Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Romance General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 09/26/2006
Updated: 03/25/2007
Words: 112,945
Chapters: 26
Hits: 40,960

Forever Yours

Fasiris Fay

Story Summary:
7th year at Hogwarts, the year after Harry has died in the summer. Ginny is in sixth year and is learning to cope. She is helped by a new assignment that the whole school is taxed with, writing letters to a pen pal in the school. Her pen pal turns out to be...Draco Malfoy? -banner by crazy_about_atif-

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
A whole slew of letters that are exhcanged! The quidditch game between Slytherin and Gryffindor, a detention and a dream...

A/N- here it is! sorry about last chapter, but hopefully this one makes up for it. This chap should be much more fun and it's one of my favourite. I hope you guys like it! Enjoy! :)

Chapter 7

Later that night, Ginny sat by the warm fire after completing her homework.

She hadn't written to the Prince in days now, she realised. His last letter in response to her thank you had come seconds after she had penned it, but since that was the day that the next Quidditch game had been announced, Ginny forgot about it.

Nov. 7. 97

Dear Prince of Darkness

Hmm, the plan did not work as well as I thought it would. Okay, I'm lying- it failed.

I got her a date, and I even got her to agree, a miracle that was in itself. But the day of the date, she told me that she didn't feel well. I'm sure she was lying, because she sits in front of me eying the same boy she likes, the one who she's obsessed with, the one I tried to get her away from.

So she begged me, and even told me that I owed her a favour (which I did). So I agreed to not let her go, and went to explain to her blind date what had happened. Except, he wanted to go on a date with me! Imagine that!

I was shocked but somehow agreed, and for some reason, he was actually kind of nice. When I started blubbering about the war and losing...let's call them Helios, I started crying. He was someone who was very dear to me. For some reason, he didn't seem to think I was a loser. He actually understood and talked to me. It was quite surprising, actually.

But this just shows me again and again that you can't judge someone by their face or looks. They just might be someone else altogether.


Chariot of Light

The letter magically disappeared as soon as she signed her name, and Ginny settled in to watch Hermione, who was holding a book in her hand, with the same page in front of her as she watched Ron.

Her brother sat in front of her, scribbling something madly on a piece of parchment, while Lavender sat next to him, her lips pursed, trying to coax him into talking to her.

"Not right now, Lav. I'm busy."

She frowned at Hermione. "Ron, you're always busy. Talk to me. I'm bored."

"You're always bored, Lavender. Leave me alone," he said, shrugging her off while he glanced at Hermione, who immediately peered at the book as if she couldn't believe what was written.

"Ron..." she started again.

Ron got up just then and said, "Leave me alone, Lavender!"

He started walking to his dormitory while Lavender called after him, "Ronnikins! Sweetheart!"

She ran into her dormitory as the common room stared at her, laughing at her expression.

Ginny moved to the couch beside Hermione, while laughing with her best friend.

Hermione was cracking up. "That was just awesome. I guess they're having trouble in paradise."

"Hermione..." sighed Ginny.

"I know, I know," she said, biting her lip. "I have forgotten about him. It's just that it's so funny when they fight."

"Ha ha," Ginny said.

"Are you worried because of Quidditch tomorrow?" she asked Ginny.

Ginny shook her head. "I think we're ready. I had honestly forgotten about it too. That's how much I care."

Hermione smiled. "If Harry ever heard you talking like that..."

Ginny smiled weakly, and their conversation stopped there. The truth was, Ginny was still a bit torn up about her breakdown earlier. She didn't like showing people her inner self where things were raw and painful inside.

After a few minutes of silence, when Ginny was about to go up to bed, she received her response from Prince of Darkness.

November 7th, 1997

Dear Chariot of Light,

Haha, I would laugh to see the expression on your face when that other boy asked you out. For some reason I perceive you to be a very sensitive and not outgoing type of person. I'm right, aren't I?

Too bad the plan never worked. I, for one, thought it to be a workable plan. But you did get something out if it, did you not?

Ha, that's why I always say that one must always hide their emotions from the world. There's a very simple reason for this- no one cares.

This world is a cold, dark place and people live for themselves. No one cares if you lost...Helios. It was your boyfriend, was it not?

Is that why you are so sensitive about the subject of boys? Because I never hear you mention them. Perhaps you are...gay?

