Action General
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/13/2003
Updated: 10/17/2003
Words: 271,259
Chapters: 55
Hits: 23,387



Story Summary:
Sirius Black is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a peculiar 'Muggle' woman with even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth-year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord begins, he finds himself entangled in the woman's crazy idea of a family. It was made up by a whole clan of Weasleys, an orphan, his rival, a Mudblood, an Elemental Master and three very handsome bachelors...``To Harry's profound horror, he actually began to love and care for the weird family...

Chapter 21

Chapter Summary:
Sirius is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a strange 'Muggle' woman who has even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord finally begins, Harry found himself entangled in the woman's concept of a family. The adventure begins and to Harry's profound horror, he found out that the candidates for the family are: An entire clan of redheaded people minus one, himself, his rival, a Mudblood, the Elemental Master herself, and three very handsome bachelors...
Author's Note:
I would like to thank my sis for not laughing at my imagination when she had secretly look over the chapters. Instead she had said, 'You should take up a course in writing.'

~ Chapter 21: A Brief Tour ~

Later in the rainy afternoon...

Fenix had been introduced to the other staff of Hogwarts, and she liked Professor Flitwick and Hagrid, almost immediately. Now she wandered about the school with the wolves, scrutinizing every inch of the castle walls and took careful notice of the portraits hung on the wall.

: Fenix, are you sure you won't get lost? : her oathbrother asked in concern.

: Don't be insulting, Sirius, : Silver answered acidly, curiously imitating the way Fenix express that particular phrase. The Fire Master chuckled softly to herself. The corridors are still the same, but the portraits had multiplied and rearranged, she thought fondly, trailing her hand over the brick walls of the castle. Potential trouble was about to descend on the Fire Master as she headed up the stairs to find the library.

: They're just kids, Silver. How can they get to grow so rotten? : Fenix sighed as Malfoy and his usual group came towards her.

: I have no idea. What do you intend to do to them? They're probably up to something, : the great silver wolf replied.

Fenix did not answer the wolf as she walked slowly towards the advancing group. Bright flashes of lightning illuminated the dark hallway and it made her sigh with regret that she could not be out there to feel the storm.

"Tarantallegra!" Malfoy and Parkinson whipped out their wands and shouted in unison. To their alarm, their wands were not working. Fenix's face remained impassive as she strolled past them.

"Save your energy, Mr. Malfoy. You'll be able to fling spells at me formally in lessons. Be patient," she said softly and smiled as she came to a door that said, 'Library.' Fenix backed out just in time as a witch flung the door open, brandishing a thick book at the maniacally laughing Peeves, who went straight into the opposite wall to escape. The witch fumed angrily then regained her composure and said politely to Fenix, who was looking at the wall where the poltergeist had gone through.

"You must be Professor Lupin's assistant. Has he given you a list of the books you might want to read?"

"Indeed, he has." Fenix smiled at the librarian, and pulled out a list.

"That's good!" Madam Pince exclaimed, taking the list then looked worriedly at the wolves. Fenix interpreted the librarian's gaze accurately and assured the witch that they would be able to behave themselves as long as they were in the library.

"Thank you!" the librarian thanked the Fire Master fervently and led Fenix among the gigantic bookshelves. The librarian looked down at the list, and was muttering the names of the subjects and headed straight for the Restricted Section. "Do follow me!" the librarian smiled and continued, "This section is off-limits to the students unless they have a note to say otherwise. The teachers however, may take what they wish to read."

Fenix looked at the rows and rows of books in hunger and restrained herself from wandering about on her own. The librarian disappeared between the shelves and came up with two books. She handed them absently to Fenix and headed off to hunt for more books that were on the list.

"I wonder if Professor Lupin is being cruel to you," the librarian said in amusement as she handed the last book to a mildly struggling Fenix. "We'll have to go to the counter so I could record what books you're borrowing."

Fenix was silently praying as she headed out of the Restriction Section that the books would not fall off or her tripping on her robe.

: Fenix! :

The Fire Master heard a familiar voice in her mind and sighed in relief.

: Thank you, dear Taliesin! Could someone please take some of the books off? I can't really see where I'm going. :

: Poor Fenix. : Harry chuckled and Ron loomed over the small woman and kindly took off three large books.

: You came just in time to rescue my arms from falling off! :

"Are you sure you could read these books in such a short time?" Ron asked, his uncertainty showed in his eyes. Hermione answered for Fenix.

"Ron, you have seen me read some of the thickest books here. Fenix already had a head start in perfecting her skills at reading," Hermione informed her boyfriend with an airy tone.

