Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 09/26/2006
Updated: 03/25/2007
Words: 112,945
Chapters: 26
Hits: 40,960

Forever Yours

Fasiris Fay

Story Summary:
7th year at Hogwarts, the year after Harry has died in the summer. Ginny is in sixth year and is learning to cope. She is helped by a new assignment that the whole school is taxed with, writing letters to a pen pal in the school. Her pen pal turns out to be...Draco Malfoy? -banner by crazy_about_atif-

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
Letters, letters and more letters! The whole chapter is an exchange of letters between Chariot of Light (Ginny) and Prince of Darkness (Draco).

A/N- Here it is! Chapter 12! This queue bypass list is awesome, you know. My chapters will be uploaded so much faster. This is one of my favourite chapters yet. Ok, ok, my favourite. The style is called Epistolary- random vocab, but I just learned it in school. Lol. It's a bit longer than the others, so I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 12

June 31, 98

Dear Prince of Darkness,

Summer at last. I'm so happy to be out of school, but I bet I will be more than happy to go back from boredom by the time July is over.

Lucky you. You have your life to start. I'm so glad that you finally chose something you wanted to do. I think being an Auror is perfect for you since you hate the Dark Arts so much.

I just hope you don't turn into a cold-blooded killer and start killing Death Eaters left, right and centre.

I know you're probably having loads of fun in Australia without me. But whatever, I'll pretend I don't care. That's because I'll be brooding too much to even care.

Anyways, Mum wants me to come down and help her with dinner. Save me from the boredom.

Chariot of Light

July 2nd, 1998

Ha Ha, Chariot,

You know I am having loads of fun without you. Australia is amazing. It's so much different from England.

I was very surprised when I was allowed to go, but I suppose Zebra's parents had to let me. I felt a bit bad as well, because Zebra and I had plans for the summer and then I suddenly decided to go to Australia.

But I need to be away on my own for a while, find out who I am. And I can't be around other people, obviously.

I'll save you from boredom if you save me from loneliness. The only problem with Australia is that I don't know anyone here, which is the reason I went.

Chariot, Chariot, Chariot, I am envious of you. You are the one who gets to go back to Hogwarts and stick to the things you are so familiar with, while I have to adjust to change.

Anyways, tell me what you want from here and I'll be sure to get it for you.


July 7, 98


Lovely weather out. Yesterday it rained, finally pushing the heat wave out. I don't know what I was thinking last December when I was looking forward to summer.

Now I just want summer to go away! Shoo!

I don't want you get me anything, please. You've already given me several headaches from writing to you. That is more than enough.

Well...if you insist, you can get me the Opera House, if you don't mind. That and any other beautiful landmarks Australia has to offer.

Hopefully your loneliness has been combated by my quick wit and banter. I am quite witty, no? And modest too.

Where else are you going after Australia? If I were you, I would go everywhere! Especially to Egypt. I loved it there.

Oops, my brothers are home and are demanding that I play Quidditch with them.


July 25th, 1998


Thank you for the suggestions you sent me on where to go. Right now, I am writing this from beside the pyramids of Giza. You were right. Seeing them in books is one thing, but standing next to them is another thing. I almost feel insignificant.

My skin has darkened only a little bit. I still have the appearance of looking like a vampire, you shall be happy to know.

I hope you aren't too bored. Well, that's a lie. If you're too occupied then you won't have time to write to me, which is my greatest fear right now.

I hope you didn't hurt yourself too badly when you fell down the stairs. It reminds of me of the time when you fell out of that tree last week.

I'm not laughing. Honestly, I'm not. It's just that the lemonade I was drinking spilled out of my mouth when the waiter bumped into me. I'm telling the truth.

By the way, you might want to tell me what you would like from here, otherwise I might get you something completely hideous like jewellery, as you stated before. I know you told me that men can't be expected to buy jewellery because of our horrid tastes, but can't you give me a hint on what you want?


