Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Angst Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 03/22/2005
Updated: 04/15/2005
Words: 25,093
Chapters: 11
Hits: 8,439

It's One Crazy Love Story!

Fasiris Fay

Story Summary:
The Malfoys and Weasleys have been enemies for a long time, but what started it? Seventh year, Draco's leaving school and Ginny thinks up ways to get back at him for all she has endured over the years.

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
The story gets crazier!
Author's Note:
Thanks to everyone who loves my story and reviewed! I love you all! Muah!

Chapter 10

The next morning, Ginny woke up at nine o'clock. She stretched lazily in bed, and then realized nobody was in the dormitory.

She gasped, realizing that she was late! She screamed in frustration and jumped around pulled on her clothes.

Fifteen minutes later, she ran out of the portrait hole to her first class, transfiguration, which was almost done.

It was with the Ravenclaws, so Sam was in that class.

Ginny rushed in and said, "Sorry, my alarm clock must have been broken!"

The class was in the middle of a lesson, so they all stopped doing whatever they were doing to look at Ginny.

Several people laughed as they saw the state she was in. Professor McGonagall, who Ginny was sure, was going to yell at her said, "It's quite all right, Ms. Weasley. I am well aware of the condition you were in last night, Mr. Weasley explained it all."

Ginny sat down in her seat and stared at the professor as she continued to speak. What was she talking about? Last night? What had happened last night?

All she remembered was sneaking out at midnight to meet Draco. Did professor McGonagall know about that?

Ginny searched her brain frantically trying to think of what else might have happened last night that might be what she was referring to.

Then an image of herself being carried of to bed, while screaming, "bed!" while her brother and classmates stared after her like she was a lunatic.

She fumed slightly, but then realized the excuse she had gotten ready made for her from Ron. Ginny smiled a bit, even though she claimed to hate Ron, she really didn't. In fact, he was her favourite brother, not due to the fact that she very little brothers alive.

Ginny went to all her classes in the morning, but missed the first twenty minutes of lunch due to the fact she went to ask professor McGonagall what she had missed.

So without eating anything since last night, she raced to the tree, ready for Draco to unleash his anger out on her.

She found him sitting underneath the tree, eating an apple and studying.

If she had snuck up on him and had spent a few minutes staring at him, she would've found out that he looked really cute like that.

"Hi!" she gasped. "Sorry, I'm late, but..." The rest didn't come out, as she plopped next to him, gasping for air as she had run from her transfiguration class, which was on the fifth floor, to all the way down here.

He smiled at her; it was a genuine smile, one that was forbidden by Malfoy rules. It was sweet and nice and made Ginny melt.

"Don't worry about it," he said simply.

Ginny stared at him, surprised. She would've thought he would yell at her, rage and tell her that she had wasted his twenty minutes. She sighed, just when she thought she was getting to know, she was surprised once again.

"See, I must've turned my alarm clock off, figuring I could sleep some more, since I was so tired from last night, but I guess I just went back to sleep. I'm sure someone tried to wake me up, but couldn't since I probably yelled at them, and then I had to ask Professor McGonagall what I missed for my first period class. She was really nice about it thought, because Ron apparently explained about..." He put a finger to her lips and took out a sandwich.

"Here," he said, thrusting it at her. "I figured you hadn't eaten anything all day and would be ready to eat me."

Ginny laughed, weakly due to the lack of energy and gobbled the sandwich up.

After she was done she said, "Thanks, I seriously would be ready to eat you up if I hadn't eaten anything."

He smiled again at her; the same innocent, sweet smile but said nothing.

Ginny didn't care though; she liked the silence. After a few minutes of it, she found herself drifting to sleep.

"Sorry," she yawned. "I can't help it though."

He nodded and said, "Go ahead, I'll wake you up when it's time to go to class."

She smiled at him, a smile that lit her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes, murmuring, "Thanks Draco."

After a few minutes she was asleep in his arms, smiling this small smile, as if she was dreaming something nice.

