
dora mc allister

Story Summary:
Dumbledore's plan to bring the Houses closer works particularly well on two prefects who learn to trust each other over the span of a year. In the end, that trust is what saves them in a final confrontation with Death Eaters.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Dumbledore's new plan to bring the Houses closer works particularly well on two prefects. A Hermione/Boy!Blaise sixth year fic.
Author's Note:
Thanks to my fabulous betas Shad and Holly! You guys rock!

The moment the entrance door closed behind them, Hermione started to run toward the Great Hall. Blaise's long legs made easy work for him to keep up with her. As they burst through the Great Hall doors, Hermione gasped for the Headmaster. She pushed past the dancing students, looking around frantically for someone in charge.

A tipsy Ron saw her come through looking distressed, followed closely by Blaise. Of course, he jumped to the wrong conclusions as he came over to help. "Hermione, if he," Ron paused to grab the wall and pointed at Blaise. "If he did anything, I'll take care of him for ya. I'll kill'em," he slurred.

"What?" Hermione had been taken off guard, looking at Ron barely recognizing him. "No, no. Not that. Death Eaters." She scanned the room. "Where's Dumbledore? McGonagall?"

"Hermione, what?" Harry's brow creased with lines as he strode up to her. "Here?"

"Outside. Where's Dumbledore?" She was losing control of the situation. Panic rose in her chest, as she looked around the room, unable to distinguish between the brightly colored robes of students and professors.

"Want me to get Dumbly-dore?" Ron swayed, but Harry caught him before he fell. Ron leant close to Hermione attempting to whisper, "That's a good idea. He'll take care of Blaise - I can't really fight him now." He looked at Blaise and raised his voice. "But I would. I'd do it."

"Ron, no. Not Blaise, Death Eaters." Ron seemed to finally get it. His eyes widened as it sunk in and he seemed to sober up a bit.

Hermione was breathing hard. They were coming up the front lawn at this very moment and they were no more prepared than when she had entered the school. Those around her began to talk rapidly, the festive mood of the ball lost in the confusion.

Harry grabbed her hand as he parted the way through the crowd. Blaise was left in the crowd behind her with Ron. She tried to keep track of the situation, who was where, who knew what, and how they could organize, but it was a futile attempt.

Harry had always been better at thinking on his feet. Looking over, Hermione could see that he was fast at it. As they passed members of DA, she heard Harry giving directions to arrange themselves based on Houses, make sure people were accounted for, and that those who were useful were alert. As they went through the crowd Hermione noticed Hannah Abbott and Padma Patil looking on helplessly as their prefect event was ruined before their eyes.

Dumbledore and McGonagall met them in the middle of the Great Hall already aware that there was a situation, if not the extent of it. "How many?"

"Not sure, sir. I think about ten or fifteen. I couldn't see them clearly in the dark," Hermione hoped Dumbledore had a plan. She realized that a group that size could not do significant damage against a thousand students, but the fact they were on the grounds at all was worrisome to her. As an avid reader of Hogwarts history, she recognized the feat for what it was. If you were not wanted at Hogwarts, you did not get into Hogwarts.

"Prefects," Dumbledore's voice boomed over the chaos. "Organize your Houses and return to your Common Rooms where a full count of students will take place." No one moved, "At once, if you would be so kind," Dumbledore finished his request.

"But, sir, we can help," Harry jumped at the chance to show what DA could do.

"Absolutely out of the question, Potter," McGonagall looked at him sternly.

"But we can -"

"Of course you can, Harry, but this is neither the time nor the place." Dumbledore lowered his voice so that only they could hear, "It seems as if the other Gryffindor prefect is somewhat incapacitated and our dear Miss Granger may need help with your House." His eyes twinkled at knowing far too many secrets, before turning away to assess the situation.

"Harry, come on," Hermione urged softly as Harry looked the quintessential sullen teenager.

As they made their way back across the Hall gathering Gryffindors as they went, Hermione saw the professors mobilize throughout the bottom floor. Members of DA looked to them questioning whether they should follow their Houses or stay. Harry and Hermione shook their heads to answer their looks, herding some first years to the foyer.