Aug. 12, 98


I'm sure you're on your way to the Americas, but maybe this will help you with your loneliness in a new place.

My birthday was quite a boring event, actually.

Mum and Dad tried to hold a party for me, but as usual, the spotlight went back to my brothers.

The twins, who came to visit yesterday, blew something up in their bedroom, making us sit outside in the sticky sun while dad put out the fire.

Athena and my brother came. Remember how I told you that my brother was the one she loved? Well, they came, except they had to leave quickly because Athena's parents got into an accident.

My older brother came with his wife, except the rest of the day was spent at St. Mungo's since his wife ended up in labour.

Other than that, it was fabulous. My new nephew has the same birthday as I do, and I hope and pray that he will have a better one than me.

Mum and Dad got me some new robes for school. Athena got me a pretty jewellery box to hold my jewellery. It's obviously enchanted so that it shouts out, "You're beautiful" whenever I open it. It's quite depressing, actually, because it's lying. After the fifth time, I felt like throwing it at the wall.

My other brothers got me some books, some strange perfume and a new stash of Skiving Snackboxes.

Oh, I can't wait to see what you got me! I suppose it makes sense for you to send it all at once, but I am so excited. But you didn't need to get me anything, honestly. Wait, that's a lie. Write to me as soon as you get home!


August 29th, 1998

Dear Chariot,

My eyes are almost closed as I write this to you. I just got back now. If the writing is indecipherable, then it is your fault since you told me to write to you as soon as I got home.

There you have it. I've written. Goodnight now.


Aug. 30, 98


You must be awake by now! Very nice joke. What a lovely letter- I think not!

Write to me soon.


August 31st, 1998

Dear Chariot,

That was a good joke, I must admit. But I couldn't keep my eyes open. I also couldn't forget my promise to you, so that is the reason for the short letter.

For the short letter, there is remedy to counter it. A very long letter.

Are you groaning yet? Good, you should be. You wanted a long letter, so here goes.

It feels good to be home. The reception I received once I got back was...interesting. Zebra and his parents held a party for me with some of my old friends, whom I don't speak to anymore.

It was Zebra's idea of a joke. I wasn't speaking to him by the end of the evening.

Now that I'm back, I'm going to buy a flat for myself and move out. My parents' wishes stated that I only live there until I graduated.

The experience was amazing, Chariot. I wish you could've been there. In a manner of speaking, you were, though. Your letters kept me sane and made it easier for me to experience the change.

I also know who I am now and what my priorities are. After my parents died, I was sort of drifting, not sure of anything. But travelling alone gave me the time to understand my own feelings and emotions, to get over the pain.

Happy Birthday. I know, I know, I'm terribly late, but I couldn't find an owl where I was then. I'm sure you are angry with me, but I will make it up to you. I am actually making it up to you right now.

By the way, for future reference, you also forgot my birthday. But I forgive you, because the truth is...I forgot it as well. I was travelling at that time and only when I got cards and gifts from Zebra's mother the day after, did I remember. June fifth, for future reference.

Your birthday doesn't sound so...bad. All right, it sounds horrible. But you got a nephew in the bargain. And some new robes.

Hopefully you'll like my gifts. I thought I didn't know what you would like, but once I got there, random items began to pop out at me and I would immediately think of you.

Before I get to that, however, I have one question for you: what the hell is wrong with you? The jewellery box tells you you're beautiful and you want to hurt it? Hmm, I do wonder what would happen if someone, a person, told you that you were beautiful. Would you hit me if I told you that you were beautiful? The experiment is an interesting one.

All right, so your gifts. I'll just explain them now so I don't have you badgering me about where they're from and what they mean.

The mermaid blue bag is from Australia. It can fit anything you throw into it. Handy, no?

The green bracelets and bangles are from Egypt, the traditional kind that women wear there. The strip of parchment with hieroglyphics is actually part of an old scroll. It could probably be a bookmark, since I know all you do is read.

