Action General
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/13/2003
Updated: 10/17/2003
Words: 271,259
Chapters: 55
Hits: 23,387



Story Summary:
Sirius Black is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a peculiar 'Muggle' woman with even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth-year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord begins, he finds himself entangled in the woman's crazy idea of a family. It was made up by a whole clan of Weasleys, an orphan, his rival, a Mudblood, an Elemental Master and three very handsome bachelors...``To Harry's profound horror, he actually began to love and care for the weird family...

Chapter 22

Chapter Summary:
It's the weekend before school starts, and a very good time for all of them (Harry & co.) to deal with their tension...

~ Chapter 22: De-Stressing~

Supper time...

Most of the teachers were absent from the Hall excluding the Headmaster who could not resist such splendid deserts that had been laid out for the students. The Hall was livened up by constant chatter and murmurs and now and then, raucous laughter emerged from all around the Hall. Students freely mingled among the houses except for the most senior of students from the Slytherin table who stayed within their circle of friends.

A couple of Hufflepuffs had been secretly making a present for the Slytherin senior, Dina Free, and was looking out for Alamanda Durz who was chatting easily with her fellow first years on a Gryffindor table. Malfoy was looking at the Slytherin juniors with hatred and Parkinson was constantly murmuring her discontentment about the new teachers when Malfoy suddenly burst out, telling his partner to shut up. Silence quickly descended down in the Hall and the Headmaster peered curiously at the Slytherin table. Everyone was looking at a glowering Malfoy and a pale Parkinson. Dina Free broke the silence by laughing at the two Prefects and choked on her pumpkin juice and her suitor, Justin Linklater frantically pounded on her back. The Hall erupted with conversations again, most of them ignoring Malfoy and his gang.

"Yo, Mike!" a fourth year Hufflepuff, Irvette MacRae, waved her hand to catch Michael Gregory's attention. Michael gracefully left the Gryffindor table and trotted up to his seniors, his angelic face etched in curiosity.


"Would you mind asking Alamanda to give this to Dina Free?" she handed a parcel to the nonplussed boy. "Tell her it's from the Hufflepuffs."

"Oh, all right," Michael shrugged then went back to his friends and gave a quick whisper to Alamanda. She turned to look at the anxious, waiting Hufflepuffs and gave them a thumbs-up and dashed off towards the recipient.

Dina cocked her head towards Alamanda and jerked in surprise when Alamanda grabbed her down and gave a whisper as she thrust the gift to her senior. Dina nodded her head and looked quizzically at the parcel as Alamanda resumed her seat and smiled widely at the Hufflepuffs who grinned back.

Justin placed his arm lazily and stared curiously as Dina opened the parcel. There was a note inside the parcel and she picked it up. It read:

Especially to Dina Free,
Just a thank-you gift from us Hufflepuffs.
Hope you like our gift!

From the Hufflepuffs...

Dina handed the note to her boyfriend and opened the wrappings. It was a scarf of a brilliant emerald, well knitted and to her pleasure, a silver horned bull was sewn onto the scarf in perfect detail.

"Wow!" Evina Grierson stared at the scarf.

Dina searched the Hufflepuff table and finally caught the eyes of the maker. She held out the scarf in a salute and fingered it dreamily. The Hufflepuffs broke into a cheer.

"Traitor!" Malfoy hissed and Dina's group of friends stared defiantly at him. Dina herself looked archly at him.

They turned towards the entrance of the Hall when laughter echoed loudly from the corridor. Four Gryffindor students stumbled in, laughing uncontrollably and Malfoy glared at the cheerfully laughing Harry.

"Oh gods!" Hermione gasped, collapsing onto Ron who was struggling not to double up with laughter. He balanced his girlfriend, face reddened he began to laugh hoarsely. The Headmaster was filled with amusement as he watched the students, and wondered what had happened to them that they had been incapacitated with laughter. Snape and Sirius went in next, with the latter struggling to contain his mirth while the Potions Master walked about with a peculiar expression on his face. Harry walked towards an unoccupied Gryffindor table and sat so that he was facing Malfoy, his usually pale face was red with the exertion of laughter.

"Oh Merlin! Dear Merlin!" Ginny choked. "Somebody make us stop laughing!" she wailed helplessly.

Snape glanced down at the Weasley, his hand was already reaching out for his wand. "Why didn't you ask me sooner?"

