The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Lily Evans Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Drama Suspense
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 10/08/2002
Updated: 09/12/2004
Words: 41,677
Chapters: 11
Hits: 13,381

Magic At Its Deepest


Story Summary:
When Harry Potter answered the door of Privet Drive at 10:30 at night, the last thing he was expecting was to see his mother staring back at him - and the only person more surprised than him is her! But is it really his mother? How? And why didn't she know she was dead?

Chapter 02

Author's Note:
Dedicated to MT, because she's utterly lovely. Slash version available upon request.

London, England

15 August

"Pass the sugar, please, Moony."

Remus Lupin grunted softly at his friend of twenty-seven years, shoving the sugar pot at him before taking another sip of his very strong tea. Sirius had always been far too perky at this time of day for Remus' taste. As far as Remus was concerned, morning was the enemy, to be met with reluctance and a snarl.

"Thank you," Sirius said, far too cheerfully for Remus' taste. He was about to further annoy the werewolf by asking for something else when a tapping on the window signaled the arrival of an owl. Sirius turned to the window, beaming happily as he recognized the owl. "It's Hedwig," he said hopping out of his chair to let her in.

"Lovely," Remus said balefully, returning to his tea. He did, however, manage a small smile for Hedwig as she soared across the room and landed on his shoulder, nipping his ear with an affection few living creatures showed him anymore. He wasn't sure whether Hedwig liked him because Harry did or because she recognized the spirit of a fellow predator lurking under his soft words and gentle caresses, but either way he was grateful. "It's for you, Remus," Sirius said, sounding surprised, and perhaps a little hurt. Harry's letters were usually addressed to 'Snuffles'.

"That's odd," Remus said thoughtfully, and took the letter, absently feeding Hedwig a piece of toast before opening it.

Dear Professor Lupin,

Tell Snuffles I'm sorry this isn't addressed to him, but it's too important to risk being intercepted, and I'm afraid if anybody got their hands on it they might think it was odd that I was writing a letter to somebody named Snuffles. I hope you're both well, and that the full moons are easier now that Snuffles is there to keep you company. I'm doing all right, for the most part, but something very strange just happened, and I wanted to warn you both.

About ten minutes ago, at half eleven - PM, not AM - I was sitting in bed doing my homework when there was a knock on the door. That was odd enough, at this hour, but when I started down the stairs I heard a woman's voice calling for my aunt. I didn't recognize it, but I knew that I should, and so I opened the door...and Professor, I don't know how it's possible, but my mother was standing on the doorstep.

Remus drew in a shocked breath at that, causing Sirius to look up at him sharply. "Moony? What's the matter?"

Remus just shook his head, unable to speak. Lily. It was impossible. Absolutely impossible. Lily was dead, he knew for a fact. He was at the funeral, saw the casket close over her beautiful face, watched them put her in the ground. Lily was dead, and the dead couldn't come back.

I know it's impossible, Professor. The Headmaster says no magic can bring back the dead, and I know my mum's dead. I've seen it and heard it enough times to be convinced. So that means that something, or someone, is walking around wearing her face. I reckon it's probably a Death Eater trying to get to me, so I thought I should warn you and Snuffles, in case they come after you next.

Be careful, both of you, and don't let your guard down. Remember what happened to Moody.


Remus read the letter again, sighed, and shook his head, not sure what to make of it. Sirius made another concerned, inquisitive noise, and Remus pushed the letter at his friend, fully awake now and not happy about it. Sirius read the letter, growing progressively paler as he did, and buried his face in his hands.

Remus sighed. "It'll be OK, Sirius," he whispered softly. "I promise. We know what's coming, thanks to Harry, and so we'll be able to stop it when it does."

"I know," Sirius said. "But poor Harry..."

"I know. It's horrible." Remus wound an arm around Sirius' shoulders. "But we're going to see it end, Siri. We're going to keep Harry safe, and we're going to see Voldemort dead. Mark my words."

Sirius sighed. "We should write Harry back," he said softly.

"Yes, we should," Remus said softly. "Or rather, you should." He smiled slightly at Sirius' startled expression. "I think that Harry needs to hear from you, not me."

"Are you sure it's safe?" Sirius asked softly.

"No," Remus admitted. "But I think you should write him anyway."

Sirius considered that for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah. I think you're right. Hey, Hedwig, stick around for a reply, all right?"

