 100 years passing, so we are going to celebrate with the annual contest. All of you and your female companions are going to be entered in a, well how should I say it?" Dumbledore paused and a couple of the boys groaned at his lack of wording.

"A Mr. or Miss Wizard Contest?" Draco asked.

"Precisely, Mr. Malfoy," said Dumbledore. A bunch of the students groaned and flopped on the floor. "You will all be judged by Professors McGonagall, Flitwick, Snape, and myself. You will have to be ready for the first trial on the first on January as will the girls. Make sure you make it to the dance, get a lot of sleep but not too much, and bring your wands with you to the challenge. And a talent. I will see you all then. Have an excellent day. You are dismissed." The students got up and went out the doors with much groaning and complaining to their friends.

Draco swaggered around the school for the rest of the day telling everyone how he was certainly going to win and how he was the best looking candidate of them all. As he was describing this to a first year Slytherin who admired him greatly, he saw a flash of red hair go by in the next hallway. He quickly excused himself and ran down the corridor in hopes of finding Ginny. As he ran past one door he heard voices coming from within. He leaned against the door and almost pushed it open when he heard Ginny's voice, but something told him not to. I could pick up some juicy gossip, he thought to himself.

Draco could hear Ginny's voice rising. "Look, I don't feel like listening to you, Draco, or any other male chauvinist pig-" Pig??? Who does she think she is? "-that randomly starts following me around in hopes of some hot pepper! So just scamper off. Go play chess or something else that boring dead guys do."

"C'mon Gin. You know you love me. It was meant to be. Don't fight it any more." Draco could hear a male voice that sounded oddly like Tom Riddle's voice. But why is he being so... weak? If I didn't know better... Draco almost started laughing. Tom Riddle loves Ginny Weasley! Wouldn't that be something to see that carved in the side of a tree. He snorted and fell over laughing. I am just too funny for my own good. He saw feet appear in front of his face and looked up to see Ginny.

"My my girly. You certainly have giant feet. Is that a family trait or did you accidentally charm them to giant proportions?" Draco sneered at Ginny. He immediately regretted it when her eyes filled with tears. What he didn't know was that they were tears of anger, not sadness.

"Draco Malfoy," she said in a steely voice. "You are the last person that should be judging the way anyone looks. I am getting sick of seeing you, your blinding hair, and your awful smirk." Ginny turned and walked off, leaving Draco to sit stunned on the floor with Tom hovering above him.

"Tom, I know you like her and all, but could you do me a favor and leave my woman alone? Somehow you always manage to put her in a bad mood."

"Draco, my boy, I would love to leave her alone, but I find her to be quite the catch."

"If you say so. Just cut back on the moves, okay? I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to go find a talent or something," said Draco.

"Just Avada Kedavra the lot of them. Stay cool bro," said Tom.

"Where did you get that corny phrase from?"

Tom shrugged. "Watching too many weird Muggle movies. It was on a 10 Things I Hate About You. I hoped there would have been a lot of killing, but, sadly, there wasn't. But I thought it sounded like something I should say."

"Yes Tom. I think it's very fitting." Draco rolled his eyes and strolled off.
