Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 09/26/2006
Updated: 03/25/2007
Words: 112,945
Chapters: 26
Hits: 40,960

Forever Yours

Fasiris Fay

Story Summary:
7th year at Hogwarts, the year after Harry has died in the summer. Ginny is in sixth year and is learning to cope. She is helped by a new assignment that the whole school is taxed with, writing letters to a pen pal in the school. Her pen pal turns out to be...Draco Malfoy? -banner by crazy_about_atif-

Chapter 11

Chapter Summary:
Christmas time! Presents, cold snow and more letters. A lapse of time as well...

A/N- Hey guys! Here's the next chapter! It's a bit boring, but the next one will be better. Sorry it's been so long since I updated. Enjoy!

Chapter 11

The next morning, Ginny awoke with a start. The dormitory was bright, but it was a certain thought that had awoken her.

It took her several minutes to realise: It was Christmas!

Immediately, Ginny bounded up silently and moved to the left so that she was beside the window.

Ginny pressed her forehead against the cool windowpane of glass and grinned.

The sky was heavily lined with clouds and it was snowing! Everywhere Ginny looked was white. The sky was white, and there was a thick blanket of white snow on the castle and in the grounds.

Still smiling, Ginny looked down at her hand, happy that she hadn't dreamed the Prince sending her the ring.

It glinted on Ginny's ring finger on her hand, the emerald sparkling and shimmering.

As she moved to open her pile of presents at the foot of her bed, a thought crossed her mind. She should probably put the ring away because people would ask about it. And since it was such an expensive and antique gift, it would look even stranger to accept a gift from someone whom Ginny had not met yet.

So she got up, slowly and carefully, and opened her jewellery box. There she located a long chain her mother had given to her the year before. It was an antique chain as well that had a chain pendant on the end. Ginny transferred the pendant to another chain and then slid the ring off her finger and onto the chain.

On the chain, the ring looked as if it belonged with the chain. They both appeared as if they were from the same time period and shined in the same unknown and aged way.

Ginny then sat in front of her mirror and pushed her hair back, tied the old fashioned clasp, and then sat and admired herself.

The chain wasn't that long, but it was just long enough to look beautiful. The chain set elegantly in between her breasts, among the ruffles of her nightgown.

Ginny moved the chain inside her gown so that the ring was right in between, the cold metal enticingly cool against her warm skin. This way, the chain was visible, but the most important thing: the ring was hidden beneath her neckline.

She smiled at herself in the mirror, feeling the ring pressed against her skin, right against her heart.

"Morning," came a voice behind her.

Ginny jumped in her chair when she saw that one of her classmates was awake.

"Merry Christmas," said Ginny, getting up. "Did I wake you up?"

She shook her head. "Nope! Presents!"

She turned her back to Ginny as she shifted through her pile. Ginny sat down on her bed and began opening her gifts as well.

From her Mum and Dad, she had received a set of antique earrings, the pair that matched the chain. Her mum had also sewn her the usual knit sweater.

From Ron, she had received a bottle of unusual perfume and her favourite series of books: Henry Skeever and the Cabbage of Mayhem.

Fred and George got her odds and ends from their shop, such as the new line of Skiving Snackboxes with new and improved symptoms. They had also gotten her a new set of dress robes.

Hermione had gotten her some new books for Defence Against the Dark Arts, the subject that she asked Hermione's help for the most often. She had also gotten Ginny a plaque that said: Best Friend Ever. In the background, was a collage of pictures of Hermione and Ginny taken over the years.

After getting dressed, Ginny started to walk down the stairs to the common room.

Not many people were awake yet, since it was still early, but Ginny could hear someone giggling in the common room as she walked down.

As she walked in, she saw Hermione and Ron sitting together in the armchair by the fireplace. Hermione was giggling and Ron was grinning.

A smile spread across Ginny's face, a smile so wide she didn't even notice it.

"Stop it, Ron. Stop tickling me!" came Hermione's voice, an octave higher than usual.

"Not unless you tell me what you told me last night," said Ron.

"No," said Hermione, with a hint of rouge at her cheeks. "You already know what I said."

