Action General
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/13/2003
Updated: 10/17/2003
Words: 271,259
Chapters: 55
Hits: 23,387



Story Summary:
Sirius Black is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a peculiar 'Muggle' woman with even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth-year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord begins, he finds himself entangled in the woman's crazy idea of a family. It was made up by a whole clan of Weasleys, an orphan, his rival, a Mudblood, an Elemental Master and three very handsome bachelors...``To Harry's profound horror, he actually began to love and care for the weird family...

Chapter 16

Chapter Summary:
Sirius Black is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a peculiar 'Muggle' woman with even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth-year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord begins, he finds himself entangled in the woman's crazy idea of a family. It was made up by a whole clan of Weasleys, an orphan, his rival, a Mudblood, an Elemental Master and three very handsome bachelors...
Author's Note:
All of this happened after me and my sis got into a discussion of what happened to a beloved character. But since I don't like the alternative (which is probably the real one) so I made up my own conclusion.

~ Chapter 16: Silent Musings ~

Thursday, 24th August. The Headquarters of the Order...

Fenix was in the kitchen, helping Mrs. Weasley prepare some lunch for all of them. Remus was upstairs meditating with the wolves to prepare himself for his transformation later that night. Sirius was busying himself with the four Gryffindor students on Transfiguration work and was constantly bombarding Hermione questions every time he was dubious on the theory concepts of the book that McGonagall had given him. Snape was in the kitchen, sipping on some warm chocolate as he kept on reading the Daily Prophet. He gave a small grunt as he read a subtitle, 'Consumers of Wolfsbane potion sets product on fire on a protest'.

"Severus, protect your eyes," Fenix warned the Potions Master absently as she began to chop some garlic.

: Hello, what's for lunch? :

Remus's thought reached her mind. Fenix gave a small smile and gave the chopped garlic to Mrs. Weasley. The timer of the oven went off and Fenix quickly put on her kitchen gloves and got out freshly baked gingersnaps.

: Its spaghetti, some garlic bread, chocolate treacle and custard puffs, :

Fenix replied as she placed the cookies on a cooling rack. : How's the training going? :

: I think I've got the idea firmly in grasp. :

Remus sighed, and continued. : Doing things with your mind's a lot of hard work, isn't it? :

: Yeah, it's tough all right. Takes a lot of discipline, :

Fenix agreed, and popped one cookie into her mouth.

: Well, I'm going to take a look at what's your oathbrother's doing. Call us when lunch's ready! I'm hungry! Does this happen all the time? :

: What? Oh...You mean you're hungry every time you do mind magic? Yes, it does, :

Fenix said helpfully.

: I sort of expected it...well...see you down later...lover... :

Remus whispered slyly before releasing the link. Snape looked curiously at her, when she blushed, her eyes gleaming in confusion.

: I am so proud of you, Moony! :

: Sirius! :

Fenix protested as she stared at the direction of the study room where her oathbrother was keeping an eye on his godson and his friends.

"Idiotic wizard," Fenix muttered darkly under her breath. Snape cleared his throat loudly as he looked archly at her. "I did not mean you, Severus..." Fenix still blushed as she put in a new batch of cookies into the oven. Fenix winced as some wizard or maybe witch, flung a spell at the shield that she had built last night to prevent any more intrusions. She narrowed her eyes and stared distantly into space.

"Fenix?" Molly asked her in concern.

"What on earth is Moody doing? I did not create that shield for fun!" Fenix said, her voice sounding irritated. They heard the front door opened and closed and the numerous magical bolts and locks clicked back into place. Moody stepped into the kitchen and instantly backed out and disappeared upstairs when he found Fenix staring at the kitchen doorway murderously.

"Pusillanimous..." Fenix muttered under her breath.

"You wouldn't believed what Ron said to Alastor," Mrs. Weasley said casually.

"What?" Fenix asked curiously, as she put a big fistful of spaghetti into the pot while Mrs. Weasley chilled a big pot of water.

"Ron said that you are very skilled at verbally flaying someone...than his own mother..." Mrs. Weasley said, making a face. Fenix chuckled lightly as Snape poured himself another cup of chocolate.

