The Dark Arts
Harry Potter James Potter Lily Evans Sirius Black
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/14/2003
Updated: 05/07/2005
Words: 44,192
Chapters: 16
Hits: 4,648

Forsaking Fate


Story Summary:
AU to Destiny. Destined to be raised by the ghosts of the Potters to know right from wrong, fate gets drastically changed when the Potters live and Destiny must find her way alone.

Chapter 12


The Paths We Follow

Chapter 12

Winter arrived and with it the blanket of snow that was always guaranteed in the hills surrounding Hogwarts. Soon the snow turned to slush, leaving muddy grass which dried at the beginning of a warm beautiful summer. The occupants of the castle failed to notice the changes as within the stone walls; the children were being trained to fight if they had no other choice. When school let out, many still remained within the stone walls, with one still learning despite the summer holidays. Summer passed and with it the beautiful green scenery of the forest and grounds. As school resumed and the students once more returned, Harry watched out the window, bitter that he was in the arriving carriages, that his destiny was taking away even the most simple of pleasures in life.

Sighing, Harry rose to his feet and crossed to the door. Pausing in front of the mirror to attempt to smooth his hair, he smiled at what was reflected back at him. Over the past ten months he had had a growth spurt and, though he'd never be considered tall, he was now average at 5'11". Having had many accidents in training where he had not been able to fight properly after losing his glasses, Harry had finally agreed to have his vision corrected, leaving his vivid green eyes more noticeable than ever.

Continuing out the door, intent on meeting up with his friends as they arrived, his plans were interrupted by the arrival of Rosaline Black.

"Hi Harry," the thirteen year old chirped.

"Oh, hey Ros," he murmured, attempting to side-step her.

"Did you hear the latest news from the Order yet?"

"No, not yet," came the uninterested reply.

"Well," the girl continued, hurrying to keep up, "One of the spies just heard that Destiny was officially named You-Know-Who's second in command."

Halting immediately, Rosaline barely missed running into him. Turning slowly to face her, Harry whispered dangerously, "There has never been any proof that Des is a Death Eater."

"Oh, come off it Harry!" she exclaimed in exasperation, "Everyone knows that she signed an agreement to work for You-Know-Who. Why else would all of the Dark Creatures have joined him? I mean, even Remus has run off and vanished!"

"Maybe it's because the Ministry was branding them, rounding them up, and either killing them or experimenting on them. Can you really blame them?"

Giving him a condescending glance, she said, "They would have remained out of the war unless Destiny gave the order."

"Des is not a Death Eater!" he snapped.

"I thought you hated her, so what does it matter?"

"Because. . . Just because I dislike how rude she is doesn't mean I'm going to point fingers and cry Death Eater. IF you know what's good for you, you won't either," he replied towering over her menacingly.

As he stormed away, Rosaline remained standing in the hall, watching his retreating back.

"I wouldn't dream of it," she muttered.


"Hey, Harry, wait up!" Ron called. Running up to him, he leaned over, gripping his knees, panting.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, concerned.

"Fine," he gasped before he was interrupted by Hermione as she ran around the corner.

"She has the Dark Mark!" Hermione shrieked.

Tonelessly, Harry replied, "Who is it now?"

"Dakota Lupin."

"No" he denied, shaking his head frantically, "She wouldn't! She loves Remus and knows how loyal he is to the cause!"

"Harry," she replied gently. "Nobody has seen Remus for months. People are saying that he's either dead or working for Voldemort. Why else would he have vanished when he knew he was safe here at Hogwarts from the Ministry?"

"I don't believe either scenario. Remus is loyal and alive; he loves my parents and Sirius more than anything."

"Apparently," Ron stated, "his loyalty lies stronger with Destiny Black."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you don't want to believe it of your childhood friend," Hermione frowned, "but that girl is evil and a Death Eater."

"No," he stated firmly. "You're all wrong."

"She was spotted this morning leading a Death Eater raid. Five Muggles died; ten were hospitalized."


Sitting on the cold stone floor in front of the fire, Destiny nursed her bleeding wounds and many burn marks.

"Stupid Aurors," she mumbled.

Wrapping a bandage around the largest wound, she rose shakily to her feet.

"You need to see a healer," the transparent redhead said, voice sounding as if it was the wind.

"There is no one I can go to. The light healers would kill me and the dark ones would take my blood for immortality, which is not an option."

"Neither is bleeding to death."

Glaring at her, she half heartedly told her to go to hell.

"Don't you know," Ginny Weasley replied, "I'm already there."

"You know," Destiny snapped, "Nobody's forcing you to hang out with me!"

"You should be glad I do. Without me, you would have no one."

Straightening up, Destiny hissed, "Of course I would. I have my parents--"

"Your parents don't even mention you anymore. You're a huge disappointment." Gritting her teeth, Destiny ignored her. "I'm right you know and you have no one to blame but yourself."

