Ebb and Flow


Story Summary:
When Althea Morrigan attended Hogwarts, classmates considered Muggle Studies a joke. Unfortunately, as Muggle Studies professor, not much has changed. Why would anyone take the job? Sham marriages, staff room brawls, Centaurs, murder, and Puffskeins abound.

Chapter 59 - Hogwarts, Evening, Early June 1994

Chapter Summary:
Sirius rested his hands upon the window ledge—the curtain of black, matted hair obscured his gaunt face except for his glistening grey eyes that had found Althea’s form.

Hogwarts, Evening, Early June 1994


Althea woke with a start--a third year exam stuck to her face as she sat up. Pulling the exam from her face, she stretched her tired legs out in front of her. I thought I could finish them today, she thought, darkly eyeing the large stack of exams still ungraded. Obviously, I was severely mistaken. Damn, I thought Remus and I could have the weekend. Yawning, she arched her back--feeling each of her vertebrae pop. What a beautiful night, she thought as she looked out her window. Night? Night!

"What time is it?" she asked aloud, frantically searching for her clock on her messy desk. Shuffling through her papers--knocking many of them to the floor--she found her clock. "Ten fifty-nine!" she exclaimed and reread the time.

Knocking her chair over as she stood, she hurriedly left her office and ran the many flights of stairs that led to Remus's quarters. Panting, she stood at his door, attempting to catch her breath. He's probably used all of his locks, she thought, taking her wand from her robe pocket. Tapping her wand against the door, she expected to hear the click and clink of locks unlocking, but she heard nothing.

"Remus," she said loudly, tightening her grip on her wand. "Remus!"

It doesn't even sound like he's in there, she thought, resting her ear to the door. Wand first, she slowly opened the door. He's taken his potion all week--he should be a harmless wolf...we've done this before. Quickly closing the door behind her, she transformed and searched his quarters. He did say his quarters...didn't he? I asked him again after dinner and he did say quarters, she thought as she hopped along underneath his bed. Bloody hell, Remus, this isn't very good, she continued and transformed back into her human form.

"I suppose you're in your office," she said, taking one last look at his quarters, which looked as though he had never returned after dinner.

After quickly closing and locking the door behind her, Althea--in a slight panic--ran at full speed the many flights of stairs to his office. Reaching the corridor to his office, her heart sank and the blood rushed from her face--his door was open, the light from his office pouring into the darkened corridor. Oh, Remus, no, she thought as she transformed and flew into his office. You need to be here. Where are you?

Transforming back, her body started to shake as she saw the smoking goblet still full of Wolfsbane Potion. He hasn't had it tonight, she thought, peering into the goblet. He would never leave without taking it, no matter how awful--hey, what's this? Althea looked closely into the bottom of the goblet and saw a clump of white crystals.

"Sugar," she said through clenched teeth.

Of all the awful things.... If Remus doesn't tear him apart I will, she thought angrily as she caught sight of the opened Marauder's Map on his desk. I'll find where Remus is this way and alert Dumbledore. Come on map, where's Remus? However, no matter how much she searched, she could not find Remus on the map.

"He's not in the castle and he's not on the grounds," she murmured, searching the map for any room she missed. "I have to alert Dumbledore. We need to find him."

Now, how do I make Hogwarts disappear, she thought, not wanting any student to walk in his office and take the confiscated map, realizing what it was. Frowning, she touched her wand to the map and hoped the lines would disappear. Unfortunately, nothing happened. Maybe if I ask it, she thought, watching the dot of Prudence walking in her dormitory.

"How do I--Sirius!" she gasped, looking at the map in horror.

She watched as the five dots entered the castle and Madam Pomfrey took Harry, Hermione, and Ron away toward the hospital wing. Oh God, Sirius has hurt them, she thought, covering her mouth as she stepped back from the map. Althea's mind began to concoct wild stories of how Sirius had hurt the children and of how he might have killed Remus, for the dead do not appear on the map. Snape, don't take this from me, she thought, leaving Remus's office. Let me kill him myself! Ignoring the dull ache in her lungs, she continued to run toward the pair, and thought of all the ways she could murder Sirius. He'll wish for a dementor to suck out his soul, she thought as she spotted Snape standing next to Sirius, who was bound and gagged on a stretcher. Breathing heavily, her wand pointed and ready, she approached Snape and Sirius. She could do it. She could kill him.