"Maybe I forgot," said Ron, grabbing her again.

Hermione's giggles bounces off the walls of the room, the laughter filling the room.

Ginny's breath caught in her throat. If she could think of one couple who deserved all the happiness in the world, it was Ron and Hermione.

She had hardly seen Hermione this happy...well, not since she had often scolded at Ron and Harry, feeling pleased with herself.

She walked down the stairs, and Hermione caught sight of her.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and said, "Morning, Gin. Thanks so much for the book."

Ginny smiled at her. "No problem."

Ron nodded at Ginny too. "Thanks, Gin. The broom servicing kit's going to be mad helpful this season of Quidditch."

She smiled again, feeling a wave of happiness wash over her.

"How did you sleep, Hermione?" she asked her.

Hermione said, "Stop it. Not you, Gin. Ron, stop it." She turned to Ginny and then said, grinning, "Honestly, I don't remember sleeping at all."

Ginny grinned and then walked out of the common room. She skipped to the Great Hall, but something sidetracked her.

She was in an old hallway that was hardly used. She had just walked past a large window that overlooked the front of the school.

Her breath caught in her throat as she stared out. Even though Ginny had seen the snow that morning, it was completely different to see it now.

The grounds were covered with the white, dazzling stuff that seemed to shimmer and sparkle as the sun's light reflected off of it. More snow was falling now, slowly and leisurely.

Ginny smiled wildly and even in her reflection, she thought she appeared eager.

She bounded down the stairs and leaped outside. She didn't have a jacket or a hat, but she didn't care.

She laughed as she felt the cold flakes of snow fall onto her skin, melting as soon as it touched her.

She giggled with happiness, dancing in the snow, leaning back, sticking her tongue out. Ginny closed her eyes, savouring the cold snow as it melted on her tongue.

People said that snow had no taste, but for her, snow tasted sweet. She thought it was something to do with her taste preferences, which were already strange enough.

She supposed that it had to with the time that Fred and George had performed a spell on her that had gone horribly. For the rest of her life, sweet sometimes tasted sour for her, and sour tasted sweet. It was either that, or it had happened when Ron had dropped her on her head when she had been a baby.

She smiled blissfully, remembering her childhood, as sweet as it was.

Ginny then picked up a handful of snow from beside her. It set in her hand, dazzling, purely white, the colour of innocence.

She threw it up into the air and laughed with pleasure as it fell down, melting down her hair and as it went down her shirt. The cool felt wonderful after spending such a long time in the castle cooped up.

As Ginny began to pick up another handful of snow, there was a soft swishing sound. She glanced at her hand, noticing that now there was a letter.

With her smile spreading wider, she plopped down onto the soft snow and slit open the seal on the rolled up parchment.

December 25, 1997

Merry Christmas, Chariot, it started off.

First of all, let me thank you for sending me the peacock quill. It was very exquisite. I am writing with it right now. But you did not need to get it me anything; it was unnecessary. Not that I don't appreciate it. I feel as if you are returning a favour.

Anyways, how is your Christmas so far? Mine has been pleasantly boring, as usual. But as this is the first Christmas that I have spent without my mother and father and without the usual customs, it seems incomplete.

But tell me what you are up to. The mood where I am is a tad bit depressing, so much so that it hardly feels like Christmas. So I hope you will write to me quickly.

And more quickly...

Prince of Darkness

Ginny smiled again, her brown eyes twinkling. She got up immediately, searching for a quill and a piece of parchment, when she remembered that she had left the things inside.

Then she felt the strange wetness on her behind. She turned her head to see what had happened and then realised that she had sat in the snow.

Still smiling, she walked into the castle. The first person she spotted was an over eager first year, whom she presently asked for a piece of parchment and a quill, which he lent her.

Ginny then went back outside, sitting on the steps of the castle and began writing her letter, writing as fast as her hand would let her, her thoughts spilling over faster than she could write them down.

Christmas day, 1997

Merry Christmas, Prince!

I am so happy you hear from you! You liked the quill? Good, because it wasn't going to matter to me anyways if you didn't.

