The Dark Arts
Dudley Dursley
Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 06/01/2004
Updated: 06/01/2004
Words: 762
Chapters: 1
Hits: 755

Dudley Demented


Story Summary:
Dudley. A bully, right?``Bullies are tough, ``Bullies aren't scared...``Unless they're forced to be.``What are Dudley's fears?

Chapter Summary:
Dudley. A bully, right?
Author's Note:
Well, I think that I'd just like to thank JKR for making such a world. A place beyond my wildest dreams.

"I c-can't see! I've gone blind!" Dudley stammered. He was engulfed in an icy cold, blinded by the night.
"I said shut up!" Harry said irritably. All he did was taunt Harry; another shiver shot up Dudley's spine. He opened his eyes, trying to see anything.

"I'll t-tell Dad!" Dudley whimpered, he couldn't see what Harry was doing, "Where are you? What are you d-do-"

"Will you shut up?" Harry hissed. "I'm trying to lis-" But Harry's voice faded away. Dudley, now panicking, began to tremble.

"C-cut it out! Stop doing it!" His voice shook. "I'll h-hit you, I swear I will!"

"Dudley, shut-" Harry started but Dudley couldn't take it.

Dudley's fist made contact with the side of Harry's head, throwing him to the ground.

"You moron, Dudley!" Harry yelled, Dudley could hear Harry scrambling around on the ground. Trying to see where Harry was, he opened his eyes wider, but then a white fog began to blend with the black of the night. A faint rattling sound was creeping toward them from the other end of the alleyway. Scared and shivering, Dudley fled.

"DUDLEY, COME BACK! YOU'RE RUNNING RIGHT AT IT!" He heard Harry yell after him, but his calls were faint and distant. All Dudley could here was the pounding of his feet on the tar, if he could only get away from Harry, he was sure, it would all stop. He would go straight home and tell Dad. He would tell him that Harry had used his... thing. And he would tell Dad to kick Harry out of the house, and he would too. But before Dudley could make it to the opening of the alleyway (or at least where he thought it was) his knee collided with a trashcan and his was thrown forward, landing on his back. Moaning, Dudley made to get up. But he couldn't. With every breath he took he inhaled the bone chilling cold that filled his lungs, and horrible memories began to flash before his eyes. Himself being taunted by kids at school, all making fun of his weight.

"DUDLEY, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! WHATEVER YOU DO, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!" Dudley heard Harry yell over the laughter and taunts of "Fatso, Pudgy, Chubbs, and Ugly" Without thinking Dudley clapped a hand over his mouth. The cold now was unbearable. He felt as though he would never be happy again. He was drowning in the cold. Now a new vision flashed before Dudley's eyes. Harry, whispering to the snake in the zoo. Harry, blowing up Aunt Marge. Harry, muttering things under his breath. Harry, pointing his wand directly at his heart. Harry. The rattling sound that had been coming from the end of the ally was now louder than ever before. Whimpering, Dudley opened his eyes. He heard something swish near by and a new wave of cold swept over him. The rattling noise was now so close, so close now. Dudley inhaled the bone chilling cold, and he felt something grasp his wrist. Looking around wildly to see what was clasping his arm, Dudley began to moan. Kids laughing at him, putting him down.

"Hey Fatso! Pudgy! Over here." Dudley could here their voices resounding in his head. Dudley's eyes rolled up into the back of his head. Something was trying to pry his hand off of his mouth. The rattling was so loud in his ear. "Fatso! Ugly! Stupid! THIS WAY!" A blinding white light was charging toward him. "GET HIM!" The cold was ebbing away. "DUDLEY? DUDLEY!" He could hear feet pounding on the tar, growing nearer. The rattling noise had vanished. The taunts of his peers had stopped. The night air was no longer freezing but now actually considerably warmer. Dudley began to rock back and forth, then he retched. Then he heard another pair of feet rushing toward him. Then some jumbled up nonsense. The talking made no sense to Dudley. He was covered in sweat, his white T-shirt sticking to him, his leather jacket was ripped and dirty. The talking ceased for a moment and a pair of bony hands had clasped his hand (which was still over his mouth) and were trying to pull upward. Still trembling, Dudley felt himself being hoisted up on to his feet and then thrown over someone's shoulder. He was dragged for some time, people still murmuring. Then he heard a click of a doorknob and a shriek.

"Diddy, what's the matter?" Dudley retched again.

"DIDDY! Diddy, what's the matter with you? Vernon? VERNON!" Dudley heard his mother yell...

Author notes: Ok well you know the rest. (If you've read OotP)
Thanks for reading!