"Not that way!" Ginny abruptly stopped laughing, looking at the Potions Master fearfully. Malfoy sneered at Ginny but gaped in shock when Snape casually sat himself beside Sirius at the Gryffindor table.

: Don't trust your students, Severus? : Sirius said mildly.

: I don't dare give my back, especially if it's Malfoy's son. : Snape stared lazily at the Slytherin Prefect who was fairly giving an imitation of a landed fish. The Potions Master tilted his head to a side and food miraculously appeared on the table. : I wonder when the both of them will get here... : Snape looked at the entrance of the Hall.

"Why didn't you knock on the door?" Sirius muttered under his breath as he helped himself to a piece of chocolate cake.

"And what made you think that I hadn't?" Snape argued softly. The peculiar expression on his face was still there and Sirius and the four Gryffindors collapsed into another bout of laughter. "They're lucky it wasn't Dumbledore or any other professors..." Snape's mouth quirked into a faint smile and busied himself with supper. Fenix came in with Remus; both looking flushed and the werewolf shot a disgruntled look at Sirius, who was still laughing. The couple parted and seated themselves on the opposite ends; Remus sat next to Snape as Fenix sat next to a red-faced Harry. She had changed from her splendid sorceress gown in favor for her plain Hunter gear. A glass of pumpkin juice appeared and she gulped it down thankfully. She accidentally looked at Hermione, and flushed even harder when the table erupted with giggles.

I wish I could sink down to the floor right now! Fenix thought to herself, covering her blushing face with her hands. : Guys, don't be cruel! : She moaned.

: You said that you knocked on the door, : Sirius looked slyly at Snape and the Potions Master nodded gravely. : Moony! : Sirius exclaimed and Remus gave him a hard stare.

"I wondered how long they had been at it..." Snape mumbled almost to himself.

"Sev!" Fenix yelped out, looking at the Potions Master with a horrific expression.

"Just thinking out loud, Fenix," Snape answered mildly and took a sudden interest in his food.


Due to the implementation of the school rules, no students were allowed to be wandering about the school after nine and Fenix escorted Harry and his group back to the Gryffindor Tower. The hallways were punctuated by eerie laughter as it echoed up and down the corridors. The Fire Master was no longer feeling flustered thanks to the students who promised to stop laughing for the time being.

"Fenix, do you think it will rain tomorrow?" Ron asked wistfully as they came to the Fat Lady's portrait.

Fenix took a moment to commune with her Sylphs and she answered back. "Wouldn't rain in the morning but light showers in the late afternoon; if there's no sudden change in the air currents."

"Fabulous! Can we go flying tomorrow?" Ginny questioned.

"I don't see why not," Fenix said and wished them all goodnight before they gave the password to the Fat Lady and disappeared into their common room. She then walked slowly back to her own room and ignored the ghosts drifting in and out of the walls, serving as a patrol squad. Fenix squeezed her eyes shut when Peeves startled her, trying to her racing heart.

"Someone fetch the Bloody Baron," one ghost in a very medieval gown murmured to her partner. Fenix continued on her walk and her silent thoughts were broken when her oathbrother spoke up softly in her mind.

: Severus wants to see you in his office, : he reminded her and she smiled gently.

: All right. What about you and Remus? Going to bed now? : Fenix asked as she came into a familiar corridor and went up the stairs.

: Yeah, we are. So come on up and wish us a goodnight first before you head down over to Severus. : Sirius released his link and she smiled at her oathbrother's tact. She walked down the hallway silently, nearly surprising Professor Flitwick. Fenix apologized to him and smiled, passing Snape's office without a glance. She headed straight for Sirius's office.

"Where's Remus?" Fenix asked as she gave her oathbrother a hug.

"In his quarters," Sirius hugged her tightly and held her back, his eyes twinkling deviously at her.

"Sirius..." Fenix smiled at him helplessly and stood on tiptoes to give him a kiss. "It would be strange for me not to have you sleeping beside me."

"There's always a first for everything. Now go and give my friend his goodnight kiss and I'll see you in the morn." Sirius pushed her out of the office and positioned her towards Remus's door.

: Night, bro. : Fenix smiled fondly at him and Sirius winked at her.

: Night and sweet dreams. Don't take too long though, or you'll make Severus fume and he might decide to give a knock on the door again. : Sirius said slyly and chuckled at her embarrassment.