I'm being sarcastic, but that's what I do when I am very happy.

I'm not returning a favour at all. Even if you hadn't sent me the ring last night, (which I adore!), I still would have sent you the quill. It's also quite old; my grandmother passed it down to me. The different colours in the feathers and the intricately woven pattern reminded me of you, how you're filled with so many different colours.

So I was thinking, just staring at it on my dresser, that it would suit you so much better. Besides, you would write so much better in than me, with my untidy scrawl.

My Christmas has been absolutely wonderful so far! It's only nine o'clock, and nothing has happened, but I am truly happy.

Aithne and the boy she liked are together now- he has liked her the whole time! At the beginning, it was strange seeing them together. But I can't think of any two people who deserve each other more than they do, after what they've been through. I like to think that I had something to do with it. And so did you, as far as I remember. So a thanks is in order. Thank you for your help.

Your Christmas sounds unpleasant. How is your friend's mother? I hope she is well and that she recovers soon. I know how you must feel, since she is your caretaker now. But if you feel sad at any point, just write to me- about anything. I am always willing to listen.

But I don't want you to be sad on this day. You should be happy like everyone else. You're alive, you survived the war and, you are (hopefully) healthy. Thinking of your mother and father must bring back painful memories. What sort of things did you do on Christmas? Tell me everything; I want to know.

In the meantime, I will try to keep your mind off such distressing things. Listen to this:

This morning, I was overjoyed when I looked out my window and saw the snow. But when I came out here, (outside the castle, which is where I am writing to you,) I was...elated. The snow was so beautiful on the ground, and it was so pure...There were no footprints yet, which is how I love it. The pure and white snow was unscathed.

And when your letter arrived, I was ecstatic, so ecstatic that I sat down in the snow to read your letter, not noticing that I was becoming wet.

Only when I got up did I notice. You should have heard the snickers I heard when I walked into the foyer to get parchment.

I hope that amused you somewhat. If you laughed, then I have been successful in distracting you. But I don't know what your laugh is like and what amuses you. I don't know if you'll laugh to humour me or if you'll just stare at the paper in disgust and throw it into the smouldering fire as well as the peacock quill.

I am sure you think I am crazy now, so I will stop. But please write back soon. I feel so alone today, with so many people gone for the holiday.

Write back soon...I'll be waiting.

Chariot of Light

Far away, near London, sat Draco Malfoy in his darkened, plush, velvet room, his lips curling into a smile as he read the letter.

He kept smiling, even as he wrote his response.

December 25, 1997


Your concern touches me deeply. I am surprised you care so much about things that don't affect you. Or perhaps you are so caring with everything. I am not sure. But your sincerity startles me. If you are always so sincere, people will always take advantage of you...

But wait a second; you're outside? I don't want you to catch a cold; you should go back inside right now. I refuse to write to you until you are inside. And believe me; I will know when you are safely inside the castle walls. I have my ways, preferably using the magic of magic.

Write to tell me when you are back inside, if you know what's good for you...

Prince of Darkness

As Ginny sat on the steps, a letter appeared again.

She read it, smiling, until she read the second paragraph. Her smile only wavered for a second, because then she couldn't help but smile again. Prince. He was so...charming!

Ginny just wished she knew who he was, but for now, this was enough for her.

For now, it was enough that he was so concerned about her that he was issuing commands.

So, she left her winter wonderland and walked back inside, going to the Great Hall. Since it was later now, there were more people than before. But there were still very few in there, taking in consideration that many students were not there.

Ginny sat down at the end of the table so she could be alone. She then wrote on a piece of parchment.

Same day

Fine, fine. You're very bossy, you know that? But I don't mind it...right now. Maybe it's because I know that you pretend to be a hard and cold guy most of the time, but you're a softie deep down inside. I bet you're furious now, aren't you? Ha ha ha.

Did you really place a spell on your letter? Tell me the truth!


Draco sat in his room, alone still. He laughed when he read her latest reply.

December 25, 1997

Of course not. I am not as devious as you think I am. It was just a ploy I used to get you inside.

