Dagger of Doubt

Grace has Victory

Story Summary:
Tracey Davies wants nothing to do with her brother Roger or Ravenclaw House. But will she survive in Slytherin? And is survival even what matters?

Do you think Roger Davies would have made a very annoying older brother? This is what his sister Tracey's childhood was like.

Words: 3,769
Hits: 258

You already know where the Sorting Hat placed Tracey, don't you? But she did not suspect until the moment it happened. It was a moment that might change the rest of her life.

Words: 2,910
Hits: 133

If your own Quidditch team isn't playing, does it matter who wins the match? Of course it does. Everything has a political flavour for a Slytherin.

Words: 3,223
Hits: 97

Slytherin’s Monster is on the loose, and Tracey’s happy schooldays take a darker turn. Much, much darker...

Words: 3,066
Hits: 147

Which would make you most miserable? (A) Living in a castle guarded by Dementors. (B) Being ostracised by all your friends at once. (C) Detention with Snape for something you didn’t do. (D) An interfering sibling who tried to fix up your problems. What an easy question. After all, D is for Davies.

Words: 3,550
Hits: 109

Tracey and friends are looking forward to the Yule Ball.

Words: 3,597
Hits: 146

When there are appearances to keep up and scores to settle, Tracey might just have to sacrifice the Hogwarts gamekeeper. Talking of sacrifice, what was that about school rules?

Words: 4,341
Hits: 153

Roger has left Hogwarts so Tracey finally has her school life to herself. She won’t allow a little problem like the war to spoil her best year ever. After all, she’s now completely in control of events around her. Isn’t she?

Words: 3,425
Hits: 172

The war is raging, and the Death Eaters are poised to strike.

Words: 3,567
Hits: 122

If you were Tracey, what would you do with the rest of your life? Perhaps you have noticed that the answer has already been handed to her. But Tracey is about to be very, very surprised.

Words: 2,943
Hits: 86