"I remembered Fred told me that you're a saber-tooth tiger when you're angry. So what did they tagged me with?"

"What else but a wolf... although Ron did suggest a boar...because of your stubborn nature..." Mrs. Weasley said timidly. Fenix laughed, stirred the spaghetti for a few seconds, then quickly drained it and submerged it in the pot of cold water.

"Well, lunch's ready...go ahead and call them."

: Guys! Come down and have some lunch! :

Fenix called out, reaching Sirius, Remus and Harry.

Fenix could hear Harry's laughter from the staircase and was joined by Sirius's generous laugh.

"Hello, Fenix!"

"Hi there..." Fenix ushered Harry to a seat beside Snape's right as Mrs. Weasley scooped him and the Potions Master a generous helping of spaghetti.

"Anything new?"

"No, except for Moody who kept flinging leftover cucumbers when no one's looking. He thinks its funny." Fenix counted heads and came up short.

"Moody! Get in here!" Fenix stormed out of the kitchen and raised up her voice. "I know you're still up there with the wolves! You don't really want me to call you 'pusillanimous' again, don't you?" She reentered the kitchen with a sly twinkle in her eyes and sat herself in between her oathbrother and Remus.

"Moody better get down here quickly..." Ron was eyeing the food in gratitude. "I'm so hungry I think I can eat at least five times today."

The ex-Auror stomped down the staircase slowly, and entered the kitchen and sat on an empty chair next to Snape.

"What does pusillanimous mean?" Moody asked gruffly.

"Lily-livered, coward, dastardly, faint-hearted," Fenix rattled off.

They were halfway through their lunch when Fenix suddenly dropped her fork, her right hand clutching her temple. Moody was just about ready to head back again, knowing that the Death Eaters were trying to break the shield but Snape detained him. Everyone stopped eating, and waited patiently for Fenix to speak.

"Good, the shield's unassailable. Huh, one of them tried to Apparate in..." Fenix said and blinked her eyes several times and shook her head a little.

"What happened to him...or her?" Harry asked, as he picked up his fork to resume eating his lunch.

"It's a he... found himself falling right into the middle of a lake," Fenix said.

"Won't people see them though, if they're constantly flinging spells on the shield?" Hermione asked in a worried tone. Fenix shrugged helplessly.

"I don't think I want to tamper with human minds."

"We'll take care of it," Aelwyn voiced out.

Fenix ate the rest of her lunch in a distracted manner as she watched Aelwyn and the Elementals with her Sight. Her eyes widened when a loud resounding crack pierced the air.

"I did not believe you did that!" Fenix gasped in horror.

"These people are starting to really irritate us." Krill defended for his kind.

"I know they are irritating and certainly no quitters...but do you have to make them...dance?"

"Dance?" Harry repeated.

"The ground is crackling with mini-lightning," Fenix explained quickly. "Three of them are unconscious now." Her eyes grew distant and she nodded with satisfaction. "They're retreating. But I can't help thinking that we would be followed once we need to get to King's Cross," she sighed, then her face suddenly turned grim. "And they had better not to try anything under my nose or right in front of the normal people...or I'll just make everything easier for myself and blow the whole planet up..."

She got up and took her empty plate to wash, then poured herself a glass of cold water. "I'm going to take a bath." She finished her glass and washed it before she headed out of the kitchen.

Every one of them remained silent, as they thought about her threat carefully in their minds. Harry popped a gingersnap in his mouth and he found that Fenix was an excellent baker and took another one enthusiastically. I wonder if she was serious about that...is this another one of her alternatives? Nah...I don't think she'll do something that drastic. But maybe if the war had gone too far, then could I see the possibilities. This is really funny...the first time I was here, I couldn't wait to shout my heart out...I think that's it...I've gotten numb. Who wouldn't be? Snape's being far more tolerable these days but I won't be surprised if he goes back to his usual self once school starts. It would be interesting to see how he will treat Malfoy in school this year. I wonder if he knew what happened to his father...I wonder if Mr. Malfoy is still alive...and it'll be absolutely great to have Sirius in Hogwarts.

