Astronomy Tower
Remus Lupin
Slash General
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 05/21/2004
Updated: 05/21/2004
Words: 1,438
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,804

Gay Werewolves Who Have Kids - an Interview

Draconn Malfoy

Story Summary:
The one and only interview of Remus Lupin-Snape. Who he's married to, how did they have their children, what are those children named, and how they're raising them.``Implied SLASH & MPREG RL/SS

Chapter Summary:
The one and only interview of Remus Lupin-Snape. Who he's married to, how did they have their children, what are those children named, and how they're raising them.
Author's Note:
Another try to all-dialogue fic... This time a bit clearer, I hope.

Gay Werewolves Who Have Kids - an Interview


Draconn Malfoy: "Good afternoon, Mr. Lupin-Snape."

Remus Lupin-Snape: "Good afternoon, Miss Malfoy. May I ask if you have any relation to Draco Malfoy?"

M: "Oh, no, it's just a nickname. I take from your name that you're married?"

L-S: "Yes, that's true. I'm married to Severus Lupin-Snape, the Potions Master of Hogwarts."

M: "There's something in you that makes you quite different from most gay couples. Could you tell me what it is?"

L-S: "That's quite simple, really. You see, I and my spouse have three children, who are all also biologically ours. That's because I carried them."

M: "And why would you do that?"

L-S: "I and Severus wanted to have children of both of ours, but we didn't want to use a surrogate mother."

M: "How did you decide which one would carry the babies?"

L-S: "You see, as almost everyone knows, I'm a werewolf. We thought it'd be better if I carried the babies, because that way my body could get some rest, since I don't transform during pregnancy. Also, if Severus was the one to carry the babies and he started to give birth at a full moon night, I wouldn't be able to help him in any way."

M: "Sounds sensible enough. How did you arrange the pregnancy? Was it a spell, a potion, or what? And how does it work?"

L-S: "A potion, of course - Severus is a Potions Master after all, he would never trust a spell as well as he trusts a good potion. There are many different kinds of male pregnancies. The one caused by the potion we used is called an anal grainpregnancy - the most usual kind."

M: "The name tells nothing to me. Would you please tell me what it's exactly about?"

L-S: "Of course. The first part of the name is because the baby is conceived anally, in a usual homosexual intercourse. The last part, 'grainpregnancy,' is because once the baby is conceived, the surrogate womb separates itself from the rectus. The zygote starts developing inside a closed womb with no connection to the outside world. Once it's time to give birth, a temporary birth canal magically develops itself to allow the baby to come out."

M: "I suppose that most people would be blushing at this point. How you're able to discuss these things in such a clinical matter?"

L-S: "Well, I'm the only one of the Hogwarts school's current staff who's ever given birth. So, you can guess twice who it is, along with the school nurse Poppy Pomfrey, who gets to give the students their sex ed lessons?"

M: "You, maybe?"

L-S: *chuckles* "Exactly. Basically, Poppy tells them how to be careful, and I'll tell what happens if they aren't - also, what they have to do if they really want to have children."

M: "How's a lycanthrope's pregnancy different from a usual pregnancy?"

L-S: "Well, basically, the pregnancy itself isn't really different - but, the babies are. You see, wolves carry their cubs for two months. As I'm mostly a human, I carry them for full nine months. However, as they're born, they're as big as average human babies, but they're in a cub form. They'll live as cubs for seven months, then they turn permanently to human babies."

M: "Are the babies werewolves, then?"

L-S: "No. If I was their other father, there'd be a fifty-percent chance that they are - that's also one reason for our decision as of which one would carry the children. But, as I'm the one carrying, the potion that caused the pregnancy also protects them."

M: "That's good, then."

L-S: "Yes, it is. But, babies born to lycanthropic parents are also more sickly than normal babies. As, in the wizarding world, only 2 percent of children die before their second birthday, lycanthropic parents' children have 27 percent possibility of dying before they turn two."

M: "That's quite a big possibility!"

