Summer Letters


Story Summary:
In the early summer of 1996, Harry Potter has a lot on his mind. Some of it he manages to put into letters (and a few selected conversations) with his friends. Covers July 1996, only. H/L R/Hr N/G

Chapter 01


Chapter I
Sunday, June 30, 1996

30 June

Dear Professor Lupin

Since I got back Friday, I guess it's time to write. I'm fine. I thought Uncle Vernon was going to take a swing at me in the car coming back, and so did he, but Aunt Petunia stopped him. She laid down the rules for the summer.

I am to write every third day (well, she said 'contact', but I don't think it's likely they'll open up their fireplace). I have no idea who I'm supposed to write to, so I hope you don't mind my writing to you, even though you might not feel like reading it for a day or two. I am to do my best to keep the number of owls coming and going down, so please only send return owls that will arrive at night. I am to work on the garden and flower beds every morning it's not raining from 7:30 - 9:00 and may use Dudley's weights and equipment from 9:00 - 10:00. I am to shower and then go to Mrs. Figg's every day at 10:30, starting tomorrow. You probably know more about this than I do (what's new?). I come back every night after dinner (I hope Mrs. Figg has more than stale cake). I am to stay upstairs until the next morning. They moved one of Dudley's tellies into my room, and it's to be off by 10:30. In return, Dudley is to leave me alone, and I think Uncle Vernon is too, although she didn't say that.


30 June

Dear Luna

I hope you got all your things back. I hope you find what you're looking for in Sweden. Have you left already? I did't see you on the train. I am only allowed to get owls at night, if you want to let me know what you find.

your friend

30 June

Dear Fred and George

I hope your shop continues to do well. Please use this note as an authorization at Gringotts. I authorize either one of you to withdraw 51 Galleons from my vault (#687). Please exchange 30 Galleons into pounds sterling (Muggle money) and send me the Muggle money and 20 Galleons. Keep the other Galleon as your fee.


PS I'm only supposed to get owls at night.

Harry thought a moment, and then wrote one other note.


Just a note to say I'm fine and hope you are, too. I can't risk many owls coming to see me, especially during the day. Could you maybe send me any clippings you think I need to see once a week? I don't know if I'll need anything else. I'll let you know. Make certain any owls you do send come at night -- I don't need trouble with the Muggles. Say hi to Ginny, and to Hermione if you write to her.


"Here, Hedwig," Harry said. "Remember, only come back at night. We don't want you stuck in your cage."

Hedwig seemed to agree with that idea.

"Lupin, the twins, Ron, and then Luna," Harry suggested.

Hedwig seemed to take that under advisement, and then flew out the window.

Tuesday, July 2, 1996

When Harry woke up, there were three owls waiting for him, plus Hedwig. There was a sack from the twins with his wizarding and Muggle money, along with a note saying they had only taken two sickles and the Muggle loose change in payment, since George had had to go to Gringotts in any event.

1 July, 1996

The Three Broomsticks

Dear Harry

As you can see, we are in Hogsmeade, although we leave tomorrow morning. Daddy had some things to attend to in the village, so I was allowed to come here instead of going on the train. Yes, everything (except some edibles) was returned. I will write from Sweden.

May I tell my father all that happened at the Ministry? He said he wouldn't print anything without your permission. I believe he said this was called 'background' and 'off the record'.

your friend

Harry took a note from Pig next.


No problem, mate. Isn't it nice that there's no homework until O.W.L.s come out? The twins are living over the shop, and Bill is rooming with them, Charlie is still in Romania, and P- is still being a clueless git, so things are pretty quiet here.

My scabs are still itching like mad, but at least the dreams have stopped. Hermione wrote, and said her ribs are better, too. She asked me to send along this scrap of parchment. Ginny says hi, and Mum asked me to ask if you needed food this summer.


Harry smiled when he saw it was a pair of phone numbers, for the Grangers and their practice, with a neatly written instruction: Reverse the charges and call before emergencies as well as during -- love, Hermione

1 July, 1996

Dear Harry:

Please never think you are a bother, especially to me, although you might not wish to write me just before the next full moon. It it weren't for the potion, I would have a difficult time even writing this. I didn't know about your summer arrangements until Sunday (and I still don't know the details), otherwise I would have filled you in at the train station. Even Moody didn't know. Your aunt probably thinks we're even nuttier than she did before, as she obviously did know at least some of what was going to happen (ie your going to Mrs. Figg's). While I hope you continue to write, there is no need to write every third day, since you are with Order members every day.

