Action General
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/13/2003
Updated: 10/17/2003
Words: 271,259
Chapters: 55
Hits: 23,387



Story Summary:
Sirius Black is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a peculiar 'Muggle' woman with even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth-year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord begins, he finds himself entangled in the woman's crazy idea of a family. It was made up by a whole clan of Weasleys, an orphan, his rival, a Mudblood, an Elemental Master and three very handsome bachelors...``To Harry's profound horror, he actually began to love and care for the weird family...

Chapter 15

Chapter Summary:
Sirius Black is finally reunited with his godson with the help of a peculiar 'Muggle' woman with even stranger friends. As Harry's sixth-year in Hogwarts and the war with the Dark Lord begins, he finds himself entangled in the woman's crazy idea of a family. It was made up by a whole clan of Weasleys, an orphan, his rival, a Mudblood, an Elemental Master and three very handsome bachelors...
Author's Note:
All of this happened after me and my sis got into a discussion of what happened to a beloved character. But since I don't like the alternative (which is probably the real one) I made up my own conclusion.

~ Chapter 15: Treacherous Kreacher ~

The elves came out of the Grove, with the mortals hurrying forward to their friends. Sirius helped Fenix up to her feet and she leaned against her oathbrother, still trembling slightly. The Elven Lord approached her, his face filled with wonder.

"You're a weird human being, Fire Master."

"I never said I was normal," she replied sardonically.

"Fenix, you're great. No words..." Ginny said fiercely, with the two wolves standing beside her.

"I really thought that you--" Hermione suddenly burst into tears, and Fenix walked slowly towards the sobbing girl.

"Didna' mean to make you worry..." she apologized.

"It's okay...it's just that I was very frightened."

"How's Ron?" Fenix asked, looking around for the tall Weasley.

"I'm okay, just winded and a bit of a cracked rib."

Harry was slowly approaching Fenix; his usually solemn face was smiling. The Fire Master wondered what they had done to make the boy happy, because if he was smiling for the lives that had been taken, they would be in very deep trouble.

"You did something so monumental," Harry breathed in awe. "You released Snape from the Dark Lord."

Fenix gave a faint smile, hiding her relief. "I was able to do it because Severus... I mean, Snape was ready to be free. Now Moody, what are we going to do?" Fenix asked.

"I thought you wanted to take over," Moody said blandly.

"Quit trying to be funny."


Professor Dumbledore was hurrying towards them, his aging face edged with worry.

"Severus! Thank goodness you're all right!" the Headmaster exclaimed with relief.

"What do we do now, Dumbledore?" Moody asked in his harsh voice.

"The Death Eaters have all cleared up a few minutes ago, it should be safe to go now," he informed the company.

"Too risky. Sirius, I know you will hate me but I think it's better if we Gate," Fenix said firmly before turning to Dumbledore. "The Place is safe right?"

The Headmaster nodded. She looked around critically. "We're going to do this fast in twos. Get ready," Fenix wore back her cloak and handed both her backpack and Ice Dagger to Harry.

"Sirius and Harry will be the first pair, and I will be the last." Then she turned to her fellow Mages but both shook their heads.

"We're staying to keep an eye of things here," Mr. Granger said then quickly hugged his daughter. "And Ron, I'm counting on you to keep my jewel safe."

"We have an active Gate, deeper in the woods. It will not strain your energies too much," the Elven Lord said helpfully.

"Thank you," she replied with gratitude. They followed the Elven Lord as he led them and they came upon an ancient Archway. Several Elven Mages stood beside Fenix as they activated the Gate and opened it as she gave the Gate its destination. What appeared as a pitch-black void suddenly became a doorway, into the living room of the house of Black.

"Albus, maybe you should go first," Fenix said.

"Curious way of traveling," the Headmaster observed and walked through the Portal. When he reached the other side, he gave a thumbs-up signifying that the coast was clear. Sirius and his godson went next, then the wolves that loped and landed on the other side. The Elven Mages was sweating with effort now and the present company hurriedly crossed over the Portal.