Harry looked at his godfather and gave the man a smile. : So you'll be keeping an eye on the juniors? :

: Yup. But we'll join you for meals. I have the feeling that Fenix will not feel comfortable sitting up at the teachers' table. So am I, actually... :

Sirius blinked his eyes at his own accurate assessment.

: It's going to be an interesting year...I hope Fenix and Professor Lupin would stay on Hogwarts...and maybe...do you think that after all of this, they'll get married? :

"Are you two gossiping about me?" Remus asked both of them suspiciously.

"Whatever for?" Sirius asked mockingly. His best friend looked unconvinced but stayed silent while Sirius answered Harry's question immediately.

: It's a little too soon, I think. Aldren--I've told you about him, he's an elf--says that it is more likely for the two to go on courtship for at least a few years more before they settle down, :

he said confidently.

Harry turned his attention inward and mused. I wonder how much Voldemort had influenced me...and I am glad for myself that I don't like the idea of using people to gain power. I'm glad that I finally realized that my elation of Rudolphus Lestrange was purely about revenge. His wife did nearly cost Sirius his life. No matter. At least, I'm happy to what happened to Snape. This time, we can fully trust Snape without thinking of his previous attachments because that is the past. Hopefully, Snape doesn't blow his second chance away to nothing.


Fenix was sitting quietly in the bedroom, combing her hair dreamily. There were no windows about the house and she felt strangely cloistered in Sirius's house. There was no disturbance outside and she took a deep breath. Crookshanks nudged the bedroom door open and sniffed for the wolves. When it found they were not present for the moment, it trotted towards Fenix and jumped up on her lap, butting its head against her chest, yearning for a scratch.

Fenix chuckled at the cat's eagerness, placed her comb down, and indulged the cat's insistence, scratching its ears and neck. You're a lovely cat...I hope I don't get myself into trouble when I start out as Remus's assistant. Frankly, I don't know if it was wise of the Headmaster to put us together. I mean...we're supposed to be colleagues...But...Fenix sighed. Forget it...just learn to adapt. Her thoughts then turned to the Potions Master.

I'm glad that I held some reservations for him...and not made a quick judgment. He's a likable enough fellow...once you get used to his sharp comments.

Fenix smiled to herself. The experience of redeeming Snape was a wonderful experience for her, as she got to Heal the man's soul. I wonder what their Ministry of Health is planning...although there's not a lot werewolves...but the population is large enough that they can't just ignore them. Maybe I should pester Severus...until he gets mad enough to give me lessons. Fenix grinned to herself.


Sirius was lazing in the sitting room where he watched Harry and Ron bent over a chessboard. I feel like I had shut myself in a prison...but this time I get to go to Hogwarts. Living in The Burrow had opened my eyes for a bit. I could still pop my head out a window, looked at the sky, and smell the trees...here...there's nothing...if I don't go out soon...I think I might start screaming.

"What are you thinking about?" Remus asked as he casually flopped down on another armchair.

"When things are much safer...I wonder if Harry would like to live with Fenix," Sirius said seriously and Remus stared in surprise.

"You had observed us when we are apart," Sirius said, trying to explain the bond that they had taken voluntarily.

"This bond..." Ginny said as she sat at Sirius's feet. "Seeing you and Fenix together somehow made me feel about Fred and George. Maybe the bond between the two of you is more like a twins' bond than normal siblings kind of stuff."

"Come to think of it..." Hermione said thoughtfully. "I think Ginny's right. Well, Professor Lupin...I think having Sirius as your brother-in-law won't matter that much since you're friends anyway," she responded impudently.

Sirius snorted with laughter then turned his thoughts inward. It is funny how I had become so close to Fenix in a matter of weeks...yet I do feel as if she had been around me for years. He looked at Remus thoughtfully then impulsively said, : Why are you sitting there looking bored? Fenix is alone so why don't you go and spend some quality time together? :

: I am glad to hear you say that. :

Remus stood up and briskly went out to the bedroom.

He still has a long more way to go...

Sirius contemplated and began to tease Hermione.


Remus knocked on the bedroom door tentatively even when he saw it was opened. He pushed the door back to see the Fire Master cuddling Hermione's cat, which was purring so loudly in the silent room.

: May I come in? :

Remus asked politely. Fenix gave a sweet smile and nodded her head. Remus slipped in and shut the door before going the bed to cuddle her.

