The Dark Arts
Cho Chang
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 02/23/2003
Updated: 05/11/2003
Words: 8,657
Chapters: 5
Hits: 1,194

In My Eyes

J. Malfoy

Story Summary:
All Alyce wanted was Cedric. But he chose Cho Chang. Alyce was Cho's best friend, and was jade-green with envy. A story told by the eyes of someone unwanted.

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
All Alyce wanted was Cedric. But he chose Cho Chang. Alyce was Cho's best friend, and was jade-green with envy.
Author's Note:
Oh my God, I cannot believe I am doing this! I am practically twisting Cho into a stuck-up little bitch! Give me YOUR opionion on my story by reviewing. Thanks!

Chapter 1

Tuesday 1995

I'll always remember Cedric Diggory. I loved him more than I have loved anyone or anything. I still can't believe that know he is gone, and that I will never see him again. Pity he wasted his life with Cho Chang, my 'former' best friend.

Alyce looked up from her diary. She looked around at the dormitory she had spent so many years in. She was in her four-poster-bed, all by herself. Her fellow Ravenclaws were still having breakfast, while she was writing in her diary.

Then she looked at her writing. 'Former' is what she had put. 'Not yet, though,' she thought into herself.

Cho Chang was her best friend, as she had been since they started talking at Ravenclaw's table, after they had been sorted. Earlier in their 5th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Cho had started to go out with Cedric Diggory.

Alyce had been so jealous, it wasn't just because Cedric was so hot, he was nice, modest, brave and kind. Any guy she would go out with was usually cute, but they acted so stupidly and be so immature.

She sighed, and returned to her diary:

I wish he chose to be with me, Cho never seemed to like him. Just another person that she could toy with. And rumor said that she went out with Harry Potter once. She always said it wasn't true. I believed her, sort of. I'm her best friend, so she never lies to me. I do the same, almost.

Closing her diary, Alyce sighed again. She looked at the front cover of her faithful book. It was furry, all purple with glitter, reading 'Secret'. 'Very,' thought Alyce.

After locking it and putting her diary away in her secret place, Alyce went over to her dressing table. She was quite pretty, with long, silky, raven-black hair and midnight-blue eyes. Her skin was pale, and she was very skinny. She wouldn't eat much, she didn't want to get fat. Not again.

There were noises, the other Ravenclaw's were coming back again. Cho was first to come through the door.

"Hi there Alyce!" she greeted, more happily than she wanted to be.

"You seem suprisingly happy, after what happened last year," Alyce snapped back, not caring about what she was talking about.

Cho seemed to slow down.

"Well, er, it is our 6th year at Hogwarts, and, em, well, I think I should not think of..." Cho started slighty, she couldn't bare say the words, "The misfortune that happened, and that, well, I...should, em, start all over again!" said Cho, smiling nervously.

Laughing slightly, Alyce got up and hugged her friend, "I'm sorry I'm being such a bitch."

"Yeah, well, a lot has happened," replied Cho, hugging her best friend back. "If we end up killing each other, I'll warn you first."


Alyce looked at the timetable, that Cho had given her, unhappily. Her first lesson was transfiguration, and Professor McGonagal always got her into trouble.

Then everything seemed to slow down. Alyce seemed to sink into the chair she was sitting on. She began thinking of when Cho was feeling ill in the hospital wing in their 4th year:

Alyce was sitting alone by herself at her usual desk. All of her other friends in her gang had partners.

Then the Hufflepuffs came, Cedric leading them. He saw Alyce all by herself. Ignoring the rabble his friends were making, he sat next to her.

"Hi," he said, rather nervously. His hair was longer, then, and his head was so close, the hair tickled Alyce's face.

"Hi" she said, enjoying the warmth his body was giving off.

"Is Cho off today then?" he asked, making conversation.

"Yeah, she has a tummy bug."

"Doesn't sound too nice."

"No, it isn't," she replied. Her mind was screaming at her to do better. 'This is your chance, Alyce, go for it woman, GO FOR IT!'

"Do you want me to be your partner for transfiguration?" asked Cedric.

"Em," was all Alyce could say. 'Don't spoil your chance,' her mind was shouting. 'Pur-lease, this is your answer?'

Luckily, Cedric misunderstood Alyce's stuttering, and stayed where he was, ignoring the wolf-whistles his friends were shouting.

Professor McGonagal came in and started the lesson, but Alyce could care less about writing down notes, all she could think off was her mind going, 'He's right beside you, he is right beside you...'