Astronomy Tower
Slash Crossover
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 01/05/2005
Updated: 11/03/2005
Words: 38,614
Chapters: 11
Hits: 3,792


Draconn Malfoy

Story Summary:
Interesting guests come to the Canon Hogwarts: Remuses, Siriuses, Luciuses, Severuses and Harries from a bunch of alternate universes, all continuously affected by the changes in their own universes made by a mysterious higher power, the Author. The original Remus and Severus are having hard time dealing with all the replicas -- pregnant Remuses, Severuses and Siriuses have their own gang, baby Harries cry and make mess, teenagers are too noisy, and those who don't have their lovers with them won't stop whining. And to allow the lot to return, they only have to do one thing... One little, simple thing. More precisely, destroy the Dark Lord Voldemort. Splendid... SLASH and MPREG, lots of pairings.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Different Remuses introduce themselves, we meet two new versions of everyone's favourite werewolf, and Remus Malfoy snaps.
Author's Note:
I have to admit that the way Remus Malfoy behaves in this chapter is not how he behaves in the actual story. However, he just seemed to have the need to let it all out before he exploded, so I thought that, well, better here than in OLO, and let him get some fumes out of his system... LOL



Chapter 7


"Okay." Remus eyed all his replicas in front of him. "As you probably know, Dumbledore has decided that we should explore further the differences and similarities between our universes. I have here a few questions, as well as a parchment where Ziwiuz has written the answers for Wemuz." At this, he and the other Remuses glanced sadly towards the childlike werewolf, who was currently dozing off in his wheelchair in the corner of the room. Then, he sighed. "Well, I suppose I should start. My name is Remus John, Lupin, and I am thirty-six years old. I have no living relatives or anybody to look after. I'm currently living in the Order Headquarters, I'm not involved with anybody nor do I have a pack, and I have no job, other than being in the Order. Oh, and in this universe, the only place where my werewolf registration number is mentioned is a list in the Ministry of Magic, and I've no special conditions." After this, he glanced around questioningly. "Okay, who is the next?"

After a moment of hesitating, Remus Malfoy reached out his hand, taking the question slip. Then, he cleared his throat. "I am Remus Jonathan Malfoy, and I'll turn forty-four in a month. I've got a brother called Romulus, a sister-in-law through him, and a niece, Clarissa Lupin. Of course I also have a husband, Lucius, or, like you know him, Cane Lucius, and we also have an adopted daughter called Olivia. We're living in the Malfoy Manor. As for a pack... Well, I don't have a real pack of werewolves, only Lucius and Olivia, but I am the alpha male of all werewolves in the world."

Needless to say, this brought several surprised gasps from almost everybody around the room. So, they all listened closely as he continued. "I am the Keeper of the Wolf's Staff, and I don't have any special conditions, aside from the obvious. As for marking werewolves, well, I have this." He showed them a bracelet on his wrist, one that seemingly had his registration number engraved to itself. "The Ministry gives every werewolf a copper bracelet. Lucius, of course, would die rather than see his lover with something so cheap, and bought me a golden one. We hadn't yet come out to the public back then, so I had a hard time explaining my friends how I, an unemployed werewolf, could afford this."

"Trust a Slytherin to do something like that," muttered Wounded Remus. "Pride always comes before common sense."

Before anybody could comment further, however, the door was quietly pushed open. Then somebody looked in hesitantly. "May I come in also?" asked Scared Remus quietly from the doorway.

"Sure you may," Remus said cheerfully. "Come in, please. I was wondering when you'd show up."

"So." Remus Black had now taken the parchment with the questions. "I am Remus John Black, thirty-seven. I'm happily married, to Sirius, obviously, and we have together adopted Harry. We're living in a nice mansion in the countryside, I'm unemployed, not marked by the Ministry, and currently three months pregnant with our first biological child."

"Well, you have a very happy life," sighed Remus Lupin, the next one the questions were passed on to. "My name is Remus Jonathan Potter, though I hate to admit that. I'm twenty years old, and I've got no family, except for my husband, who's currently sitting in Azkaban and deserves that, too. I am now Harry Pettigrew's guardian, though," he added then, glancing down at the baby on his arm. "We -- Harry and I -- live in the house James and I bought for ourselves. I'm working as a healer in St. Mungo's, and I have neither any special conditions nor the Ministry's mark on me."

"What, me?" asked Remia, startled from cooing at Harry Pettigrew as the questions were passed to her. "Well, I'm Remia Julienne Lupin, and I'm sixteen. Sirius Black, known to you as Straight Sirius, is my boyfriend, and for family I have my parents and two sisters, and of course several cousins -- I'm distantly related to the Weasleys. I am not a werewolf -- I'm probably the only one in this group who can say that -- and I'm currently living in Hogwarts, as I'm still at school. And, well, that's about all I can tell about myself." With this, she passed the questions on, returning to coo at the baby.