Gritting her teeth, she attempted to ignore the repeating words.

'Nobody to blame but yourself. . ."

'No,' she thought, 'Ginny's right. I brought this upon myself and now I'm going to die all alone.'


Newly accepted into the Order of the Phoenix, Harry glanced around curiously at all the faces. Though there were many, he couldn't help but notice who was missing. Alastor "Madeye" Moody who had died not even a week before trying to capture Bellatrix Lestrage. Dakota Lupin, locked in the adjoining room, waiting to be questioned. Remus Lupin, Oliver Wood, Charlie Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Ginny. . . The list went on and on and everyday it grew.

'This will never end,' Harry thought helplessly.

As Dumbledore stood up to speak, the door to his office burst open and Remus strode in.

"Remus!" James called, standing before cutting himself off as people began to draw their wands.

"I wouldn't waste time trying to kill me," Remus said quietly. "Voldemort is mobilizing his people to attack Azkaban. He's about to release his servants."

Cautiously, Dumbledore commanded, "Roll up your sleeve."

Doing so showed nothing but scarred skin from his monthly transformations. Lowering their wands, Dumbledore spoke. "Azkaban you say?"

"Yes, Azkaban."


Sitting in the rocking boat waiting to depart, Destiny thought back on the last few months.

After leaving Hogwarts, Destiny had indeed joined Voldemort bringing with her the allegiance of all Dark Creatures. Naturally there had been those who had refused and chose death but for the most part, they did indeed join up. Keeping in touch with Draco had proved to be a large problem and it was not long before he was caught and dragged off before the Ministry. After receiving a mockery of a trail, Draco had been sent to an experimentation camp for Dark Creatures--more specifically, the one working on new, more effective ways to destroy vampires without having to get within staking range. Horrified, Destiny had mounted an attack against that camp and several more and released all of the prisoners, killing all who had caused her people pain.

Moving quickly through the ranks, Destiny had been named Voldemort's second, thereby strengthening the Dark Lord's power over the Dark Creatures. Though happy at the time, Destiny had soon learned that being a second wasn't all it was cracked up to be, She was constantly in harms way and more and more of her people were dying in suicide missions. I didn't take long for Destiny to see that Voldemort was using her people to do his dirty work and leaving the spoils for the humans.

In the boat she shook her head. This was suicide too. Azkaban could not be taken.

'Especially since Dumbledore seems to know everything.'

Everyone knew that there was a spy in their ranks yet no one knew who. Though Destiny suspected Dakota Lupin, she never said anything. Once she was arrested, much of the information had ceased to be passed but someone--someone high on the power scale was still passing on Voldemorts' secrets.

Shivering, Destiny wrapped her cloak tighter around herself. As a man sat beside her, she glanced over.

"Hello Professor," she said lazily, attempting to stop the chattering of her jaws.

"Black," Snape nodded.

"I wasn't aware you were to be in on this raid."

"Of course. You've messed up to many of our Lord's plans and this is too important for failure." Scowling, she looked away. "Were you even aware of this raid before you were called?"

"No, I do believe that only Malfoy Sr. really knew anything," she replied, absently picking at a thread on her cloak. "How long have you known?"

"Since the beginning."

"When was that?"


"But that was months ago!"

Nodding, Snape replied, "Six months ago. My how time does fly."

Shifting closer to him, she mumbled, "Does Dumbledore know?"

Hesitating, Snape replied, "Not likely."

"But if you've known about this for months--." Breaking off as a Death Eater walked by, she waited until he was farther away before continuing. "Why hasn't anyone informed the old fart?"

"You-Know-Who changed the date at the last moment. It wasn't supposed to happen until March."

"So, he moved it back a month," she mused. "Interesting."

"No, not interesting. It means that he suspects that I am the spy."

"But, my dear Professor, you are indeed what you are being accused of."

Refusing to admit anything, he asked, "And how would you even know if I was?"

"I have my ways and don't worry; I won't tell. To each his own I say. And it's interesting because Voldemort knows the spy is definitely in his inner circle now." Stiffening, Snape glanced about as if he expected to be attacked at a moment. "You better pray that Dumbledore shows up and proves that since you had no time to go to warn him that it wasn't you."


She knew. The little brat had always known!

Severus Snape had spent all of his adult life in the Dark Lord's service and had passed information to Dumbledore all the while. Having led such a dangerous life had forced him to be cautious at every step yet somehow he had failed.

'How did she find out?'

He knew that he should have denied being the spy but it would have been a waste of breath.

'She must have known for a while,' he realized, 'She's even been watching me. I'm going to die.'

He had never expected to make it out of this war alive, yet with his own impending death, he was suddenly very much afraid.


As the Order rushed about to collect what would be needed in the battle, Remus stood silently and watched. In the chaos that had ensued after his announcement, he had been forgotten and had moved out of the way so as not to be re-noticed. As Lily crossed in front of him, Remus' hand shot out and dragged her closer to him.