Draco couldn't help but smile when he saw her smile. Something happened to his stomach right then, he felt a strange feeling, suddenly.

He laughed lightly when he looked at her. Poor girl, she looked like she really hadn't slept and had woken up late.

Her hair hung from the same ponytail of last night, now a limp one. Her robes were wrinkled with her shoelaces undone and one sock blue and one grey.

He stared at her for another few minutes, not knowing that he was doing so.

Draco couldn't help but like her, a bit. She was different than all the other people he had ever met. She had her own opinion and values about life. She lived it on her own terms and he couldn't help but admire her for her determination to become an auror.

He smiled slightly, imagining her fighting dark wizards. She was so small in size, but he knew she would have no trouble fighting them.

He remembered that day in the library clearly, when she told him why she wanted to be an auror. He would've thought the reason would've been because her parents were telling her to, but it was because of her family that she wanted this dream.

Draco moved some hair out of his eye and continued to study.

A half hour later, she woke up and stretched. She smiled at him and asked, "How long is there until class?"

He looked at his watch and said, "Fifteen minutes."

She nodded and yawned. She couldn't help but glance at him, from the side of her eye. His hair was falling into his eye again, as he read a book.

He wore the Slytherin uniform, which consisted of grey pants a grey sweater with a collared shirt under it and a green and white tie, just visible from under the sweater. His cloak was thrown to the side of him.

Draco turned and found her staring at him. Ginny blushed and started to look away when he kissed her. She was surprised but she kissed him back. It was a kiss even more passionate than last night.

Before they knew it, they were on the ground kissing, but stopped when they heard voices approaching.

They jumped up and stared at each other helplessly, unable to think of what to do as Luna, Sam and Padma came around the corner.

"Ginny! There you are!" said Padma.

"But what are you doing...with him?" asked Sam, her eyes as big as gallons.

"And why do you have grass in your hair and dirt on your robes?" demanded Luna, putting two and two together.

Ginny gulped, she couldn't think of a single thing to say, when suddenly, Crabbe, Goyle and Flint rounded the tree as if they had been there all along.

"Draco," grunted Crabbe. "We've been looking for you."

Ginny's friends glanced at Flint and then at Ginny, the wheels turning in their heads.

They glared accusingly at her, waiting for an explanation.

"Hey, I heard a rumour from Potter that you and Lovegood are going out," said Flint.

"What?" asked Draco, with one eyebrow up. "What are you talking about? I heard you're going out with Ginny."

"What?!" screamed Ginny.

If things weren't already complicated, Ron, Harry and Hermione showed up around the corner.

"So you are going out with Malfoy," said Harry accusingly at Luna.

"What?" she asked, with a hurt expression on her face. "What are you talking about?"

Ginny brushed her bangs out of her eyes. She could imagine what Harry and Luna were going through. All Luna did talk about was Harry and all Harry talked about was Luna. She knew they were crazy about each other, and this wasn't going to make things easier for them.

Ginny's head was spinning and the last thing she needed was another person making accusations.

Pansy came with Millicent, and started screaming when she saw Malfoy.

"You're with Lovegood!" she screamed. "I can't believe this, you got over me that fast!"

Everyone was standing and screaming at each other, when Malfoy says, "You're telling me that you moved on? Goyle told me you're going out with Ron."

Pansy started crying and Hermione glanced at Ron, nervously. Ginny knew how much Hermione liked Ron and now was devastated to hear that he was going with Pansy.

Everyone was still screaming and yelling, when Hermione walked up to Ron and slapped him.

Ron stared open mouthed at Hermione, trying to figure what he had done. Harry lunged for Malfoy, while Luna tried holding him back. Pansy was kicking Luna, while Hermione was cursing at Pansy. Sam and Padma were making hurt accusations against Ginny about her affair with Flint while Malfoy struggled while trying to push off Harry.

Ginny's head was spinning. She hated seeing all the people she loved getting hurt like this, for no reason, except for Pansy, Millicent, Flint, Crabbe and Goyle.