"Looks like you came to pay your last respects to Black," Snape sneered--his own wand still pointed toward Sirius.

"What happened? What is he doing here?" she asked quickly, nodding with her head to Sirius.

"Came to kill off Potter," Snape began, his lips curving into an awful smile, "with the help of Lupin as well, and I wouldn't doubt you had something to do with it also."

Althea slapped Snape as hard as she could. "How dare you think we had anything to do with this?" she shouted and furiously slapped him again.

Oh, did that feel fantastic, she thought as Snape staggered backward.

"It seems once again, you've been duped by a handsome face, Morrigan," he replied heatedly, cupping the side of his face.

Althea shook with rage. "Remus had nothing to do with this," she replied--her voice wavering from her anger. "Now, step aside and let me kill this son of a bitch."

"I won't let you have that satisfaction," he snapped and immediately Althea raised her wand and threw Snape across the corridor. With a dull thud, he landed against the wall and slid to the floor.

"Stay there! Impedimenta!" she shouted, pointing her wand at Snape.

Althea walked toward the stretcher bearing Sirius. This was the closest she had been to him since the night in her quarters. She could do it, she had to do it--she had to kill him. She looked upon Sirius with intense repulsion--he had killed Lily, James, Peter, most likely Remus, and almost killed Harry and his friends. Why would you want us dead, she thought as her trembling fingertips touched the side of his face. His skin was still soft, but stretched grotesquely over his skull, looking as though he had died years ago. His hair, matted and dirty hung to his elbows and off the stretcher. His eyes, sunken and dark were still encircled by the same thick black lashes. His left eye was swollen and dried blood was caked around his nostril. She tapped the gag with her wand, it disappearing from his mouth. I want to hear you scream and plead before I kill you, she thought, holding her wand to his temple.

Suddenly, Sirius grabbed her hand, causing Althea to jolt backward--his boney fingers painfully gripping her hand. Slowly, he opened his eyes and Althea took in a shaky breath.

"Althea?" he croaked--his voice barely audible.

Althea did not nod or shake her head. She remained motionless, transfixed on his eyes.

"I--I'm dead, aren't I?" he continued and Althea did not answer. "Althea, I'm so sorry.... I'm so sorry..." he repeated quietly--his eyes bright with tears.

Tears? What sort of sick game is this, she thought as she stroked the side of his face. Do it now, Althea! Kill him!

"I--I didn't mean for any of this.... Please tell me you know...that you understand," he begged, a few tears trickling from the corners of his eyes.

Althea looked upon Sirius and smiled sweetly. "I do," she whispered and Sirius took a deep breath--his face softening. "You're going to hell," she said quietly, pointing her wand at his heart. "Ava--"

"Enough!" Dumbledore shouted and Althea's wand flew from her hand--her own body flying into the air and tumbling into the wall next to Snape.

Althea winced as her back contacted the cold stone wall. She opened her eyes to see Dumbledore at Sirius' side--his wand pointed at him. Damn it, she thought as she grasped her wand. Althea pushed off the floor and wobbled to her feet. The curse had worn off Snape and he stood as well.

"So weak," Snape muttered as he brushed off his robes.

"Shut it."

"I dare say I shall enjoy this public display of affection--"

Althea brandished her wand. "I won't let you have the satisfaction."

Snape eyed her wand. "Still protecting him after all these years?"

"Althea," Dumbledore warned.

Snape's beady eyes widen slightly as he nodded toward the Headmaster.

"Right," she sighed, dropping her arm.

"Severus, come with me," Dumbledore said sternly as he tapped his wand on the stretcher.

"Headmaster, sir, " Althea said as she pocketed her wand.

"I'll see to it that he receives justice, Althea--"


"No?" Snape and Dumbledore said in unison.

"Remus," she said, "he's neither in his quarters nor his office."

"He's out, no doubt, roaming the Hogwarts grounds," Snape said, tightly gripping his wand. "Endangering us all."

"Because of you," she whispered so as Snape to hear.