: Take care, :

Fenix said to her fellow Mages as she crossed from the forest to the solid marble floor of Sirius's house. With a salute that Fenix returned, the Elven lord and his mages shut the Gate down.

"I knew I heard something upstairs," Fred argued.

"Holy Smokes!" Bill exclaimed, sporting a bruised cheek and a nasty gash on his forearm, as the rest of the Weasley family entered the room.

"Boys!" Mrs. Weasley rushed towards her three other sons and hugged them tightly.

"Albus!" Professor McGonagall gasped, as she limped slightly into the room, pushing Mrs. Weasley gently aside to get through the Headmaster. "Thank goodness they're all safe!"

"I believe it's all thanks to the Fire Master," Professor Dumbledore said and Moody nodded his agreement.

"Sirius, Albus, we need your help in deciding what to do with Kreacher." Professor McGonagall ushered the Headmaster back downstairs.

"What's this about?" Sirius asked darkly as he descended the stairs. "Fenix, come on down. I might need your skills. Try to look menacing. I want to give my mother something to think about when she starts to scream again."

"We think that he might have leaked information out, but we couldn't say it for sure," Professor McGonagall stated grimly. Snape had regained his composure and was now trailing quietly behind the Fire Master.

"Will Veritaserum work on the house-elf?" Snape inquired but Dumbledore shook his head.

"The house-elves have their own ways of Magick. I wouldn't count on Kreacher really gulping down on the potion now that the person who owns him is a little bit on the shady side," Sirius said thoughtfully.

Five members of the Order were restraining Kreacher the house-elf in the living room and chaos erupted when Fenix stepped foot on the landing.

"Preposterous! How dare you people taint this house with the presence of Muggles! MUGGLES! Filthy humans! Kreacher! Send the bitch out of my house! Such taint! Horrific! Filthy Mudbloods!"

The shrieks continued for several more minutes until McGonagall shouted something and waved her wand. The portrait fell silent. Fenix raised an eyebrow at her oathbrother in amusement.


Sirius called out; raising his voice so loudly that Fenix winced and rubbed her aching eardrums. McGonagall stared at Sirius in disgust when the portrait began shrieking again. Three people were struggling pull the velvet close but was having tremendous difficulty in doing so.

"He survived!"

the same shrieking voice demanded. Fenix heard someone said, "Yeah, he's alive. Unlike you." a tall and well-muscled man gave up the fight, with a face of an angel. The portrait remained uncovered and the three walked away from the portrait in disgust, as the woman in the portrait continued to scream vulgarities at their backs. Fenix's lips were almost trembling as she controlled not to laugh at the physique of the man before her.

"Finally!" the wizard sighed in relief, "I thought we had to rescue you people from the trap outside. So goddamn relieved!" Then he looked down at Fenix, who was feeling a little dwarfed by the man's height.

"Dear lord, your beautiful eyes have caught my heart," he said in a deep voice. "I am Ash Creighton."

"Don't try to flirt with her, Creighton," Tonks appeared behind him and smiled at the new arrivals before shooting a sour look at him, "she's Lupin's."

"Remus's?" Ash looked shocked. "Lady," he looked down at Fenix, with a pleading look, "you must have been deceived."

"I think not..." Fenix replied lightly. "Anyway, I don't see why it should matter since I don't go for tall boys."

: You go girl, :

Sirius said to her, his face remaining bland. McGonagall gave a thin smile but Tonks laughed at the insulted Creighton. Fenix then looked at the hall where the members of the Order were struggling with a house-elf.

"Let me go!" the pitiful creature wailed. "Kreacher did as what master tells him!" The senile house-elf suddenly stared at Sirius who suddenly loomed above him. The house-elf convulsed in horror.

"And who might the master be?" Sirius thundered menacingly. "Me?"

: Don't worry, Sirius. The house-elf will not be able to leave his spot and nor will he be able to use his magic against you, :

Fenix's thought reached her oathbrother.

"It is strange, isn't it?" Sirius contemplated as five the members retreated as the Black continued, "I thought I had kicked you out of the house. So how is it that you are still here? In my house?" The house-elf quailed.

: Do you want me to interrogate him? :

Fenix offered.