: Is this your idea or did Sirius give you instructions? :

: Can't you put a little more faith in me? :

Remus asked, his mindvoice sounding a little hurt. Fenix chuckled and turned her head to her side to invite a kiss from the werewolf, who delightedly gave it. Remus held her against him, as he smelled her hair that emanated a citrus-like scent. He contemplated on several things as he held Fenix dreamily, giving her neck a kiss occasionally.

Sirius is much more serious now...he has changed ever since he bonded to Fenix. He has a clearer view on things now and I'm glad that he has decided to see Severus in a different light. But I'm worried about Harry...is he truly okay or is he hiding secrets again?

: Fenix? Will you keep a careful eye on Harry? :

: What's gotten you worried? :

Fenix turned her head to look at his brown eyes that smiled gently.

: He seems kind of fickle...the way he calmly looks at things now is giving me the collywobbles, :

he explained, squeezing her lightly and winced when Crookshanks gnawed on his knuckles playfully.

: It's just a transition state...he's maturing a lot faster than average...because of his experiences. He is learning to be cautious and to keep a tight control on his curiosity. He is afraid for the others you see...and he doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes he had done previously. :

: So he is all right? :

He questioned and sighed when she nodded her head. : You know, I could never imagine Severus living with us...he has the personality to make everyone stay away from him. But he's just as a normal as the rest of us, right? :

: He is, and insinuating him into our kind of family life is a positive experience...and for Harry too. Maybe if Severus becomes hard for him again when term starts...at least the knowledge that Severus can be tolerable during the holidays will soothe his anger a little bit, :

she said, her mindvoice dancing a bit with cheerfulness.

: But what about Severus? There are a lot of things that had happened to Severus and Harry

does look like his father. Can Severus forgive him a little...enough so that we all can work together? Harry told me of a memory of Severus that he had looked in a Pensieve and Harry was absolutely horrified at our actions...especially with his own father. :

: This I could not say. It's all up to Severus if he wants to let the past entangle with the future. He is a witty man...he knows better than to turn Harry away if the boy really needs his help, :

Fenix answered.

I hope you're right, lover...maybe...maybe Severus will be able to let go of his enmity towards Harry...I hope time will help heal his wounds...


"Dobby!" Harry exclaimed in surprise as the house-elf appeared with a tray of apple pies and freshly baked muffins. Snape looked up from the chessboard as his knight swung his sword to get rid of Ron's.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Harry Potter!" Dobby greeted cheerfully. "Master Dumbledore bid Dobby to give this to the household."

"Hello, Dobby," Hermione said. "How's Winky?"

"Little Winky's up and working about!" Dobby answered happily. "Tis' all Winky's excellent baking!" the house-elf held up the tray of goodies and set it on a spare table.

"What happened to Kreacher?" Sirius asked lazily as he flipped on the pages of the Daily Prophet.

"Mister Feqzu's taken care of old Kreacher..." Dobby replied shortly.

"How do you mean?" Hermione asked anxiously.

"Kreacher's done something very...very...horrible Miss Granger. House-elves are not supposed to use master's words to fit house-elves own desire. Kreacher's mad and old...Feqzu's and other great and ancient house-elves has terminated Kreacher's service to any wizard family. Kreacher no longer hold talents of house-elves. Kreacher has no more magic to be useful," Dobby said in a stern voice.

"Is that a befitting punishment?" Sirius asked Dobby grimly.

"Most severe punishment that is, Mr. Black." Dobby turned a pair of sad eyes to Hermione. "Miss Granger isn't disappointed with Dobby?"

"No, Dobby. I've understood the peculiarities of house-elf fealties and their duties. But if you want more costumes, I can make them for you," Hermione answered with a smile. Dobby gave her a grateful smile before disappearing.


Both Remus and Fenix had bolted down a quick dinner as the sun began to set. She ushered Remus off from the kitchen as she washed the dishes and quickly changed into her wolf form. She quickly trotted up to the second floor landing and went to wait for Remus at the sitting room and found herself face to face with Snape's wand.

: Great Aquilla! Severus, it's just me! :

Fenix jumped back away from Snape. The Potions Master frowned as he studied the stranger wolf.