Slytherins slid past going towards the dungeons. Malfoy stuck out not only because of his silver hair, but also his obnoxious laughter, "Running away, Potter?" He nudged Crabbe and Goyle, "Must be too scared to fight like a man."

A fellow dark-haired Slytherin cut off his laughter, telling him to move it along. Blaise had been undetected by the majority of students, but Hermione noticed when he pulled her aside quickly.

"Just wanted to say 'Goodnight,'" Blaise brought her into a small nook behind the staircase. "I had a lovely time." He winked at her before kissing her for the second time that night. She had forgotten the first kiss momentarily in the disorder, but found it would be impossible for her to forget the second.

"Me too," she breathed, smiling up at him.

"We should do this again sometime," he joked. "Well, without the interruption." He leaned in for a last kiss before the two separated to check on their Houses.

Hermione was halfway up the grand staircase guiding students to their Houses when the front doors burst open. The Death Eaters quickly deduced that the element of surprise had been lost as students in dress robes rushed out of the foyer. Not eager to lose their lead, they immediately began firing hexes.

Three students at the bottom of the stairs immediately fell at the hand of the cloaked Death Eaters. Hermione's breath caught in her throat. The students did not move from where they landed. There were only a few professors defending the students in the corridor. Hermione used her spot above the madness to her advantage, shooting off a few of her own counter curses.

The Death Eaters spread throughout the room, fifteen in all, attacking everyone in the vicinity. Hermione lost count of the number of students who got in the way. Most had gone away to their Houses. Those that were left mostly tried to get away, while some members of DA attempted to help.

Harry fired off hexes from his spot on the landing above Hermione. She noticed Blaise doing the same from behind the safety of a statue. Hermione's attention was brought back to the action around her when a wayward curse grazed her, numbing her left arm.

Professors streamed in the foyer from the Great Hall hurling hexes at the Death Eaters who deftly blocked and threw their own. From where Hermione stood the fight seemed evenly matched. She turned to her right massaging her arm and noticed a pack of Hufflepuffs attacking with some low level defensive spells, four getting hurt in the process.

The professors had the advantage at this point; their only weakness was the amount of students still in the area. A firm command from Snape had the remaining students running for their Houses. A quick glance around the first floor showed that now the Death Eaters were paired with professors working hard to keep their lead.

Hermione herded the Gryffindors who were left towards the oTwer, hurrying away from the epicenter of conflict. She had seen Seamus bodily grab Harry to get him away from the action and Harry was very vocal with his displeasure of the situation.

Hermione saw the other prefects in the hallway by the Fat Lady's Portrait. When Hermione arrived, they turned to question her. Being that Ron was inebriated and Colin was in shock it was up to Nathan Fortinabras, Petra Adrona, Leise MacDonald, and Hermione to keep things in order. They spoke quickly for a moment before going into the tower.

For the moment it looked as if the group was not panicking, so the prefects organized according to years to locate everyone. The room was quiet, not silent, but none of the joyful noises that the Great Hall had earlier were present now. Groups sat all over the room trying to piece information together. Harry seethed in a corner while Neville, Seamus, and Dean took care of a drunken Ron. Lavender and Ginny tried to console Harry hopelessly.

"We're missing two second years, Euan Abercrombie and Jack Sloper," Nathan said, "Anyone else?"

"A fourth year and a fifth year, Vicky Frobisher and Geoffery Hooper," Hermione added.

"Makes sense, they were probably off together. They went to the ball together," Petra explained. "We're also missing Andrew Kirke, from our year." She shook her head as she looked at the list. "Five students."

"Six. Also, Dennis Creevey, a third year," Leise observed the room, "Everyone seems all right in here."

"Probably because most of them don't know the extent of it," Harry had come up to the group. "Hear anything yet?"

"You know we haven't," Hermione looked at the others. Harry wanted to vent and he wanted Hermione to listen. She excused herself and they went over to the corner with Harry. Ginny looked at Hermione thankfully, tired of her role as comforter.