Hedwig hooted in an affirmative fashion and nipped at Remus' ear again. Remus smiled and stroked her feathers gently while Sirius wrote Harry back, his expression intent. At length, he looked up from the parchment. "Oi, read this, will you, Moony?"

Remus held out his hand, and Sirius handed him the letter, watching with some trepidation as he read it silently. At length Remus looked back up at him and smiled, handing the letter back. "It's perfect, Sirius," he said quietly. "Don't change a word."

Sirius smiled and sealed the letter up, then sent Hedwig off with a pat.

Lily Potter stared out the passenger's side window of a Japanese sedan, ignoring the driver completely as she considered all the things she had learned since she found herself on Privet Drive. From glancing at a Muggle newspaper she had learned the date, which had told her all she needed to know about why her son and sister had changed so, and why they had been so shocked to see her. She was still uncertain as to how it had happened, but obviously she had somehow propelled herself forward in time. Fourteen years forward, in fact. No wonder Petunia had been so terrified.

Lily sighed softly as the familiar sight of London's skyline came into view. She would go to the Leaky Cauldron, use their fireplace to go to Hogwarts and find Dumbledore. He could help her piece together what had happened to her, she was certain.

When the car stopped at a red light, she turned to the driver, thanked him for the lift, and hurried out before he could ask her any questions. She got a few strange looks from passerby - understandable, considering that she was still wearing nightclothes in broad daylight - but ignored them, hurrying in the direction of the Leaky Cauldron.

She was so preoccupied that she didn't even see the person she was about to run into until she'd run into him. Both of them ended up on the ground, attracting even more attention from passerby. "Oh, I'm so sorry," the man exclaimed softly in smooth, cultured tones which Lily was shocked to find she recognized instantly. "I didn't see you coming, I'm dreadfully--"


The man's head shot up, and Lily swallowed as she found herself staring into the burning hazel eyes of Remus Lupin, who had once been her dearest friend. His eyes widened, and he stared at her in shock for a moment, then sprang to his feet. "Get up," he said flatly. "And keep your hands where I can see them."

Lily stared at him, bewildered. "Remus, what--"

"Get up, you filthy piece of Death Eater trash." Remus' wand was out, held in his hand, hidden from the Muggles. "Or I'll Stupefy you and make it look like you fainted."

Lily swallowed and struggled to her feet. "Remus," she said quietly, "I--"

"Silencio," Remus snapped, and Lily's eyes widened as she felt her vocal cords grow numb and unresponsive. "How dare you?" he hissed coldly, bestowing her with a look of contempt she'd only seen him use on Slytherins before. "How dare you walk around wearing her face and speaking in her voice? Wearing her clothes? Did you really think I wouldn't find out about this little plot, pretending to be Lily Potter, visiting the people who loved her? I don't know how you found out where I live, Death Eater, but you're going to be very sorry you did."

Lily swallowed, tears coming to her eyes. Remus had never spoken to her like this before, and while she was well aware that he didn't know it was really her - and would probably apologize profusely once he found out - it still stung.

Remus didn't look at all phased by her tears, which he probably thought were feigned. "Come with me," he ordered her in steely tones. "And come quietly. I assure you that you will not be able to escape to your master." He tilted his head at her, his expression menacing. "And if I find out that's Peter Pettigrew under that disguise, you won't live long enough to go to Azkaban."

Lily's eyes widened in shock. Peter had been their Secret-Keeper, he had betrayed them, he should be in Azkaban already. So why wasn't he?

Remus mistook her shock for fear, and his lips twisted into a snarl. "Is it you, Wormtail?" he hissed softly. "I wouldn't be surprised. After all, those are Lily's favorite pyjamas, and you would remember that as well as I. Oh, Peter, I hope it is you. Imagine the look on Sirius' face if I've captured you. He'll be delighted. So will Harry, for that matter. You've been depriving the poor boy of his family for long enough."

Lily stared at her old friend in shock, unable to believe what she was hearing. Peter had been depriving Harry of Sirius? How? Was that why Harry was living with Petunia, which Sirius had avidly sworn would never happen no matter what?

"Even if you're not Peter, you probably think it's funny, don't you? Sirius going to Azkaban for Peter's crimes? Peter framing Sirius and getting him locked away? Don't give me that shocked look," he snapped as Lily's jaw dropped. "I'm sure Voldemort's followers all know exactly what's gone on. Probably get quite a thrill out of Fudge's stupidity."