"Me?" Cuddler smiled. "Well, I am Remus John Lupin, now also known as Cuddler, and I'm thirty-six years old. I'm living and working in Hogwarts, and I've got no family. I'm not currently involved, though I am looking after Danpa," he added with a mischievous grin. "No special conditions, no markings, nothing else to add." It was the next one's turn.

Dark Remus frowned. "Well, I am Remus John Lupin," he sighed then, glancing down at the floor, "and I am thirty-six as well. I've got no living family or any other involvements, and I'm working and living at Hogwarts as well, as Dumbledore's trying to keep me safe. As for conditions, well, I guess this counts." He pointed at the white cloth wrapped around his left arm, the black form of a skull well visible. "The Ministry has it out for us Dark Creatures right now, and we're just guessing how long I, a full one, will survive. And as for the mark..." He rolled up his sleeve, showing them something on his pale arm. "They carved it into my skin, using a potion to make it scar immediately, then again tore the scars open, until nothing could remove it from my skin. I was five years old by that time."

At first, they were all silent. Then Rem spoke up. "They did that to me as well," he said very quietly. "I was six when I was bitten... Sev held my hand, telling me not to cry, and I didn't." He sighed. "Right now, I'm twelve, and called Remus Lupin. I don't know if I've ever had a second name. I've got no family -- I was abandoned into an orphanage when I was three, and I'm living in St. Helen's Semi-Magical Orphanage at the moment."

"I am Remus John Lupin," said Remus Shacklebolt after a moment, breaking the sudden silence. "I'm thirty-five years old, and living and working at Hogwarts. For family I have a son -- Harry James Potter, to you known as Harry Lupin. I've got no markings, no conditions, and I am involved with Kingsley Shacklebolt."

"One 'no conditions' more, and I'll start screaming," huffed Remus Potter. Fortunately, he did not see as Thin Remus mouthed, 'mood swings,' to Wounded Remus. "I do have a condition -- I'm pregnant. My name is Remus John Potter, and I am thirty-six. I live in a secret room in Hogwarts, and I have been married to Harry for some time. I don't have a job, nor do I have any Ministry markings, and I definitely do not have a pack."

"Well, I seem to be the only one with a werewolf pack, then," said Turner Remus quietly. "I am Remus John Lupin, thirty-six, and the alpha of the Pack of Hogwarts. My pack consists of me, Severus, and a first-year Hufflepuff, Alan Mortimer, who is also a werewolf. I live in Hogwarts, obviously, and I am the DADA teacher. I'm not involved with anybody. For a mark, well, I have a tattoo on my neck, a wolf's head and my registration number underneath it."

"Remus John Snape," the one man sitting next to Turner Remus introduced himself. "Quite obviously, I am married to Severus Snape. We have a son -- little Jeremy here," he said, glancing down at the boy, who was currently dozing off in his lap. "I don't have a pack or special conditions right now, and we're living at the Snape Manor. I'm unemployed."

"And I take it you don't have a mark, either," said Remus Pettigrew, nodding a bit. "Well, neither do I. I am Remus John Lupin, seventeen years old, and I am engaged to Peter Pettigrew." At this name, most men in the room grimaced. Frowning, the boy went on, "Don't be like that, my Peter is not a traitor. Well, I'm a Hogwarts student, and when I'm not at school or visiting at some friend's home, I live at home with my parents. I've got no pack or mark, and as for special conditions, well, I'm an Animagus, does that count?"

"Interesting," said Dark Remus, raising an eyebrow. "Werewolves can't become Animagi in my universe."

"Nor can they in mine," Remus Lionsnake said. "Anyway, my name is Remus John Lupin-Potter-Snape-Malfoy-Black, and don't look at me like that, I was wholeheartedly supporting taking just one name. We just couldn't decide which name we should take. Anyway, I'm forty-two years old, married to Severus, Lucius, Sirius, Harry, and Draco -- we are soulmates, so it is not abnormal or incestual, thank you very much -- and living at the Lionsnake Manor, previously known as the Malfoy Manor. I am pregnant, and so are Sirius and Harry, though they're both having twins and I only have one baby boy. We're afraid that we'll lose him as soon as he is born, though," he added quietly. "I don't know about your universes, but there's an illness in ours called the Dark Plague. People involved with Dark Arts can catch it, and I, being a werewolf, and Lucius and Severus, as former Death Eaters, have to drink an antidote regularly. However, as Lucius is my baby's other father, it's rather probable that he will die of the illness soon after he's born, if he even gets through the pregnancy." After a moment of silence, he added, "And no, I don't have a mark."