There are also little statues of several of the landmarks I saw like the CN Tower in Canada, the Pyramids at Giza, the Opera House (See, I did get it for you) and the Disney Palace at Disney World in the US.

The seashells are from the shores of Australia, mixed with the sand from the beach of Florida.

I hope that was enough. I did abstain from jewellery, (sort of) because I know how picky you can get.

Right now I have to start to pack my things to move to my flat. Tomorrow I start work at the Auror Office. You get to go back to Hogwarts, and hopefully won't be as bored as you were.

Just promise that you won't stop writing to me when you go back to Hogwarts. Give the teachers a little bit of trouble from me as well.


Sept. 15, 98


Thank you so much for the gifts! They were wonderful. But you got me too many things. You could've got me sand from the desert of Egypt and I would have been happy.

But an actual piece of a scroll from long ago- That's amazing, Prince. That was the best bit, of course, touching it and knowing how old it is.

Tell me how work is going. Is your boss mean? How are your co-workers? Have you caught any Death Eaters yet? Actually, what a stupid question. If you had, I'm sure the name of the Death Eater would be in the Prophet.

Hogwarts is the same. But it seems empty. Athena and my brother are gone and so are so many people. Especially you. Even though we never met, just knowing that you were there in the building made me happy.

If you have never seen me, then how do you know if I am beautiful? Believe me, I'm not. I don't even qualify for pretty. That would be my sister in law and Athena, who suddenly changed over the summer. I think it was my brother's influence on her.

How does it feel to be living on your own? Is it exciting? Don't you get lonely? Remember, if you're lonely, just write to me and I will write back to you.

Oops, McGonagall's asking me a question. Got to go.


November 26th, 1998


Thank you for the card. You were right, I was feeling a bit depressed. I took your advice; I diverted my attention and put my energy somewhere else instead of brooding.

No, I don't get hungry. Zebra's mother, who took it a bit hard when I left, comes over often and brings me dishes and dishes of food. Zebra is over often as well, too much sometimes.

But I'm glad to have it. He's my only friend, apart from you, of course.

Work is getting harder again. The problem I told you about in my last letter has occurred again and for some reason, I got blamed. But my old boss just switched to another department, so I've got a new boss who's nicer.

Oh, Chariot, you are stubborn. Too stubborn. We've been arguing about this for five letters now.

For the last time, I know you are beautiful because of the way you write. You tell me your thoughts, dreams and opinions, and I find them beautiful. Didn't anyone tell you that it's the outside that counts? Oops, I meant inside.

And even when we do meet, when I see you for the first time, I will not judge you on your appearance. I promise you that much. Just trust me.

Oh, I just remembered you were in the hospital wing. Another accident, right? I'm not surprised. But would it kill you to watch where you're going before you start opening random doors in the castle?

My boss is calling me to his office now, so I've got to stop working on this 'Highly Confidential' file I've been working on.

Cheer up. I know you're sad, but Christmas is coming soon. You'll get to go home and be bossed around by your brothers. Sounds pleasing, no?


Dec. 25, 98

Merry Christmas, Prince!

It's your favourite weather outside, by the way. Just thought I'd cheer you up with that. Ha ha.

And before you laugh at your gift, because I know you will, I'll explain it you. The sweets are explanatory, but the multicoloured bear is very special. And yes, it is a bear, damn it! I know what you're thinking. It looks nothing like a bear, but it's the first thing I knitted when Mum taught me. So appreciate it and please- take care of it.

I'm so happy you're going home for Christmas. I know how lonely you would have been at your flat all alone, so maybe it is for the better that you're going to Zebra's house. Even though you hate parties, try to have a happy face. They mean well and they took care of you for so long. Just because you're grumpy (yes, I know you're grumpy- don't deny it!) doesn't mean you can spoil their fun.

Ok, I admit it. I am sad again. But I can't help it. Athena and my brother are getting married soon, in the summer. I'm very happy for them, but I can't help but feel lonely.

