Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 10/29/2002
Updated: 02/15/2004
Words: 40,776
Chapters: 20
Hits: 38,412

What Once Could Never Be...


Story Summary:
After the summer between 5th and 6th year, Hermione comes back to Hogwarts having been abandoned by Ron and Harry for their girlfriends. Who will she turn to for comfort? Draco, of course. Little does she know that Draco is having problems of his own with his father, and they are involved in a prophecy that has to do with the war against Voldemort. The war of Light vs. Dark.

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
Draco has discovered that Hermione has gone missing. He will learn about the mysterious prophecy that connects them all together and outlines the future of the wizarding world. Will he risk it all to save her?
Author's Note:
I want to thank everyone that has shown interest in this fic. *hands out roses* I appreciate all the nice reviews that continue to brighten my day! This is where we begin to see a semblance of plot. Just stay with me on this. I know where it's going.

What Once Could Never Be:

Chapter 8: The Prophecy

Draco finally caught his breath as disbelief began to settle in. He moved across the office to the chair in front of Dumbledore's desk not occupied by Professor McGonagall. He decided he had better sit down before his legs gave out. His mind was running a million miles a minute as thoughts raced through his head. This is all my fault. Is she okay? Will he really hurt her? I hope he hasn't yet. I need to do something. This is all my fault.

Dumbledore was looking at the young man in front of him with an unreadable expression. He knew that Draco had been through very difficult times in the summer months before returning to Hogwarts. The headmaster had been very pleased when it seemed like Hermione and him were becoming friends maybe even more. He had no idea that it would lead to this. The book said it would happen soon, so Professor Trelawney had told him. He had to be sure.

"Mr. Malfoy, how did you discover that Miss Granger is missing?"

Draco was snapped out of his reverie by the sound of Dumbledore's voice. "I'm sorry, sir, could you repeat that? I wasn't listening."

"How did you discover Miss Granger's disappearance?"

Draco shifted in his seat. He wasn't sure about telling the headmaster that he had found a way to sneak into Hermione's room so he decided to take a safer route. "Well, I figured something was wrong since she didn't show up to any of her classes today. When I got back from dinner, an owl delivered me this." He handed the letter that was still firmly grasped in his hand to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore took the letter and read its contents. He silently shook his head before looking back up to meet Draco's eyes. He turned his attention to Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall had stayed silent during this interchange out of sheer shock that her favorite student had been kidnapped. She finally spoke making Draco realize that she was still in the room. "What are we going to do?"

Professor Dumbledore looked stern and solemn. "Minerva, will you please leave us? I need to inform Mr. Malfoy of what must be done."

Professor McGonagall silently nodded her head before making her way out of the office leaving Draco and Dumbledore behind.

Draco had once again become quiet as he replayed Dumbledore's words in his head. ...what must be done? Does he know something about this that I don't?

"Mr. Malfoy, come with me."

Dumbledore stood up from his desk and made his way to a small door off to the side. He opened it to reveal a small, cozy room. It was decorated in colors from all four houses and a large Hogwarts banner hung over the large, stone fireplace. There were two chairs on either side of a table in the center of the room, and the walls were lined with bookcases full to the brim. Dumbledore indicated that he wanted Draco to sit at the table. Draco sat down as he watched Dumbledore walk to one of the bookcases. He skimmed across the titles of the books before choosing one and bringing it back to the table. He sat across from Draco and set the book in between them. Draco read the title of the book and felt an unsettling feeling make its way into his stomach. Undeniably Accurate Prophecies in the Magical World.

"Mr. Malfoy, how much do you know about Divination?"

"Well, I've been taking it since third year, and I guess I'm pretty good at it. My mother says that we have Seer genes in the family. I know that it's one of the most imprecise branches of magic."

"That is correct, Mr. Malfoy. However, I must say that certain parts of it are not imprecise at all. The book that we have in front of us is what we have been using to track the future for the last twenty years. It is the only copy in existence and has never failed to be right. This book predicted the fall of Voldemort to an infant boy and also his rebirth where he used that same boy."

"So, it tells us exactly what will happen in the future?"

"No, not exactly. It more or less gives us hints and clues within prophecies that we have to apply knowledge to be able to calculate."

"What does all this have to do with Hermione? Shouldn't we be doing something instead of worrying about the future and how to predict it?"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you, Mr. Malfoy. Hermione's future could be linked to something in this book. Her future might already be decided."

Draco glanced down at the book with a look of horror on his face. "What are you saying? That Hermione is already dead?"

"I brought you here to show you. I'm not sure, but I have strong suspicions. Hermione's kidnapping might have something to do with what we have been waiting for since Voldemort has risen again."

Dumbledore opened the book and begain to flip through the ancient pages before resting on one. He turned the book towards Draco and pointed to a line of text. Draco read the line aloud.

