The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Tom Riddle Lord Voldemort
Drama Horror
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/05/2004
Updated: 11/27/2005
Words: 15,189
Chapters: 11
Hits: 4,684

There's Something About Ginny


Story Summary:
Ginny was sick of being overshadowed by her brothers, believing she'll never live up to their standards. However, an incident on the train to Hogwarts will show that she's not what she seems.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
A gift Ginny inherits from Tom Riddle proves to be a curse as Voldemort does all he can to attain it, with something up his own sleeve as well...

'You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.'

Mahatma Gandhi

Ginny awoke with a start, her hands bound behind her, slumped upon a cold, grey floor. Emerging out of her fright, she quickly looked around her before reality really sunk in. Crawling into an upright position, she could see a barred window above her, allowing eerie moonlight to seep in, and upon tearing her eyes from the window to see what it was illuminating Ginny snapped out of her shock.

Shackles were connected to the hard, grey stone wall, and the large door in front of her was covered in marks reminiscent of nail scratches, like hands clawing at the only way of escape...

Remembering the last thing she could, the attack at King's Cross, Ginny put two and two together. With a shudder at the horrifying thought, she realized that she had been kidnapped by Death Eaters.

A rush of thoughts immediately flew into her mind, most prominent of which being the agony that lay ahead and staying true to the Order. She had no need to even contemplate the latter, she knew deep inside that amidst the storm of feelings inside of her, that one was etched in her soul. But Ginny knew that it was not for information, or even for being a Weasley, that she was kidnapped. They must have known that she was an Alucinor. But how? An image of Draco rose into her mind, and a sudden feeling of confusion came over her. Had he given the information willingly?

With a torrent of guilt, Ginny wondered whether the bloody attacks were solely for capturing her, and whether others were taken as well. Remembering seeing Ron unconscious she began to worry, distracting herself from her situation, and Ginny fought against the urge to block herself from feeling.

A sudden sound of brisk footsteps pulled her out of her thoughts and back to grim reality.

Instinctively Ginny scanned the chamber, futilely searching for a place to hide, to run away... yet the only link that she could find to the outside world was the door, undoubtedly locked, and the hypnotizing window.

Upon fixing her gaze at the orifice of the walls surrounding her, Ginny felt a strange pull towards yet, unexplainable... tired, confused and too inexperienced to fight it, carefully raising herself despite her bound hands Ginny approached the window and mechanically raised her hands upon the icy bars. Immediately, she was quickly shot out of the trance as she was thrown back with a shout, and, terrified, she stared at her palms.

Upon each of her small hands was etched a snake, faced towards the other, and before she could even begin to panic the door opened from behind her.

Ginny turned herself around on the floor and felt the blood drain from her face.

A tall, cloaked wizard appeared before her, not even resembling his youth that had charmed her just several years ago.

"I see you have arrived, Ginevra," said Voldemort in a cold, clear voice.

Ginny jumped at the sound of 'Ginevra' - only Tom would call her such in that same toying, dark voice. Slowly, she backed away from him, gazing at him as a cornered rabbit would gaze at a fox.

A laugh escaped from Voldemort's lips, so different from Tom's... and yet so similar that it struck her to the bone.

Petrified, she simply sat upon the cold floor, looking up at him and kneeling with her head bowed, relinquishing herself to her fate and waiting to see what would next occur. She knew Tom - there was no use in fighting.

As she felt the cold ground beneath her, a cynical laugh almost escaped her lips as she remembered when she had a thirst for adventures such as Harry's, magnificent, frightening tales she would beg him to tell her. Yet know, when the dream was real, Ginny knew that she would give her left lung to be able to be home again... To lie once more on the soft, tattered sofa in the living room, basking in the fireplace's warmth and drinking hot chocolate as delicious smells of her mum's mouth-watering Treacle Pudding traveled from the kitchen and into her heart.

The Burrow seemed so far away, as though a memory from a distant past life.

Once again, Ginny was torn away from her thoughts, a sanctuary without refuge, and returned to reality.

She gave a small jump - Death Eaters had suddenly appeared in the room and made a circle around her.

Ginny looked around and saw a smug-looking Macnair, Avery, a smiling Lucius and Draco, Ginny saw with a flood of realization and anger, behind him, though not noticing the look of ill-disguised despair upon his face, with Nott, Crabbe, Goyle and the Lestranges beside them.

They were all hooded and wearing black cloaks, yet Ginny knew who they were from last year, in the Ministry... indeed, the Death Eaters had once again escaped from Azakaban.

Ginny began to shiver.

Meeting the black gaze of Bellatrix, the memory of Sirius arose and, from some unknown fire within, she began to struggle with her binds, determined to show them that she would not go down easily.

