Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley
Drama Romance
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Chamber of Secrets Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/04/2005
Updated: 03/16/2005
Words: 6,228
Chapters: 8
Hits: 12,318

Draco's Love


Story Summary:
Ginny can't help falling for the Slytherin bad boy. But will they really live happily ever after?

Chapter 01

Author's Note:
I'd like to thank my BETA reader, hermionewithdarkhair.

Ginny walked along the long, dark hallway of the seventh floor. She could hear the portraits around her muttering to be quiet, but she couldn't be quiet. Her sobs were loud enough to wake up anyone, but she had a good reason to be loud, to be upset.

Her heart ached more and more with each step she took. She headed to the only place she could think to go to.

Ginny stopped dead in her path. She could have sworn that she had seen something move halfway down the hallway. Curiously, she stepped a bit closer. She made out the outline of a tall man carrying a mop.

Ginny breathed a sigh of relief. It was only Filch. However, this also meant that she was in deep trouble. It was already ten, way after curfew. Not to mention that she had already been caught out after curfew three times in the past week.

She finally spotted the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. She headed toward it, managing a smile through her tears.

Just then, a hand grabbed her shoulder, causing Ginny to let out a high-pitch scream.

"Shh!" a boy hissed, covering her mouth.

Ginny, reacting upon impulse, sunk her teeth into the hand of her attacker.

The boy immediately let go and let out a scream of his own. Ginny turned around and her jaw dropped.

"Malf -"

"Who's there?" Filch yelled down the hallway.

"C'mon!" Ginny whispered, grabbing the hand of her worst enemy.

She pulled Malfoy into the Room of Requirement, which now resembled a small broom closet.

"Colloportus!" Ginny said, frantically pointing her wand at the doorknob.

"Why are you casting a Locking Charm?" Malfoy asked. "Filch is going to cast Alohomora."

"First, Filch is a squib; he couldn't get himself out of a paper bag using Alohomora," Ginny pointed out. "And second, he won't find this room. You can only find it when you need something."

"I'll act like I understood that," Malfoy said uncomfortably. "Could we at least get a little light in here?"

Instantly, candles lit inside the broom closet.

"Wow," Malfoy murmured, gazing around the room.

Ginny quickly wiped the tears away from her eyes, not wanting anyone, especially Draco Malfoy, to see her crying.

"What's wrong with you?" Malfoy mocked, noticing her red eyes.

"Nothing," Ginny retorted.

"You wouldn't be crying if it were nothing," Draco said, sounding a bit more heartfelt. "No, what's really wrong?"

His hand touched hers and Ginny quickly pulled it away, as if his hand were a deadly tarantula. "Don't touch me, Malfoy," she warned him.

"I won't touch you, if you'd just tell me what the bloody hell is wrong!" Malfoy said firmly.

"If you must know, Malfoy, I've just been dumped."

Fresh tears rolled down her paler than usual face.

"Weasley, you were never dating Potter," Malfoy reminded her. "You never will be dating him. He didn't dump you."

"You're right," Ginny said. "Harry didn't dump me."

Ginny began to cry even harder.

"Why are you still crying?" Malfoy yelled.

"Dean 'I want to get in your pants' Thomas dumped me because I didn't want what he wanted."

"I'm guessing you didn't want to have sex with him?" Malfoy assumed.

"I wouldn't go that far," said Ginny as her crying finally stopped. "I just wanted to have protected sex. He, on the other hand, thinks it's necessary to go all the way if you're going to do it.

"You wouldn't understand," Ginny went on, noticing the expression of dullness on his face. "Mr. 'Sex God' Malfoy has never dealt with being dumped or worrying about protection."

The broom closet immediately went silent. Malfoy glanced down at his feet uncomfortably.

"Or would he?" Ginny said with a grin.

"I think Filch will be gone now," Malfoy said as he got to his feet.

Ginny quickly stepped between him and the door. "Oh, no, you don't. Who is the unlucky lady?"

Malfoy frowned and stood silently. Ginny wasn't sure she was going to get an answer until Malfoy blurted out, "Pansy dumped me last week!"

Ginny's eyes widened, and she smirked, "Malfoy and Parkinson, the perfect couple, is not so perfect, eh?"

"Shut it, Weasley."

Ginny raised an eyebrow at him. Malfoy merely glared, trying to look even the slightest bit threatening.

Out of nowhere, Ginny burst into hysteric laughter.

"What on earth are you laughing about?" Malfoy roared.

"Your - face - was - so - funny!" she managed between giggle fits.

"How dare you!" he sneered, a large frown crossing his face.

"Have you ever even tried smiling?" Ginny asked.

"I always smile!" Malfoy protested.

"No," Ginny said, shaking her head. "I don't mean a grin, I mean a genuine, sincere smile."

"Why would I want to do that?" he asked.

"I think you'd look so much... nicer if you smiled once in a while."

Draco grinned and then managed to give Ginny the kind of smile she was looking for.

For once, Malfoy looked like a decent person. It made Ginny forget about their past and their families.

The next thing she knew, Ginny found herself pulling a Luna. She was gazing into his eyes and imagining their children. She begged herself to stop, but it was as if a video was playing in her head.

Then, the worst part came, their faces were moving closer. She stared at his lips and was drawn to them. They looked so dry, and she wanted to fix that. But the other half of her told her to snap out of it, to get far away.

When their lips were seconds away, Ginny gave in, and their lips met.

Author notes: Please Review and tell me what a genius I am! Just Kidding, but do review!