"Probably made his escape once Black was captured--"

"Remus would never!" she growled.

"I agree with Althea, Severus," Dumbledore said, resting his hand upon the stretcher. "Remus had nothing to do with Black's entry into Hogwarts."

Snape was thin-lipped.

"And neither did Althea," Dumbledore continued.

Sirius stirred.

"I think it best you go, Professor," he said, looking over his half-moon glasses at Althea.

Althea looked to Sirius and gulped. Sirius would receive the Kiss. Althea hesitated. I should stay with him, she thought, adjusting her grip upon her wand. I could do it. I could kill him. I won't let them take his soul.

"His soul will remain intact, I promise you."

Althea nodded slowly as she watched Sirius's thin chest rise and fall. "I'll look for Remus."

"Very well, I trust you'll be careful," Dumbledore replied and tapped the stretcher once more, allowing it to move. "To Flitwick's office, Snape."

Sirius, flanked by Snape and Dumbledore, slowly glided down the corridor. Althea inhaled a ragged breath and placed her hand over her abdomen. He told me that he was sorry, she thought as the trio disappeared. He cried for me. She furrowed her eyebrows, remembering Sirius's mutterings and rages in Azkaban. He wept for her then, too. Althea quickly shook her head.

"I have to find Remus," she muttered.

Althea hurried along the corridor that led to the school grounds. She needed to find Remus quickly before he'd injure anyone or himself. She needed to think of a plan to lure him into a safe area, but first she would have to think of a safe area. Stepping out onto the school grounds, she spotted the Whomping Willow. The Shrieking Shack, she thought, still looking at the Whomping Willow, but how will I lure him there?

"Me," she murmured and took a deep breath.

A cool breeze caught Althea's hair as she waited in the center of the grounds. This is not working, she thought, smoothing the hair away from her face. Using her wand, she cut gash into her forearm and waited. Oh, this is awful, she thought, watching the blood trickle from the wound onto her hand.

"Come out, Remus...I'm bleeding and I'm human," she whispered, rising and falling on the balls of her feet. "You know you want to eat me."

A snap of a twig and a low growl told Althea her revision to the plan had worked. No time to see where he is, she thought, hastily healing her arm, just run! Althea started for the Whomping Willow--hearing Remus running after her--and transformed, allowing her to fly through the branches and land on the knot that stopped the branches from violently swaying. Right, she thought as the branches stopped, now to get him into this damn tunnel. Althea flew low to the rocky ground because she could not remember the height of the tunnel. It would be bloody fantastic if I flew straight into a root, she thought as she spotted a small beam of dim light. However, Remus trampling me is the least of my worries. Flying into the light, she found herself inside the Shrieking Shack and flew down the hallway and up the staircase to Remus's old room. It looks as though someone has been in here recently, she thought, perching on one of the bedposts. Who could have found this place? Maybe Remus came here or something.... Come on, Remus, come up so I can lock you in here. Watching the door, Althea saw the shadow of Remus grow larger and larger as he climbed the creaking staircase. Good, come on...come on, she thought as Remus slowly came into the room. As soon as Remus came to the center of the room, Althea swooped down and out of the room. After transforming at the bottom of the staircase, she turned to see Remus leaping toward the doorway. Raising her wand in a grand flourish, she slammed the door shut and locked it--reinforcing it with multiple locking charms.

She cringed as she heard Remus hit the door with a loud bang.

"I'll heal that in the morning," she murmured, sitting on a dusty couch.

Coughing, she curled her knees to her chest and watched the door. Remus was at the door, pacing back and forth and growling a low, guttural growl. Snape, you are such a bastard, she thought as Remus continued to claw and to growl at the door. Sugar in the Wolfsbane Potion--he must have given it to him all week. Of course, Remus didn't look at it before he drank it--it's awful--he closed his eyes and drank it, she thought and was jolted out of her thoughts as it sounded as if Remus was wrestling with something large in the bedroom. Suddenly, she heard a crash and he yelped, causing Althea to sit up, but she caught herself before leaving the couch. You can heal him in the morning, she reminded, curling her knees to her chest. This had to have been awful for him; he wasn't expecting to transform so violently. He had no one, no one--damn it, Althea, how were you to know? You could have been killed if he had been in his quarters or his office!