: All right, all right. Go to sleep. : Fenix then moved towards Remus's door. It opened suddenly and an arm pulled a very surprised Fenix into the room. The office was dark, dimly lighted by a candle at the far end of the room. Remus was looking at her in a peculiar manner and she looked back at him uncertainly. Then she closed her eyes as his lips found hers.


Fenix walked out of Remus's office soon after, and she was shaking very badly. Okay... it's a good thing I'll be doing my patrols with Severus. If I'm alone with him, chances are that we won't get any patrolling done at all. Dear Phoebus! I haven't been left swooning after a kiss for years! She bit her lip and tried to stop her body from shaking with exhilaration. She went in to her office first; ignoring her bondmates' mischievous stares and looked into the mirror. Good, he didn't mess me up too much. Maybe I should wash up a bit.

She looked critically in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction before she stepped out of the corridor again and moved swiftly to Snape's office. She knocked on the door before entering. Snape was reading several manuscripts, and since she had arrived, he invited her to sit on a chair. Fenix lifted the chair and placed it so that she was facing the Potions Master.

"I thought I saw a second office down below in the dungeons," Fenix began, crossing her arms on her chest and leaned comfortably against the chair.

"That was generally for use when term starts," Snape answered, giving a thin smile at her.

"Logical I suppose," Fenix shrugged and gave him a curious look. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"A request," Snape said quietly and Fenix tilted her head in inquiry. "I wonder..." he faltered and Fenix gave an exasperated sigh.

"What is it?" Fenix asked impatiently.

Snape cleared his throat before answering her. "I wonder if you would work with me in a current project of mine."

Fenix calmly looked at the Potions Master and played with her dagger that she had concealed under her sleeve. "What project?"

"I'm in the process of making a batch of Veritaserum and an antiseptic potion for Madam Pomfrey. I don't trust the students to take care of making the antiseptic potion. God knows what fumbling pairs of hands they have," Snape explained, looking hopefully at her.

"And what makes you think I won't be clumsy myself?" Fenix asked archly.

"I have seen you work, Fenix," Snape leaned forward, gazing intensely at her face, while she looked back in amusement.

"What kind of work?"

"Baking. Methodical. And Dumbledore mentioned that you work as an environmentalist so there was one point of time you might have learned something about chemicals and drugs," Snape answered easily. Fenix nodded at him in approval and her face glowed with happiness.

"Yes, I do have some experience in being a chemist and a herbologist," Fenix admitted and rubbed her hands gleefully. "It's been quite a while since I've done lab work, but you do know Hermione would be able to do the job as well as I could."

Snape gave a small laugh and suddenly stopped as if he was reexamining himself. "Let's just say it's an instinct of a researcher."

Fenix sat and contemplated the Potions Master's request. Actually, I don't mind at all... "Okay, it's a deal. But when do I work with you?"

"The weekends... those are the only days the teachers get a break," Snape answered conjuring two cups of coffee for them. Fenix smiled sweetly to the Potions Master and cooled the hot mug of coffee just a wee bit, so that she could sip at the drink without burning herself. The peaceful silence was broken by a diffident knock on the door and Justin Linklater of Slytherin came in and looked at both staff members uneasily.

: Maybe, I should go Severus-- : Fenix looked at the Potions Master carefully and she knew by the slightest narrowing of his eyes, he was angry.

: Stay. : Snape glanced briefly at her before beckoning the student forward. "What is it that is so important that you have decided to break the rules by coming in after nine?" the Potions Master questioned him silkily.

"I've escorted him here, Severus," the Bloody Baron appeared.

Justin cleared his throat uneasily. "Professor Snape, I've decided to withdraw from the Quidditch team. You have to find another Chaser to replace me." Snape studied his student carefully and nodded much to his student's relief. Justin withdrew from the room, with the Slytherin ghost following. The student closed the door silently.

"You do know that you'll be overseeing Gryffindor's team?" the Potions Master asked as he drank his coffee.

"Yes, and I do know we have to divide the Quidditch Pitch," Fenix answered, looking out the window for a moment and sighed as the dances of lightning resumed its work in the sky. "I do hope it'll be dry tomorrow. I'm looking forward to see the Pitch and fly that broom I bought. He's feeling rather sulky ever since the wet weather and since the day we left The Burrow," she sighed gloomily, trailing her index finger on the rim of the cup.

