The Dark Arts
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/29/2003
Updated: 09/07/2003
Words: 3,079
Chapters: 2
Hits: 817

Time Traveler


Story Summary:
Something went wrong with the time turner. Where has it taken Harry? A time when Voldemort took advantage of his disappearance, a time where there are no more muggles, a time where only the purebloods are looked upon as masters. Can he live in this time without revealing who he really is? And that he isn't Tristan Dander that Dave Riddle thinks he is?

Chapter 01


Dumbledore said that he shouldn't mess with the time turner, but he needed to go back in time to rescue his friends. It was his fault they were captured. All he did was stand there, watching them slowly disappear into the clutches of Voldomort.

He grabbed the time turner. How did Hermione say to use this?


Tears of anger, confusement, pain, and any other emotions he felt at that moment, cascaded down his cheeks.

He sat down in the nearest chair, holding the time turner, trying to remember how to use it. Wasn't it just, turn it over once? Yeah, that was it.

He held the time turner in front of him, then slowly turned it over.

The dark room dissolved. Harry felt that he was flying very fast, like when he and Hermione used it in third year, only this time, it felt as though he were flying forward. A blur of colors and shapes rushed past him.

Then, everything stopped. It was a sudden change that made him fall forward. He heard a gasp, then someone's footsteps approaching him, very quickly. He sat up and rubbed his head. He didn't remember it feeling like that back in third year.

The person knelt down beside him. "Are you hurt?" she asked.

Harry looked at the person that was kneeling beside him. His mouth opened wide. Red hair, maybe not so many freckles, but he knew who this was. "Ginny?"

She looked at him weird like. "Ginny? Who's Ginny?" She looked around her, then back at him. "Are you okay sir?"

"I'm fine Gin." Harry stood up, but regretted it. His head felt a thousand times heavier. He placed his hand to his head, and stumbled a bit.

The woman stood up and placed her hands on his shoulders. "You don't look so good." She looked around her once more. "Maybe you should come inside. I'll heal you, then you can tell me who you are."

"I'm Harry! Don't you recognize me, Gin? Harry? Harry Potter?"

The girl gasped, holding her hands to her mouth, which caused him to fall backwards. She quickly was at his side once more, thanking Merlin that no one was around.

"Don't you say that name," she whispered fiercely. "That person has been dead for more than a thousand years, and the high family still punish all who mention him."

She looked across the street, and it wasn't until then that Harry took in his surroundings.

Every house stood side by side, and looked exactly the same. The yards were filled with perfect green grass. Only this house that he was at had bushes and a flowerbed.

She grabbed his arm and helped him up, then helped him inside her house. She set him on her couch, then looked out the window. She turned back to him after a few minutes staring at someone.

He was laying on the couch, hand still at his forehead. He felt like crap at that moment.

She walked to the kitchen, and started making him some tea. "You're lucky that my friend Anna is practically deaf to something that she doesn't give a hoot about. If she did pay any attention, you'd probably be dead already." She carried the teapot to a small coffee table that lay in front of the couch that he laid on, and poured two cups of tea. She handed one cup to him. "Drink. It will help with your headache. I put some herbs in, so your head won't feel so heavy."

Harry took the cup of tea, thanked her, and drank. She was right, the tea did make his head feel smaller and lighter. And the taste, it didn't taste like any tea he had ever drank.

"What's your name?" she asked.

Harry took one more sip of tea, then set it down on the table. He noticed that she had set her self next to him.

"I told you. I'm Harry Potter."

She shook her head. "I don't know how you could be. Harry Potter disappeared, more than a thousand years ago. If you claim to be who you are, then, I wouldn't go walking around the streets saying, 'I'm Harry Potter!' It's like saying, 'I'm a person against the high rulers! Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!'"

"Well, I am Harry Potter." He sat, staring at the teacup for what seemed to be the longest time, and then he got a bright idea. He looked at her, then moved his hand up to his forehead and brushed his black hair aside.

She gasped.

"Is this enough proof?"

"You are Harry Potter. Well, then, what are you doing here? I mean, even if you didn't disappear, you still wouldn't be alive."

Harry held out the time turner, which also made her gasp.

"A time turner? But, those are ancient! They stopped making those a hundred years ago."

Harry set the turner down next to his tea, then turned back to the woman. "What's your name? What year is this?"

"My name is Belle. It's the year 3000, and it's the middle of the summer."

Harry nodded, then stood up. "Great," he mumbled. "How could it have gone wrong?"

Belle set her cup down on the table, and stood up as well. He turned to face her.

She had a very light color of red, almost blonde hair, pale skin, and her eyes were a dark shade of blue. Besides the hair, she reminded him of someone.

"Where am I?" he asked her.

"This is my house, in the middle of London. Number four, Private Drive."

Harry eyes went wide. "Number four? But we weren't in the middle of London!"

"As I have said, this is the year 3000. Things have changed greatly."

Harry sat down again, followed by her. "What things?" He almost too afraid to ask.

"There are no more muggles in the world, all mudbloods are reduced to being homeless, all half bloods are basically homeless (they get more privileges), and all purebloods are looked upon as masters. I, myself, am a pureblood."

"What's your last name?"


Harry gasped. Malfoy? How could that bloodline last for this long?