"Snape, I will relish every word as I tell it to Dumbledore," she said and winced as Remus yelped. "Please, please don't bite yourself," she murmured, resting her forehead on her knees.

That is how he knew about Remus, she thought, covering her ears as Remus yelped again. Remus must have been looking at the map and saw Sirius just as Snape had arrived with the potion.... So, he stopped Sirius from killing Harry and his friends, but now Snape will take all the glory. He probably transformed when he was battling Sirius and no one would believe a werewolf's story over Snape's. Ugh, who'd want to believe that bastard over Remus, she thought, lifting her head--Remus had quieted.

"He must have transformed before Remus could tear out his throat," she said, and thrust her fist as hard as she could into a ripped cushion of the couch. "Such a coward!"

Oh, but he's gotten his, she thought, coughing from the plume of dust. If only I had been able to kill him! God, I--I never wanted his soul sucked from him...not even James would've wanted that. Why would Dumbledore stop me? He knew what awaited Sirius when captured.... Unless he's planning on reforming him as he did Snape, as he did me, she thought as her stomach felt as if it had turned itself inside out. No, no, that's ridiculous. No, Sirius killed Lily and James, Peter, twelve Muggles, and he tried to kill Harry, his friends, and no doubt Remus and Snape tonight.

"Maybe Dumbledore is waiting for us to return," she said, looking toward the boarded up window.

Still, Althea could not wait until the morning. After twelve, almost thirteen years, she still felt a minute sense of loyalty to him. She loathed to admit it, but she and Sirius would always be connected, through their past and through Prudence. One day, Prudence might discover the circumstances of her birth and to learn that her father was not only a murderer, but also a soulless corpse clinging to life would be too much to bear. Althea cringed as she heard Remus scratch at the floor. He was safe and locked away with no chance of escape.

"Flitwick's office," she murmured and stood.

As Althea flew into the night sky toward the windows of Flitwick's office, she thought it odd that Dumbledore would not have chosen his office to take Sirius. Was Flitwick's office secure? Althea spotted the warm glow from Professor Flitwick's windows and landed upon the small stone ledge. She peered inside to see Sirius, sitting upon the chair with his head in his hands, and Dumbledore--his expression grim--standing before him with his arms folded. Sirius lifted his head, his look one of anguish, as he frantically described something to Dumbledore. Althea hopped closer, but she could not read his lips. Dumbledore placed his hand upon Sirius' shaking shoulder, but Sirius batted it away as he stood. He rubbed the side of his bruised face and Althea thought she read, 'Peter,' 'the best of me,' and 'again.' What did he mean? This method of discovery was ineffective--she had to return to the castle proper and Flitwick's office. Sirius rested his hands upon the window ledge--the curtain of black, matted hair obscured his gaunt face except for his glistening grey eyes that had found Althea's form. He furrowed his eyebrows as he considered her and raised his forefinger to the glass. Althea, realizing the futility at snapping at his protected finger, pretended to peck at the stone. Sirius sighed and pushed himself off from the window ledge.

Althea left the window ledge and swooped down toward the castle entrance. She flew through the dim corridors and up the staircases and turns toward the West Tower. Don't be a coward, Morrigan, she thought as she neared Flitwick's door. Althea transformed as Dumbledore closed the door to Flitwick's office.


"I dare say, if you've come to kill him," Dumbledore said quietly as he met her, "you would very much regret it."

"He'll receive the Kiss," she said, pointing toward the door. "I can't--none of us would've--"

"Sirius must explain everything to you," he interrupted his voice had some urgency, "but this isn't the time--"

"'Isn't the time'?" she questioned with a bitter laugh. "He's about to have his soul sucked from him!"

"Return to Remus immediately--"

"No!" she said and stomped her foot upon the ground. "I don't care!" she said, rushing forward. "This is the bloody time!"

Suddenly, she felt the back of Dumbledore's wand pointed at her head. "I cannot have a Hogwarts professor implicated."

Althea frowned.

"Return to Remus and tend to him," he said, his wand unwavering as it touched her scalp. "Do not hesitate in this task. It is imperative that you do so."

Once again, thank you so much for reading this story.