Lily swallowed and shook her head, mute with shock. Sirius in Azkaban? What a horrible thought. That place sucked the joy right out of people, drained them of their life, and Sirius had more joy and life than anybody Lily had ever known. The effects of such a place would be...horrible. She shuddered, feeling tears spring into her eyes at the thought of it.

"If you think crying is going to get me to pity somebody who's walking around pretending to be my best friend," Remus hissed, "you're sadly mistaken." Lily swallowed again as he raised his wand at her. "We're going to my flat," he said softly. "And we're going to contact Dumbledore, and I'm going to give you to him, and we'll just see who you really are."

Yes, Lily thought sadly as he grabbed her by the elbow and tugged her off, looking for all the world like he was kindly escorting her to her destination. You will.

When they stepped through the door of Remus' flat, Lily was met with the astonishing sight of Sirius Black's Animagus form sprawled across the floor reading a book, flipping pages with his tail. When the door closed behind them, he looked up, and his canine jaw dropped open. A second later, he'd transformed, and Lily found herself facing not one but two of her best friends, both looking absolutely infuriated by her very presence. "Somehow, Remus," Sirius said coldly, looking at her, "when you said you were going shopping, I didn't think you meant for Death Eaters."

"Neither did I. We just happened to run into each other, didn't we?" he said to Lily, contemptuous. She just gave him a sad look, which caused him to snort. "Good actor, whoever it is. Keeps giving me these doe-eyed, cry-on-command looks."

"Did you ask him who he was?"

"No," Remus said quietly. "I cast a Silencing spell on him. I couldn't bear the sound of Lily's voice anymore."

Sirius sighed softly. "Well, I suppose we should get Dumbledore. He'll know what to do."

"Yes." Remus took Lily by the arm again and pulled her into the living room, then pushed her none-too-gently into a chair and stalked over to the fireplace. The Floo Powder was in an old biscuit tin on the end of the fireplace; Remus pulled some out and tossed it into the flames, snapping out Dumbledore's name is extremely stressed tones.

A second later, Dumbledore's head appeared in the flames. He opened his mouth to greet Remus, caught sight of Lily, and blinked. "Oh my," he said quietly. "Why do I have the feeling that it's going to be a long day?"

An hour later, they were all sitting in Dumbledore's office. Remus had removed the Silencing Charm, albeit reluctantly, and was glaring at their prisoner from the corner, wincing every time he - for Remus was convinced it was a Death Eater in disguise - spoke. The prisoner, still swearing up and down that he was really Lily Evans, was talking to Dumbledore, who looked as though he were reserving judgment until he'd heard the whole story. So far, the biggest point in the prisoner's favor was the fact that Harry and the Dursleys had survived their encounter.

There were a few other things about the whole mess that didn't make sense. For one thing, they had searched the prisoner quite thoroughly, and found no wand. For another, whoever it was had put up absolutely no struggle, which was enough to convince Remus that it wasn't Pettigrew, who would have probably transformed and run away by now, since Polyjuice Potion didn't prevent an Animagus from changing.

"I believe there is really only one way to settle this," Dumbledore said quietly. "If you will submit to a Veritaserum interrogation..."

"Veritaserum?" the prisoner replied blankly.

Dumbledore's eyebrows went up. Veritaserum had not yet been invented when the Potters died. "It is a truth potion," he said quietly. "Very powerful."

"Oh. All right," said the prisoner, and shrugged. "If that's what it takes."

"Will that satisfy you, Remus? Sirius?"

The two old friends exchanged looks and nodded. Nobody could lie through Veritaserum. "Suits me fine," said Sirius with a shrug.

"Agreed," said Remus.

"Fine, then." Dumbledore rose. "Will you stay with our guest while I go retrieve some from Severus' office?"

"Of course," Remus said quietly, with an expression that seemed to bode no good for their prisoner.

"Snape?" the prisoner said, looking horrified. "You let him teach here?"

Sirius couldn't resist commenting. "See, even the Death Eater thinks that's a bad idea."

Dumbledore gave Sirius an admonishing look, and Sirius subsided, looking down at the floor - but not before the prisoner caught his eye and gave him a wink, leaving him startled and rather confused.

A half-hour later, Dumbledore returned, Veritaserum in hand. Sirius, Remus, and Lily were still seated in exactly the same places they had been. Lily had opened her mouth to speak once, but Remus had given her such an unpleasant look that she'd changed her mind, closed her mouth and looked back down at her hands.