The librarian took copious notes and nodded to Fenix when she had recorded down the details of the last book. Fenix looked down at a volume she was carrying, Spells and Curses. They were automatically heading back towards Fenix's office and the Fire Master wondered if there was a supply of paper and quills for her to use.

"I think I might have to take down notes while I'm reading these books," Fenix mumbled absently and peered curiously at the inscription at the door that had not been there before the Ceremony. It wrote 'Fenix Maxwell, Fire Master'.

"FM, FM," Ron said, grinning a little. Harry got the meaning of the subtle joke immediately.

"I think I'm seeing a double entendre at work here," Harry teased. "Were any of your parents Seers when they named you?"

Fenix was a bit surprised and stared at the plaque for a bit before unlocking the door, going straight to the desk. Then she turned back and frowned slightly at the door. "I don't know, but maybe my mom was..." Fenix answered and shrugged it off. After they had placed the books on her desk, she asked, "Can you guys give me a tour? A fine thing it would be if I'm unable to find the classroom come Monday." As she was saying this, Winky appeared holding a large tray of meat for the wolves and another house-elf, carrying a big bowl of water.

: So do you want to come with us or do you want to eat? : Fenix asked the wolves who were eyeing the snack with hunger.

: We're staying but we'll watch through your eyes, : Silver said and she nodded. She paused to look out the window and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked as they trooped out of her office.

"Wish it wasn't raining. I'm itching to fly on the broom. After being stuck in Sirius's house for more than one week, I feel a little stressed," Fenix informed then and Harry echoed her sigh. She looked around and asked quizzically. "Where's Ginny?"

"Trading gossips with some of the Ravenclaws and her fellow Gryffindors, and probably giving out information about you. Say, our class won't start until Monday," Ron spoke up, sounding very cheerful. "If it's sunny tomorrow, let's stretch our legs!"

"Hermione, did you read any rules saying we can't go out to the Field or something?" Harry frowned trying to recall the dozens of rules that had been listed. To their relief, she shook her head, saying that it just mentioned that no one was allowed out in the grounds after six, without supervision.

"Seriously... I was sort of expecting Dumbledore to cancel the Quidditch games this year and the next," Ron said gravely. Fenix was paying half-attention to what the youngsters were saying, as she noted corridors, status, portraits and doors.

"Well, he made it up by specifically saying that no practices will be conducted without a staff member keeping an eye on the students," Hermione pointed out and they finally came down to a stop. "Fenix?"

"Hang on a sec-- I'm trying to memorize." Fenix said softly and her eyes refocused back to the present.

"That is scary," Ron said, shuddering a little at Fenix's strange, unruffled expression. "So where else do you want to go?"

Fenix went silent and pursed her lips thoughtfully. "Anywhere you can think of," she said indifferently and waited for them to lead her. So they brought her down to the dungeons, showed Professor Snape's classroom, and then went in further to show her where the Slytherins were housed.

: Creepy sort of place. : Fenix looked about her with interest, as she gathered her robe when they came to a very damp area.

: Suiting to creepy sorts of people, : Harry said jokingly, unaware that she was smiling ironically when he said that. Then they turned back as Ron wanted to show her the Transfiguration classroom.

"Miss Maxwell!" Alamanda Durz sidestepped the puddle of water and breathlessly greeted a hasty afternoon to the seniors.

"Hello, Alamanda. How's life?" Fenix said cheerfully.

"Great! I just wanted to say thank you and to Mr. Potter for yesterday," the Slytherin girl gave a tremulous smile to all. Harry could not help but noticed that the young girl was a little bewildered but his curiosity was answered a moment later.

"I don't have any idea how I went to Slytherin," the girl whispered, still looking rather wide-eyed. "I was sort of praying that I would go into Hufflepuff."

"Well, the best you could do now is adapt and learn new things," Fenix said as she smiled at Alamanda, making way for a group of passing Slytherins. "Hopefully good and useful things."

"I hope so too and hope I won't turn up like some of them did. Dina and her gang are kind of cool but those Slytherin prefects Parkinson and Malfoy are absolutely revolting. I mean really..." the girl's face screwed up in distaste. "I never imagined myself to be in a group mostly made up by a bunch of snobs."

Hermione laughed softly and winked at Alamanda. "Make friends with your own first years in all the Houses. Wish that some of the seniors--," she was looking rather sharply at Harry and Ron, who looked back at her in feigned ignorance, "--could follow your examples."

"Well, I'm going to the library and hang out with Aine Moonbeam, she's in Ravenclaw," Alamanda said brightly as they went up to the ground floor again.