"And here I was thinking I have it difficult," muttered Thin Remus. "Very well. I am Remus John Lupin, thirty-eight. I'm living at the Grimmauld Place with Harry, with whom I am currently involved. I'm unemployed, I don't have any living family, and I have my registration number tattooed to my arm. As for conditions, well, none at the moment, but I used to be anorexic when I was young." The others exchanged long glances behind his back, however. If any of them would have been asked, he was indeed anorexic, so little he ate and so long it took from him to force the food into his mouth.

"Well, I'm probably the most normal," muttered Wounded Remus. "Remus John Lupin, twenty-one, a registration tattoo on my arm. No special conditions, aside from the wound on my shoulder, involved with Sirius, unemployed -- up until yesterday, we were still in the middle of the First War -- and living in a small flat with Sirius."

"It seems to be my turn, then," said Scared Remus quietly. Everyone leaned towards him, curious. They knew practically nothing of this replica. "Very well. I am Remus John Lupin, thirty-five, and currently living in Hogwarts, in Severus's quarters. We're not involved, though, he's just looking after me as I'm carrying his child." At the confused looks on the other Remuses' faces, he sighed. "To make a long story short, Voldemort kidnapped me," he said quietly. "Then he let Lucius Malfoy rape me repeatedly, and casted an impregnating spell on me. Fortunately, my wolf refused to carry its rapist's child, and it picked Severus to be the father instead, as he was the nearest person who showed any positive feelings towards me. So, I'm now pregnant by Severus, although we've never slept together."

"So." Remus eyed everybody, breaking another silence. "I guess I'll just read the notes for Wemuz, then." As everybody nodded, he looked down at the parchment in his hand. "He is Remus John Lupin, twenty-two years old," he read at first. "However, he's mentally about on the level of a three-year-old child, due to severe silver poisoning, and has also lost his walking ability for the same reason. He has no living family, and is currently living with Sirius, who is two months pregnant, by Remus himself. They were involved before Remus's... accident."

Remus Black immediately broke into tears. "Aww, that's so sad," he sobbed, trying in vain to wipe his tears away. Soon enough, Remus Potter, Remus Lionsnake, and Remia were all weeping as well. The others were becoming uneasy.

The weeping choir, however, was silenced when Remus Shacklebolt suddenly looked dizzy, muttered something incoherent, and collapsed to the floor. Almost everybody cried out in surprise and shock, staring at the unconscious man and the raw wounds that had just appeared on his wrists. Remus Malfoy, however, merely sighed.

"He's attempted suicide, I see," he said quietly. "You were a healer, weren't you?" he asked from Remus Lupin. "Very well, then do something to heal him. I know what should be done, but alas, those spells are too Light for me to cast."

They all watched quietly as the one of them who was a healer, after giving the baby in his arms to the delighted Remia, knelt down next to the collapsed man and started to cast healing spells on him. After some time, he looked up. "That's all that can be done for now," he said. "Seemingly somebody has been healing him on the other end, too."

"He'll be okay, won't he?" asked Rem quietly, his face very pale. He was very shocked of everything he'd heard.

"Maybe he will, little one," Remus Malfoy said, ruffling his hair. "Seeing that I've managed to survive it twelve times, I do think he'll make it through once. After all, we can't let him be successful before I manage, now can we?"

"Stop scaring the boy," Remus Snape scolded him. "I'm sure Remus Shacklebolt will be all right, Rem," he then said to the distressed boy. "After all, even though we've suffered through a lot, only one universe lacks us entirely, right? So, this mysterious Author must like us too much to kill us off just like that."

"Maybe they just like torturing us," suggested Remus Snape. Then he frowned at Remus Malfoy. "What's eating you?" he asked. "You know very well that's not a thing to say to a child. You're a father yourself, now are you not?"

"Well, what I say is most certainly no concern of yours," huffed the eldest of them. "Yes, I am a father right now, but I maybe will not be when the next update comes. Ron Weasley has put us in a trial. He's trying to get Olivia away from us, accusing us of teaching her Dark Arts when she can hardly cast more than three or four different spells, and now Sirius is in a coma and the trial is going to the Hell and I most certainly am not on a good mood, especially because of this." At this, he lowered the collar of his robe -- unlike everybody else, he was wearing a high-collared robe. They saw an angry red mark going around his neck. "I tried to kill myself with silver but I didn't manage, Lucius found me too early. It's been two days, and I still have the mark. So, do forgive me for being a bit out of sorts."

