The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Tom Riddle Lord Voldemort
Drama Horror
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/05/2004
Updated: 11/27/2005
Words: 15,189
Chapters: 11
Hits: 4,684

There's Something About Ginny


Story Summary:
Ginny was sick of being overshadowed by her brothers, believing she'll never live up to their standards. However, an incident on the train to Hogwarts will show that she's not what she seems.

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
A gift Ginny inherits from Tom Riddle proves to be a curse asVoldemort does all he can to attain it, with something up his own sleeve as well...

Placing her hands upon the cold, damp walls, Ginny slowly descended the dark staircase. It seemed to wind down, up, and to the sides endlessly, and already her head was spinning, her body too weak for exertion. Yet hope kept her going as she reminded herself, whenever she staggered and slipped, of the freedom that awaited her ahead, and of what laid behind her.

When Ginny's feet approached terra firma, she could scarcely believe it. Around her was a stone chamber with only two exits - the staircase behind her and a wooden door ahead. Moonlight filtered through the glass windows up ahead, illuminating the way to the door and a large statue of a regal lion besides it. Ginny suddenly felt the chilly, unnerving sensation that she was being watched, and indeed had scarcely moved towards the door when the statue sprang to life, gracefully stepping out of the shadows and into the light.

Her eyes widened in fright, knowing that she was wandless and weak. Yet as the creature came nearer in feline grace, Ginny saw that it was a sphinx - she had a chance. "Fear not, mortal," the sphinx said in a voice reminiscent of poisonous honey, accompanied by a barely audible purr as she paced back and forth in front of her. "You may pass, if you answer my riddle. Keep silent and you may retreat. Get it wrong and... Well, I am quite hungry..."

Ginny knew that there was no turning back. "Tell me the riddle," she said in a weak, trembling voice. At once, the sphinx began to speak.

"This thing all things devours,

Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

Gnaws iron, bites steel;

Grinds hard stones to meal;

Slays king, ruins town,

And beats high mountain down"

Ginny was horrified - she didn't know the answer! If only she had more... that was it! "It's time!" she exclaimed. "That is correct," the sphinx said in a disappointed tone as she returned to the shadows, "you may pass." As quickly as she had appeared, the sphinx became naught but a statue once more.

Filled with relief and trepidation, Ginny exited through the door into the unknown.


Draco closed his eyes, relieved that he had managed to get Ginny out of the castle, yet worried about what lay ahead. He was sure that Lucius would have made sure that the passage was secured after he found out how his only child had escaped from punishment, but with what? And would Ginny, wandless and weak, be able to pass through it? It was necessary to stay in the cell, pretending that Ginny had used Alucinor to extract information on how to escape, or suspicions would arrive and the consequences would be grave. Yet what if he had only released her to her death? Making up his mind, Draco began his hurried journey down through the dark stairway, his wand close beside him.


Snape's face turned from indifference to irritation as he slapped an insect that was currently feasting upon his blood, missing the irksome creature. Giving up on muggle ways he surreptitiously cast a silent spell to ward him of the pests, and then resumed to take in the lush, tropical air that surrounded him with its mysterious fragrance.

Swiftly returning his wand, he rested his arms upon the wooden table damp with humidity. Always on his missions to the plant-rich Peruvian landscape he would stop at this small bar, taking his customary seat

He slipped his wand back under his robe, and rested his arm on the humid table.He loved this place, over the few days that he'd been in Peru he would always stop by this high altitude bar, resting at his usual place upon the veranda. The view was beautiful, the ground below covered with rainforest distraught only by a river which carried the traders that made this place prosperous. Yet even that could not distract Snape from his thoughts, his guilt, and his remorse.

Day and night it haunted him, reminded itself to him wherever he went - he had killed Dumbledore. All in the name of the Order, he kept reminding himself in a desperate mantra, yet that did not change the fact that perchance the only man who fully trusted him was now dead, by his own wand. Yet solemnly he knew that there was a strange comfort to be found after he had spoken the two fatal words, and no longer faced indecision. He had gone deep undercover, and in such depths the loathing and guilt one feels are too far away to penetrate the dark waters.

It is time to return, he thought. He was more alert than usual, for Peru was a dangerous place at the time. Muggle guerillas were creating political instability, and anarchy was omnipresent. Even in his tropical haven evil could seep through. He had only stepped inside the interior of the bar when voices reached his ear, loud, arguing voices about a certain overdue payment. Snape's experience shouted from within to leave as soon as possible, yet he was not even halfway through the door when the gunshot sounded.

Looking back, he saw a dark, slightly potbellied man holding a gun in shaking hands, staring in disbelief at the body at his feet.

"You don't say anything to no one, you hear me?" he yelled, a slight quaver in his voice, the gun still held tightly within his clammy hands.

Snape did nothing but nod, slowly stepping backwards. He slowly reached into his robes, wishing to clandestinely seize his wand, yet the gesture was misinterpreted. Before Snape could stop it, a bullet shot through him, as the man fled in a hurry through the back door.

Looking down at his bleeding abdomen, Snape gritted his teeth and began to do what he could, knowing that he would have to find a way to apparate across the Atlantic as soon as possible. He summoned the bullet, yet the bullet that sped to his hand was covered with the dead man's blood, not his own. His magic was clearly unfocused due to the injury. Yet a second attempt removed the bullet from his abdomen, bringing instead another torrent of pain and a sudden feeling of dizziness, the world appearing to darken around him. He had only just managed to perform a blood replenishing spell when the inevitable occurred, and his consciousness faded away.

When the wizard awoke, light was brilliantly fighting its last battle as darkness threatened to conquer the skies. Alone in the abandoned restaurant, Snape pondered whether he would survive the night, as his magic faded and his wound continued to bleed inside of him. He had but one option, he realized - Vis Dare. Only that plant would replenish his magic strongly enough in order for him to return to England.

In great pain and gritted teeth, Snape raised himself upon his feet. Each harrowing step he took increased his agony, and it soon became apparent that he could not find Vis Dare himself. Resting himself upon the ground only meters from the restaurant, his eyes met those of a boy returning from his evening chores. "You, boy!" he shouted. The young lad, small with ragged clothes and a dirty face, looked at him quizzically. "Yes, you!" Snape said hastily, and the boy tentatively approached him, keeping a good distance away from the frightening man with his blood soaked clothes.

Removing a substantial amount of Peruvian New Sols from his pocket, Snape described Vi s Dare to the lad, and the trade become apparent. The young boy walked quickly back towards the forest, hurried by the black haired man. A bead of sweat crawled down Snape's face as he readjusted his position, attempting in vain to alleviate his pain. Now, all he had to do was wait.

It was only twenty minutes, yet it was an eternity for the potions master till the boy returned. He handed him the plant and then snatched the money, probably more than he had ever held in his hands. He quickly returned to his home, the dying sun ahead of him, leaving the man alone.

Immediately once the lad was out of sight, Snape chewed the purple leaves. At once, euphoria coursed through his veins, and Snape leapt to his feet. It is but temporary, he reminded himself grimly as he crossed the Atlantic, apparating to the Burrow.