Astronomy Tower
Original Female Witch/Sirius Black
Sirius Black
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 05/17/2006
Updated: 05/17/2006
Words: 1,076
Chapters: 1
Hits: 614

What a Beautiful Smile


Story Summary:
Isabelle Andrews and Sirius Black dated all throughout their sixth year at Hogwarts, but rumors that stemmed from jealousy tore them apart until one day during October of their seventh year when everyone else was at Hogsmeade. Coincidently, this encounter left Isabelle and Sirius with a "very little" problem on their hands. Can these two seventeen year olds handle their mistake or will it ultimately tear them apart?

Chapter 01


Her name was Isabelle and she had almost finished her seventh year at one of the most prestigious wizarding schools; Hogwarts. On this particularly April night the windows in her Hogwarts dormitory were slightly opened despite the cold breeze that peered through. Isabelle was deep in thought, lying on her back and biting her fingernails out of frustration. She hadn't reacted to any stimuli around her until she tasted blood in her mouth.


Isabelle had bitten her fingernails so much that her cuticles had started to bleed. She quickly reached for a tissue and attempted to apply pressure to her index finger to stop it from bleeding. As if nothing had happened she fell back into what seemed as a trance. Thoughts and descriptive memories were all that filled her mind. While still tightly holding her finger her mind began to drift to one specific night six months prior.

Isabelle walked down the hall which would then lead up towards her dormitory on a relaxing October afternoon. Most of the students were at Hogsmeade, but she had decided to stay in that particular day for reasons that she honestly couldn't remember. She entered the Gryffindor common room and brushed her blonde hair out of her face. Everything was so calm, so soothing when no one was around. She almost wished that Hogwarts wasn't nearly as crowded as it inevitably was.

She went to begin to walk up the stairs when she heard footsteps behind her. Quickly, she turned around but no one was there. Isabelle laughed at herself for a moment for being paranoid as she continued to walk up the stairs. Once she came to her room she put her hand on the knob just as someone put one hand on each of her hips.

Isabelle couldn't help but flinch because she thought so no one had remained in Hogwarts on this day. Suddenly, the breath on the back of her neck intensified until a gentle kiss was felt. By this time Isabelle turned around to face her "intruder."

"Sirius," she gasped, half confused, half relieved. The tall, black haired, masculine seventeen year old in front of her was none other than the infamous Sirius Black. He slid his arms fully around her waist and pressed her into the dormitory door as he leaned in to kiss her.

"I've missed you," Sirius whispered as he pulled away. Isabelle and Sirius had dated during their sixth year at Hogwarts but sadly rumors spread by jealousy tore them apart. The year prior rumors drifted through the halls around Hogwarts saying that Sirius wanted to split from Isabelle because she wasn't willing to give him the one 'thing' he wanted. No matter how much Sirius voiced to Isabelle that he truly cared for her and the rumors were false she couldn't seem to find it in herself to believe him.

"You're supposed to be at Hogsmeade," Isabelle finally said, for a moment she felt it hard to catch her breath.

"Are you checking up on me now, Izzy?" Sirius joked as a playful grin appeared on his face. He laughed softly and continued, "I was there, enjoying a rather good butterbeer when your name came up in conversation. Lily said you decided to stay at school today, so I found it necessary for me to come back and check on you."

Isabelle loved when he called her Izzy, he was the only one that did that. "So, I'm not allowed to check up on you, but you're allowed to check up on me, Black?"

"Don't play semantics with me, Izzy," he retorted as if almost on cue. He leaned back down and began to kiss her neck. Isabelle fidgeted a moment later as to release herself from Sirius' grasp. "I'm sorry," he apologized as he let go of Isabelle.

"No, Sirius!" Isabelle grabbed his hand; she couldn't let him go, not again. She pulled him closer to her and reached for the knob on her dormitory door, she slowly turned it, led Sirius into the room and closed the door behind them.

When inside the dark room Isabelle let go of Sirius hand and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him in closer to her. "Don't apologize," she told him as she kissed him gently before sliding her tongue into his mouth. The kiss quickly deepened and Isabelle unbuttoned his shirt as they stumbled towards the bed.

Isabelle, usually a rational thinker, didn't think for once. In what seemed as though it was a split second Isabelle was now on her bed with her shirt off, kissing Sirius while he reached around her back for the hook on her bra. Isabelle took a deep breath and went with it.

The rest of that hour was a bit of a haze for Isabelle or maybe she attempted to block it out so much that it now seemed unreal to her. She will admit that it was amazing and one of the best experiences in her life because at that time she really did care for Sirius. The keywords are, though, 'at that time.' Even though those moments were repressed the ones that followed weren't:

Isabelle slowly opened her eyes and shifted underneath her sheets. She turned her head slightly to see that Sirius was next to her breathing very deeply. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek before grabbing on of the blankets and wrapping them around herself.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sirius questioned as he pulled Isabelle back down towards the bed.

"It's late," Isabelle persisted. "Everyone will be back soon. Get up."

Sirius raised his eyebrows. "So what if someone sees, they can't do anything. I fucked you, big deal."

Sirius' words seemed to burn Isabelle's skin. "Big deal? Yes, Sirius, it's quite a big deal thank-you-very-much."

"Trust me, I have experience with these things, it's no big deal."

Isabelle turned towards Sirius; she didn't believe what he was saying. No, he was joking, he would never say that to her. Sadly, Sirius was saying those exact words without remorse. "Get out," Isabelle yelled. She wrapped the blanket tighter around her and began picking up Sirius' clothes from all over the room. "Get out," she screamed again as the tears started streaming down her face.

It was at that moment that Isabelle swore she would never tell a soul about what happened that October afternoon, a promise that eventually she couldn't keep.