"Hermione!" Ron seemed more pleased to see her when she left him in the Great Hall. "How ya doing?"

"I'm good, Ron. And you seem to be doing well yourself," Hermione figured now was not the time to question Ron's powers to procure so much Firewhiskey and get drunk so quickly. She guessed that it was a solution to a problem she gave him.

"Very well," Ron sank into his armchair so that his head was no longer visible over the top, falling asleep quickly.

"Why's he doing this?" asked Harry, obviously not referring to Ron.

"I don't know, Harry. A quest for world domination or something," Dean joked, thinking Harry was referring to Voldemort.

"He means Dumbledore," Hermione said, "I'm guessing he has a reason. Don't you trust him?"

"That's beside the point. This is stupid. You said that there was only ten or fifteen Death Eaters. Why not let DA get a crack at them, to prove our usefulness? Why doesn't he believe I can do this?"

"He knows, Harry," Hermione could not help but be exasperated with him. "Why waste a surprise such as DA on an easy target? He knows you're capable."

"Then why does he always tell me to wait?" Harry shouted. The room grew quiet as everyone looked over at them. In the silence the portrait hole opened revealing Professor McGonagall.

"No need to be so quiet. Everyone all right?" McGonagall asked briskly. When no one answered, she nodded. "Adrona and MacDonald, watch over the group. Fortinbras and Granger, come with me." She turned on her heel to leave immediately.

"Harry, I . . . " Hermione's voice faded off as she looked at Harry. He was angry now, though she hoped he would calm by the time she returned. "I didn't do this to you. We'll talk when I get back?"

Harry nodded as she followed Nathan and McGonagall into the hallway. "We're going to the Infirmary. You have five students there."

"Professor?" McGonagall turned to Nathan, "We're missing six."

"I know," McGonagall looked away and led them off to the Hospital Wing, "We found Jack Sloper hiding behind the staircase, frightened, but unharmed. He is with a couple other students who witnessed tonight's events for questioning."

"Is everyone all right, Professor?" Hermione asked.

"All injuries are fixable with time. Most of the students scheduled to go home tomorrow morning will be fine for the train ride." They had reached the door of the waiting room. "Follow me."

Two prefects from each House were there, including Blaise. They exchanged looks from across the room, but it was clear the tension in the room prevented any idle chitchat.

Dumbledore came into the room from the Infirmary, his face set with concern. "It's a shame that our evening's events ended the way they have, but overall, the damage is minimal. The planning committee could not have expected this," he noted, looking kindly at Hannah and Padma. "As I said the damage was minimal. In total fourteen students are in the Hospital Wing, only two of which may need to stay longer than the night." He surveyed the group. "This was unexpected, but thanks to the warning we received, the results were not as bad as they could have been.

"We want each of you to check up briefly on your House members then retrieve any students that are being questioned now in the Charms classroom. When you return to your Houses, try to encourage people to sleep, though understandably you will have some problems doing so. Let everyone know that departure tomorrow is as scheduled. We also ask that you direct any questions that will inevitably be asked by the press to us. We don't want rumors to be published as fact." He thought for a second. "I believe that is all. Have a good night."

Dumbledore retired to Madame Pomfrey's office with Professor McGonagall as the prefects went to check on their housemates. Hermione expected to get a chance to speak with Blaise then, but he did not wait for her as he followed Terrence McCarter, a seventh year, into the ward. She did not get a chance to speak with him after checking on the Gryffindors either.

There were only two Slytherins in the Infirmary, Hermione reasoned, Why would he wait up? Even though it made sense to her, she still questioned why he had gone on without her after his actions earlier that night. She tried to shake the weird feeling off as she overheard the professors speaking in Pomfrey's office.

"How did they expect that fifteen of them could take over the school, when ten could barely fend off six children last summer?" Professor McGonagall's glasses were askew as she tried to drink her tea calmly.

"It wasn't to take over the school. Voldemort was only proving his power. He caused the terror he was looking for. Tomorrow it will be all over the Daily Prophet that the safest refuge in our world is subject to the same fears and insecurities of the rest of the world. That we, in fact, are no safer than Zonko's Joke Shop." Dumbledore looked around the room. "That is what tonight's demonstration has proven. That is what he has won in this little contest."