Will nobody ever ask me out? Will I stay like this forever?

At least I'm going home right now. I'll be able to distract myself. Write to me if the party is boring. I'll be waiting.


February 24th, 1999


I moved into my parents' home. I know, I told you I wasn't going through with it, but I ended up doing it.

Your words stuck in my head. Just because there are bad memories attached to that house, doesn't mean that I can't live in it like I was meant to.

I know you're lonely. I wish I could write more to ease your loneliness, but work is tough. I have a lot on my plate, especially now that I'm trying to get to a higher position. That means staying later and later at the office.

But I don't want you to worry about me. Take care of yourself. The snow is melting soon, go outside and get some fresh air. On your way, get some for me as well.

Keep writing. Your letters are the only things that make me feel as if I am alive.


April 1, 99


What kind of horrible April fool's prank was that?

I'm trying not to cry as I write this. I know you were joking, but it hurt me.

The only thing that's getting me through these days is your letters. And if you stopped writing to me, I don't know what I would do.

Please don't play such a prank again. Please don't ever stop writing to me. Please don't leave me alone like this.


June 5th, 1999


I know you are still mad at me for the prank. I can tell through your short letters. I told you, but I'll say it again, I am sorry.

I only was joking. I didn't realise how much it would hurt you. Now that I think of it though, I feel foolish for not knowing the pain it would cause.

If you were to tell me such a thing, I would react in the same way.

Even though you are angry with me, you still got me a gift for my birthday. The watch is very nice. Thank you so much.

Just keep on going. The end is near. I'll try not to write to you as much, so that you can study. I want you to do well.


July 10, 99


Ah, summer feels amazing. I shall never complain about summer again. I am so happy I am done now. The results from my exams came; I actually did well. Surprising, I know, but maybe the fact that you stayed up all night explaining Potions to me really helped. Thank you.

Athena and my brother's wedding is in a few days. Again, I'm feeling the disparity and the loneliness. But I'll put on a happy face and brave it. I am happy for them, of course.

The way I think of it is that if you made that conscious decision to be a Death Eater, then you should be punished for it, even if you are sorry afterwards. What about all the people that died from your violence? Were they sorry?

I'm passionate about this, I know, sometimes too passionate. But the wounds from the war still haven't closed up yet. I still think of Helios. Not so often, though. His memory will always be with me, but I think I am beginning to move on.

I also got over my fear of the dark again. I suppose if you've done it once, then you can get over it again.


August 15th, 1999


I think I'm the only one who finds it funny how only the day after you wrote to me about being lonely, that boy asked you out.

Isn't that funny? I can just hear you saying that it's fate, but you know I don't believe in it.

You never did tell me, how did the date go? I'm sure you had fun. Is he prince charming, then? Come on, you can tell me.

No, the Ministry's not that brutal. It's good, though, that you start on the outside and then work your way in. Believe me, though, you will miss Hogwarts soon enough.

Zebra came over last night. He spotted me writing to you and he was shocked to find out that I was still writing to you. For him, it was only an exercise during school, but for me, it's something more.

Anyways, I have a deadline tomorrow, and I've still got a report to write.

I'll write more tomorrow.

Prince Charming (I'm joking, don't curse me.)

Sept. 15, 99


Fine, you were right. I admit I was wrong. Happy? I do miss Hogwarts. Things were just simpler there.

My boss is an arse and pokes fun at me all the time for tripping and for my usual clumsiness, actually. I hate him.

The prank you wrote about in your letter was mean! It was funny, but I could never do that to anyone, not even my boss- no matter how much I hate him.

I know you're busy right now. You have a meeting with the Department Head- see I remembered! I know I am a bit spacey these days because of work, but I usually do remember everything you tell me.

Continuing our discussion on fate, I have a new example for you. If I were to die tomorrow by being hit by a bus, would you call that fate? Would you say that I should have taken great caution, or what? How would you explain that?