"Well, I wouldn't keep you here much longer. Why don't you go to bed?" Snape suggested, as he gave a wave of his wand and her cup vanished from her hand. She smiled fondly at the Potions Master and got up from her chair to give him a tender kiss on his hair and headed out of the room in silence.

Snape stared stupidly at the closed door and took a deep breath. I wonder if she's gone mad after the train journey... The Potions Master refocused his attention on his formulas and to his horror, he felt himself blushing.


Fenix was staring at the ceiling, feeling a little strange without the presence of her oathbrother beside her on the bed. How in hell did he manage to grow on me so fast? She turned to her left and stared at the window.

: Couldn't sleep sister? : Sirius asked tenderly and smiled at her uneasiness that resonated through their bond. : I know, I'm having trouble sleeping too. :

: Would you stay linked with me, brother-mine? : She asked softly.

: I don't know if it's a good idea that we're dependent on each other this way, : Sirius replied in concern.

: You couldn't sleep too? : Remus's mindvoice asked, his mindvoice sounding a little distressed.

: We're just like babies, aren't we? Couldn't go to sleep with our dear little mama, : Sirius joked in a half-hearted manner. Fenix shook her head, filled with amusement. The three of them linked solidly in each other's minds and sleep took them into a gentle slumber.


Hedwig hooted softly outside Harry's window and the boy quickly got out from his bed to rescue her from the strong wind. The owl launched itself into the room and Harry shut the window quickly.

"Crazy owl," Harry gasped and Hedwig blinked curiously at her owner. He continued mumbling and lifted her up from her perch. "Why didn't you go up to the Owlery?" he whispered softly to his owl, scratching her neck and ears lightly. She pecked at Harry's sleeping clothes and Harry did not think it was coincidence that she had pecked on a green spot. "Malfoy's owl?" Hedwig hooted in answer and craned her neck at her perch. The young man obliged his pet and she soon settled down to doze. Harry gave a sigh and flopped on his bed. I wondered how Ron could easily fall asleep... I am as tired as he is... Phoebus... he's a god of the sun... I wonder why Fenix worshipped him. Not a lot of people pay attention to gods and deities anymore... Harry was contemplating on the subject of religion when Sleep finally took pity on him, and Harry slept peacefully, only dreaming about flying on his Firebolt and chasing a merry Snitch.


Sunday, 3rd September. Hogwarts...

Fenix woke up slowly and stared up at the ceiling. The first thought that crossed her mind was to ask for a wall clock. She sat up slowly and Wind stirred the moment she felt movement on the bed.

: Are you getting up already? : Wind blinked drowsily and gave a quick yawn.

: Yeah, I am. Why don't you stay with your mate as long as he's still sleeping? : she answered as she got out of the bed and headed straight to the bathroom to wash up. She had donned on her Hunter gear and was toweling her wet hair when she stepped back into the bedroom. The two wolves were curled up together in bed and she gave a fond smile at her bondmates. She went into her office to brush her hair as she needed some light and she did not want to disturb her sleeping wolves. Winky suddenly appeared carrying a pot of hot chocolate and some sandwiches for breakfast. Another house-elf appeared and snapped his fingers and a wall clock appeared out of nowhere and attached itself next to the talking mirror. Fenix thanked the house-elves softly and sat down on her desk, drinking her chocolate softly. She sighed when she looked at the sandwiches and ate one sluggishly. I could never eat so early in the morning. She sighed and determinedly finished that particular sandwich and placed the dish cover back on. Maybe I'll work up an appetite after my workout. She glanced at the wall clock and it showed it was seventeen minutes to five. It should be early enough that no one would try to disturb me.

The corridor was dark when she opened her office door and she looked about with a sense of trepidation. I hope that Peeves wouldn't come out so suddenly, she thought nervously and slowly walked to the staircase and went down to the Entrance Hall. She met the Gryffindor ghost gliding about as he patrolled with two other ghosts.

"Good morning, Miss Maxwell," Sir Nicholas whispered as the three ghosts gathered around her.

"Morning, guys," she replied just as softly.

"Where are you going?"

"Outside, near the lake. I wish to do some exercise," Fenix informed the ghosts and Nick cautioned her to be for as long as she was out of the castle. The Fire Master went down the steps only to come across the caretaker and his cat. He was looking rather suspiciously at her and she gave a careful nod before she laid her palm against the great door of the castle. It swung silently and as soon it was wide enough, she crept out and the door swung close quietly. She probed the ground carefully and to her relief, it was not wet and muddy. At least I know I could move about without having to worry that I might loose my footing in slippery ground. She looked at the deep midnight blue sky, dotted with gentle twinkling stars and found herself smiling at the peacefulness that filled her soul. The Forbidden Forest loomed darkly in the distance and she heard some guttural growls coming from it. I had better keep an eye on that side.