"Fenix?" he asked uncertainly.

: Yes, Severus. Guys, :

Fenix sent her thought clearly to those present in the sitting room, : clear out and go down to dinner. And this room will be out of bounds until tomorrow morning. Is that understood? :

Hermione was scowling at herself. She snapped her fingers as she exclaimed, "Full moon!"

: Go on now. :

Sirius ushered them all out and gave Fenix a wink as Remus shuffled into the room, wearing his shabbiest of clothes. : See you in the morning! : Sirius said as he bolted the door from the outside.


After dinner...

All of them paused at the sitting room and looked uncertainly at door as they heard rumbles and growls. Ron, who was closest to the door jumped back from the door in surprise when a loud yelp pierced the silence. Sirius however was calm as he sent his thought out to his oathsister.

: Fenix, are you all right? How is Remus? Is the technique working out okay? :

Sirius asked in concern.

: Yeah, he retained his mind. And that was Remus just now. Ginny left one of the twins Fireworks behind the armchair that you had been sitting. Caught him by surprise as he was chasing me, :

Fenix said lightly, her mindvoice thick with amusement.

: And why on earth was he chasing you? :

Sirius asked dangerously.

: None of your business, :

Remus replied sharply.

: Moony, don't you dare do anything to her or I'll beat you into mush in the morning, :

Sirius said determinedly. Fenix laughed at Sirius's threat and nipped Remus playfully on his ear.

: Don't get yourself vexed, brother-mine. I can take care of myself... now go entertain the kids and Severus, :

Fenix said jovially and settled down next to Remus.


Hermione was trying to teach Ron a new board game 'Reversi'.

She sighed in exasperation. "Ron, you're not getting it! You can't change my beads unless you have your own bead at the end of it."

"Why didn't you say it sooner?" Ron said, as he scratched his head and frowned.

"I think I know how this game is played," Harry said shyly. "This was quite a few years back when Aunt Petunia was bored and she was playing with Uncle Vernon."

"Well, come here and play with me then!"

Harry pushed Crookshanks gently from his lap and the cat went over to the Potions Master, surprising Snape completely. Hermione quickly divided the beads between the two of them.

"Black or white?"

"I'll take white," Harry replied as he sat down comfortably on the cushion as the twins watched the pair with interest.

"Black will go first," Hermione said, and the game commenced.

Snape could not pay attention to his book now Crookshanks had planted itself solidly to his lap and gave up trying to read his book. He watched Harry and suppressed the irrational anger he felt. Just watch them play...He took a deep breath and unconsciously massaged his left forearm. Strange, I could feel the engravings of the Phoenix no matter how many clothes I wear. Snape trailed his finger over the mark in wonder. He watched Hermione nodding her approval as Harry played the Muggle game with ease.

"See, Ron. Do you understand now?" Hermione said as she turned a full column of white beads to black.

"I think I've gotten the hang of it. It isn't that hard actually," the Weasley agreed.

Snape half-smiled as Harry groaned when he made a mistake that allowed Hermione to turn Harry's beads in three directions. Ginny laughed uproariously at the fuming Harry, who was uttering curses under his breath. Snape watched Harry's godfather, lying on his chest and giving Harry several pointers.

: Hello, what are you playing? :

Wind asked and the female wolf peered over Hermione's shoulder. : Oh, you guys are playing Othello. : She then sat beside Hermione and looked at the board carefully. : Whose beads are the lighter ones? :

"The whites are mine," Harry answered, looking quizzically at the female wolf.

: You're in trouble, laddie. No matter where you go, Hermione will be able to turn a whole row of your beads, :

Wind said seriously.

"Then what's the point of dallying?" Harry said in a disappointed tone and placed his last bead on the board and Sirius patted his shoulder comfortingly.

"Well, Hermione," Sirius said lightly. "Care to have me as your challenger?"

"If you want to...but don't blame me if you get slaughtered, all right?" Hermione responded impishly. "But no silent cheating." Hermione gave a very penetrating look at the wolf beside her.

"Careful, Hermione," Ron said quickly. "Wind do have fangs and claws, you know."