Prince of Darkness

Ginny looked up from her letter to see Ron slowly walking back into the common room, looking over his shoulder for Lavender

He sat down in the armchair. Hermione looked at him and raised her eyebrow, but he didn't notice because he was writing something on a roll of parchment again.

Ginny held in her silent laughter and started writing her response.


Dear Prince,

I am not gay, you idiot! How dare you think that? Just because I don't discuss my love life with you doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

Oh, ha ha, I suppose you find that amusing, don't you: me getting stuck with a random guy who I don't like?

And you want to know something else? I am offended, that's right, offended by your perception of me! I am not overly sensitive or not outgoing. For all you know, I could be the queen of Hogwarts. But you don't know, so shut it.


The letter immediately disappeared when Ron said, "Um, Hermione?"

Hermione looked up from the book she was reading. "Yes, Ronald?"

"How do you spell adamant?" he asked.

Hermione told him and he wrote it down while Ginny stifled her laughter.

"A-D-A-M-A-N-D-T," Hermione said without looking up from her book. "Why do you want to know?"

"I'm writing to my pen pal."

Again, the letter popped into her hand and she read it:

November 7th, 1997

Dear Chariot of Light

That's my proof right there, Chariot. You just proved that you're sensitive by being offended. And you are very offended because you repeated the word.

Only two months of talking and I can already read you like a book.

Smirk, smirk.


Her reply:

Nov. 7. 97

Dear Prince,

Wow, lucky you. You already understand me so perfectly. Your point being?


Draco laughed as he read her letter and hastened to reply.

November 7th, 1997

Dear Chariot,

My point being that I already can understand you fully and the way your childish mind works. Tick. Prince: 1. Chariot: 0


Ginny scribbled her reply quickly.

I know it's bloody November 7th, you idiot! Stop writing the bloody date!


Okay, so it's a contest now? Who knows the other person better? I didn't realise everything had to be a bloody contest! Plus, I know lots about you. So there!


Draco's reply:

Bloody November, bloody 7th, bloody 1997


Do you know that you just said bloody three times in your very short letter? Not only are you childish and sensitive, you are also very temperamental and emotional.

Haha, smirk. Everything with me is a contest. Just to let you know, I am winning the 'more intelligent' contest.

Really? What do you know about me? Pray tell.


"Ginny," said Hermione. "Ginny. Ginny. Ginny!"

Ginny looked up from her next letter. "Yeah?"

"I'm going up to bed. You should go to bed soon too. You've got Quidditch tomorrow too," said the older girl.

"I will soon, Hermione," said Ginny. "Promise. You go on ahead."

"All right," she said, yawning.

Ginny continued her letter.

Bloody same day


Very amusing joke with the use of my word! The 'more intelligent' contest? Prince, dear, do you really think you ought to be running in such a contest? Shouldn't you try to run in the 'most vapid' contest? I'm sure you'd win hands down.



Draco's reply:

Same day


Very nice use of my trademark word, Chariot. Very amusing joke, as well. And no, I entered the contest, but my intelligence was overqualified for the contest and I'm afraid the judges had to award the prize to you.

Stop changing the subject. What do you know about me?


The common room was almost empty now as Ginny wrote her response.

Same day


Firstly, I know that you are an arrogant, pompous, vain and conceited individual who sees only himself. Also, that you are a depressed person who seems to hate the world and everyone in it and wants to...eat everyone to get to the top?


Draco's response was written as the Slytherin common room emptied.

Same day


You've so much love inside you, no? Thanks for the compliments *sarcasm*. They were quite enjoyed.

And no, as much as I seem to hate the world, I don't hate everyone. I don't hate you. Or at least not as much as I used to. *wink*


Ginny smiled when she read that he didn't hate her.

Same day


I'm glad there's someone in this world that you don't hate. Otherwise, the world would be a very bleak place. And I was joking. As much as you are those things mentioned before, you're much more.

You're understanding, deep and funny. I have a feeling that your jokes are often misunderstood because they are soaked in sarcasm, but I seem to enjoy them. I can relate to what you say. There's also something about you that makes me want to befriend you. You have this spark about you, dark as it may be, that interests me. You're not like other people, especially the ones that I am forever surrounded by.

We seem to somehow have an understanding, perhaps forged by our similar tragic experiences and...

Ginny and Draco continued writing well into the night and didn't get much sleep that night.


The next morning, it was Saturday.