Ha! Me, a softie? In your dreams, Chariot. I am hardly a softie. But I am not as cold as to completely stop writing to you, which I was considering...


Ginny laughed when she read his letter.

She wrote back:

Mr. Prince of so called Darkness, you are so a softie. You told me, no sorry- commanded that I go inside so I don't catch a cold. If that's not being soft, then I don't know what is. Just admit it. You do have feelings. You do care. You're not as impartial to things as you think you are, so stop pretending.

His reply:

December 25, 1997

I cannot believe you like the snow. I hate winter. It depresses me. What is so good about the snow?

And can we please stop talking about me being a softie. It unnerves me.

Her response:

The snow is beautiful! What is wrong with you? Ha, Mr Depressed finds winter depressing; I see you've met your match. Snow is beautiful.

Then what do you want to talk about?


He wrote his response quickly.


I am not Mr Depressed, not even close. Just Mr...I'll think of it later. How about we talk about your obsession with snow? And no, I do not find you crazy. Just...interesting. I found your account of the morning hilarious. My friend thought I was choking on something when I laughed so hard at your letter.

Snow is depressing. It tastes strange and feels awful when you try holding it, slipping through your fingers if you don't hold on tightly enough.

Mostly everything you say amuses me, as well what some people believe about me. Honestly, sometimes some of the things are ridiculous and make no sense.

A first year boy asked me last year if I was a vampire. I was so shocked that I forgot I had class.

So no, I will never be disgusted with you, as long you just deny your obsession with snow. Then I will be fine.


Ginny laughed when she read the Prince's letter.


Vampire, huh? Actually, I'm not surprised. I don't suppose you sleep at night, and you seem to prefer the darkness too much. But unless I see you, I will not know if you do truly bear any resemblance to a vampire.

I am not obsessed with snow. I just think it's dazzling. And it doesn't taste strange to me; it tastes sweet. But that's for another reason, one that I accredit to my dear brothers.

You sound as if no one has ever been nice to you. I asked about your friend's mother because I am sincere. And I know it's important to you, so I do care. Maybe I'm just like that, though. I cry when I see old witches and wizards crossing the road, watching younger people push past them.

I have a surprise for you. I hope you like it. Smile.

Chariot of Light

As soon as the letter disappeared, there was a tap on Ginny's shoulder.

She turned to see Hermione standing in front of her, with Ron beside her, holding her hand.

"Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" the older girl asked her.

Ginny smiled, putting her wand away, anticipating the Prince's face when he received her 'surprise'.

She then realised that she was hungry. "Yes, I am. I was just waiting for you two."

Ron grinned and then sat down beside Hermione.

"Hey, Ron," said Seamus as he walked by.

"Hey, Seamus," said Ron, getting up. "Wait up, mate. I'll be back, Hermione. Did you hear about..." he said as he walked to Seamus to talk to him.

Hermione smiled at her, staring up at the enchanted ceiling, her brown eyes glowing.

Ginny drank a sip of pumpkin juice. "Happy?"

Hermione looked back to her, and her smile seemed to glow like a thousand watt light bulb. "Oh, Ginny, I never told you last night." Her voice was breathless as she stared at Ron as he talked to Seamus animatedly, stealing glances at her as she looked at him.

"Everything was just amazing last night," she said. "It was as if I was living in a fairy tale. I couldn't believe it was happening to me." She smiled again, her eyes tearing. "He knew the whole time that I was his pen pal."

"He did?" said Ginny, her eyebrow raised. She was surprised. This certainly made things a lot easier to understand.

"Well, not all along," she said, tucking a strand behind her hair, "but for awhile. I once left one of my unfinished letters to him in the common room and he picked it up, thinking it was a homework assignment I had forgotten."

Ginny began to smile when she realised what Ron had done. He had set it up since the beginning, hinting at a girl he loved to Hermione. "That's so amazing, Hermione. I'm really happy for you."

Hermione smiled. "I am too. But tell me, who was your pen pal?"

As Ginny began to tell Hermione what had happened, editing out certain parts like the gift of the ring, Draco sat in Aurora Blaise's house in the upstairs bedroom, his face wet with water.

