Astronomy Tower
Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Romance Drama
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 05/23/2006
Updated: 12/17/2006
Words: 89,568
Chapters: 27
Hits: 7,292



Story Summary:
After four years away working as an Auror, Harry Potter returns home to both renew friendships and hopefully rekindle his past romance with Ginny Weasley.

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: On to Hogwarts

Chapter Summary:
Harry informs McGonagall that he and his friends are coming to Hogwarts to search for another horcrux which they believe is in the school library; meanwhile, they make plans to have a Q&A session with the current crop of Hogwarts students.


It was at breakfast that they made plans to return to Hogwarts to find the fifth Horcrux, although that wasn't all they talked about. At least one of the other things Harry decided to bring up was the time in the Pensieve when he had fallen into what turned out to be Snape's worst memory and found his father James and Sirius tormenting him by turning him upside down with a Levicorpus Spell.

Harry had always been proud to be compared with his father up to that point, but after seeing the way Snape had been treated had a better understanding of why the one-time Potions master had hated James and Sirius so much. Also of why he disliked him so much. It was most likely because Harry reminded him so much of James. It was only after he had had a long talk with Sirius about his experiences in Snape's memory that Harry had regained even a semblance of his original respect for his father.

Sirius had said he wasn't proud of what they had done, but that a lot of people did cruel, thoughtless things at fifteen that they would never do as an adult ... and that James had eventually matured (by their seventh year, actually), and that was when he and Lily had finally begun dating ... and married almost straight out of school, approximately June 1979. Harry had been born just over a year later.

But it wasn't only that which he had asked questions about : there had been one point at which Lily Evans, his future mother, had come upon James and Sirius dangling Snape upside down and verbally chastised them within an inch of their lives. The intensity of her dislike for them at the time made Harry wonder how she and James could ever have fallen in love, much less married.

If Harry had been asked at that point to judge as to the likelihood of his parents getting together, much less his being born, he would have come out with a resounding "No way in bloody Hell!" Come to think of it, if he'd been told when he first met Ginny that he would eventually fall in love with her and marry her, he would have most likely have made a sour face and said, "Never in a million years!" Just went to show what strange twists life could take sometimes ...

There was something else that had nagged at him for some time, and he finally recalled just what. Lily's hair had been the same red-gold as Ginny's and they resembled one another so closely that they could have been sisters. It was obvious that Harry shared James's penchant for beautiful redheads. The main difference between Ginny and his mother was the colour of their eyes--Ginny's a soft, warm brown, Lily's a bright green: eyes which he had inherited.

It was obviously no coincidence that Harry had fallen in love with a beautiful redhead just as his father had ... and at a crucial point in each of their relationships, the prospect for its blossoming into love, much less marriage, had looked bleak, to put it mildly. But destiny had obviously had other plans--and was he ever glad of that! The best Harry could hope for now was that he and Ginny would, unlike his own parents, both survive to raise their child--then a third generation of witchcraft and wizardry would begin once that child began their studies at Hogwarts.

Who knew, Harry might even become the D.A.D.A. teacher and teach his own son or daughter! That is, if he didn't become an Auror or pro Quidditch player ... They'd just have to wait and see how their quest turned out. If he and his companions could manage to destroy all the Horcruxes and vanquish the greatest Dark wizard in a century as planned, Harry would have truly incredible stories to tell!

Which reminded him, he would have to send Armand, Ginny's owl, to Hogwarts as soon as possible to let McGonagall know that they were coming and what they wanted to discuss with her. That is, once Armand returned from his previous assignment to the Burrow. In the meantime, they had to figure out the best course of action to locate the next Horcrux and destroy it as soon as possible upon arrival.

* * * * *

Armand returned an hour after they had decided this, somewhat windblown but otherwise all right, and as soon as Harry and company had composed a letter to Hogwarts Headmistress Minerva McGonagall outlining their plans and request for a meeting with her to discuss how to go about their search for the next Horcrux, they sent him out again. Once he was gone on his new assignment, they took steps to prepare for their journey. Since it was late spring, they decided to go to Hogwarts on their brooms and stay as long as necessary to accomplish their purpose, since the school had accommodations for guests. (The dormitories were reserved for the regular live-in students.)