"Three drops will do it," Dumbledore said as he approached her. Lily opened her mouth, and Dumbledore shook three drops out of the vial. Lily swallowed, shuddering at the taste, then went totally still as it took effect. If any of them were surprised by her willingness to comply, they didn't show it.
"Who are you?" Dumbledore asked quietly.

"Lily Potter."

Now they were surprised. Sirius' jaw dropped open, and Remus regarded her with wide eyes. Dumbledore, for his part, raised his eyebrows at her, the strongest sign of surprise he'd ever shown in her presence. "What is your full name?" he asked again.

"Lily Rose Evans Potter."

Remus and Sirius exchanged stunned looks. Neither of them had ever seen anybody lie under Veritaserum. It just didn't happen.

"How old are you?"


The age Lily had been at her death. Sirius swallowed. "Who are your parents?" he asked in a rough whisper.

"Ronald and Violet Evans."

"Who is your sister?"

"Petunia Evans Dursley."

"Who is your husband?"

At that, Lily's face crumpled, and she began to cry silently. "James," she said, the Veritaserum-induced flatness of her voice contrasting horribly with her expression. "James Potter."

"Your best friend?"

"Remus Jumis Lupin."

"Your son?"
"Harrison James Potter."

"His godfather?"

"Sirius Orion Black."

"Why did James think my middle name was funny?"

"Because your initials are S.O.B."

"What are James' initials?"


"What do they stand for?"

"James Montgomery Potter."

"Why Montgomery?"

"It was his mother's maiden name."

"Why does Sirius always say my middle name is appropriate?"

"Because Jumis was a Latvian god of fertility."

"Who was your first choice to be Harry's godfather?" Sirius asked, drawing surprised looks from the other two.

"Remus," Lily replied calmly, and Remus' jaw dropped.

"Why did you have to change to me?"

"Because Remus is a werewolf and the Ministry wouldn't let him raise a child."

"When's your wedding anniversary?"

"June twentieth."

"When were you originally planning on getting married?"

"June tenth."

"Why did you postpone the wedding?"

"Because the ninth was a full moon and Remus couldn't come if we had it on the tenth."

"How did we meet?"

"We were at Ollivander's getting our wands at the same time."

"What was the first thing I said to you?"

"'Oi, are you Muggle-born too? Isn't this weird?'"

Sirius swallowed and looked at the others. "She's right. That's exactly what I said."

"What's the last thing you remember?" Dumbledore asked quietly.

Lily swallowed. "We were getting ready for bed...and we heard the wards go down. James was in the kitchen, and I was in the bathroom, and he was yelling. 'Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off'. So I did, I ran into the nursery, and then I heard...I heard Voldemort kill James, and I saw the light, it lit up our whole house. I ran for the back door, but I was crying too hard to see right, and I couldn't make the knob turn, and then he was there, and he wanted me to stand aside and let him kill my baby, but I couldn't. I was standing there begging him to spare Harry, and then the next thing I remember is finding myself on Petunia's front lawn."

"And then what?" Dumbledore asked softly.

"I remember wondering what I was doing there, what had happened, and then thinking that Voldemort had sent me away so he could kill Harry. I ran to Petunia's door and started knocking on it, trying to get her to let me use her phone...but Harry answered. Harry, all grown up, looking so much like James it was like a knife in my heart. And then Petunia was there, and she was screaming, and her husband and son came down and they slammed the door in my face, and I heard Petunia tell Harry I was dead."

There was utter silence in the room. Sirius ducked his head, hiding his tears, and Remus stared out at nothing, his expression miserable. Dumbledore rose slowly and gave her the antidote, and she took it, draining it as she had done the truth serum. She shuddered softly as it took effect, and then looked down at her hands.

"You really are Lily, aren't you?" Remus whispered, staring at her in utter disbelief.

"Yes," Lily said softly, looking up at him with a small, sad smile. "I really am."

Remus stared at her another minute, then stood up, crossed the room and embraced her tightly. "Oh, Lily. I'm so sorry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Already done, Remus," she replied quietly, returning the fervent embrace. "Already done."

Remus held her tightly for several long minutes before releasing her. "I can't believe you're really here," he said softly. "It's like a miracle."

"I know," Lily said softly. "I guess the curse threw me forward in time instead of killing me."

"No," said Sirius. "That can't be what happened." He stepped forward and reached out, taking one of her hands in his. "I saw your body. I checked for a pulse, I tried CPR. You were dead, Lily. That curse killed you. I don't know how you came back...but you were dead."