: Don't worry, I won't. Just a word of advice. Strategy. :


Crookshanks was still fixed on Snape's lap. Whenever he made a move to dislodge the cat, it will dig its claws slightly and Snape gave up, sighing softly. He looked up at the wall clock. It was only ten-thirty and knew he would not be able to sleep that early. He looked at the crowd sitting on the floor with amusement. Hermione had turned out victorious after each game and Ginny was losing to her. I can't remember the first time I've been able to enjoy myself in the company of others...and now I'm able to look at Harry without myself snarling at him. Snape sighed at his own stubbornness.

"Hermione, you're cruel!" Ginny wailed. Hermione smiled devilishly and asked around.

"Any more takers?"

Snape was suddenly aware that the rest were giving him uneasy glances.

"Well, Severus?" Sirius asked archly.

He was about to say, 'Why should I bother myself?' but stopped himself just in time when Hermione looked pleadingly at him. He gave a thin smile and answered. "Why not?" Crookshanks mewled in protest when Snape got up and the cat had no choice but to find another lap, this time it jumped up on Sirius's back and curled down to sleep. Snape was a much better opponent and he set Hermione to think about her moves. Everyone held their breaths when it was time for them to count their beads and to their amazement, the game turned out to be a draw.

: Not bad...but maybe tomorrow Fenix shall play with you. No one had ever successfully beaten her in this game, and maybe you could see what I mean by strategy when you see her play, :

Wind commented.

"That sounds a bit ominous," Ron remarked.

"All right, people!" Mrs. Weasley announced. "Time for bed!"

Snape gave a disappointed sigh and helped Hermione keep the beads back to its container.

"Don't worry, we could play that game all day tomorrow. And I'm glad Hermione brought the game with her," Harry announced casually, giving the Potions Master a little smile, "because if no one had found something to keep me busy other than reading...I think I'm going mad at being cooped up."

"I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling that way," Sirius said with relief.


Friday, 25th August.

Fenix was drying her hair as she went in to the sitting room where they will have their breakfast. Remus was already seated, sipping on hot chocolate as he peeked at the Daily Prophet from Hermione's shoulder. Snape was already up, immaculately dressed in his black wizard robe and Ginny, looking far too alert than usual.

"Ginny? Aren't you a little too early to be out of bed?" Fenix asked the girl curiously as she began to brush her hair.

"The twins...they popped a Lemon-wakees when I was still groggy," Ginny growled. "I'm feeling a little grumpy."

"Because you think you should be grumpy at not getting enough sleep," Remus said in a distracted manner as he scanned the paper. "They had better keep themselves undercover before the Muggle undercover police spots them...really this is absurd," Remus shook his head in disapproval.

"What's absurd?" Fenix asked him, as she sat down on the floor. Sirius had just entered the room, still sleepy-eyed and he scowled at his oathsister.

"Fenix, why must you bathe every morning? Not only that...you also bathe before dinner. I haven't encountered anyone who is so crazy about baths before."

"I bathe every morning because I like to bathe in the morning. Anyway...it does make you feel clean. And if you feel clean...you will feel happy and energized to tackle the day," Fenix replied flippantly.

"Crazy..." Sirius muttered to himself and sat down on the armchair. He carefully sipped at the hot chocolate slowly, watching the couple with amusement.

"Remus," Fenix tapped him lightly on his shoulder, "you still haven't tell me what's so absurd..."

Remus flushed slightly in embarrassment. "Sorry...it's just that some of the wizards and witches had taken it to themselves that they have to keep an eye on King's Cross. Some of them do not know how to be subtle about it. They had to do a Memory Charm on two private investigators when the Muggles caught them acting very strangely in public," he sighed. "Why can't they be more professional?"

Fenix nodded her head in comprehension and sat down beside the bushy-haired Hermione. She had a minx-like expression on her face and it stirred the Fire Master's curiosity.

"Why are you looking as though you're a cat who's just gotten itself into a bowl of cream?"

Hermione kept on smiling as she gave Sirius the newspaper then turned a fully wicked smile at Fenix.

"Am I in trouble or something?" Fenix asked warily.

"Wind said you know how to play Reversi..." Hermione leaned towards her in excitement.