: No, I want to do the interrogation myself. But do you know of any kind of ways that you would be able to force him to tell complete truths? :

: Yes, I do, :

Fenix answered haltingly.

"I wonder, how is it that the Death Eaters knew that we would be coming back here," Sirius began and looked back at his mother's portrait dangerously. "You will shut up old hag! Black sheep of yours, am I! I am so ashamed and galled that you have the absolute nerve to bring me into this family!" Sirius shouted angrily. The portrait suddenly turned silent.

"So you will tell us now," Sirius gave a chilling smile at the house-elf. "Did you tell anyone not of the Order of the rendezvous point?"

The house-elf was trembling now, and struggled. "Yes!" he screamed and then his eyes went wide in horror, almost in disbelief.

"And who did you tell it to?" Dumbledore questioned, coming up to stand beside Sirius.

"Narcissa!" Kreacher screamed in anguish. Sirius looked at Fenix. He asked her doubtfully, "Is he really telling the truth?"

"Oathsib, don't be insulting," Fenix replied acidly as she kept her eyes on the treacherous house-elf. "And when did you go to her?"

The house-elf screamed in pain, his face contorted in anguish. Fenix stared coldly at the house-elf.

"I would answer quickly if I were you," Sirius peered down at Kreacher. "My sister's a dangerous sort of person if you were to vex her."


"I'll introduce her soon enough...Mother," Sirius spat the last word out in disdain.

"It was...aaah! It was...when you had gone back after...Aaaaah! Delivering the trunks here! Please master; release me from your spell! Such pain!" the house-elf screamed in pain.

"Dumbledore?" Sirius looked grimly at the Headmaster.

"He is a danger to us now..." the Headmaster said thoughtfully. "We couldn't afford to release Kreacher. He knows too much that if he were to fall on their hands, the lives that we swore to protect will be endangered."

Hermione gave a small gasp, as she stared in horror then jumped when Sirius's mother yelled 'Filthy Mudbloods!'

"Lady," Krill's deep voice boomed and those who did not know the Salamander stared wildly around them. "That painting is absolutely foul. You must do something to do it soon--"

Aelwyn quickly interrupted, "Before we do something drastic to it ourselves."

"What makes you so sure she won't be doing something horrible to it, herself?" Sirius asked mischievously.

"It's all about prudence, Sirius," Krill replied piously.


Hermione yelped. A young female house-elf appeared in the hall with four others. "Dobby!"

The house-elf named Dobby gave Hermione a little bow. Winky however, was staring at Kreacher with eyes so intense with hatred.

"Feqzu." the Headmaster inclined his head towards the oldest of the house-elves that had served the school for several centuries.

"Master Dumbledore," Feqzu answered, bowing politely then gave a penetrating glance at the Fire Master. He suddenly smiled and Fenix returned it.

"Abomination..." Winky hissed. "You're even worse than Dobby... You mix with very, very bad evil men. You put innocent children in danger. You are supposed to look after Mr. Sirius Black...but you sold yourself to evil by twisting his words to fit your purpose...disgusting..."

Kreacher was terrified when Sirius had begun interrogating him. Now his terror had increased a hundred-fold when the group of house-elves had appeared. Feqzu tottered towards the Headmaster and politely inquired to let them take Kreacher.

"No..." Kreacher whispered his eyes wide with fear and terror.

"Lady," Feqzu turned his large eyes to Fenix. "Do not release the coercion on him." Fenix nodded. Winky stayed away as far as she could from Kreacher, huddling very closely to Dobby. The other two silent house-elves marched and hauled the cowering Kreacher.

"Stop! What are you doing to Kreacher! He's mine...let him go!"

"He had belonged to the last master of the Blacks," Feqzu said calmly, as he gave a sidelong look at Sirius, who was just studying the situation with good humor. "I'm sure that Mr. Black will allow us to take care of this problem."

"Of course! Take him!" Sirius said jovially. The house-elves disappeared, and Sirius let out a sigh. "Good riddance..."

"You have not gotten rid of me!"

Sirius's mother yelled. The painting's face contorted in anger.