It is unlikely I shall ever be your professor again, so please call me Remus or Moony, whichever you prefer. Please tell one of us or Mrs. Figg if your uncle or cousin hit you. We hope to have out out by your birthday, but can't promise. And, if you're worried, I was told Hedwig has had strong undetectable charms put on her for when she's in flight.

your friend

3 July

Dear Everyone (Moony, Ron, Luna, Neville, and hopefully Ginny and the rest of the Weasleys and Hermione)

First, thank you, Hermione, for the copy quill, so I only have to write this once. It looks like I'm going to be busy this summer. I wake up every morning a little before 7:00. Dudley doesn't get up until after 9:00 and my uncle goes to work at 7:15. That's when I have my breakfast. It's only tea, toast, and a piece of fruit, but Dudley and Uncle Vernon are still on diets. Then I work in the garden before it gets too hot, and then workout on Dudley's weight equipment and treadmill. Dudley is about ready to use his stuff after 10:00, but by then I'm done and taking a shower.

I guess I shouldn't say where I go next, so I'll just say it was arranged by Dumbledore. I thought it would be more yard work or something like it, but it's not. Hermione would love it, because I have a number of books I have to work my way through down in the cellar. I'm not certain how, but I can even practice there. I wish I could tell you more, but I can't. In fact, I was told that you should please burn these, just to be on the safe side. There is also a treadmill and some odd machine called a 'nordic-trak', so I can exercise some more, although not as much as I do in the morning.

I can say that I won't go hungry this summer. I'm only here from 10:30 until 7:30, and I swear I'm forced to eat four times. I've been told I have to drink two quarts of milk and at least two quarts of water every day. Today a little after 11:00, I had two huge roast beef and tomato sandwiches, at 2:00 I had a small salad and some raw carrots, I had a four course meal at 5:30 (tonight was onion soup; another small salad; roast mutton with potatoes, green beans, and deviled eggs; and a small savory), then right before I left I finished off what was by then some slightly stale cake I had started the other night and the rest of the milk. It's a good thing I'm exercising, or else I'd blow up like Dudley!

Ron, please so this to Ginny and your parents, and then send it on to Hermione to destroy after she reads it.

your friend

Harry added a postscript to Luna's copy: If it's not to print, please feel free to tell your father anything you like. When you get back, maybe between us and Professor Dumbledore arrange an exclusive for him.

Friday, July 5

Harry found a small group of owls waiting for him. Pig had three letters, but only dropped two off for him. Hary could see the third was going to Hermione.


Glad to hear your summers aren't awful, and that we don't have to contribute to the 'feed Harry Potter campaign' again. Maybe this year you will be taller than the average third year. Not much going on here, except we've seemed to have an infestation of owls. At first I thought maybe some mice had snuck in, but it seems Ginny is corresponding to half the male population of Hogwarts. We even had the Muggle postalman around, with notes from Justin and Colin (Colin? I guess that either means he'll stop peeking at your arse in the showers or he and Ginny want to compare notes about something)

Anyway, keep writing. Pig will fly on to Hermione's with your note.


4 July

Dear Harry

Thanks for telling Ron to show me your note. I think we finally became friends last year, instead of people who are just friendly with each other. I think you know we all worry about you, and your note means we have less to worry about. Mum seems to be disappointed not to cook for you, though. She said she might send you something through 'back channels,' whatever that means.

Ron probably told you I've gotten owls from six boys and Muggle post from two, plus Colin sent me a stack of photos. With one exception, yours was by far the most welcome. Neville sends his regards, and said he hopes to visit Ollivanders in early August to get a new wand. I hope you're free to go then, too. I think the six of us make a really good team.

Harry, may I ask a really big, personal favor from you? I need a decent broom for Quidditch. 45 Nimbus 2000s are going to be remaindered this summer, 60 Galleons each. Could I borrow 60 Galleons? I will not take it as a gift from you. I hope I haven't embarrassed you, and if it would in any way leave you short, please ignore this request.

your friend

'Well,' Harry thought, 'it looks as though Neville is the lucky boy. Ginny would never ask to borrow money from me if she still wanted to date me.'

