Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Romance Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/14/2002
Updated: 02/03/2003
Words: 23,915
Chapters: 14
Hits: 10,501

Harry Potter and the Love of the Dragon

Green Emeralds

Story Summary:
It's 6th year at Hogwarts for Harry and his friends, but something has changed. Things will never revert to the way they were... Harry/Draco relationship!

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
It's 6th year at Hogwarts for Harry and his friends, but something has changed. Things will never revert to the way they were... Harry/Draco relationship!!!!!!! I don't wanna ruin anything so there's not much else to say.

Harry was bustling around 4 Privet Drive preparing for Dudley's birthday party later that day. He was hanging streamers and laying out food for the guests that would be arriving in an hour or so. Draco...'why did he have to be called DRACO'...was draped around his neck and they were having a discussion about Basilisks. They were both of the opinion that they were pure evil and the scum of the serpent species, and Draco was currently engrossed in the story Harry was telling him of his confrontation with the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets a few years previous. Dudley was currently preening himself in his bedroom and Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were at the station collecting Aunt Marge.

About an hour later the first guests had arrived at the house. Harry was nursing a glass of Butterbeer that he had brought home from Hogsmeade by the fireplace with Draco still draped around his neck. Most people present seemed to be providing him with a wide berth because of this. Dudley was stood in the middle of the room, his face slightly pinker than usual. From where Harry was observing, it was clear that the girl Dudley was talking to was completely repulsed by the creature she was conversing with. Dudley, bless him, was oblivious to this and was discussing the pros and cons of McDonalds versus Burger King. The girl made her excuses and shuffled away from Dudley leaving him staring open mouthed at her breasts. She gave him a look of revulsion and glanced anxiously around the room for a more riveting dance partner.

"Hi, I'm Belinda," she held her hand out to Harry. He took it and led her to the centre of the room as a new song started. He figured that he needed all the practise he could get at dancing before he had to attend the Yule Ball again this year.

"I'm Harry," he told her. "This is Draco. He was Dudley's birthday present from his aunt but he's afraid of snakes."

"Oh yes," recalled Belinda. "I remember now. You went to the same primary school as I did, right? You were Dudley's cousin!"

"Still am actually."

"Of course," Belinda laughed. "You've changed. I almost didn't recognise you."

"Same goes for you."

"About the snake...Draco did you say his name was?"

"Yeah, that's right. It means dragon or snake in Latin."

"Can I hold him," she asked.

"Sure you can." Harry unwrapped Draco from around his neck and draped him around Belinda's. He assumed the dance position Parvati had arranged him into a couple of years ago and grasped the girl around her waist with one arm. She placed one arm on his shoulder and clasped his free hand.

"Wow, you're not a bad dancer," she exclaimed.

"Neither are you," he grinned. It seemed that he danced better without a large audience.

"Look over there," Belinda said in his ear, spinning him around so he could see the way she intended. "Your cousin is watching." And watching he was. His face had gone pale and the hand holding his cider was shaking. He's jealous! Harry thought happily.

The pair danced to a few more songs and Draco found his way back to being draped around Harry's neck. Belinda's face was thoughtful - she appeared to be facing a battle in her mind. Her expression changed and she grinned to herself. 'Uh oh...' thought Harry, dreading the decision she had just made.

"Urm...er...what school did you say you go to?" asked Harry, grasping for something to say.

"I didn't say," she replied, leaning inwards and upwards towards Harry. She closed her eyes and, seeing what was coming, Harry pushed her away gently.

"I have to go and find my friends," Harry told her.

"Oh. Okay then," Belinda mumbled.

"Sorry...erm...really I am. See you later...and...thanks for the dance." He could see that she was slightly offended but there was nothing he could do about that. And he really did need to go and find his friends. He rushed out of the living room where the party was now going strong and hurried through the kitchen and out the back door. Harry leant against the wall outside and Draco hissed into his ear.

"I am not. That's gross," Harry muttered in Parseltongue.

Draco hissed something back.

"Don's be rank. That is SO not true."

Five minutes later Harry was bored and Draco the snake refused to quit insulting him. Suddenly, four broomsticks appeared in the sky and dived into the Dursley's backgarden. Thank Merlin it was dark or it could have caused a bit of trouble.

"Hey Ron. Right on time! Hi Ginny. How are you?" Harry hugged them both. "Fred, George, hiya!"

"Bill and Charlie will be here in a minute. They're trying to persuade Percy to stop working," explained Ron.

"They're apparating," said Fred.

"We didn't pass our test," shrugged George. "We're taking it again next week. Almost got splinched didn't you Fred?"

"Hey, same goes for you," he laughed.

The group was interrupted by three more guests appearing on the grass next to Ginny.

"Hi, Bill, Charlie, Percy. I was hoping you could all come," beamed Harry at the vast bunch of redheads. We have to go greet Hermione. She's coming by taxi.

The troop followed Harry through the gate just as a taxi pulled up outside the house. A girl stepped out dragging a large trunk after her.

"Hey, Harry, Ron! Hi Ginny, Fred, George." Harry and Ron hugged her repeatedly one after the other.

"Oh, Bill and Charlie and Percy are here too! Hi guys!"

"Shall we go in," suggested Harry. "Time to face the music. I'll take your bag," he offered. Pulling out his wand he pointed at the case and muttered the incantation to make it feather-light.

"You can't do magic outside school Harry!" exclaimed Hermione. "you'll get expelled."

"Here I can," he grinned devilishly. "There are wards up. Dumbledore said I need to practise in case I have to face Voldemort this year."

He showed them into the house and left Hermione's case and the four broomsticks in the cupboard under the stairs. They followed him into the living room and Harry strolled up to Dudley.

"Hey, cousin," he demanded.

"Get that...thing...away from me," Dudley whimpered.

"Oh, don't be rude to Draco Dudley. You might make him bite you," Harry threatened. "These are my friends Dudley." He pointed each one out to his cousin, and Dudley trembled at the sight of the fang hanging from Bill's earring.

"Like a toffee, Dudley?" asked Fred.

Dudley shrieked. "Mum and dad aren't gonna like this,"

"Oh yeah?" laughed Harry. "What are they gonna do about it?" Dudley made a squeaking noise and waddled away searching for his best mate Piers Polkiss.

"Harry! You have a snake!" marvelled George. "Can I hold him?"

"Sure. Here you go." Harry handed Draco to George.

"What did you say his name was, Harry?" asked Ron curiously.

"Draco," Harry shuddered.

"Why????" Hermione and Ron were equally shocked and appalled by this piece of information.

"Hey," Harry defended. "I didn't choose it. He told me that his name is Draco."

"He told you?" marvelled Bill and Charlie. "Are you alright Harry? Do you have a temperature?"

"Oh. Guys. Harry's a parseltongue. Don't you read the Daily Prophet?" asked Percy.

"It wasn't in there Percy," corrected Ginny, blushing slightly pink. "Rita Skeeter published that article in Witch Weekly. They won't read that."

"Lets mingle," suggested Charlie.