Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter James Potter Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Humor Slash
Multiple Eras
Published: 11/30/2003
Updated: 12/22/2004
Words: 8,150
Chapters: 4
Hits: 5,517

Prove It

Draconn Malfoy

Story Summary:
James is back to Sirius. They walk in on the middle of something that makes both Harry and Remus very uneasy, discuss about their past and occasionally snog a bit.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
James is back to Sirius. Remus and Harry have been together for quite a while. Lily walks in on them, conversations take place, and in the end it's nice to fall asleep in each other's arms.
Author's Note:
OotP doesn't count here. Deal with it. All flames about not following Canon will be fed to the Giant Squib.

Prove it

Love in Moonlight


"I'm so *sorry*, love," Harry said for the hundredth time. "I didn't mean..."

"Okay, okay," Remus sighed. "You've said that already. It wasn't your fault, darling. It's my room after all."

"My fault," Harry repeated. "And I have to make it up to you."

"Well..." Remus grinned, running his fingers through Harry's hair. "Maybe I can accept that much."

"Good," Harry murmured, and kissed him lightly on the neck. Then he started moving upwards along his jawline.

As their lips eventually met, Remus kissed hungrily the younger man. He loved the sensation of Harry's soft, smooth skin against his own.

"I love you," he whispered hoarsely into the loving mouth of his lover.

"I love you, too," Harry replied, gently caressing his back.

Then Harry slid his hands downwards, cupping Remus's arse. After a moment one of his hands snaked between them and began to open Remus's trousers.


Afterwards, Harry lay in Remus's bed. The werewolf was sleeping lightly, his head resting on Harry's chest.

'He's so beautiful,' Harry thought, gently blowing a golden hair from Remus's forehead. His hair was already halfly silver, and he hadn't even turned thirty-eight yet. It was sad, sad but beautiful. He looked far healthier than five years before, when he had been teaching in Hogwarts. His silver-gold made him look, instead of aged, oddly cute and young. Whenever Harry saw that hair, he wanted to close his lover in his embrace, protecting him from the world. He didn't care that Remus was twenty years older than he and had used to sign lullabies to him when he'd been only a little baby, the protective urge still existed.

He brushed Remus's cheek with the side of his thumb. The other man stirred in his sleep, but relaxed then and snuggled up to him more comfortably. Harry put his hand on Remus's back, his other hand pulling the covers over them, protecting his lover from cold.

Remus's naked body was now completely under the covers. Only a few locks of golden hair slid out, crossing Harry's shoulder and mixing with his jet-black hair.

The younger man looked sleepily at the form of Remus's body under the blanket. His lover's slow, regular breath made the edges of his sleeping form move slightly. Only looking at that made Harry feel sleepy.

Soon he, too, drifted into a light slumber.


Lily Potter, soon to be again Lily Evans, was very happy.

She had all the reasons to be happy. She was alive, her three best friends - Sirius, James, and Remus - were also alive, and she'd soon be free from her arranged marriage with her friend. And not only that, but she would soon meet her son - if she could only find him at first.

When she arrived to Remus and Sirius's house, she didn't find anyone there. She quickly walked upstairs.

It was easy to tell which door led to which room. The door with the sign "Enter on your own risk" and random rock posters was obviously Sirius's. The door opposite to it had no other signs of life but some little marks of claws - Remus's. Lily shuddered, secretly pitying her old friend.

She went to the last door, which was next to Remus's. Quidditch posters and the large sticker stating, "Seeker," told more than clearly that it was Harry's. She opened the door, peering inside.

She saw no one there. Just some more Quidditch posters, clothes, and other stuff, telling that somebody lived there more or less regularly, but not a single person.

Lily frowned, wondering where to go next. She didn't have too many options, though.

'Because James is already here,' she thought, 'I think it'd be better not try Sirius's room, since Harry obviously isn't there. And because Dumbledore told he is here, he must be talking with Remus or something.' With these thoughts in mind, she opened the door to Remus's room.

At first she only blinked in the dim room. There were no lights on, the curtains were closed, and it was hard to see anything.

"Lumos," she whispered, hoping to find some hints about her son's current place. She let her glance wander around the room along with the beam of light.

Her jaw dropped when she saw her son.

Harry was asleep in Remus's bed. There was someone other as well, since she saw an unmoving form under the covers. There was no question about who that was. She immediately recognized the golden hair of the owner of the room on Harry's shoulder.

When the light reached Harry's face, he blinked. Then he opened his eyes wholly, looking at her.

His face became white as sheet. Then, he shook the other person in the bed. "Remus," he said hastily, his eyes still locked on her. "Remus, wake up!"

"Mm-hm... What?" asked the werewolf, pushing his head from under the covers. "Oh, Lily," he sighed when he saw her. He turned around, seemingly going to fall asleep again. Then he snapped his head back, his face even paler than Harry's. "Lily?" he said, now with a shocked tone rather than sleepy.

"Remus," she whispered, equally shocked. "I - I was looking for Harry," she said, still staring at the two men.

"Well, here I am," her son replied slowly. "Could you please leave for a while so we could dress ourselves?"

"Err... Sure." Lily stepped hastily backwards and closed the door. 'How he dares?' she thought. 'How can he touch his best friend's son and - and sleep with him and...' She shook her head, tears of fury and shock in her eyes. 'He's twice Harry's age! And he's a professor - he taught Harry at school! How could he?'

"Mum?" she suddenly heard a voice behind her. She turned around and saw Harry. He was standing in the doorway, wearing jeans and a T-shirt.

"Harry -" she started, but her son interrupted her.