L-S: "Yes. Fortunately, I and Severus have been really lucky in this matter. All our children are healthy and well."

M: "You've mentioned that you and your husband both work in the Hogwarts school. Where are the children during your teaching?"

L-S: "With us. We both have one or two children to look after on our lessons. If we're doing something with the students that could hurt them, other teachers help to look after them. Usually, they go with Victoria Vector, since her Arithmancy lessons are the safest for little kids."

M: "So, you share the duty of looking after the children with your husband?"

L-S: "Of course. Although, as they are a lycanthrope's children, it's a bit different from the usual baby-sitting. When they were little, they wouldn't accept anyone else near them but me because I had carried them. When they were five months, they learnt to also accept Severus, but they wouldn't stand anybody other until they were about nine months old. So, in the beginning, they were quite dependant on me."

M: "So baby-sitters weren't an option when the babies were little?"

L-S: "Absolutely not. Although nowadays, we have more baby-sitters than we need. The children are quite calm and quiet, so they're easy to look after. I think most girls at Hogwarts have volunteered to baby-sit our kids, and not a few female professors."

M: "Lucky you, I might say. May I ask if all your children were planned?"

L-S: "Well, the first and the last one were... Caroline, our middle one, was a bit of an accident, but that doesn't mean that she was unwanted."

M: "So the potion's effects are permanent?"

L-S: "Yes. But, in my planned pregnancies, we had to use a Fertility Potion to ensure the conceiving. As I'm a werewolf, the chances that I get pregnant accidentally are really slim. Other than the day before, of, and after a new moon, when the lycanthropic genes are the fewest in my blood, the chances of getting pregnant are about one against one thousand. And even on those 'fertile' days, it's only a 5 percent chance."

M: "So, little Caroline was really a surprise?"

L-S: *chuckle* "Well, you could really say so!"

M: "Have you planned on having more children?"

L-S: "We've not quite discussed it. I don't think so, at least not in the near future - but if another one is coming, we most definitely will take him or her!"

M: "So you wouldn't abort?"

L-S: "Absolutely not! A fetus is already a human being, no matter how short time it has existed. I'm a werewolf and thus a Dark creature, but I'm by no means a killer. I could never murder a baby."

M: "You said that your middle one's name is Caroline. What are the other children called, and what are their ages?"

L-S: "The eldest one is Anthony - he's currently seven years. Then's Caroline, who's five years. Our youngest is called Timothy, and he's only two years old. Anthony originally had a twin, but I miscarried him only three weeks after the conceiving. It's quite along the statistics - one out of four male pregnancies ends to an early miscarry, and out of the three pregnancies that develop further, two come out as boys and one as a girl."

M: "But otherwise, you're not a statistical family. Or could you say so?"

L-S: "Definitely not. I mean, just look at us - two male teachers, a werewolf and a spy, having three children of their own.

M: "Still about the potions, the one that developed the womb and the Fertility Potion. Did your husband brew them himself?"

L-S: "Of course. Severus would never trust a potion brewed by someone other. Whatever it is that he, I, or the children need, he brews it himself. If he doesn't know the recipe, he'll learn it. Not that I complain - he is the best potions brewer in the country, after all."

M: "A well-known fact, I might say. Well, I'm sorry, but we're running out of time. Are you now going to fetch your children from somewhere, or are they with their father?"

L-S: "No, they're with Harry Potter - he's Caroline's godfather, and often baby-sits them."

M: "Oh? And how's the Boy-Who-Lived as a babysitter?"

L-S: "Quite good, actually - although, if he teaches one single swear word more to my children, I'll skin him alive."

M: *chuckle* "A bad habit of the Wizarding World's hero we didn't know before. Well, goodbye, Mr. Lupin-Snape, and thank you. It was a pleasure to talk with you."

L-S: "Goodbye, Miss Malfoy."

*End interview*

Author notes: Who-pee... Is it as insane as I think it is?
Tell me! ^___^