She screamed, "Stop this all of you!"

Everyone froze in whatever they were doing and stared at Ginny, whose face was bright red with tears falling out of her eyes. "I can't keep it inside of me anymore! Me and Malfoy are going out and that's why everyone is fighting, so please stop!"

Ron, Harry, Hermione, Sam, Padma and Luna stared at Ginny with wide eyes. Pansy looked as if she was ready to attack Ginny now, but Millicent held her. Flint, Crabbe and Goyle looked murderously at Malfoy, while Malfoy stared at Ginny, with steel in his eyes.

Harry was the one to speak first. "So, Luna's not going out with Malfoy?"

Ginny shook her head while Luna said, "No! I would never go out with him, when I..."

Harry looked at her expectantly, waiting. "When I love you," she finished.

Harry stared at her, unable to believe his ears. "Really?" he asked.

She nodded shyly and stared at the ground while he said, "I like you too Luna."

Hermione glared at him and he sighed, "All right, I love you."

Luna and Harry's faces were a sight to see. They were glowing with happiness while everyone else looked murderous.

Hermione was silently crying, so Pansy said, "Get a hold of yourself! Why would I ever go out with that," she pointed to Ron, "idiot. Stupid Goyle just saw us talking about a potion we have to make and he assumed we were going out. He's all yours." She left with Millicent with her.

Hermione stopped crying and looked at Ron through her big eyes.

Ron sighed and said, "Hermione, why would you believe I would go out with that cow. You know I only care about you."

Hermione started crying again and hugged Ron. Ron looked awkward, but then hugged her back.

Ginny felt glad that something had come of all this lying, at least Harry, Luna, Ron and Hermione had gotten together.

Padma and Sam, just left, looking mad at Ginny. Ginny felt like crying again. Her relationship with Malfoy, being false as it was, had ruined everything for her.

Ron was through hugging Hermione and he looked at Ginny, with a disappointed look on his face. "I thought you were going crazy, when you were always hanging around him."

Ginny nodded silently. Even though Ron sometimes annoyed her, and they always fought, she couldn't help but feel guilty about what she had done. She loved her only brother that was still with her and didn't want to do anything to hurt or disappoint him.

"I'll kill you, Malfoy!" he lunged for Malfoy, but Hermione and Ron held him back.

"I think you need to tell Malfoy something," said Hermione, as the other Slytherins left. "We'll leave now."

They left and then Ginny and Draco were alone.

"Are you in love with Flint?" he asked her, his eyes the coldest she had ever seen them.

"No," she said. "I only said that as an excuse because I was meeting with you."

He nodded and said, "I hate Pansy. I would never cheat on you for her. But why did you tell everyone that we were going out?"

Ginny took a deep breath and said in a small voice, "Look Draco, you don't have to waste all this on me because I don't love you. I never did and I never will. I only did this to humiliate you and ruin you, but it got so confused and mixed up that people who I cared about were getting hurt and I didn't want that."

She looked up and saw Draco's eyes on her. She shivered under his cool gaze as light rain started to fall.

"I never loved you either," he said. Ginny stared at him, as he continued, "I did it for the same reason you did. I made a plan to humiliate you and to get you friends and brother involved and so it worked."

Ginny's mouth was open in horror. She couldn't believe it, even though what she had done was wrong, she couldn't help but think he was more wrong.

He sneered, "I can't believe that you believed I had fallen in love with you. Who did you think I was? Some Gryffindor? It was all a plan. Tell your brother not to attack me because none of it was real. Nothing I said, nothing I did, none of it was real. Just forget it all."

Ginny was frozen to the ground so he just picked up his things and left her alone, as the rain started falling harder and as the bell rang.

She stared at his form as he walked up the castle steps. She felt like her heart had been ripped into two pieces. Tears started falling out of her eyes steadily, as the skies opened up and cried with Ginny.

Author notes: Beware: The ending is near and it might not be pretty...