They spent a good part of the next few hours discussing how they would treat any students they happened to run into, particularly if it was pointed out that Harry and company were former students themselves--and most distinguished alumni at that for having successfully battled the Dark Lord so many times. Harry had no doubt that at least one point he and his friends would be surrounded by rapt first-years (among others) wanting to hear every detail of their adventures. Provided they weren't too busy with their search, that is.

* * * * *

Harry awakened to Ginny gently shaking him; he looked up at the window and saw Armand hovering outside. He got up and opened the window, noting the envelope in the owl's beak as Armand flew in, then landed on Ginny's shoulder. He carefully extricated the envelope and opened it upon recognising McGonagall's handwriting.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

From the Desk of Minerva McGonagall

Dear Mr. Potter:

We would be honoured to have you and your friends visit our school, especially if it will help further your efforts to find and destroy all the Horcruxes. I have made arrangements for you all to stay in some of our guest quarters. I look forward to our discussion and hope you will see fit to say a few words to our current students while you're here. Please send an owl with all the details surrounding your arrival at your earliest convenience.


Minerva McGonagall


Harry's grin widened with every passing moment; he looked up to see Ginny giving him a questioning look. He gave her the note, and after she had perused it for a while, began to grin herself. "Now all we have to do is owl Ron and Hermione to meet us there," she told him. "Were you thinking to tell the students of our adventures so far while we're there?"

"Among other things," he remarked cryptically.

"Are demonstrations of your magical abilities included in those 'other things', such as Transfiguration and Patronuses?"

"Quite possibly," Harry remarked with an enigmatic smile.

Ginny returned the smile. "Of course, it's entirely possible that they'll ask to see some demonstrations of what myself and the others can do as well, particularly if it's stuff they haven't covered yet ... which should be especially fascinating to the first-years."

"That's for sure," Harry agreed with a hearty laugh which warmed Ginny's heart. With all he had been through in his life, there had been precious little for him to laugh or even smile about ... but since they had reunited and gotten married, she had made it her business to do anything and every thing in her power to make him happy and planned to continue to do so for the duration of their married life.

* * * * *

After sending Armand off again with their answer, they made preparations for a long stay at the school, sending their belongings on ahead via the Floo Network, warning McGonagall to be expecting them through the fireplace in her office--then have someone take them to their assigned quarters. They weren't sure how Ron and Hermione were going to do things, but what mattered was that they were ready when they needed to be.

The morning after sending the owl off again, Harry and Ginny rose early and mounted their brooms, flying side-by-side the whole way and periodically slowing down in order to either hold hands for a time or even kiss briefly, holding onto the brooms with one hand. Because of this, it took somewhat longer than usual, but what mattered was that the trip had been an enjoyable one.

Almost as soon as they dismounted their brooms, Ron and Hermione appeared to greet them. After smiles and hugs all around, they went to deposit their brooms in their quarters and check in with McGonagall. On the way they passed some first-years on the way to classes; the children looked wide-eyed with shock and wonder at their presence. However, only one had the courage to approach them ... a small, skinny boy of eleven with unruly black hair and glasses which reminded Harry very much of himself at that age. It was also incredible that they could be so small. Had he ever been that small or that scared?

"Excuse me, sir. Are you actually Harry Potter?"

"Yes. This is my wife, Ginny, and my friends Ron and Hermione Weasley. We were all once students here, just like you."

"We've heard so much about all of you. I hope you'll be talking to us at some point about your adventures."

"Don't worry, Headmistress McGonagall's already arranged that," Harry assured the boy with a smile.

"Thank you, sir. We can hardly wait! See you later. We've got to get to class now." With one last smile at him, one that totally stunned Harry because of its similarity to another, more well-known smile, the boy rejoined his other classmates, who had remained at a safe distance from the new arrivals.

Once the children were gone, Harry voiced the thoughts he had been having earlier. "I don't recall our ever being that small ... or that scared ... as a first-year. Did you see how the other kids kept their distance?"

"I'm sure they'll eventually learn to relax around us if we're here long enough," Hermione pointed out. "Especially if we tell them about a few of our misadventures." All present laughed at that, then began to make their way toward McGonagall's office.

* * * * *

As they recalled from years before, a password was required for them to be able to pass. Harry couldn't help wondering if McGonagall's were as imaginative as Dumbledore's had been. Which reminded him, maybe he could visit with the late former headmaster's portrait while there and bring him up to date on their lives so far. For the time being, however, they had to concentrate on the business they had come here to discuss.

