Will Power.

Flamma Black

Story Summary:
Ron recieves a prototype for a new Patented Daydream Charm from Fred and George for Christmas. Ron is suddenly trapped alone with a certain someone, unsure of why she's there and to his horror the Charm doesn't seem to be wearing off. Christmas time HBP, written for the 48 Hour Challenge.

Chapter 01


Chapter One

Of Libraries and Daydream Charms

Ron sat in his bedroom, carefully looking at the Christmas Present he had received from Fred and George. The Patented Daydream Charm's box stared back up at him. It was a different package to the one he'd seen at the end of August and the words 'Extra Length' we're embossed in gold letters across the bottom left corner. He turned it over and read the details on the back, realising a scrawled note from both his brother's attached to the back, he could see the difference in handwriting.

Dear Ron,

Let us know how well this goes, all being well this will be our next big venture: One hour long Daydream Charms.

Now Ron, look here, it's 'Locked in the Library' - we all know how fond you are of that place - but don't worry, your subconscious brings someone along with you see, the one person you want to be there most, so make sure when you use this, your bedroom door is locked seeing as I doubt you'll want mum knowing what you get up to. She's got this nice little delusion that her Ickle Ronniekins is perfect, we don't know why seeing as we've heard the language that comes out of your mouth, but still we don't want her having a heart attack walking in on you and, it's Lavender right? doing some rather naughty things (because of us)...well in your head that is, but we know mum won't want to hear it all the same.

With Love

As Always

Fred and George

Ron sighed heavily, considering that he might as well test the thing out. It did seem like a cool idea. He opened the box and pulled out its contents: a sheaf of parchment with instructions upon it, a charm ring to harness the Daydreams power and the piece of parchment with the Incantation written upon it.

He wasted no time skimming through the instructions, he'd read them before having used one in the last Transfiguration Lesson of term in which he'd enjoyed half an hour as a Pirate with Harry and they'd sailed around the World on their giant boat. He'd found the whole thing terribly amusing until McGonagall had started asking him questions, well she had in real life, in the day dream she turned up trying to sink his and Harry's boat. He chuckled silently to himself as he thought about the experience for which he'd earned detention and absentmindedly picked up his wand.

He pointed it towards the door and muttered every locking spell he knew, realising that the advice Fred and George had given him was, for once, helpful. He carefully slid the ring onto his left hand and pointed his wand at it. He began to mutter the words of the incantation and, as he finished a faint white glow emitted from the ring. A smoky whiteness began to blur his vision of his bedroom and, quite suddenly he was standing in a classroom.

Odd, he thought. Isn't it supposed to be the Library?