"It's not good to eavesdrop," Blaise had come out of nowhere behind her.

"Shh," Hermione pressed her finger to her lips, smiling at him. She was glad that he did show up and care about her. She mentally scolded herself; admitting feelings for him not two hours ago and here she was finding herself inextricably attached to him. What happened to her independence? What did it matter that he waited for her? All that she knew was that it did.

Hermione could see McGonagall sitting at the desk massaging her temples. "Who was in the group? Did you notice anyone before they Disapparated?"

"But you can't do that," Hermione whispered despite herself.

"And how could they Apparate on the grounds?"

"They used a portkey, it seems," Dumbledore paced, "I recognized five. MacNair, Avery, Mulciber, Dolohov," Hermione took in a sharp breath at the name of her would be murderer, "And Nott." Blaise stiffened noticeably behind her. Dumbledore turned back around towards the door and noticed his Prefect spies. Instead of ratting them out, he simply shut the door, preventing further information leaks.

Hermione and Blaise were left in the silence. She finally made the connection. The name had sounded so familiar and now she realized why. Blaise's best friend was Theodore Nott. "Uh, I, are you all right?" she asked.

Blaise shook off his dazed look. "Of course." Hermione looked at him sideways and did not quite agree with him. Something was off. "Want an escort home?"

"I'll be fine, I'm supposed to meet Nathan in a minute in the Charms corridor." She had a strange feeling. Her thoughts were so confused from the whole night. Between the ball, all that had come with it, and the attack on the school, she had no idea what to expect next.

They did not speak as they walked through the hallways. The silence was one of private contemplation. Hermione guessed that Blaise had as much to think about as she did, but she knew she could not guess his exact thoughts the way she could with Harry and Ron.

Hermione felt lost as they walked. Exhaustion had hit her and her feet were killing her. Heels had not been a good plan for tonight, she thought.

Moments before turning the corner for the Charms classroom Blaise stopped and turned to Hermione. "I'll leave from here. I, uh." He also looked exhausted. She saw worry lines that she had not noticed before. He had wanted to say something, of that she was sure, but instead he settled on "Goodnight." She did not understand why he had become awkward in a matter of ten minutes, though she had suspicions. His head bobbed a moment before giving her a peck on the cheek. She watched him walk down the hall before turning to meet Nathan and Jack.

Hermione left Nathan to address the House, slipping up the stairs to her bed. Despite her fatigue, she found herself staring at the ceiling of her canopy for an hour before falling asleep. Her thoughts floated through all of tonight's events, never stopping to concentrate on one thought long enough to make any sense of it. When it was time to wake up for the train the next day, she found that she was anxious to get away from Hogwarts as quick as possible to better sort out her thoughts away from the confines of the castle walls.

The next day Hermione climbed into a back compartment with Harry and Ron. Harry was still wrapped in his personal resentment with Dumbledore's treatment of him. Ron, embarrassed by his actions the night before, tried to sleep off his hangover. Hermione wished she could sleep, but found the simple act impossible and instead resorted to an old friend, Hogwarts, A History to avoid thinking about the last day.

The compartment remained silent for the duration of the trip, each of the three lost in their thoughts. A mental holiday was much needed. Hermione looked forward to the hustle and bustle of the Burrow.

"I can't wait to see the twins," Hermione heard Harry say moments before they got off the train. She and Ron looked at him questioningly. "We all need a good laugh about now," he explained, before grabbing his stuff to leave the train.


Molly fussed over her four Hogwarts students with all the obligatory motherly trimmings. She pulled them into a big hug immediately then went on to check who needed what. Molly had fixed each of their favorite deserts for that night and was quick to baby each of them.

"It's all right, Mum. We're all fine now," Ron tried, uselessly, to fend his mother off when she tried to wipe off a smudge on his forehead.

"I'm so glad that you are all home." Molly fussed with Ginny's luggage instead. "And everyone will be home for the holidays this year." She looked on the verge of tears. Arthur put his arm around his wife to comfort her.