"How on earth do you guys work with her constantly shrieking like a banshee?" Fenix demanded the members of the Order.

"We had often wondered," Ash admitted. "I wish someone could do something more permanent!"

"Banshee! How dare you insult me, insolent bitch!"

Fenix ignored the witch's remark. "Seriously," she said as she shook her head. "I'm surprised the glass still existing in the house hasn't shattered."

"Unbelievable, isn't it?" Tonks sneered.

"Truly." Ash nodded his head vigorously.

"Well, oathbrother, why don't you introduce me to her?" Fenix suggested.

"Hang on a moment..." Sirius pulled the string that held her hair and the Salamanders automatically smoothed her hair down. Harry and Ron were looking at them with amusement, trying to muffle their laughter. "I am counting on you for the sake of the peace of the headquarters."

Sirius then walked casually up to his mother's portrait, screening Fenix with his body. "Listen old hag, this is my oathsister, Fenix Maxwell..." Sirius stepped aside and his mother got a clear look at Fenix, her nose, the silver eyes and the aura of power in Fenix.


Fenix was peering at the portrait. "I don't know if I should ask you this but why didn't you just take the portrait down?"

: We tried but Sirius said that the portrait has a permanent sticking charm on it, :

Harry spoke up.

"I see. So you have her and the others sticking so tightly on the wall," Fenix muttered.


"How curious." Fenix moved and examined the pictures one by one finally stopping on one portrait of a young wizard who bore the same eye structures as Fenix, although his eyes were deep gray.

"You're still alive..."

the portrait whispered.

: Sirius, do you mind if the wall's blackened a bit? :

Fenix requested.

: No...what are you planning? :

: I'm sending the Sylphs and the Salamanders behind every portrait and melt the charm down, :

Fenix informed him and then called out loudly for a super large garbage back. "Unless you have other plans for them other than discarding them?" Fenix asked.

"I'm sticking to my original plan, which is to get rid of them all..."

"Good...Aelwyn, I want some of you to stand each of the portraits and catch them when they fall and be careful not to place any part of you on the portraits' backs." She stood back, the rest all gathered behind her, and the witches and wizards stared curiously at the wall of portraits. Mrs. Weasley came out from the kitchen holding several large black bags.

"Look!" Ron pointed out at one of the portraits. "It's coming down!" the portrait fell to the hands of a Sylph and Mrs. Weasley opened the rubbish bag as the portrait was guided into the trash bag.

"Fenix, I'm proud of you," Sirius stated, beaming at the wall.

"Of course you ought to be. I'm the very first black sheep of the Blacks after all," she replied scathingly. Ginny tittered in the background.


Sirius's mother wailed helplessly and it grew muffled when Mrs. Weasley firmly tied the bag off, and muttered 'Silencio' and gave her wand a wave.

"Fletcher!" Mrs. Weasley called out.

"What is it, Molly?" a man lazily poked his head from the kitchen door.

"Dispose this..." she pointed at five trash bags. Mundungus Fletcher frowned at the bags then his eyes instinctively looked at the walls.

"Merlin's beard! You got them down! Peace at last!" Fletcher hurried forward then gave the thrash bags a few more 'Silencio'. He Disapparated out of the house with all the bags and Sirius looked at the empty wall happily.

"Well, it's done!" Sirius said cheerfully, making him looked boyish.

: Sirius, I think I need to lie down for a bit. :

Fenix bit her lip as she felt herself going dizzy. The smile vanished from her oathbrother's face and deftly caught her when she blacked out.

"Oh dear! Sirius, is she all right?" Mrs. Weasley asked in alarm.

"She is...is there any hospitable room for her to rest?" Sirius asked around. The twins nodded and Sirius scooped the unconscious Fire Master and slowly walked up the stairs. Sirius carefully laid Fenix down the bed and unlatched the clasp of her cloak and Fred carefully removed the cloak and hung it on the back of a chair. Meanwhile, George quickly and gently took her boots off. Ginny came into the room with a light blanket and covered the Fire Master with it.