Belle smiled, and answered his thoughts. "My family would have children until a boy was born. The longest line of children were, how much was it? I think it was thirty children. All girls and one boy. My father was the only boy. A blonde, no doubt. My mother was a Snape, only instead of black hair, like her family, she had maroon color."

She smiled as she watched Harry's eyes grow wider with all the information she had given him. His eye size went back to normal.

"Doesn't that bother you?" he asked.

She looked at him like he had just spoken a different language. "What?"

"Doesn't it bother you that you might have to keep giving birth until you get a boy, just so you're family name could live on and on?"

She smiled, then that smile turned into a laugh. "Well, first of all, I don't plan on getting married any time soon. Second, that only works with the boy. Since I'm not getting married, I won't have to worry about it." Harry nodded, considering all that she just said. "Plus, who would want to marry a Malfoy with red hair?"

"Dave would!" came a male voice from behind Harry. Belle quickly stood up.

"Haven't you heard of knocking?" Belle said rather rudely.

Harry turned around to see a man. He had black hair, not messy like Harry's is, but rather neatly combed. He reminded him of Tom Riddle. Voldomort...

The man walked to her, placed his arms around her, and kissed her. She didn't look too happy about his presence. The man turned to Harry, then smiled.

"Well dearest, aren't you going to introduce us?" he said.

Belle sighed. "Dave this is H...Tristan. His name is Tristan. Tristan, this is Dave."

Harry stood up and shook Dave's hand.

"I've never seen you before," Dave said. "Are you from a different country?"

Harry thought for a moment, then looked at Belle, who was nodding slowly. "Well, yes, actually."

"Where from?"

"He's from Romania!" Belle said. "He's one of my long lost friends, and he just popped in for a visit."

"Really? Dragon work then?"

Harry nodded slowly. He didn't want to talk to this man.

"How's everything going? I heard the Norwegian Ridgebacks aren't doing too well."

"He's been telling me that there aren't that many left to take care of," Belle said for Harry. In truth, Harry didn't know snot about dragons.

Dave turned from Harry to Belle. "Our date is still on tonight isn't it?"

Belle shook her head. "Thankfully no. I don't want to be rude to Tristan by leaving him here all alone, while I try to get it through your head that I don't love you."

Dave smiled at her. "Of course, of course. Don't want Tristan to be left out. But tomarrow, I want to see you in that black dress, ready for dinner, understand?"


He kissed her once more. "Don't you forget that I love you."

"No matter how much I want to, you keep reminding me, so it's kind of impossible to forget."

Dave turned back to Harry. "Nice to meet you Tristan." He turned back to Belle again, kissed her once more, than left.

Harry looked at her, eyebrows raised. He watched as she grabbed her teacup, walked back into the kitchen, fill her cup with more tea, and drink it all in one gulp. She looked back at Harry.

"I hate him so much."

"Why do you put up with him then?" He walked over to her.

"Because I can't get away from him." She closed her eyes, looked down at the ground, and sighed. "Every time. I tell him that I don't love him, that he should Avada himself, he keeps telling himself that I love him. Which I don't!" She opened her eyes and flinched slightly when she saw how close Harry was to her. She slowly moved her eyes up to his face, stop for a millisecond at his lips, then continue to his eyes.

She just then noticed how beautiful his eyes were. Green, understanding.

They stood there, looking at each other for what seemed to be the longest time, her looking up into his beautiful green eyes, and him looking in her non-Malfoy dark blue eyes.

He was glad that she didn't act like Draco Malfoy. She would've killed him on the spot, or told Dave who he really was. He could tell that she didn't deserve to be a Malfoy. She was too kind, and understanding, and...and...and beautiful. Harry swallowed when he thought this.

Belle smiled slightly. She was thinking the exact same thing. He didn't look or act like the same Harry Potter that was in her bedtime stories as a child that her father would tell her.

"Harry Potter was oblivious to all Malfoys and other purebloods. But Draco Malfoy put him in his place, planned on turning him over to the Dark Lord. But when he disappeared, Draco didn't have a chance."

"What happened to Draco daddy?"

"He decided that he would tell the Dark Lord the truth. You see, sweet heart, the Dark Lord would tell if you were lying to him. Draco captured Albus Dumbledore, and brought him to the Dark Lord, and told him all he knew of Potter's disappearance. The Dark Lord was pleased, and somewhat disappointed. He wanted Potter dead more than anything. He let Draco torture and kill Albus Dumbledore. Well, that's all I'm going to tell you for tonight. Good night sweet heart."



"What happened to Potter? Why did he disappear?"

"He was a coward. He didn't save anyone; he let the Dark Lord take over. *sigh* Dearest, something you must know. Every night, we, your mother and I, we thank Potter."

"Why would you want to thank Potter?"

"Because, if he didn't disappear, then you wouldn't be here."

Before she knew it, Belle and Harry were distracted by all thoughts. They were linked together in a very passionate kiss.

Belle wrapped her arms around his neck, entangling her fingers in his hair. Harry had his arms wrapped around her waist, stroking her back.

They parted, in what seemed to be the most painful thing for them to do. They opened their eyes, only to be met with the other's, them still in each other's arms, smiles slowly forming.

"I never would've thought I would be in this position with a Malfoy," Harry said. Belle's smile widened.

"I never would've thought I would be in this position with anyone," she answered back. Harry's smile widened. "Actually, I never would've thought I'd feel this way about anyone."

Harry leaned in close again, and their lips met once more.