"Before the war between the dark and the light can be fought and won, it will begin after the bloodshed of one. That one will be the lover of the dark, love of the light and will be taken by veil of the night. The blood will be spilled by a relation of the dark, and it is only he who can save her even with the mark. The fate of the magical world will rest on his shoulders and in his hands, only then can there be peace in the land."

Draco looked back up to meet Dumbledore's gaze and noticed that the headmaster's eyes had lost there twinkle. It was then that Draco knew that this book and this prophecy was something to take very seriously. He didn't know what it meant, but was sure that Dumbledore would explain.

"We have been waiting for this prophecy to begin for some time since it will be the first event in the war between good and evil. The war between the followers of Voldemort and everyone else. I know this must be quite confusing for you especially at such a young age, but I will try to explain it to you as best as I can see how the puzzle pieces fit."

Draco nodded his head and leaned back in the chair he was sitting in. He was sure that this might take awhile.

"Hermione, I believe is the key to the prophecy. The dark that it speaks of would be you, Mr. Malfoy. As you know, your refusal to join your father as a Death Eater is isolating you from your destiny as your father has chosen for you. This has been a wise decision, however you would not have thought to weigh the consequences because you did not think it would affect others. Hermione being kidnapped is one of those consequences, but you could not have foreseen it. She will most surely be killed if you continue to refuse, but only you can make the decision to save her. If her blood is shed, then you will be on your own because the side of good cannot accept you with your destiny already set for you. If you save her, then you have to join the dark side and fulfill your destiny unless you choose to change it. But that can only be done if you so wish, and only if you become the dark. Miss Granger's future hangs in the balance, and her life is in your hands."

Draco was shocked beyond words. How can I be so important to the future of the wizarding world? I had no idea that my choice to not join Lord Voldemort would throw things out of balance. Usually these things are reserved for Potter. Just then, a question entered Draco's mind about the prophecy that had not been answered. "What about the light? It says that the one will be love of the light. Who is the light?"

"The light is the one who has been chosen to lead the side of good in battle as he has done his entire life. He thinks of the one as the sister he never had and loves her with a passion. You know him quite well, in fact. It is Mr. Potter."

"I should have known that Potter would play into this somehow. This is quite a lot to take in all in one day."

"I know, but I felt that you would be able to handle it and make the decision that has the power to make everything right."

"Okay, so you're saying that if I don't save Hermione, the outcome of the war hangs in the balance and I can't be on either side as my destiny is right now?"

"Yes, that's right."

"But if I do save Hermione, I have to join the dark side and become a Death Eater to fulfill my destiny unless I change it?"

"Yes, that's right."

"What if I save Hermione, join Voldemort, and then find that I CAN"T change it?"

"That would be a risk you were willing to take in light of the sacrifices."

Draco shook his head vigorously. "It seems to be a no-win situation to me. Hermione dies or my father wins. Either way, I lose."

"You don't have to lose. You are in the position and have the power to save everyone. You just have to find a way. Sometimes the best options are not always the most obvious. I will admit that it will be a risk to your life, and that I cannot guarantee your protection while you are in the clutches of Voldemort. I will try to keep you as safe as possible. I can, however, assure you that I will be on your side whatever your decision."

Draco just sat in silence knowing that he had many things to think about. He nodded his head, and then rose from his place opposite Dumbledore to make his way out of the small room and out of the office. He kept his head bowed, lost in thought, as he walked back to the Slytherin dormitory. When he finally looked up, he was at the door, not remembering how he got there. He went in, not stopping to talk to anyone on his way to his room. He sat down hard on the bed and let himself fall back on the cushion. He had no idea what to do. He kept turning things over and over in his mind to uncover any small or minor detail that he might have missed that would help him make his choice. Being late, he soon fell into a tumultuous sleep.

Breathing hard and drenched in cold sweat, he awoke and sat straight up in bed with the images of his dream ingrained in his mind. It had been the same dream from the night before. Only this time, he had clearly seen that the figure on the floor had been Hermione and she had been calling out to him. He had been powerless as he watched her bleed to death. Draco buried his head in his hands feeling the tears overcome him. I will NOT let her die. I will join the dark side and she can go on living without me.

Not wanting to let time go by for he knew his father would grow impatient, he scrambled around the dark room to prepare for his journey to the place he knew as home. He didn't know what would await him when he got there, but he would do anything in his power to save Hermione. Packed with certain supplies, Draco grabbed his cloak and his Firebolt. He walked out of the dorms and made his way out of the castle. When he arrived on the grounds, he mounted his broom and flew off into the gloomy night.

Dumbledore stood at a window watching with a knowing gaze upon his face. I just hope that he will be strong enough to save us all.