3 July

Dear Harry

We have arrived in Sweden, although we are still in Stockholm. Daddy is trying to make arrangements for a guide north. We shall be camping out, and probably moving into northern Finland at some point, as the snorkack seem to follow the reindeer.

Daddy says that since it partially involves your safety, not to mention mine and the other students, he'll be happy to print just a partial story.

Stay safe.

4 July, 1996

Dear Harry:

I wish I had some idea what exactly it is you are practicing and studying this summer, but 'the need to know' principle has been invoked against me. Obviously, you can not tell me via even the most secure owl. If it has anything to do with a person with whom you had a pensieve incident last year, however, and that person bothers you in any way, you are to let me know. I, for one, have finally lost my patience with that person.

Take care

Harry smiled grimly in agreement, and picked up the last note, and was surprised to see it was from Dumbledore.

Dear Harry:

I am pleased that you have fallen in with the course of study we have recommended for you. If you make good progress in all areas, we hope to remove you from Privet Drive, should you so desire it, on 30 July. The problem is, the only place we can remove you to would be Headquarters. Should you choose that option, you may invite any or all of the five friends who accompanied you to the Ministry to stay. There are several adults in residence there to supervise you. I regret I cannot offer you more palatable choices.

I should also mention that I have arranged the wards so that owls from Miss Lovegood may find you at Privet Drive, so that your owl does not have to do all the work. Owls from your other Gryffindor year mates may also find you.

Albus Dumbledore

'Well, at least he finally admits my choices suck,' Harry thought. He decided he would write some of the responses at Mrs. Figg's during one of his breaks, and get them all off before going to sleep.

5 July

Dear Professor Dumbledore:

Thank you for your brief note. I agree that my only two choices are bad. Before I decide, could I have some more information, please?

Who are the adults who would be 'supervising' me at Headquarters? Obviously, if there is more than one or two people giving me orders, it could easily make things beyond intolerable.

Would it be possible to arrange at least two visits to Diagon Alley and perhaps one or two to Muggle London? It's been three years since I was able to do any shopping for myself. I need decent clothes for once in my life, as well as new robes and other items, including glasses.

Would I be able to continue my work at Headquarters? If I can get satisfactory answers to these questions, I would prefer Headquarters to here. If I do go to Headquarters, I would like you to extend an invitatioin to all five of my friends.

Finally, on another subject, are my flying and Quidditch bans still in place? Thinking about it, is the ban on flying outside of Hogwarts even legal? Relatedly, could you arrange for a purchase? I've been told that a number of Nimbus 2000s will be remaindered this summer. I would like to purchase 10, so that Gryffindor players who cannot afford racing brooms can own something decent. If you can, please send one to Ginny Weasley.

Finally, could you please show this to Professor Lupin?

Harry Potter

5 July

Dear Moony:

I'm not meeting that person this summer, at least not for now (thank goodness). I am learning meditation, which may help. I was going to include a copy of my letter to the Headmaster to you, but in case that's not safe, I've asked him to share it with you.


5 July

Dear Ron and Ginny

I hope to see you both this summer, and some of our other friends as well. I've also asked about my Quidditch ban, and am trying to arrange for some decent brooms for the team.


Saturday, July 6, 1996

5 July, 1996

Dear Harry

I was glad to hear from you. It sounds like you will have a very busy summer. Daddy says we shall be back at the end of the month, as I'll need to study for the O.W.L.s. Are they really as bad as they seem? I know I can trust you not to undervalue them or make them seem too frightening.

We will be going north in the morning.

your friend

Mrs. Figg handed Harry a letter from Dumbledore along with his cake and the rest of his milk that evening.

Dear Harry:

First of all, I shall arrange a visit to a nearby town next Friday afternoon, so that you may take care of at least some of your Muggle shopping. The person with you shall take care of purchasing your clothes and glasses, and anything else you may need. I shall have the person reimburse from your Gringotts account. This should be safer than going to Gringotts first and then having to go through Muggle London near Diagon Alley. Hopefully, we may arrange visits to Diagon Alley in August. Please do not mention any of these visits until after you have done them.

Secondly, I have arranged the purchase of the ten brooms, and Miss Weasley will have hers by Monday morning. Your bans on flying and playing Quidditch have indeed been lifted, and Professor McGonagall has informed me that you have been reinstated as the Gryffindor seeker. Miss Bell will be the captain, and the two Weasleys are also still on the team, Miss Weasley is listed as a chaser and reserve seeker. Miss Bell and Professor McGonagall may replace the beaters and need to recruit another chaser. This information will be shared with the Weasleys in their Hogwarts letters. If they join you at Headquarters for your birthday, they will be given their letters at that time.