She did a couple of warm-ups before her sword emerged from her left hand and she began to move instinctively. She did a couple of the dances that she had been thought and found herself wishing for a sparring partner. She began to flow with the sword and was not even aware that someone else was present in the grounds until she met resistance against her blade. I hope this visit doesn't get me into trouble, she groaned inwardly as she felt the Headmaster moving about in the castle. She was not given opportunity to contemplate as He quickly went into an attacking mode. One thought did cross her mind as she picked up the pace; be careful what you wish for you might get it.

Professor Dumbledore stared in mute shock as he watched the knight dueling with Fenix. A distant part of him admired the woman's agility and superb reflexes while another detached part of him worried on the issue of trespassing.

: Don't worry, Albus, : the Headmaster felt something brush against his robe and looking down, it was one of Fenix's wolves, the one who was named Wind. : He is one of Fenix's instructors. : The wolf calmly sat on her haunches and watched the fluid movements of the two fighters. Fenix's sword was making the strange music again and it continued for about half an hour when the duel gradually came into a stop. The knight saluted without raising his visor and vanished.

Her sword slid back into his hiding place and she slowly began to walk around circles to cool down. She was aware of the Headmaster's presence and Wind although they were perfectly camouflaged by the darkness of the morning and the castle. Then she stepped forward nearer to the bank of the lake and stood motionlessly as she watched the landscape. Soft footfalls emerged from behind her and she raised her face to the sky as the first ray of sunlight lit the sky, giving subtle vermilion shade to the sky. She looked down on the lake, watching the water rippling gently and further out, giant tentacles whipped out from the water and pulled down again into the lake. The Headmaster knew that she knew that he was there and stood beside her as they watched sun ascending slowly up into the sky.

Back in the castle, students and teachers alike were rousing up, and soon enough murmurs of soft conversations could be heard, and windows lighted up. Fenix turned her head slightly to watch the Headmaster and he nodded. Both of them retreated back to the castle to get a bite of breakfast.


Hermione happily trooped into the common room and greeted Dean and Ginny who were hanging out in the common room with Neville. She looked at her pocket watch and pursed her lips thoughtfully.

"Are Harry and Ron still sleeping?" Hermione asked the company in the room as she peeked out the window. Several chorus of 'yes' emerged and she turned back to look pleadingly at Neville and begged him to wake the boys up. Neville did as she asked and went back to the boys' dormitory and went in to the bedroom. He tiptoed quietly to Harry's bed first and shook him slightly.

Harry was still dreaming about flying on his Firebolt when it started to go up and down and he felt that he was losing his grip on the Firebolt. Then he felt himself falling and suddenly snapped his eyes opened to meet Neville's timid pair of eyes.

"What's up?" Harry croaked as he fumbled for his glasses.

"Hermione wanted me to wake you and Ron up," Neville said, he was shaking Ron up and the Weasley sat up and blinked in confusion. Harry got out of bed, looked out the window, and grinned widely. He glanced down at his watch; it showed nine-thirty in the morning.

"We don't have time to waste, Ron," Harry spoke up cheerfully. "Sun's out and it's dry. Why don't we go and take Fenix up to the Pitch?" Ron stared at his friend and a bright smile stretched his face.


Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and a couple of other Gryffindors were waiting patiently outside Professor McGonagall's office. She came out; looking a little bit disgruntled at the early intrusion and asked Hermione curtly as she eyed the company with broomsticks on hand.

"We wonder if we could take Fenix to the Quidditch Pitch. She wants to do a little bit of flying on her broom," Hermione said breathlessly and the rest wore pleading expressions on their faces. It might have worked a lot better if the boys were still under her chin, but not so as most of them topped the Transfiguration teacher by several inches.

"Well, say if I give you the keys to the pitch. How will you keep the troublemakers away?" Professor McGonagall spoke in an unfriendly voice.

"We will take care of it, Professor," Dina Free and her gang and all of the first years turned up suddenly. "And maybe you should recruit the DA, that might help us. Last year's train ride home was an amusing experience," she gave Harry a wink when she said it.