In a sardonically merciful manner, Voldemort spared Ginny the struggle and conjured a small mahogany chair, smirking as Ginny suddenly found herself with her ankles bound by rope to the legs and her hands behind the back of it. Yet she was otherwise ignored by Voldemort and his followers. Ginny fiercely continued her battle against the binds yet to no avail, her hands aching from the rubbing of the ropes.

It was only when she had ceased her struggle, her wrists and ankles bleeding, that the silence amongst the Death Eaters ceased, Voldemort raising his hand and appearing deep in thought. Ginny shivered as she saw the snake red eyes, the face devoid of color, only evil lending it a glow.

Ginny wondered where Snape was, and why he hadn't warned them of Voldemort's plans, and then she remembered their meeting in the dungeons... "I have a task to do; I'll only be back by next week."

Glad at the distraction from the frightening situation which, despite herself, she felt as though she was peering upon from a fragmentary dream, all sense of time forgotten, she wondered whether the task was connected to her present situation. She placed those thoughts at the back of her mind as she struggled to get out from the comforting detachment her mind had tried to hand her as a gift, she needed all her senses with her. Her practical ignorance by the wizards and witches around her and the harrowing silence that immersed them only heightened her fear, and Ginny wondered what the bloody hell was going on, and whether she wanted to know. She could barely feel, could barely think... it seemed to all be surrounded by a veil, only a few minutes before she had awoken in her strange surroundings, and it had not sunk in yet.

At once, the Death Eaters began to slowly, one by one, kiss the hem of Voldemort's robes, muttering words that Ginny couldn't hear. Whatever was planned had apparently already begun. Once they had all finished, Ginny watched with morbid fascination as Voldemort removed a vial from his robes - it was oddly empty. Ginny felt a sudden rush to know what was going on as she slowly returned to the present, frustrated with being helpless and bound upon the imprisoning mahogany chair, and fearing the unknown situation.

A voice, hers yet seeming to be from far away, shouted, "What do you want from me?"

Voldemort, appearing annoyed as though interrupted, turned towards her.

"You, Ginevra," he said concisely as his red eyes twinkled diabolically, and then, returning the empty vial to his pocket, took out his wand instead. Ginny's eyes widened in fear.

"You are surely aware that we all know about your little gift, and that stone around your neck, I surmise?" he said in an amused, taunting voice. Her shock that they certainly knew about her power heightened her fear, and all Ginny could do was nod. "Very well," Voldemort continued, languidly twirling his wand between his long, arachnid fingers, "and you will found out about our plans soon enough." A high laugh rose into the air, followed by that of his followers. "However, surely you do not believe that we will pass over the chance to learn more about Dumbledore's plans, simply because you are..." Voldemort paused, letting his words sink in, "an old friend?" Smirking at her pale face, Voldemort approached her, leaning down to whisper into her ear, his silk words laced with insinuation that sent chills down her spine. "However, Ginevra, if you simply comply, we will be more considerate..." He traced an icy, arachnid finger down her cheek, making her shudder. "Such a pretty face," he said softly, as though to himself, "it's a shame to have to harm it." He peered over her bound body, his eyes resting upon the stone that hung around her neck, and smiled like it was common knowledge that Ginny could keep no secrets from him, and as though he was certain that she would capitulate.

Ginny scowled, looking away from him in disgust. "Never!" she spat. With a fierce look of anger Voldemort roughly slapped her across the face, and after looking at her with confusion and disgust, he left the room with his followers, the door slamming strongly behind him.

Relieved that they had left yet frustrated at still being bound to the chair, Ginny had almost sighed a sigh of relief till she heard a tapping of feet against the floor, and shocked she looked upon Lucius.

Under the moonlight, his grey eyes that met her own were feral; the vulturous gaze solely tamed by the blonde hair and sharp, aristocratic features that demanded authority. Yet the look that met Ginny's eyes as Lucius pulled out his wand was none other than lupine.

He circled slowly around her, like a vulture around a dying animal, every now and then running his fingers through her hair as he spoke and enjoyed the effect he knew he had upon his prey.

At last, after what seemed like hours, Lucius ceased taunting her and describing ways in which he had made others talk in the past, and the moment which Ginny knew was inevitable was closer than ever.

"How fortunate it is that my son disclosed such a fascinating piece of information to me," he said with a nonchalant air, "for with it, Miss Weasley, I can finally attain that which I have longed for so long..."

Lucius ran his fingers through Ginny's hair and then fiercely pulled it back, and with her neck exposed so vulnerably he whispered to her, "revenge." Ginny hissed in pain, yet refused to make a sound. Releasing her, Lucius resumed lazily strolling around her as Ginny watched his every step in fear and determination, though flinching every time Lucius snapped his wand against his palm.