"How is everyone, then?" Arthur looked around at the four teenagers. He then nodded to someone behind Harry. That was when Hermione noticed Tonks and Kingsley Shacklebolt in the background. Of course, the Weasleys hadn't come to pick up Harry alone. The group made their way to the Burrow quickly with their guard hidden in the background.

Changes in the Order were inevitable. After Sirius' passing, Grimmauld Place had been vacated for new headquarters. The Burrow was only temporary, as the Order knew it was not the safest place available. Hermione could not help but think that it was, if not safer, much homier and more welcoming a spot to celebrate the holidays.

Molly was right; everyone was home for the holidays. All the Weasleys along with Lupin and Tonks, were staying at the Burrow itself. And it seemed as if all the members of the Order were planning on stopping in for Christmas dinner. Molly could not hide that she was more than a little frazzled by the idea of cooking for so many, but more so overjoyed that everyone was together.

For the first few days they spent their days enjoying each other's company in front of a glowing fire after dinner, some reading, a couple people chatting quietly here and there, but everyone together in the large room.

Hermione was pleased to have the opportunity to reconnect with her two best friends, even if Ron had largely avoided being with Hermione alone. She felt that she had not seen as much of either as she would have liked to of late. They explored the nearby town of Ottery St. Catchpole during the day and tried to listen in on the adults' conversations, hoping that someone would slip something they should not have at night. Molly was still ardent in the belief that they were children and should not have to deal with the real world yet.

One afternoon, the three were holed up in Ron's room due to the icy conditions outside and the secrecy of meetings downstairs. Harry decided to take this time to confide in Hermione and Ron the way he had not this past term. "You were right, Hermione," he said.

Hermione looked up from her book, "About?"

"I haven't been sleeping," Harry said, "Not until I pass out from exhaustion." Hermione could see the dark shadows that had been under Harry's eyes for months now.

"Even I know that's no good, mate. What's the matter?" Ron came across the room and hesitantly sat next to Hermione on the bed. The way he treated her like eggshells drove her mad, but she supposed it was better than him raging at her constantly. Things were not going to be the same. They always had had a wall between them, but its name used to be Krum. Now it was Zabini.

"The prophecy," Harry shook his head. "It's all I dream about. Those words, the possible meanings, and outcomes. I think it's driving me crazy."

"Why haven't you told us? Have you talked to anyone about it?" Harry shook his head. Hermione went on, "Maybe you should. Talk to -"

"Who? Dumbledore? Because he's always been so helpful."

"I was going to say Lupin," Hermione had been hurt by his tone of voice. "He probably knows a thing or two about battling personal demons. That's all."

Harry shook his head again. "I don't know. It's like I have no options, only this one thing to complete or my life means nothing."

"You weren't born to do this, you were chosen. There is a difference," Hermione did not know what Harry needed right now, but realized that she was not going to be the one able to give it to him.

"You'd do it anyway," Ron said. "Before, you had always faced Vv- Voldemort, because that's the way you are. That's how you tackle a problem, you literally tackle it. Without the prophecy, you'd have faced him again if you felt you needed to. The only difference is that now you know that you are supposed to." Ron shrugged when Hermione looked at him.

Harry looked up from his hands at Ron. He turned to look at Hermione as well and gave her a weak smile. "I guess you're right." His brow furrowed. I just felt like I had a choice before, but I guess I never did."

"You always have a choice, but to be honest, the one you face now isn't much of a good one," Hermione looked at Harry. He seemed so small to her sometimes. So small to be the one to save the wizarding world and have the burden of so many people's lives on his shoulders.

"You know you can do it. And, besides, you have us," Ron put his arm around Hermione and grinned. Hermione was caught by surprise, but she was pleased with his actions, because they suggested that things were all right between them after all.

"Of course," Harry smiled again, twice in such a small span of time.

"And you can always come to us for help. We aren't beyond doing some grunt work for a cause," Hermione added.