"I don't think the troublemakers would dare to do anything right where Professor Lupin is," Ron said confidently.

"Very well," McGonagall gave them each a calculating look and turned back to her office to get the keys. She handed these to Hermione who gave her a wide smile then fled towards Fenix's office.

Fenix opened the door and Hermione found Remus and Sirius having their breakfast in her office. Fenix made way so the two men could see Hermione and the bunch of students crowding in the corridor with expectant faces.

"What's up?" Fenix asked cheerfully, and some of the students stared at her in disbelief. They were not expecting her to treat their fellow students casually.

"Don't you want to go and fly?" Ginny asked.

"Ginny, be a little more specific could you?" Sirius said humorously. "She might decide to take your words literally." Fenix laughed at her oathbrother fondly.

"Intending to play the Weasleys' version of a Quidditch game?" Fenix asked Ron archly when she saw the keys in Hermione's hand and their brooms.

"Come on, Fenix!" Ron said desperately. "You don't really want to wait until it starts to rain now, don't you?"

"Okay, okay..." Fenix looked back at her lover and oathbrother. "You guys free?" Sirius wiped his mouth with a napkin and gave her a devilish smile. Remus was looking a bit worried and that made Fenix feel a little disappointed.

: Why are you looking so crestfallen, lover? : Remus's mindvoice danced in her mind gently.

: Aren't you coming? : Fenix gave a sad smile at him and looked directly into his soft hazel eyes.

: What makes you think I am not? : Remus gave a sidelong glance at her, smiling roguishly at his lover. : Come on, you heard what Ron said. No time to waste now. : He got up and the house-elves automatically cleaned up the remains of their breakfast. The two went out to change and get their own brooms as Hermione and Dina discussed something in undertones. The company parted as Dina and her gang, and some of the others went to the Pitch first, while Hermione and Ron went off to find some of the DA members.

"Harry... do you mind if... we ask Cho... to come along?" Hermione asked him uneasily and flushed when he gave her a hard stare.

"Up to you, but I don't see why you should bother," Harry said flatly and Hermione went off to find some of the members and that left him in Fenix's office.

: So, why are you being snappish? Never mind... a case of puppy love? : Fenix asked the young man mildly.

: Yeah, : Harry answered brusquely and gave a long sigh. : You ought to get change before they have the chance to get impatient, : he suggested as he sat himself on a stool, fingering his Firebolt absently. Fenix gave him an oblique look before going to her bedroom to change into nondescript attire and her blue Nike shoes. The wolves trooped out from the bedroom as she reentered the office and her Ice Dagger flew off from its stand, poking her gently in her stomach. Harry looked at the excited broom in amusement and remarked that it was behaving quite like a dog.

: I agree, : Fenix replied, her voice sounding very amused as she laid a hand on the handle and calmed it a little.

"Fenix!" Sirius's voice yelled out. "Are you coming?"

"Are you two coming along?" Fenix looked down at her four-footed companions. Silver gave a nod and they all proceeded out of the office. The Fire Master took a moment to lock her office magically before following Harry and the wolves. Several students and teachers were eyeing them curiously and some of them did stare at Fenix and her broom in open amazement.

"Bloody hell! That's the most unique of brooms ever to be made! I didn't kno--" a Ravenclaw whispered excitedly to his friends. Amidst all these excitement and positive exclamations, there were several jeers among Malfoy's company.

"For shame... I never knew that Dumbledore would stoop as low as to get a Muggle to teach us! Hah! What a joke! And Mr. Potty's sticking very close to the Fire Master. What happened, Potty? Feeling scared to be alone? Of course you ought to be... the Dark Lord's going to come for you anytime now!" a still-bruised Malfoy laughed uproariously, quite unaware that his company was retreating further and further back when Harry gave a callous look at them.

"Me? Afraid to be alone, Malfoy?" Harry said silkily. "I'm not even scared of Death. I remembered that a few months back I was so goddamn willing to die," the young man said in a very harsh tone. The wolves took the opportunity to creep forward and bared their fangs at the Slytherin prefect. The hostile behavior of the wolves made them realize the notoriety of man-killing wolves. Some of the students watched the pair of wolves in respect, some in mingled fear and awe.