"Do you need help to find your way there?" Hermione offered, but the young Slytherin girl shook her head.

"Thanks but you don't have to, I pestered Miss Parkinson to tell me the directions of the library so that she can be alone with Malf--" Alamanda suddenly clapped her hands to her mouth, suddenly realizing that she was talking to a teacher after all.

"Just chill out lass," Fenix quickly reassured the girl. "School hasn't really started so I'll forget that you mentioned that."

"Draco and Pansy?" Hermione was trembling with laughter.

"Hermione, don't be rude," Ron whispered. "Why are you laughing at that pair? Both of us together don't exactly look ideal together either."

"Nonsense," Hermione disagreed.

"Bye then! I'm sure we'd bump into each other sooner or later!" Alamanda yelled as a great bolt of lightning hit the castle and a peculiarly loud thunder reverberated throughout the ancient building. The girl gave a wave then bounded up the steps like an excited squirrel.

"Actually, we could have gone with her," Harry gave a bright smile at Fenix, "the Transfiguration classroom is up on the second floor anyway."

"Hello, Harry!" Sir Nicholas, the Gryffindor ghost glided towards them. "Hello, Ron, Hermione and Miss...?" Nick asked inquiringly.

"Maxwell. Fenix Maxwell."

"Good afternoon, Miss Maxwell, and welcome to Hogwarts! I am so glad for you--" Nick gushed at Harry, "--that Sirius is alive and well. Giving Miss Maxwell here a tour?" Nick positively beamed when Hermione nodded her head. "Well, I've got to go! There's a ghost meeting at the dungeon and I do not want to be late. I'll see you around!" Nick disappeared and they continued their tour.

: Hello, lover. Where are you? : Remus's mindvoice spoke up.

: We're on our way to the Transfiguration Class, : Fenix answered tenderly.

: Whatever for? :

: The kids are showing the place around, : she explained and met him in the corridor as they went up.

: Have you gotten the books? : Remus asked her as he winked at the students in greeting and smiled when she nodded.

: Why were you looking for me? : Fenix asked in puzzlement as they headed towards the Transfiguration class and she went into her 'distant' mode again to memorize what she saw.

: I'm about to give you your teaching schedule, schedules for patrolling the Grounds, School and Forbidden Forest, and supervising the students during Quidditch practice. And Severus wants to have a bit of a talk with you privately. : Remus gave her a mysterious smile when she looked suspiciously at him. They passed a group of Gryffindors who were looking at the Fire Master with undisguised mischief. One of them actually gave a hinting glance at the Defence teacher before gazing back at her.

: I wonder what Ginny's been telling her friends... : Harry contemplated as he gave a humorous smile at Fenix.

: Nothing bad I hope... : Fenix mumbled.

: I think Ginny's been telling some people that you and Remus are-- : Harry crossed his fingers together and Fenix blushed in embarrassment, : --an item. I don't think your open relationship with Lupin will cause any problems. :

: Well, maybe to you it doesn't seem like a problem. But the problem lies with the staff and your own parents. I mean... we're colleagues and not supposed to... well, you know what I mean, : Fenix almost babbled to Harry, then she looked at Remus speculatively. : What does Severus want with me? :

Her lover shrugged then turned back as they reached the Transfiguration classroom, going up the stairs to head back to her office. Fenix felt her heart jumped in her chest when Peeves suddenly appeared from behind a portrait, making its owner loosing a volley of expletives. Peeves made a face at the portrait before he flew off, laughing madly. Remus shook his head at the poltergeist and resumed their walk, and the colorful curses faded, drowned out by the thunder. They came to Snape's office and at a silent command, she told them to go ahead. Fenix gave a careful knock on the door and the Potions Master answered.

"You wanted to see me, Sev?" Fenix spoke up softly. The Potions Master was sitting at his desk and to her it seemed that every inch of the desk was taken up by books and numerous scrolls.

"Yes, I do. There's something I would like to discuss but now is not the time. This is one of the main reasons why I seldom go for vacations," Snape waved his hand at a pile of scrolls and manuscripts in displeasure.

"Paperwork?" Fenix asked mildly.

"What else? Would after supper be a good time?" Snape asked, trying not to sound to eager. Fenix gave a nod and opened the door. She whirled to face the Potions Master, her face growing minx-like as she was filled with growing curiosity. She shrugged after he gave a thin smile and headed out. I wonder what he wants... she thought to herself, walking unhurriedly in the corridor and made no sound as she moved. Sirius was waiting with the rest of the company; leaning against the wall lazily and suddenly an image of her oathbrother leaning against the Mnid flashed through her mind.