Harry and the others stood outside the door and knocked; McGonagall's voice came back. "Come on in, Harry. Bring your wife and your friends with you."

Harry couldn't imagine how McGonagall could have known it was them, but didn't question her ability, simply opened the door and went inside, followed by his wife and his friends.

"Harry, how good to see you again! You too, Ginny, Ron, Hermione. I hope you've all been well and happy."

"Can't complain," Harry returned with a smile. "But this isn't a social call--at least not entirely. We've got to get down to business. I'm sure you remember how I mentioned in my last post that we've determined the location of the fifth Horcrux--and that it's in the school library, in one of the books. It's simply a matter of finding it ... but Hermione has a pretty good idea where to look, so it shouldn't take as long as we expect."

"Most likely," McGonagall agreed, not smiling but her eyes softening. "Of course we'll do everything we can to help you. Just say the word."

"Thanks, Professor," Harry remarked.

"Minerva," she corrected. "You're all of age now, so you may all call me by my Christian name."

"All right ... Minerva," Harry replied. "Now, if we may get started ..."

* * * * *

And so it was arranged. Harry and company would take the necessary postgraduate courses to give them as much of an advantage over Voldemort as possible. Unfortunately Harry saw that one of those skills was Occlumency, the ability to block his mind off from his adversary. He remembered all too well the fiasco with Snape and hoped that whoever the instructor was this time, that they would actually strengthen him this time instead of weakening him.

Fortunately he had become a highly skilled Legilimens during the last four years (another necessary skill), so that was one less thing he had to worry about. Just the same, it might be a good idea to take a refresher course to see if he could strengthen his mind-reading skills. Harry had warned McGonagall that they might have to pick up and leave at a moment's notice; she nodded understandingly and said in that event, arrangements would be made to continue their studies via Portkey.

Their course materials could be turned into one and would automatically be sent to the school for grading upon completion and their stating its intended destination ... then returned to them the same way, wherever they happened to be. Far safer than owl post, since owls could be intercepted and their cargo confiscated.

For the time being, however, they would remain here as long as it took to discover and destroy the fifth Horcrux. Harry had every intention of using the same protective spell as in the cemetery to not only protect himself and his friends but anyone who might be within the danger zone of the Dark magic inherent in the Horcrux ... as well as the other books in the library, many of them very old, of great historical value and thus irreplaceable.

The Hogwarts librarian, Madam Pince, did a double take upon seeing Harry and company enter, but had been informed earlier that day by McGonagall that they would be coming and to do all she possibly could to assist them in their search for the book/Horcrux should they need it. Since Hermione was the one who knew where the book was likely to be found. Harry and Ginny were behind her, hand-in-hand; Ron was walking beside his wife and doing the same.

It was a far longer walk than they remembered it being, but it had to be kept in mind that they were older now and not as full of vinegar as they used to be. Not that they were old, by any means--only in their twenties, after all ... but by no means were they children anymore, either. After another interminable time walking, both Harry and Ginny were wondering if they were ever going to reach their intended destination; it seemed like they'd been walking forever.

He finally decided to gently touch Hermione's mind and ask her how far they still had to go; after her initial surprise at his mind-touch, she mentally assured him that it wasn't much further. However, he wasn't to destroy anything until and unless she confirmed that it was indeed what they were looking for.

They had passed many of the current students, glad to see that the school colours for each were still the same, particularly the red and gold for Gryffindor. Harry couldn't help wondering for a moment if the children they had met earlier were in Gryffindor House, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. The Slytherin robes were green and white, and the children had not been wearing those colours.

In fact, Harry couldn't recall just what colours they had been wearing, just that they weren't green and white. Also, Slytherins had never been accused of fear or shyness; quite the contrary. In fact, the majority had been quite outspoken, sometimes rudely so ... in fact, they rarely missed a chance to insult or discredit anyone from another House, particularly Gryffindor. Harry was particularly glad that Draco Malfoy was nowhere around right now, particularly after what he had attempted to do just prior to Dumbledore's death.

He also couldn't help wondering just when the Death Eaters and dementors were going to come after them again. Since they were at Hogwarts searching for another Horcrux, it wouldn't surprise Harry if they attempted something while he and his friends were here. In that event, how quickly could he expect reinforcements to show up? Even the most sophisticated of broomsticks could only go so fast; only those who Apparated or came by Portkey could be expected to show up at a moment's notice ... or even a few moments' notice.