"Ginny! Wake up!" Someone pushed her gently. "Come on, Gin. Wake up!"

Ginny roused herself from her sleepy state. "What's happening?"

"The game, Ginny!" she said frantically. "It starts in ten minutes!"

"What?!" said Ginny, jumping. "I'm the captain! How did this happen?"

"I dunno!" said Hermione, shoving her to the washroom. "Quick, wash up."

Ginny ran into the washroom, brushed her teeth and washed her face. She was dead tired, but she had a responsibility to her team and house. She couldn't believe that she had slept in!

She ran out of the loo while Hermione held out her robes for her, helping her get dressed.

"I can't believe I didn't set my alarm!" she said, quickly combing her hair. "What's wrong with me?"

"You were up late last night, Gin," reminded Hermione, handing her wand to her as they rushed down the steps to the common room.

"Oh, shit," said Ginny as she remembered. She and Prince had continued writing to one another late last night. She had been having so much fun with him that she didn't even know where the time went. It felt as if it had been ten o'clock only a few minutes ago when Ginny checked her watch at three o'clock.

What would Harry have thought? Ginny asked herself. He would have been appalled, of course. He had led the team to such great victories, even when he had been just a seeker, and she couldn't even wake up on time for the match. She felt like kicking herself, but there was no time for that.

Hermione ran with her down the steps and out in front of the school, where people were slowly walking to the stadium.

"Oh, this is stupid!" she mumbled, trying to get past the crowd, trying not to push too hard.

"Here," said Hermione, whispering an incantation that immediately made the crowd part. "Now go!"

"Thanks, Hermione. You rule!" she said, running through the pathway made for her to the stadium.

She got to the stadium just as the team was holding a huddle.

"Thank God you're here!" shouted Ron. "Everyone was ready to kill me."

"Sorry, everyone," Ginny panted, trying to catch her breath. "Lost track of time."

"We're lucky today," said one of the players, "because the Slytherin team was looking worse for wear as well. Their captain just arrived, five minutes before you."

Ginny glanced back to see the Slytherins, clad in green and silver, huddling a bit away from them. Draco Malfoy, the captain, appeared disheveled and his blond hair wasn't so perfect as it always was.

Ginny hid a smirk and then concentrated on her play. She shouted instructions to the team and then the whistle blew. She walked to the middle of the pitch, broom in hand.

"All right, I want a nice clean game now, all of you!" shouted the referee, Madam Hooch. "Captains, shake hands."

Ginny walked purposefully towards her nemesis, Draco Malfoy, and held out her hand. Malfoy took it into his, and Ginny almost flinched when she felt how cold it was.

True it was a cold and windy day and her hands were cold too, but his were frozen.

There was a certain determination in his steel grey eyes that Ginny saw when she looked into them. It wasn't an evil flicker, but she wanted to break that determination, nonetheless.

It appeared that Mr. Malfoy wanted the same thing, Ginny noticed as he stared her down and gripped her hand hard.

Ginny squeezed just as hard, staring equally hard, trying not to blink.

The whistle blew again and the game had started!

Ginny jumped on her broom and raced into the air, feeling the cold wind whip her thick, red curls into her face every few seconds as she shouted at players to move.

The game was a close one. One second Slytherin was winning, then the next it was Gryffindor. It kept switching back and forth and Neville Longbottom, who was commentating, had a difficult time catching up.

By the second half, though, Slytherin was winning.

Ginny was frantic trying to find the Snitch, but she couldn't. Malfoy was trying to do the same and was having better luck.

He suddenly dived and Ginny followed him on her broom.

She saw the golden Snitch and was neck to neck with Malfoy.

The snitch went down and both of them followed it down. It went up, and they both flew into the air.

Ginny moved to the end of her broom, almost so that she would fall off, and grabbed the Snitch. She heard the whistle blow, which meant that Gryffindor had won.

Ginny jumped off her broom as the team surrounded her and cheered.

"Gryffindor! Gryffindor!" the crowed shouted.

Ginny grinned, while holding the tiny Snitch in her hand.

The Slytherins stood off to one side, sulking and moping, soaked from the rain that was now falling.

"Stupid Weasley slut," said a sixth year Slytherin. "She must've slept with the commentator, Longbottom. I hear she sleeps with everyone."

Rage boiled through Ginny when she heard that.

At the front stood Draco Malfoy, and Ginny automatically assumed it had been he that had spoken ill about her. So she walked up to them and punched him in the face.