: Go on Harry. They're waiting for us, : Fenix said quietly, and the group went down to the Entrance Hall without any further incidents. Harry wore a solemn face all the way, uninviting people who tried to engage him with small talks. Fenix knew after several discussions with Hermione and Ginny that Harry's animosity of the Slytherin prefect had increased ever since he had came across Mr. Malfoy. Harry, who did not have any family at that time, was strangely protective of the Weasley family and as both boys grew up, so did their hatred. She had asked Harry in passing once, why he had hated Malfoy. Harry had admitted that he did not actually hate the Slytherin boy. It was just a major case of dislike. He did not know when the transition took place but said fervently, "Every single time I managed to glance at him even by accident, he seemed to be constantly sneering. That made me feel violent. I wish I could have just knocked that disgusting expression from his face. Thousands of times."

I can't say that I blame him, Fenix thought to herself. Harry led her down onto the slopes and she could see the pitch clearly. Harry was sweating lightly and Fenix almost crowed in delight that she was not indoors anymore. She was also aware that some of the students were trailing behind them, but decided not to mention it to Harry as she felt Parkinson egging Malfoy to follow them. They passed through the gate and she saw Hermione waving her hands frantically from one of the stands. Most of them were already flying above the ground and she took the opportunity to count heads. Counting Harry and herself, there was a total of twelve people on the broomsticks. Harry mounted his broom and flew up to Sirius, grinning widely.

The wolves had Jumped to where Hermione was sitting and Fenix winked at them before she gracefully glided off from the ground. She took several minutes to scout about, caught sight of Dina keeping an eye on Malfoy and his bunch of goons. Fenix silently instructed her Elementals to keep an eye too and she cast both a physical and magical shield over the entire area.

: I wonder why you're being overcautious, : Sirius spoke softly in her mind. : This place is protected by the ancient spells of the Founders and those after them. :

: The extra effort is not harming me in any kind of way, : she answered indifferently. : So who are the rest? :

The players gathered as Harry started giving introductions. "This is Lee Jordan, friend of the twins, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan--" the two boys nodded their heads in acknowledgment.

Fenix smiled slyly at Seamus and just said, "The boy who had lovingly decorated the junior Malfoy's face."

"-- And this is Irvette MacRae, Zacharias Smith and..." Harry faltered as he stared at an ex-Chaser.

"I'm Justin," the dark-haired Slytherin answered, looking at Harry with a strange expression.

"So..." Remus interrupted before the others could back away from the game, "how are we to group?"

Fenix divided them in the blink of an eye: Sirius, Harry, Dean, Seamus, Irvette, and Justin made one group and the others formed the another. Justin looked thoughtfully at the rest of them and wondered just how he was supposed to know if one was his group member or not. Fenix evidently was thinking among the same lines as she studied her members and the other team carefully. She snapped her fingers and told her members to remove their cloaks.

"Are you sure about this, Fenix?" Ron asked the Fire Master dubiously.

"How else can you people differentiate the other team?" she answered impatiently. "It's hot enough that you won't catch a cold. And it's not as if you're flying through damp clouds," she pointed out. Ron gave up, proceeded to remove his cloak, and flew down where Hermione was seated with Neville and Luna. Meanwhile, Harry was explaining the others how the version was played. Since there was no Snitch and no Bludgers, except for the rattan ball that Hermione had thrown into the air to be caught expertly by Remus, the game was to have one keeper for each team and five Chasers.

"Seems interesting and we won't have to worry about rogue Bludgers," Seamus said with sly twinkle in his eyes.

"Well, enough talking people," Sirius announced, clearly impatient to play. "Let's begin!"

Irvette and Ron went to the opposite goal posts as Keepers, and Sirius tossed the ball. The game began. The stadium was gradually filling up, probably because the students were bored and had not found anything worth their attention. Malfoy and his gang were up to their mischief. They were about to cast a dancing spell on the flyers when Dina and some fellow students from all the other Houses crept up on them and bound them with a Paralyzing Spell. Malfoy sat rigidly like a stone and Dina gave a high-five to one of her friends, grinning maliciously and scrambled up to their own seats.

Hermione was torn in supporting the two teams but gave up, conjuring up a quill and a board to keep track of goals. Luna was screaming madly at the top of her lungs, cheering: Go Harry! Harry was speeding towards his friend, aiming for an unprotected space but somehow Ron's reflexes were much quicker than he had imagined and Ron managed to deflect the ball into the clutches of the Defence teacher. Luna sighed in disappointment and Hermione gave her a speculative glance, then turned back when Neville jumped up from his seat, looking at a blurred figure of the Fire Master and Sirius who was dogging her. Fenix threw the ball to Ginny who was under the Fire Master and quickly passed it to Zacharias. A whistle from Fenix alerted the Chaser to lose altitude and passed it to Lee, who was flying rapidly towards Irvette's goal post and scored for the team.