Even at that, they could only Apparate as far as the school gates; Apparition could not be done within the school grounds proper, as Hermione had reminded them time and again. However, as far as he knew, there was no reason those coming by Portkey couldn't make it into the grounds proper to help him and his friends should they need it.

He was brought back to reality by Hermione's voice. "I think I found it! Just let me check it first." Harry looked up to find her with the book already in her hands, examining it carefully with her wand; after a time she looked up at him, beaming. "Here it is, Harry." She handed it to him. "This is the Horcrux."

"Great," he returned with a grin. "Now where should we go to destroy it?"

"As far away from the buildings as possible, I think ... so let's get out of the library, then we'll go from there."

She again led the way, since she was most familiar with the library layout; about fifteen minutes later they stepped outside and closed the heavy side doors behind them. Another long walk later, she deemed it safe to destroy the Horcrux. Unfortunately they were unaware that unfriendly eyes were watching them; Wormtail and Crouch Jr. were hiding unobtrusively in the ten-story North Tower, which had a large window overlooking the grounds.

"Do you think they've actually found the Horcrux we were sent here to protect, Barty?" Wormtail asked.

Crouch pointed his wand in the direction of Harry and company. "Unfortunately, yes. The Dark Lord is definitely not going to be pleased with us. All we can do now is double the security on the remaining Horcruxes."

"Should we not try to stop them?" Wormtail asked.

"How? We cannot Apparate within the grounds, as you know--and our broomsticks are hidden a considerable distance from our hiding place here. Nor do we have a Portkey to transport us to their location. By the time we did arrive, the Horcrux would most likely already be destroyed. It would seem that Potter and his cohorts are one step ahead of us again, at least for now. However, we must not allow them access to the remaining Horcruxes, which are in our friend Nagini and the Dark Lord himself, no matter what we have to do to prevent it. Meanwhile, it's best that we get back to our broomsticks, return to the Dark Lord and make our report."

Wormtail nodded mutely, his heart pounding in fear as he thought of Voldemort's likely reaction to their unfavorable report. Despite the fact that the only mistake made was in timing, they were likely to be severely punished--via the Cruciatus Curse, at the very least. The two men left the tower room and within half an hour were on their brooms, having lifted the Invisibility Charm earlier placed on them, our heroes having been unaware of their presence ... at least for the moment. But that would not be the case for long--and meanwhile, they had left their calling card hovering in the air above the North Tower: the Dark Mark.

* * * * *

By the time Hermione deemed it safe to place the Horcrux on the ground and prepare to destroy it, they were at least a quarter of a mile from the castle. Harry warned the others to stay a safe distance away even while placing the protective spell earlier used in the cemetery around them ... then around himself, even as he pointed his wand at the Dark object and called out, "Destructo!"

Again a thunderclap and a bolt of lightning was heard and seen; the book/Horcrux was now only a pile of smouldering ash ten feet away. But again, Harry seemed uneasy, even though he couldn't be sure as to just why ... until he heard piercing screams from the girls. He looked up, following their white faces, then trembling hands pointing to something in the sky--and that was when white-hot pain seared through his scar, making him cry out and clutch his forehead. The Dark Mark! They must have been followed here and secretly observed; that was the only way the forces of Darkness could have known of their errand.

"W-what do you think it means, Harry?" Ginny wondered as they made their way back to the castle.

"It means that Voldemort knows that the fifth Horcrux is gone and that we'd better be expecting company in the not-too-distant future--and not friendly company, either. We've got to warn McGonagall immediately so she can take steps to protect the students. Let's go. There's no time to lose!" With that, he grabbed Ginny's hand and they took off running; Ron grabbed Hermione's hand and followed suit.

Even as they ran, Harry made a mental note to contact everyone who had come before so they could be in place by the time Voldemort and company arrived--and he had no doubts but that this time, the Dark Lord would show up personally, considerably weakened but still fighting mad. Just as he had no doubts but that Voldemort would pull with him every Death Eater and dementor he could muster for his side, since this upcoming battle would not simply be a skirmish but an all-out war between Good and Evil. Consequently Harry had to make sure that Good and Evil were evenly matched so that they had a fair chance at victory without too many casualties.

Chapter 16: The Final Battle. Voldemort and several Death Eaters are killed; Ginny and several others are injured in the process.