You've been through a lot; that's probably why you don't believe in God. But how can you not? If innocent people around you were dying, wouldn't you think that they're going somewhere else? I don't know...I'm confusing myself as usual. I just want answers, though.

And no, before you ask me (yet again) whether or not I went out with that boy again, I haven't. That wasn't even a date. I've known him since I was little; I went to his house for a barbeque and our families tried to push us into the bushes. It was disgusting.

I hope you like the food. I baked the muffins especially for you so that you would have something to eat when you would get home late.

Don't overwork yourself. You worry me.


December 27th, 1999


Zebra just left my house now, after staying over from Christmas Day. I almost said 'It's about time!' but then I didn't. He's not a bad houseguest, and I do like him a lot.

If there is a heaven, I'm sure not going there. I'm pretty sure there is a nice spot already waiting for me in hell. I know, I shouldn't think pessimistically, but I can't help it.

Did I tell you? Zebra tried to match me up with someone else- again. It was downright embarrassing. On Christmas, he came over to my house with two girls, informing me that one was for me.

I was too tired to even argue with him and they've both been here with him. He goes through girls like no tomorrow. But at least the girl wasn't one of those who looked like she was going to strangle me if I told her no. She enjoyed herself with Zebra, but then again, who doesn't? He's a party animal.

I'm heading to bed now. I have one more day off from work and then I go back. I want to make the best of it.

Good luck on your meeting tomorrow. I'm sure you'll do well. You always do. By the time you're done reading this, you're probably feeling happy. Relax; you're not going crazy. I put a Cheering Charm on the letter. Smile.


April 5, 00


Guess who's moving departments? Me, that's who! I'm so happy I can hardly wait! The new department should be better hopefully.

Athena and my brother are having a baby. I'm going to be an aunt- again. Yay, more babysitting for me. I'm joking, though; I love kids. You know I do.

You're going to Turkey! That's amazing! I'm so proud of you for sticking up for yourself to the Department Head- that needed guts. But you have them; I know you do.

If you didn't have guts, then you wouldn't have sent me that pie in the face a few days ago. I know you liked my prank even better- let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Write to me while you're there. I want to know how it goes. Go get 'em, tiger.


August 11th, 2000


Happy Birthday. Wow. How does it feel being twenty? Don't you think that's a stupid question? How does it feel to be a certain age? It feels like nothing has changed.

But that means I've known you for three years now. Our anniversary is coming up, let me remind you. Hint, hint.

I can't believe it's been three years. Sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday that we started writing to one another, but other times I feel like I've known you forever. You know me better than I know myself and let me tell you, there are a lot of people who don't know who I am.

Even though I was complaining then, I am very grateful to Professor McGonagall for making us do the assignment. It sure isn't an assignment now.

I miss you right now. I know you're probably not going to get this for a while because you're off vacationing in France. But it's the thought that counts, right? It still counts that I wished you, right?

Oh and of course, the gift had better count. It took me forever to find it, so you had better like it. Of course, I mean the quill and not the chocolates. It makes writing a lot easier and quicker because of a powerful spell put on it.

Enjoy yourself today and have fun. I know you will have fun, what with your family there. No, I'm not mocking you. I'm just...stating the truth.

Write to me when you get back. Take your time replying, but don't take too long.


Nov. 29, 00


You are not evil. Stop thinking like that. I refuse to listen to you say things like that. Just because something bad happened to you, doesn't mean you're to blame. Sometimes bad things happen for a reason to make you stronger. Now stop living in the past. You're a different person now.

I know you don't work there anymore, but isn't it a coincidence that the Auror Office suddenly caught five Death Eaters as soon as you were gone? Stupid people. You put all that hard work into it and as soon as you left, they took the credit for it.

It would've helped me as well, since I think we should meet soon. If you had been in the paper I could've found out who you were. But I'd rather find out on your terms.