The game went on for about half an hour when a couple of Ravenclaws yelled out for Lee. The exhilarated boy went down and looked questioningly at the group. They were begging him to be the commentator.

"This is not even a real match!" Lee protested. After several minutes of begging, threatening and some screaming, Lee surrendered and went in search for someone to replace him.

"Alicia! They want me to commentate; take my place, will you?" Lee asked the Gryffindor captain. The girl took the borrowed broom and experimented flying on it for a bit before she joined the rest up in the air.

During this brief commotion, Professor McGonagall and Madam Hooch had decided to see the state of the students and both gave a sigh of relief when nothing seemed blackened. It was coincidence that they had chosen the area to take their seats where Malfoy and his gang remained frozen in their seats.

"I wonder..." McGonagall peered carefully at their frozen states and their hands that held their wands. "The rest of you," she gave a piercing look at those who were seated near the frozen students, "clear this place now."

The Transfiguration teacher unfroze the company and quickly reflected their spells using a Shield Charm. She looked at the dancing company in distaste and after ten minutes had passed and the increase of laughter had finally reached the climax, she muttered "Finite."

The group of Slytherins stared at the Head of Gryffindor House with shock and she stared back at them implacably. "If I can't trust you and your friends to stay out of mischief, Mr. Malfoy, I will ban you from attending major school functions." McGonagall then took a seat further back with Madam Hooch and listened to Lee's amplified voice.

The commentator tapped his wand playfully and muttered, "Sonorus." He experimented with the volume and after a few minutes, he began. "As you all can see," Lee's loud voice vibrated through the air, "this is not a real Quidditch game! This is what they call, the Weasleys' version and here we have two teams! The Firebolt and the Ice Dagger!!!" Several whistles emerged from the stadium. "We'll have to restart the introduction and the game! For the pure benefit of the late comers who refused to be cooped up in the castle!" Lee said loudly and the appreciative audience cheered. "How refreshing it feels to know that my skills in commentating hasn't faded!"

"Lee, if you're starting to brag, I'll make your head swell like a pumpkin!" someone from a group of Hufflepuffs threatened.

"All right! All right! Now here in the Firebolt team-- members do cooperate with me-- We have Harry Potter!" Cheers all around and they could all hear Luna's delighted squeals as Harry flied around the stadium. "Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Irvette MacRae, Justin Linklater! And not forgetting our Assistant Professor Sirius Black who is also flying a Firebolt! And now, I will present the Ice Dagger team! We have the Weasleys, Ron and Ginny! Damn, how I miss the twins! Alicia Spinnet! Zacharias Smith! And not forgetting the teachers who will be teaching Defence against the Dark Arts! Professor Lupin and his assistant, the current rider of the Ice Dagger! Miss Fenix Maxwell!" Cacophonous cheers rocked the stadium.

"All right! The game will be played for an hour! So let's see which team scores the most goals! A word to the Gryffindor Quidditch players! This is your first practice to be Chasers! Now, let's toss the ball!" Lee shouted.


Three hours later. In the Hall...

Fenix was laughing at Lee's description of them playing in the pitch. They were all seated at an empty Ravenclaw table, munching down on their lunch. Everyone seemed much relaxed after the game and Fenix found that she had picked up quite an appetite after the game.

: That was quite a good day of flying, wasn't it? : Harry asked her in mindspeech as he was greedily eating his spaghetti.

: Yeah, it sure was! : Fenix replied giddily.

: So, lover... : Remus spoke up, his face showing signs of tan and windburn. : Are you ready to settle down and do some heavy-duty revision with me? We do need to discuss for our lesson tomorrow. :

Fenix gave a tender smile at the man sitting opposite her. : I guess I'm ready to sit down and get some work done. Is there any way to increase the size of my desk? : she questioned rather petulantly at him.

: It's not big enough? : Remus asked in mild surprise but Sirius interrupted.

: The office desk was a wee smaller than the study table she had back home, : her oathbrother spoke up.

: Maybe an Enlargement Spell might work, : Remus said thoughtfully and their attention was recaptured by Lee's excited voice.