: Don't worry, Sirius, :

Wind replied as she sauntered towards the bed and jumped and curled herself against Fenix. : I think she's just strained by her task at the Grove just now. She'll be fine after she gets some sleep. :

"She'll be all right...what happened to your eyes?" Sirius peered at the twins.

"Those idiots flung off a carton of cucumbers. Those projectiles really hit us hard. I feel several more bruises on my back," Fred answered as the twins and Sirius left the bedroom to go back down to the hall.

"So..." Sirius addressed Ash, "is the rest of the house safe or do we have to do more spring cleaning?"

"All's clear, nothing more dangerous than a couple of Doxies and two Boggarts. And there's a fairly large room for your use," Ash said pointedly at Remus who just snorted. The latter was busily hooking up all their brooms on a broom stand.

"Harry? Ron?" Fred called out, "come with us, we'll show you your sleeping quarters." Then to Sirius, "Same sleeping arrangements?"

"Yeah," Sirius said, then headed down to the kitchen and sat down on a stool, conjuring up a mug of Butterbeer then gulped it down instantly. He filled it again with a flick of his wand.

"You okay, Padfoot?" Remus joined him. Sirius nodded with a reply. "Thank you. I couldn't have designed a better death."

"You mean, Wormtail?" Sirius asked softly. : Bloody hell, Moony. How could he have done what he did? He was such a timid fellow. Why did he turn his back on us? How could he...do that to James and Lily? : Sirius continued, his mindvoice was black with grief. : I didn't like what I did, Moony. : Sirius looked to his friend, his eyes dark and haunted.

: It's been done, :

Remus said tiredly and got himself a cup of water.

"Sirius?" Harry poked his head tentatively into the kitchen. "All of us are going to bed. Seems like everyone's kind of bowled over after the chase."

Sirius got up to wash his mug and placed it on the rack. "Yeah. I think I ought too. Who's keeping watch?"

"Bill and Ash," Remus answered, following Sirius back to the bedroom.

"We'll be in the next room," Harry said. "We'll see you in the morning." The boy was rubbing his head tiredly.

: What's wrong? :

Sirius asked his godson.

: It's just... :

Harry peeked in the room where the wolves were keeping a watchful eye on the sleeping Fire Master. : She's awfully cold-blooded back there. You wouldn't really expect that kind of impassivity from her. :

: I didn't hear you say that about me. I did kill Wormtail after all, :

Sirius pointed out, then Harry frowned.

: It's that battle of the sexes kind of thing I guess. Dunno where I got that idea, :

Harry said sheepishly. : But I've never seen people killed that way before. It seemed pretty calculated. :

: Well, she's got weapons...that girl does, :

Remus agreed.

The Headquarters became silent as they closed their bedroom doors for the night. Only the mutterings of Ash and Tonks filled the kitchen and Bill joined them for a midnight snack.

"I wonder if it'll be safe for us when it's time for the kids to head down to the train station," Ash muttered softly.

"Wait till tomorrow," Bill said as he pulled the chair and sat on it backwards. "I know Fenix is already worried about that already. I'm sure she'll be able to suggest some things."

"She's a weird Muggle..." Ash was saying but Tonks were shaking her head at him.

"I won't throw that word around her lightly. She has some Magick talents we do not recognize so that doesn't put her into the category of non-magical folk, you know," she informed him, as she drank down a glass of pumpkin juice.

"I agree," Bill nodded. "I just hope that we won't be having a siege when it's time for us to go. When's the meeting again?"

"It's on the twenty-seventh. I wondered what happened to Snape," Tonks contemplated. "He was looking very strange ever since he came. And he gave Fenix several peculiar glances."

"Talking about Fenix. Is she really 'going out' with Remus?" Ash asked Bill and gave a disappointed sigh when Bill quirked his lips into a smile.

"What a shame." Ash gave an oblique look at Tonks. "Seems like I have to stick around you a little bit longer than I expected, Nymphadora."

"Stop calling me that!" Tonks gave a clumsy punch at his biceps. Bill shook his head and went out of the kitchen to check on the locks on the door. It'll be a short night...good thing I'm on the afternoon shift tomorrow at Gringotts.