The door to her office opened suddenly and Sirius went in, began to inspect the office carefully before pausing at the desk, and looked into the drawers. He nodded with satisfaction as volumes of white sheets and a box full of quills filled the drawer.

: Enjoyed the tour, Fenix? : Wind asked drowsily.

"Not really," Fenix said honestly as she looked out the window with yearning to be under the sky. There was a knock on the door and Professor McGonagall came in. She smiled with relief when she saw Harry.

"I had wondered where the three of you were. Miss Maxwell," the Transfiguration teacher eyed Fenix carefully, "I trust that Mr. Potter had given you a tour of the castle?" Fenix gave a nod and McGonagall paused as if trying to decide if she should speak more. "And thank you for releasing Severus. He seems much warmer than he had been a few years ago."

"Should I expect more visits like that in the near future?" Harry asked conversationally after Professor McGonagall had gone on her way. Remus and Sirius exchanged a nervous glance and fidgeted restlessly. "Forget it..." Harry gave a mournful sigh.

The Defence teacher passed Fenix a number of scrolls as she sat on her desk and unrolled one slowly. It was her teaching schedule and she noticed that she would not have classes on the whole of Thursday afternoons and Fridays. The rest waited patiently as she studied it and picked one scroll randomly and unrolled her patrolling schedule.

"I hope you don't mind that I had placed you together with Severus for patrolling," Remus said nervously.

: Why not the both of us? : Fenix spoke privately to him and Remus stared at her uneasily when she spoke rather coldly.

: It's just that, it's inappropriate. I may not seem like a bad man, but I am a man after all. : Remus did not dare to look at her directly as he went on. : Fenix, I'm not trying to be mean but there were quite a number of times that I lose my self-control when I'm alone with you. :

: I had noticed, : Fenix replied slyly. : Well, I don't mind at all, just as long he knows his stuff. So with whom are you partnering? :

: Professor McGonagall. Sirius will be doing it with Kingsley, once the Auror finish reporting to the Ministry and get his rear here, : Remus answered easily.

"Fenix," Harry spoke up softly, "if you don't mind, I'm taking Sirius with us to play some chess," the boy said firmly, ignoring his godfather's blank look. Hermione carefully put a bland expression on her face and took Ron out of the room determinedly. Sirius shot a dangerous look at Remus that signified 'Don't you dare get mischievous with her' while the werewolf looked innocently back at his best friend. Sirius and his godson left the room and closed the door after Sirius gave them a suspicious look. Fenix stood up from her chair and went straight for the window. She opened it. It was not raining as heavily as it had an hour ago, and the lightning dances had died down a little. There was a distant rumble of thunder and she closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of fresh rain and smiled when the first ray of sun poked through the gloomy clouds.

Remus walked slowly towards her and placed his arms about her waist. He stood with her, smelling her scent and feeling the fresh breeze on his face. He gave a contented sigh and she turned so that she faced him. Remus traced her cheekbones and cupped her face as he leaned down to give her a kiss. Fenix gave an inward smile but returned the werewolf's affection.

"We really shouldn't be watching this, Ric." Salz tugged at his friend's mail coat, looking around uneasily.

"Salz, be more of a man won't you?" Ric complained and went back to watch the kissing couple.

"Huh..." Salz snorted derisively at his best friend. "Why don't you be more like a knight that had been knighted?"

"Sometimes Salz, I wonder how in Heaven's name I got to be friends with you. And a close one at that," Ric shook his head in disappointment.

"Ric, that's enough peeking! Even if you aren't afraid of getting walloped by me, since you are making fun of my student, we are going to get skinned by Wen and Helga if they find out about this!" Salz tugged his friend a little more desperately.

"All right, all right!" Ric finally smiled at his friend, then immediately pulled Salz down and went flying through the floor and plunged in to other places.

"Gwydion's Harp!" Salz panted. "That was close!"

"Why are those two tagging us so closely?" Ric fretted. "Their constant nosing is getting really irritating."

"I think it would be wise if we were to be a little bit farther from them. Let's go down to the dungeons!" Salz face looked up at his friend's excitedly.

"Damnation, Salz! What in hell are you trying to do? Put me into a ghostly depression?" Ric protested good-naturedly. "It's bad enough that it's raining!"

Salz gave a hearty laugh but determinedly pulled his friend all the way down to the castle. After a while, Ric gave up and raced with his friend to get to their usual meeting place in the dungeons.