"Yes..." Fenix replied uncertainly as she blinked her silver eyes in confusion.

"Good!" Hermione quickly got out the board, with beads already divided in two.

"Early in the morning?" Ron exclaimed just as he saw what she was up to. "Hermione, you've gone mental!"

"I don't mind the mental exercise...ouch...that must have hurt..." Fenix said, looking towards the entrance of the house.

"What's going on?" Harry asked curiously.

"It seems that some early Muggles are a triple bit irritated this morning. Some of the Dark Lord's lackeys are at the shield again and the Muggles threw back some very, very sharp little stones at them. There's even one old fellow who's showing off his crossbow..." Fenix said amusedly.

"Isn't that going to get us in trouble?" Remus asked, his brows bunching up as he frowned.

"No, they would not bother to call the authorities. They've lived in weirder times..." Fenix answered with a smile. "Black or white?"

"Black," Hermione answered, and the rest gathered about the two contenders as they munched on their breakfast. Fenix drank her chocolate calmly as she stared at the board in ultimate concentration, making her moves slowly. Hermione stared in horror as Fenix captured two whole rows of her beads. It had seemed that there were more black beads a minute ago but now it seemed that the blacks were merely dotting amidst the whites. Hermione placed her last bead in defeat as she captured three more beads yet she could count her beads on her two hands.

"Wait a minute, Hermione won us all and with Professor Snape, a draw. So how come you defeated her so soundly?" Ron asked in amazement. "Play with Hermione, one more time..." the Weasley urged. Fenix defeated Hermione again.

"Unbelievable...what's your secret?"

"Strategy...what else?" Fenix said, as if she could not believe that Ron had asked such a simple question. "Remus, do you have any idea how I did it?"

"I was watching pretty carefully but it evaded me completely."

"I am so disappointed...Sirius?" Fenix looked at her oathbrother and shook her head in disappointment. "Severus, I want you to watch how I play carefully. If you ferret out my secret I'll just eat salad for dinner."

"And serves you right if he finds the answer," Sirius said dryly.

"Just giving him the incentive...so watch carefully...I'll be terribly disappointed if you just let the bet go to waste," Fenix replied easily, giving a small smile.

Fenix played with Hermione for the third time and Snape paid careful attention to where Fenix had placed her beads. She seems to snake her way around to get the corners of the board... Snape found that his observation was not far from wrong. Granger is concentrated far too heavily in the center that it won't make a difference with her last bead, Snape mused, scratching his chin lightly.

"I give up," Hermione sighed.

"Would you allow me to play?" Snape asked Fenix politely.

"Testing your theory on how it works?" Fenix said with a broad smile. Snape nodded and Hermione made way for the Potion Master as he knelt on the floor. They held their breaths as they watched the slow contest between the two. Fenix's smile grew wider and wider, and as Severus placed his last bead, she laughed happily.

"Thank goodness you didn't disappoint me!"

Ron and Hermione took the task of counting the beads with the Potions Master losing five beads to Fenix. "So what's the secret to play this game successfully and to make it more challenging?" her silver twinkled merrily as she questioned Snape.

"Maneuvering your way so you'll be able to occupy the edges...and to make your hits last..." Snape said haltingly.

"Good man!" Fenix applauded. "Now you guys can practice while I get myself a good breakfast."

Ron snorted his amusement and watched Hermione dreamily as she began to play with the Potions Master. The Muggle game seemed to gather everyone closer to each other and soon enough, Harry got the courage to banter back at the Potions Master and Snape was mellow enough to be treated like the rest of them. Fenix suppressed the urge to go outside and yell out with happiness, but she found she could not stop smiling every time she watched the rest of the group interact with the Potions Master easily.

Dear Gods! I'm so happy that I think I'm going to cry...

Fenix quickly blinked her eyes as she felt tears welling up. This is good! So good!

: So it worked... :

Silver watched her carefully. Fenix hugged the silver wolf in pure glee.

: I wasn't sure if Severus was keen to be led along...but he's doing fine! He still has a few barbs but that's okay! :

Fenix giggled in his mind, her mindvoice filled with elation.

: Good job, dear, :

Wind approved, and watched the company with surprising gentleness in her eyes.
