The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Action Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 09/02/2002
Updated: 10/04/2002
Words: 59,234
Chapters: 24
Hits: 15,741

The Last Marauder


Story Summary:
Summer with the Dursleys has never been fun, but this time it's worse than ever. Harry is about to give up when the two remaining Marauders decide that it is time to give him some family life he never had and take him out. But life has never been kind to Harry, so why should that change now? Soon, Harry is confronted with one of the two Marauders being murdered. How can he and the remaining Marauder cope? What was the reason for the murder? What is Voldemort's plan? And why does Harry start to suffer from mysterious fits?

Chapter 11

Chapter Summary:
Voldemort has been lingering in the shadows for more than a year after regaining human shape. But he's been planning and he's as evil as ever (I suck at summaries, no need to tell me!). With him, as usual, are his most faithful servants. And they are planning once more the death of The Boy Who Lived. And unfortunately, Fortuna the Godess of luck, seems to have forgotten about Harry completely...coincidence is working for the Dark Side...
Author's Note:
Only this much: I'm an REVIEW-ADDICT!!!

Cunning Plans

The rat ran towards the old and apparently empty Mansion in East Sussex. It was hurrying to get there, he had news for his master. The rat knew that the Mansion was not empty but security demanded that it appeared to be so.

When it reached the door it stopped and with a low *pop* turned into a man again. Still panting from his midnight run through the forest, Peter Pettigrew opened the front door and stepped into the Mansion.

He went through the hall and up the stairs while he tried to regain his breath. After he had walked through the corridor on the second floor he stopped again in front of a large double-winged wooden door.

Just as he raised his hand to knock, a high-pitched voice came from the inside.

"Enter, Wormtail."

Wormtail swallowed hard and opened the door. He walked towards the robed figure that stood in front of the fireplace and fell to his knees.


"I see that the anti-apparition field around this Mansion doesn't please you. You should look after your physical shape Wormtail, if you want to be of help."

"Y-Yes Master." Wormtail, who still knelt in front of Voldemort, was still panting but now he tried to suppress his heavy breathing.

"What news do you bring Wormtail? We had expected your appearance days ago."

"I have news indeed, My Lord. As you told me I attended the funeral. Black appeared to be in a better state than I had imagined. So I decided to make sure. It would have been to dangerous to sneak into his house but I could intercept an owl from Hogwarts to the boy. The deputy headmistress asked for a meeting the day he did his shopping and I decided that this could reveal useful information. I hid in the Leaky Cauldron and could overhear their conversation. The good news is that Black indeed is doing as bad as we imagined he would. The boy told that he is rather functioning and close to a breakdown. They have decided to move him to Hogsmeade during the upcoming term."

Voldemort smiled under his hood. This was indeed very good.

"If you speak of good news I assume that you also bring bad news."

Wormtail shuddered and dared not to look at Voldemort.

"They suspect something. To be precise, Snape suspects something. He told the assembled teachers that he thinks its your plan to tempt Black by offering him revenge. Now they plan to bring reason back to him, to make him help them with their plans to fight you."

Voldemort nodded and slowly started walking up and down the room.

"Tell me Wormtail. You know Snape and Black better than I do. Could it be possible that the old fool Dumbledore could convince them to work side by side, could Black overcome his paralysis in order to work together with Snape?"

Wormtail thought for a moment.

"I...I think that Black would do anything to lay his hands on Lupin's murderers. Even if it means working together with Snape. He trusts Dumbledore enough to stand Snape's presence. Snape is a big problem for us Master. He still is in contact with Death Eaters from the outer circle and he gathers more information than he should. I cannot understand why you ordered us to let him spy on us, it would be a lot easier for our cause if we'd just get rid of him..."


Voldemort had pointed his wand at Wormtail who sank to his knees and screamed in pain and agony. He had heard all that he needed, now he wanted to show that little coward who was the one to make the decisions. After more than a minute he removed the curse.

"I would advice you never to doubt one of my decisions again Wormtail. I could kill you anytime.

I have my reasons for letting Snape continue with what he is doing and why I ordered you not to harm him should be none of your business. Now get out of my sight before I end your existence right now and right here. I will call for you when I need your service again."

Wormtail crept towards the door and vanished as quick as his aching body would allow him.

Voldemort stepped besides the fireplace, sat down in an armchair and stroke the huge snake that was curled up there absent-minded.

"Dear Nagini, there is a lot of work coming up. But our plan is beginning to take shape. Soon we will get some entertainment."

Hearing her master's hisses, Nagini raised her head and curled around his legs in what could almost be called an affective gesture.

"Soon Nagini. Soon there will be hunting for you."

Again Voldemort stroke her head and then touched the Dark Mark on his left forearm.

Only a couple of minutes later, McNair, Avery, Nott and Lucius Malfoy entered the room through the huge wooden door. All four immediately knelt down.

"Master", they said in unison.

"Get up."

Immediately, Voldemort's order was carried out.

"It is time to show that muggle loving fool Dumbledore what we are capable of. McNair, Avery, Nott, you know what I order you to do now?"

The three men nodded.

"I want each of you to take twenty men. McNair, you will go to London. Avery, you will take Manchester. Nott, you and your men are going to Edinburgh. Tomorrow evening, you know the time. Don't disappoint me."

"No Master, we won't."

The three men bowed and left the room. Lucius Malfoy made a step forward.

"Master, what do you want me to do?"

"Later Lucius, later. Tell me, how is the situation at your Manor?"

"Everything is under control Master."

"Maybe I have to ask you to host a guest soon. Are your dungeons prepared for this?"

Malfoy nodded.

"Anytime Master."

"Very well. Now, Wormtail has recently informed me about some interesting developments. Dumbledore wants to move Black to Hogsmeade during the term. They want to include him into their plans. What do you think about that?"

"It's no good development. Black would be too eager to hunt Lupin's murderers down. He could be a possible threat. And the boy knows too much. They have to be kept occupied."

Voldemort nodded.

"Just what I thought. Don't worry about Black's involvement in Dumbledore's plans. My people at the Ministry will see to that. They won't allow him to act. But the boy has to be looked after. I want your son to see to that, it will be his chance to prove himself worthy. Whenever he tries to involve himself into Dumbledore's business I want him to be distracted. By any means. But tell your son he shall do it unnoticed. Maybe we can even diverse Black if we focus his concern onto the boy."

Lucius bowed. "I will tell Draco. He will be pleased to be of help."

"Good Lucius. But there's another thing."

Lucius raised his eyebrows and his grey eyes gleamed expectantly.

"I want you to take thirty men and go to Diagon Alley tomorrow evening. You know what to do. Kill as many as possible but prevent your men from being caught. I expect your report tomorrow night at eleven. You may leave now Lucius."

"Of course Master. Thank you Master."

Lucius bowed and left the room.

'Toadies', Voldemort thought, 'all of them. But quite useful at times.'

And he sat down and started to laugh. High-pitched and unnatural, he laughed for several minutes because he felt his big hour drawing near. And the Ministry and Dumbledore lay their trust in those people who would bring their downfall. How significant.

One hundred and fifty miles away, Harry Potter woke with a start. He was panting and covered in sweat. The scar on his forehead stung madly. But he could not remember his dream at all.

He decided not to tell Sirius. At least not immediately. His godfather hopefully was sleeping and Harry could not bring himself to disturb him, he had hardly slept during the last weeks. Maybe tomorrow, depending on Sirius' mood.

Harry lay back onto his pillow and tried to fall asleep again.