Originally, the water had been a puff of snow that had shot out of the letter when he opened it, but it slowly melted as he stood there, fuming a bit.

If only she knew who he was, she would have never had done something like that to the Slytherin King. But then, a wave of annoyance washed over him, except this time for himself. Who did he think he was?

He was glad she didn't know who he was. That way she could be more free, teasing him and taunting him as she liked and not feeling intimidated, like most people did, when they knew him.

So, smiling at her joke, he picked up his quill and began to write.


Ha ha, very funny. A very nice joke. Quite original. No, I'm not being sarcastic. I did think it was funny and original, but it was annoying all the same. I don't know how you like the taste of snow. It tastes disgusting, because I still have some in my mouth.

I want to know what the reason is that you attribute to your brothers. Is it that you were dropped on your head as a baby? That would explain a lot of things. Ha, I'm joking, of course.

It's so much harder in letters, because when I am joking, it doesn't come across like that.


Hermione and Ron had left the Great Hall when Ginny finally opened the letter beside her. It had set there for ten minutes.

She opened it cautiously, thinking something might pop out at her. But nothing did and when she read the letter, she laughed at his reaction and his guess at her past history (of being dropped as a baby.)


Are you ready? Here I go. What happened was...

Ginny and Draco continued writing letters to one another all day. Ginny found out that the Prince's Christmas customs were traditional and a tad old fashioned, telling her that he probably belonged to one of the old wizarding families.

Draco laughed loudly when he read about the spell her brothers had performed on her when she had been younger. She wasn't willing to tell him the whole story, but eventually he pried it out of her, using his powers of persuasion.

Ginny spent the entire day writing to her pen pal and receiving replies. Their letters changed to serious topic, switched to jokes and drifted to the topic of the war.

She had fun 'talking' to him. Perhaps it was because she didn't know exactly who he was and could write whatever she wanted without him judging her.

He asked her relentless questions about herself, about her childhood, about her family, about everything.

In return, she asked him questions about his family and about his opinions on controversial topics.

The days of the winter break passed by so quickly, it felt to Ginny as if it had just been a few hours.

Finally though, the break ended and Ginny returned to classes.

In his last letter, the Prince had told Ginny that he would return on Sunday. But she didn't bring up the topic of meeting him when he returned. She had forgotten that they were supposed to meet because she had too much fun writing letters to him.

Draco also didn't bring up the topic of meeting because he enjoyed writing to Chariot of Light; she had suddenly become one of his closest friends, someone who he told everything to.

And so the last few months of school passed quickly, as if they were days.

Ron and Hermione were so close that Ginny sometimes felt like a third wheel when she was with them. So instead, she wrote to the Prince, telling him about everything.

They would stay up late, writing letters to one another, only stopping when midnight passed.

Ginny found that she hardly had time to write to him during the day because of the massive amounts of homework she was getting. She had to keep up, and the Prince agreed as well, so they waited until the night to 'talk' to one another, telling each other about their day.

June came quickly enough with exams at its side.

The Prince would berate her when she didn't study and instead chose to write to him. In return, she scolded him back, telling him to study for his N.E.W.T.s.

When exams were over, Ginny sent the Prince a funny book titled '100 Ways to annoy Lord Voldemort.' It made light of Voldemort and poked fun at him.

The Prince loved it and sent Ginny a step-by-step guide on how to get over her fear of the dark. It involved taking a candle with you when you when to sleep and snubbing it earlier and earlier, until she didn't need it at all.

The last days of school arrived, but even that didn't stop the Prince and Ginny from writing letters to one another.

Ginny sat in a cabin with Ron and Hermione on the Hogwarts Express and wrote short letters to the Prince, congratulating him on graduating from Hogwarts. Owls now delivered their letters since the magic of the assignment had ended once the year ended.

The train journey passed by quickly and eventually, so did the rest of time...

A/N- Thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter! The feedback and comments you gave were awesome. Hehe, I'm so glad I shocked many of you. Sorry that this chapter was a bit bare. The next one is on its way and it is much longer. Also, it is in a different format. I won't say too much, but please review in the meantime!