He stared at her in shock and then slapped her.

That did it for Ginny. "You bastard!" she screamed as she lunged for him. Soon, though, the Slytherins and Gryffindors managed to pull their captains apart.

There was silence in the crowd as Professor McGonagall came down from the stands.

"Ms Weasley! Mr Malfoy!" she said as she came upon them, anger lining her face. "I am appalled at both of you. You should have better sense, especially as both are captains!"

Ginny silently fumed and then said, "But, Professor. He called me a..." She couldn't bring herself to say it in front of a teacher.

"I am aware of that, Ms Weasley. But instead of bringing the matter to my attention, you decided to act yourself. Mr Malfoy, did you insult Ms Weasley?"

Malfoy shook his head. "It wasn't me."

She stared at him for a few seconds and then said, "Indeed. But you acted on your anger as well. Both of you will have detention with Professor Slughorn for two weeks starting tomorrow at eight."

"What?" exploded both teams. "But Professor, they're two games next week!"

She shrugged. "Your captains will have to miss it, I'm afraid. They should have thought about it when they fought."

She walked away and everyone started emptying the stands. The Gryffindors gave her dirty looks as they walked away, and Ginny felt even worse.

She followed her team to the change rooms and then showered.

The team understood, she knew that, but the truth was she was ashamed of herself for acting so rashly.

Perhaps it was the lack of sleep and also the lack of food that make her boil over with anger, because she knew that she usually kept her anger in check.

She went to the common room, which was noisy when she entered. Ron had managed to go to Honeydukes and buy a few crates of Butterbeer, which everyone downed happily in celebration of the victory.

Ginny sat by the fireplace alone. After a few minutes, Hermione came down from her dormitory and sat down beside her.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi," Ginny answered, not looking up.

"I brought you something to eat," she said.

Ginny looked up and saw the sandwich that Hermione held in her hand along with the bottle of Butterbeer. "Go on, eat something."

Ginny happily ate the food and felt much better afterward.

After a few minutes of silence, Hermione said, "That wasn't like you, Ginny."

"I know."

"What happened?" Hermione asked.

"You were there. You saw it," said Ginny, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Hermione tried to smile. "I know, but I want to hear it from your point of view."

"Nothing happened. Someone insulted me, saying that I always slept around, and I thought it was Malfoy so I attacked him. It turned out it wasn't him, and now we both have detention. Just lovely," she finished off. "Ron's not speaking to me either."

"That makes two of us," said Hermione wistfully, watching Ron kiss Lavender passionately out of the corner of her eye.

"Hermione," said Ginny, raising her eyebrows, "he's drunk something else other than Butterbeer, that's obvious."

Hermione just sighed, and after a few minutes of silence, both girls went up to their dormitory, as the common room was too noisy.

Ginny went to her bed and sat down, getting a piece of parchment out and then writing her letter to the Prince.

Nov. 8. 97

Dear Prince,

Thanks to you, I woke up late this morning. It wasn't the best thing to do, staying up all night, writing letters to you, but I enjoyed it. There's only about two months until we meet, did you know?

I can't imagine what it'll be like meeting you, knowing that we've probably met before or at least seen each other. It seems so strange to think that we see each other every day, but don't actually talk.


Chariot of Light

Then Ginny changed her clothes and got ready to go to bed. She brushed her teeth and got into bed.

Just as she pulled her covers over her, the response appeared.

Ginny read it.

November 8, 1997

Dear Chariot of Light

You're welcome. Actually, I woke up late this morning as well and almost missed attending the Quidditch game. Did you go?

That was quite a spectacle.

Yes, two months until we meet. I can hardly wait. *Smirk*

Indeed, it is strange that we don't actually speak, or perhaps we do. What I am looking forward to knowing is if you are someone that I speak to or perhaps hate?

Prince of Darkness

Ginny smiled, put the letter on her bedside table and closed her eyes as sleep claimed her. That night, she dreamt about her pen pal and meeting him. She was chasing him all over the school but couldn't see who it was. Just as she found her mysterious pen pal, she put a hand on his shoulder to turn him around when her dream ended.

A/N- how was it? I haven't written the next chapter yet, but I am working on it so it could take awhile. Meanwhile, check out some of my other fics! I've written several D/G, some R/Hr, one L/J and one B/P. Tell me what you think! Toodles for now!