"This is insane," muttered Wounded Remus. "You are insane -- everybody here is insane. Maybe I am insane, too."

Nobody had time to comment on his insanity, however, as the door to the room was opened again. Scared Remus cowered a bit in fear, then relaxed again when they saw Dumbledore standing in the doorway. However, they were surprised when the Headmaster stepped aside, revealing the two people behind them.

"It seems that we have two more for you to interrogate," the ancient wizard said cheerfully as two more Remuses walked into the room, both teenagers. "They just popped up. Do try to find names for them, too."

"I know you," said Remia to one of the new Remuses as soon as the door was closed behind Dumbledore. "You were here before, weren't you? Your universe must have come too different from this universe."

"Maybe," the boy said hesitantly. "I do remember being here before, so I guess I've indeed been here. And I seem to remember you, too -- and a lot of you all." He glanced around the room. "What are we supposed to do?"

"Well, answer these questions for starters," Remus said, handing him the slip of parchment with the questions.

The boy eyed the questions for a while. Then he sighed. "I am Remus John Lupin, sixteen years old," he said. "For a family, I have my parents. I'm still studying in Hogwarts, so, quite obviously, I also live there most of the time. I don't have a pack, other than my friends, and I'm involved with Sirius. I have the registration number on my arm, though." Then, a bit nervously, he continued, "I and Sirius are mated, however, so I guess that counts for a condition."

"Really?" asked Remus, genuinely interested. "What do you think made your universe so different now that you were pulled back here?" he then continued asking, wanting to know the same thing as everybody else.

"Well..." The boy hesitated, then said, "Severus turned against his housemates. So, five Slytherins were just thrown into Azkaban. Narcissa Black and Michael Avery, who were the main culprits, got life sentences, and Anthony Bullstrode, Jeremiah Crabbe, and Timothy Goyle got five years each. If it's not that, I've no idea."

"Why were they arrested?" asked Remus Malfoy sharply. "It wouldn't have anything to do with you being mated with Sirius, would it?" An almost satisfied look appeared to the eldest werewolf's face as the boy flinched.

This, however, was certainly not appreciated. Thin Remus took a step forward and slapped Remus Malfoy, hard. "You are a bastard," he hissed. "So you are hurting. So what? So are many of us others, too. It's awfully selfish of you to take out your hurting on us others. Go crying into some corner if you want, go somewhere and shout your lungs out, I don't care. But. Do. Not. Take it out on children! They've done nothing to deserve it!"

"What would your daughter say?" asked Remus Lionsnake sharply. "Do you think she would even want to live with you if she knew how you are behaving? If she knew that you enjoy taunting children?" Seemingly the two other oldest Remuses had taken it upon themselves to protect the younger ones, who all looked startled.

Remus Malfoy, however, didn't budge an inch as he was hit. "You know nothing," he hissed, then turned quickly around and left the room. The others looked after him in silence for a long time.

At last, the boy he'd lastly taunted sighed. "He was right, anyway," he muttered. "The reason why the Slytherins were put into Azkaban... Well, they slipped liquid Imperio in Sirius's drink and forced him to -- forced him to rape me."

"Fabulous," muttered Remus. "So, how many of you... me's have been raped at some point in their life?"

At first, nobody said anything. Then Scared Remus and the new boy both raised their hands, as others knew of that already. Then, however, more hands were raised. At first, it was just Thin Remus who dared to admit that. Then, however, others also raised their hands -- at first Dark Remus, then Remus Lionsnake, and, after a very long time, Remus Snape.

"Merlin," muttered Remus as he eyed his replicas. "I think we indeed should get worried about our Author at this point." He then turned towards the new boys. "I think you'll go as Mated Remus," he said kindly to the boy they'd been speaking with. Then, turning to the one who hadn't spoken at all during the whole time, he asked, "Who are you?"

"Remus John Lupin, sixteen years," the boy replied quietly. "And to answer those questions, I have my parents and no other family or pack, I am involved with Lucius Malfoy, who's a year older than I am, and I'm studying and living in Hogwarts. And as for special conditions, well..." He flushed, then mumbled something very quietly.

"I beg you pardon?" asked Remus Black kindly. "Do say it again, and with a bit more volume."

"I am a vampire's servant," the boy said. "Lucius is a vampire, and I'm giving him blood."

For a moment, everybody fell silent. Then Wounded Remus muttered, "What did I say? Insane, the whole lot."


Author notes: Next chapter:

Well, what do you want? Siriuses&Harries, or Severuses&Luciuses?