Her heart was beating rapidly inside her chest; she refused to hope that he could not hear it.

"I am giving you one more chance to stop things before they occur, Miss Weasley," Lucius said threateningly, and all Ginny could bring herself to do was stare defiantly back at him, her teeth chattering as she forced herself to focus on nothing but the Order.

"That is not a problem, Miss Weasley- your family and mine have many old scores to settle, and what better way than this?" Lucius stopped in front of Ginny and pointed his wand sharply at her, raising his voice and shouting as she flinched: "Crucio!"

The word that Ginny had been awaiting finally arrived, and a bright light emerged from Lucius's wand, hitting her straight in the chest and making her writhe beneath her binds. She was being stabbed by a thousand knives, her body was burning from within... drowning under agony she couldn't even realize that she was screaming insanely, writhing from side to side, trying to make it just end... At last it did. It was only twenty seconds, yet it felt like an eternity.

"That wasn't very fun, was it?" asked Lucius pleasurably as Ginny lay panting and gasping in the chair, her hands bleeding from the abrasions caused as she jerked against the ropes.

Lucius sat down beside her, wiping away a tear. "You don't want it to happen again, do you?" He asked softly, and Ginny, still trying to regain her breath, merely shook her head. "We can make it end, just tell me the names of all who fight against Voldemort." His voice was sycophantically caring, and she closed her eyes as a wave of nausea passed over her. Ginny shook her head again, though more fervently this time. "Now now," Lucius said in an indignant tone, as though scolding a child, "Don't lie! We already know that you know where it is, and I don't want to hurt you. Come on now, be a good girl."

Panting, Ginny merely bit her lip, and said: "We all fight against him."

Lucius raised his wand again, and Ginny sighed.

She was in for a long night.

Two hours had trickled away through the hourglass of time, each grain of sand holding naught but suffering for Ginevra Weasley, yet still she would not speak.

Lucius, quickly bored of the Cruciatus curse, had transformed his wand into a whip, releasing Ginevra from the chair and tossing her unto the floor. Yet Ginny only grew bolder as she saw her torturer's frustration.

"Bet you wish you were dead, Weasley!" he shouted at her, "But you won't be lucky enough to die. You will suffer agony until you bloody well", he paused to raise the whip, "speak!" the whip cracked upon her and Ginny could not resist a cry of pain. "And even after you finally break Voldemort will use you, for the ceremony and your abilities, forever trapped, never free... you may as well just stop fighting now - there is no escape."

The whip cracked upon her yet again, releasing a torrent of pain and Ginny whimpered, but she did not scream. Inside, she was writhing in agony. If only it would stop... They were afraid that veritaserum would interfere with her Alucinor abilities, so Lucius had said in rage, but was this any better?

"I'll kill myself!" she suddenly exclaimed with intense emotion, her breath quick and shallow, her head spinning, and no longer afraid to speak knowing that it would make no difference. "I'll bloody kill myself if I have to, right before the ceremony! I'll bite the skin off my wrists, and there won't be anything you can do about it."

For a moment, Lucius looked worried and Ginny entertained the faintest hope that her threat had hit its mark. However, the worry left his face and his lips curled to form a grin: a sadistic, evil grin.

"There are ways to keep you alive," he said. "And we could always harm your dear beloved, I'm sure your brothers would be fun to torture, and there are so many of them."

"You leave them out of this!" she shouted. "They didn't do anything wrong! They aren't responsible for..."she paused guiltily, "for who I am."

But Lucius did give her a verbal answer. In reply, he simply raised the whip and lowered it with all his strength onto Ginny's back. She could not withhold the cry that escaped her lips as warm crimson blood trickled down her back, her dress ripped where the whip had hit it. "That's more like it." said Lucius. "Much, much better."

The whip was raised once more, this time falling onto her bare shoulder. Her deep, crimson blood trickled onto her emerald dress, more running down her cheek as she bit her lip to keep from screaming. Once more the whip cracked, and Ginny could feel herself finally ebbing away into blissful unconsciousness. Her head was spinning... Let it all end, she thought desperately. Please, please, please.

Her eyes rolled back into her socket, and she went limp as all turned black.

"Get up, filth." Lucius sneered, kicking her brutally in the chest. Ginny heard the crack of a broken rib.

"Where is the Order located?" he asked shortly. "Who is in charge of it?"

Ginny gasped for breath at this short respite, quickly readjusting her position to somehow ease the pain. She looked up at Lucius, tall and imposing above her, and then she spat upon his polished, leather shoes, closing her eyes as the whip slashed into her yet again.