As for your primary question, I believe Remus Lupin would be the best person to act as your wizarding guardian. When he is indisposed, he may designate a person. I hope you find this as satisfactory as he does.

Albus Dumbledore

Harry told Mrs. Figg to pass on his agreement to the Headmaster.

6 July

Dear Luna:

I hope you have found your herd (flock?) of snorkacks. O.W.L.s are hard. Preparing for the O.W.L.s are harder. That's probably all I can say about them until I see my results. What other classes do you take? I took Care and Divination. From what I remember your saying about Hagrid, you don't take Creatures yourself.

What edibles didn't you get back, by the way?

your friend

Tuesday, July 9, 1996

Harry woke up when Pig landed on his nose around 5:00 am. "Bloody daft bird," Harry grumbled.

8 July

Harry, I'm just writing this note to say thank you thank you thank you! The broom is WONDERFUL! I hope I didn't put you on the spot, or make you buy the other nine brooms just so the Weasley pride wouldn't be hurt. I hope I make the team, now!

Oh, and Mum says we'll see you on your birthday.

your friend

9 July


No, that wasn't the main reason, just what got me thinking on the problem. You're very welcome, and don't worry about making the team. If you're not on the team, or if McGonagall didn't think it likely you would make it, they wouldn't have sent you a broom.

In case it wasn't clear, Neville was invited to join us (as was Luna and of course Hermione). Am I to see any of Colin's photos?

your friend

"Might as well stay up and read," Harry mumbled vaguely, after sending Pig off with the brief note to Ginny. A little before 6:00, a very stately looking owl landed on Harry window sill, followed by a smaller, more active one.

Harry took the letter from the stately owl, and, since the bird made no sign of leaving, Harry asked, "Are you to wait for a reply?" The bird seemed to nod slightly, so Harry sat and looked at the letter, which had been sealed with wax and bore a seal Harry didn't recognize. Knowing that the Headmaster had added wards to prevent unauthorized owls from bothering him, Harry had few qualms about opening it.

8 July, 1996

Dear Harry:

Thank you for your letter, and for inviting me to stay with you from 31 July onwards. I would be happy to do so, but I do need to ask you something. I understand Ginny Weasley may also be there. I hope to ask her to honor me by accepting me as her boyfriend. I hope this won't interfere with your plans in any way. I shall also need to visit Diagon Alley to get a new wand. I had hoped to go in August, but perhaps we will be able to do that before the end of this month.

your friend,

9 July

Dear Neville

I think I know what you're thinking, and please stop. Ginny is my good friend, and I want her to be happy. You're my good friend, and you should be just as happy. I think you could both be happy together, and if you are, I'll be happy, too.

Isn't your birthday around the end of this month? If so, we can celebrate together.

your friend

'Hermione would say it's badly written,' Harry thought, looking at the note, 'but it gets the point across.' He decided that it was fine, and sent it off. He took the other letter.

7 July

Dear Harry

In case I neglected to say this before, I hope you did well on your O.W.L.s. And no, still no signs of any snorkacks. Perhaps the Norwegian Ridgebacks ate them all in Sweden as well as Norway after all. Still, it's early hunting.

Students who hide my possessions tend to eat the sweets. I wouldn't have guessed cinnamon was that popular, or perhaps they forget about it on their last trip to Hogsmeade and therefore merely don't have time to replace it or the chocolates at the end of the year.

your friend

9 July

Dear Luna

Please forgive me for asking but I was wondering, do you think you might be taking the harassment from your house mates too lightly? Isn't there some way to prevent them from playing these tricks on you which won't mean they merely harass you in other ways?

I am only asking because I really am

your friend

To his surprise, his aunt was waiting for him when he came out of the bathroom about an hours after the second two owls had shown up. He was running a bit late, in part because of responding to the owls and also because Dudley was up early.

"I'm taking Dudley into Town," Petunia said. "Wait until we're gone to come down, and don't bother with the garden. Do remember to lock the door behind you when you leave."

"Alight. . . . But I don't have a key, Aunt Petunia. . . ."

"I should think not! Anyway, we shall be back well before you're scheduled to return, boy. Now go back to your room!"

"Yes, Aunt Petunia."