Seeing her questioning eyes, he asked, "Where is my wife?"

"Oh, Remus, I'm so sorry. She's a Death Eater."

"Yes," he stated, "Now where is she?"

Gaping at him, she asked incredulously, "You don't care?"

"Why would I care considering I am not any better?" Seeing that she was going to scream, he put a hand over her mouth. "Please, I love her. I don't want to see her die."

"Why?" Lily gasped. "Why would you betray us?"

Immediately Remus' face darkened. "Betray you? I never betrayed you. Neither has Dakota."

"You're a Death Eater!"

"What other choice did I have?"

"You would have been safe here."

"No, I would have been killed here. If Dumbledore allowed Draco Malfoy to be taken then what would have stopped them from taking me. I mean, Malfoy was a child yet that didn't stop them from sending him off to die."

Bowing her head, she nodded. "Get her out of here then. She's in the room off of the Headmasters office." Letting go of her, Remus turned to leave. "Remus?" she called. "Please don't go back to Voldemort. I don't want to see you caught."

Nodding slowly, Remus agreed.

Turing to leave the now deserted room, Lily left to help the Order.


Arriving at the island, the Order members looked around. Nothing was to be heard, not even the screams of the prisoners.

"We were too late," Harry murmured to his parents.

Nodding, James said, "I believe you're right."

"We're going to go in to see if anyone was left behind," Dumbledore announced.

Opening the swinging door of the prison, Dumbledore stepped in.


From within the dampness of the prison, Destiny crouched beside a wall and waited. The Order could be heard throughout the prison, searching for any prisoners left behind.

Hearing movement coming closer to her, she nodded at those beside and behind her. Immediately they rose to their feet and began to curse the Order. Watching the colorful lights ricocheting off the walls and hitting people, Destiny stepped back out of the way and left the fighting to move deeper into the prison.

Walking for a while, she came to another group fighting and watched. Voldemort was not going to be pleased that they were unable to escape before the Order had arrived. Once again, with her in command, things were falling apart and soon she would have to face his wrath.


By the time that the fighting had ended, many of those who had been trying to escape had been killed due to the lack of a wand. Retreating to the boats on the opposite side of the island from the Order, the Death Eaters propelled the boats until they were out of the apperation wards before vanishing. Reappearing in Voldemorts headquarters, Destiny led the group to where the snake-like man was waiting.

After what was left of the Death Eaters returned, Voldemort rose to his feet.

"Destiny Black," he hissed. Flinching at the use of her name, she looked him defiantly in the eye.

"Yes, my Lord?"

"Come with me."

Relief swept through her as she realized that she wasn't going to die, not today. Voldemort always made an example of those he chose to kill. Following him into another room, she was stunned to see her little sister standing there.

"Rosaline?" she asked in disbelief.

"Hello sister," came the reply.

"Rosaline came to me with very interesting news," Voldemort whispered dangerously.

"What, my Lord, is that?"

"Someone betrayed us to that crack-pot old fool."

"May I ask who my Lord?"

"Remus Lupin."

"I'm sorry to hear that my Lord," Destiny said, her stomach sinking. Remus was her favorite person here and the only living friend around. With Draco in hiding, not wanting to face his father's wrath for being less than human, Destiny had been left with virtually no one. Now, she truly was all alone. "He will be disposed of."

"My thoughts," Voldemort continued as if he had not heard her, "is how he betrayed us at all if you did not give him permission to."

Freezing, Destiny stared at him wide eyed.

"My Lord, no, I wouldn't--"

"Oh, little Black," Voldemort hissed, "I believe you would."

Reaching for her wand with the intent of fighting her way out, she was immediately petrified by her little sister.

"Naturally I would love to make an example of you yet, I can not. The Dark Creatures would fight against me if they knew I killed you. So you will be disposed of quietly and they will be told that you have been moved to another part of the country to command my Death Eaters. You will even be thanked for bringing your sister into the fold."

Horrified, Destiny could do nothing but stare at the ceiling, praying that Ginny would show up and help her.

"Oh, and Des?" Rosaline asked sweetly. "I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to take your spot as our Lord's second. Well," laughing lightly, she continued, "I have been his second for months but it was very convenient to have your people be the true Death Eaters' shields against the curses. Very useful." Seeing her sister's anger she laughed. "Oh, Des, don't you know. You may be brave but I am cunning. I wasn't the one out there nearly dying." Turning to Voldemort, Rosaline smiled. "Guess she wasn't cunning enough."

"No," Voldemort hissed, "she wasn't." Aiming his wand at her, Destiny watched as a beam of red light streaked toward her before she fell into darkness.


When Destiny woke back up, she was very cramped. Trying to move, she realized that she was in some kind of box. Shifting, she felt bones beside her.

"Oh God," she whispered.

Raising her arms and legs she began to pound on the lid of the coffin that was buried deep in the earth.