Druscilla Ryan

Sirius is pregnant and doesn't know how to tell James. Lots of contemplation and a little bit of silliness. "Sirius paced. As much as Sirius hated pacing, thinking it made him look mature and worried (or like Remus), he was pacing. And he was pacing in muddy boots on the brand new white carpet. Why he and James had bought white carpet was beyond him, as James always came in from Quidditch practice dripping sweat, rain, or mud and Sirius always spilled things whether it was wine, the ashtray, or a bowl of strawberries."

Words: 1,327
Chapters: 1
Hits: 394
Amsterdam by Druscilla Ryan

"Or did you get lost in Amsterdam?" Sirius ran away to Amsterdam after having his soul shattered. Now all James hears are second hand stories through Remus and the letters Sirius sends him. Sirius recieves a shock . . . and then the others do as well. As Sirius puts it, "La dee f-cking dah."

Words: 1,434
Chapters: 1
Hits: 134