"Listen to me, Mum. I do love and respect you, despite the fact you never where around. I've missed you for seventeen years already. But I promise you this: If you say as much as a word about this to Remus - if you blame him - I won't talk to you again. I love him, I really do, and I don't want him to get hurt. Do you understand?"

"Um... yes." Lily stared at her son in shock and a sudden comprehension hit her. 'Harry loves him,' she thought. 'He really loves Remus, to say anything like that. Dumbledore was right - he really is like his father.' She took a new glance on Harry - he was a stunning image of James - and sighed. Seemingly Harry was like his father for every part of him.

"Lily?" they heard Remus's uneasy voice. "Harry?" The brunette man stepped into the sight, looking just as uneasy as he sounded. Well, at least he had the decency to be embarrassed.

"Remus," Harry said, pulling the werewolf into a warm hug. He then released his grasp, but didn't take his arm away from Remus's waist. "Mum, I'm really sorry you had to walk in on us like that. Honestly, we didn't mean to shock you that way." He then gave a slight grin to his lover. "Although I thought you locked the door."

"I thought you did it," Remus snapped in reply, blushing slightly. "After all that stuff about the first incident being your fault..."

"Yeah, but I was rather busy making it up to you," Harry grinned. "Remember?"

"That's enough!" Lily exclaimed, covering her ears with her hands. Then she thought about exactly what her old friend had said. "Hang on, did you say 'the other incident?'" she echoed, amused.

"Yes," Harry smiled. "Sirius and Dad walked in on us on a much worse moment."

"You don't mean..." She couldn't finish the sentence.

Harry laughed again, making Remus blush again. "Not that bad, fortunately," he grinned. "We were only kissing, but... Well, we didn't have shirts on and..."

Remus blushed even more fiercely, covering Harry's mouth with his hand. "No more, please," he begged. "Guys aren't going to let me live it down anyway, so don't make it worse than it already is!"

Lily couldn't help but laugh. Harry maybe was James's son, but he had spent definitely too much time in Sirius's company - not that James wouldn't do something like that, anything else, but he wasn't half as bad as Sirius and, seemingly, Harry.

"Nice to see that you're happy," Harry smiled. "What about going to the living room and talking for a while?"

"Well..." She smiled. "Maybe I could appropriate that."


Sirius slowly woke up. At first he thought he was still sleeping, since he felt a warm body against his side.

Then the memories of the recent events reached his mind, and he smiled. The man sleeping next to him was really James. His lover was really back.

James stirred a bit as Sirius placed his hand on the other man's chest. He slowly opened his eyes, smiling at Sirius. "Siri," he murmured, "I want to wake up like this for the rest of my life."

"Me too," Sirius smiled. He kissed James's cheek. "What shall we do now?" he asked slyly.

"Guess twice," James grinned back and rolled on his back.

Sirius chuckled and climbed on top of James. "Your wish will be fulfilled," he mumbled in his lover's ear before starting to place tiny kisses all over James's bare chest. James moaned and grasped on his hair with both hands, bringing his hips up to touch Sirius.

Sirius kissed his way down to James's waist, but stopped then and glanced at his love teasingly.

"Should I continue?" he asked mockingly.

"Merlin, YES, Sirius!" James groaned in frustration. "Please - please don't stop -"

Sirius smiled and began licking his way back to James's upper chest.


Remus snuggled up to Harry. It was already late, and he was a bit sleepy. They were still in the living room talking with Lily. His old friend seemed to have relaxed at most, but she still looked very careful in some way. Remus also sometimes caught her staring at Harry and himself. She always turned her gaze away immediately, but he had time to notice her wondering expression. Remus couldn't help but wonder what Harry had said to her before he had come to the corridor.

Suddenly, he felt something on his temple. He raised his gaze to look at Harry, who'd snapped him with his fingers. "What was that for?" he asked, slightly annoyed.

"We've tried to get your attention for the past five minutes," his young lover grinned. "Honestly, love, if you're so tired that you fall asleep here, you should go to the bed."

"It'll soon be the full moon again," he yawned, and gave Harry a sheepish grin. "You know I'm never at my best around it." Then he chuckled. "Besides, I much prefer falling asleep next to you to sleeping alone in my bed while you're still here."

"Oh, my poor honey," Harry said gently and hugged him. "Sleep, if you want to. Merlin knows you need rest."

"Right," Remus replied - or at least tried to reply. He only managed a new yawn instead of coherent words.

Lily chuckled slightly and shook her head. "Look like it's useless to wait for an answer from you," she grinned. "And to be honest, I'm rather sleepy myself." Remus could smell it was a lie, but he didn't bother to mention that. Lily continued then, "I'm going to the quarters Dumbledore gave me until I'll find a new apartment."

"Okay," Harry nodded. "I think I'm going to stay here. I'm too tired to Apparate to my own house."

"Sure," Lily said, rolling her eyes. "And you'll surely sleep in your own room, as well as James will be in the guest room."

"Of course," Harry said, grinning slyly at her. "Wherever else?"

Remus could have glared at his lover, but he really was exhausted. He cuddled nearer to Harry, thus allowing the young man to wrap his arms around him. The werewolf inhaled the warm, familiar, safe scent that was Harry, enjoying it with every fibre of his being.

That was how James and Sirius found them as they came downstairs in the middle of night, long after Lily had left. Both the werewolf and the Quidditch player were sound asleep on the couch, closed in each other's arm embrace. Remus's head was resting on Harry's shoulder, his hair falling down to the younger man's chest. Harry was smiling slightly in his sleep, his fingers deep in Remus's hair.

The two dark-haired lovers glanced at each other. Then they left, not waking up the sleeping couple.

Author notes: Yeah, everything weird will be explained. *sighes again* At least I hope so...
There'll be chap 3 at least, if not more. Although I'm not giving any promises as of when it'll come out.