Athena had her baby yesterday. It was a girl! Finally! She was a bit early, but cute nonetheless. By the way, how many kids do you want to have? I want only one. After growing up with a large family, I think I would kill myself if I had more than three.

I'm telling you right now, Prince, go to a Healer and get some medicine. You're sick and you need to rest. Don't work so hard.


March 17th, 2001

Dear Chariot,

I'm finally recovering from my 'cold' as the Healer called it. You told me to go and get medicine before, but because I was an idiot, I didn't listen to you.

I should listen to you more often. You were right, (when were you ever wrong?) things have definitely started to look up.

I'm sorry. I hope your mother feels better. You should go with her. She needs you. France isn't that far. I'm sure my owl will find you. He always does.

While you're there with her, don't forget to write. And don't worry about me. You worry too much, about everything. Your mum will be fine; I will be fine as well.

Just take care of yourself. Focus on what's important. Forget work for a while. I just wish that I were as nice to my parents as you are to yours.

But then that's why you're the Chariot of Light and I'm the Prince of Darkness. You spread light around everyone near you. You find the good in everything.

I'm sure you'll find the good in this as well.


Sept. 8, 01

Dear Prince,

How dare you suggest such a thing?! Writing to you is not a distraction for me. I spend all day with my sick mother, without any conversation.

I look forward to when I can write to you. My whole day is spent talking to you in my head, imagining what you would say to me. I dream about writing to you the way a thirsty man might dream of water. The fifteen minutes I get to write to you is the best part of my day, and you want me to stop?

I know you mean well, but can't you tell that it's in my best interest to write to you? How would I survive then?

Just keep writing to me. Please don't stop. Ever.


January 31st, 2002


I'm glad your mother is feeling better. Even more, I am glad that you will be coming back soon. 'A few months' isn't that soon, but for me, it's close enough.

The words 'I can't wait to see you' make no sense, but they convey my feelings. I can't wait until you're back in London again.

I hope you like the flowers. I know they say diamonds are a girl's best friend, but roses can be too.


July 7, 02


London seems strange now after being gone for so long. The bustling streets and busy crowds that made me warm make my head hurt now. Everything's changed.

Except you. You're the same.

When I came home, there was a surprise party for us. Even though I saw everyone at Christmas when they came to visit, they all looked different.

Athena's daughter is so much older and bigger. The last time I saw her, she was only a few months old. Even my oldest brother's son has grown.

Rufus is growing a beard, trying to copy the older ones. It actually suits him, though. The twins both went and got married, so the family has gotten even larger now.

It was great to be home. I don't know why I used to complain about them so much. Just hearing them fight and squabble made my heart ache to see them.

Dad hugged me and told me he was proud of me. I am too. For so long, my mother has taken care of us and I'm glad I was the one who got to be there to take care of her once.

She's much better now, but some of her symptoms still remain. When I was much younger, I used to think magic was amazing to be able to do whatever you wanted. I thought wizards were better than Muggles because of the magic we could do.

But we also don't have a cure for cancer, like the Muggles, so we're both in the same boat. That just proves that we're both human.

But forget me; tell me about you. I'm sorry my letters were scarce, but the time was just bad. You hardly talked about work, so I don't know what's going on.

How're Zebra and his parents? Has he settled down? I still remember our easygoing banter from before. I'm sorry that everything's so serious now.

But I am eternally grateful to you for keeping me going there. These past few months have been the toughest of my life. If it hadn't been for you, I don't know how I would've survived. I'm serious. You kept me going with your positive comments. Thank you so much.

Now I know that no matter how far away I am from you, I will always have a connection with you. For that I am glad.

Stay the way you are. Don't ever change.


A/N- how was it? Was the letters thing annoying? Personally, I really liked it. But it was just a technique to breeze through the five years, showing their growing connection. And the next chapter will be the regular style, except it's when they're older (of course). I'll try to have it up soon! Thanks for reading, and please review! :)