"Hey, speak for yourself," Ron pushed her away. "I've always been above grunt work." The three broke into laughter, glad that things were not so warped beyond the simple fact that they were and always would be close friends.

As if the laughter signaled them, the twins swung open the door to the room with grand flourish. "You called?" Fred asked.

"How?" Ron looked at his big brothers skeptically.

"By laughing?" Hermione asked, one eyebrow raised.

"But, of course, my dear," George bowed with much fanfare.

"We just got in," Fred supplied, "And the 'adults' downstairs don't want us listening in on the private doings of the Order."

"Hey, Fred?" George asked. "Did you ever get the impression that we should be adults now? Running our own business and all. I thought we were responsible."

"Au contrair, brother! Don't you know that adults that run joke shops are not real adults?"

"Ah, I see. It makes complete sense now. I hope you will all forgive me for my confusion." George flopped on the bed next to Hermione and Ron.

"Mum's on another kick. She would throw Dumbledore out for being too young if they let her, I'm sure," Ron said yawning from boredom.

"She can't protect the whole world!" Ginny had just come up the landing. "They threw me out, too!" She said it as if it made sense that the twins were not allowed, productive businessmen or not, but for Molly to disallow her only daughter at fifteen was the greater injustice.

"Poor, Ginny. Come here," Fred held his arms open to bring his sister into a giant bear hug, before flipping her over.

"Hey! Not fair!" Ginny yelled.

Fred put Ginny down, who was now grinning.

"See, made you feel better." Fred put his hands on his hips, very proud of his ability to entertain.

"You really should thank him for that," George said. "We usually charge for making people laugh nowadays."

"How is business?" asked Hermione.

"You ask at an excellent time. Between Halloween and winter holidays, business is booming," George picked up a quaffle to throw at the ceiling.

"It also helps that all of Hogwarts already knew our products before they were officially products," added Fred.

"You mean when your recent clients were guinea pigs?" asked Hermione.

"That's right," said Fred, unfazed.

"You know that kind of thing is actually against the rules at school. It's a good thing that we had a couple of prefects in our pockets, looking away." George ignored Hermione's stare of death.

"I'm surprised at you two," Ron said.

"How's that?"

"What did we do now?"

"The meeting downstairs should be about done and you aren't hawking around the doors trying to catch offhand comments."

"Would I be wrong to suggest that the only reason you bring this up is because that is your exact plan?" Fred looked at his brother disapprovingly. "I thought we'd taught you better than that."

"What are you kidding?" George threw the quaffle at his twin. "Let's go!"

Fred and George led the pack running down the stairs, acting nothing like the adults they claimed to now be. The group found out as much as they had any other time they tried to eavesdrop - nothing. Ginny and Ron were recruited to cut bread, Fred and George to make salad, and Hermione and Harry were to set the table for dinner that night instead.

The family stayed away from any mention of the incident at Hogwarts the week earlier and anything that could delineate into Order business. Late one night after Molly and Arthur had gone to sleep, Bill and Charlie were regaling them with stories of their days at Hogwarts. This is when Harry finally broke. "You know about the prophecy."

Bill and Charlie stopped laughing to exchange glances. All of the Order knew about the prophecy. They could see where this was heading and wondered what kind of dangerous territory they were entering. Bill looked over to the hallway, checking for his mother. "Harry . . ." he began.

"I know. I'm not supposed to ask or know anything. But doesn't that seem . . . a bit . . . counteractive to you?" Harry somehow kept eye contact with both of them at once, daring them to let him know everything.

"It's not up to us," Charlie started, "Mum would kill us just for acknowledging that we know what you're talking about."

"Grown men and you still do everything Mum says, eh?" Fred asked, wagging his eyebrows.

"If that were the case, would Fleur still be going with Bill?" George asked. "I'm afraid even the most good looking of guys couldn't pull that one off."

"What can you tell us about recent events?" Ginny brought them back to the subject at hand.

"Not much, as you can imagine, but there are spies, there are people in the know," Bill said.

"In the know? Lot good that did!" Ron interjected.

"That proved that we need to be more on top of the situation." Charlie scratched his head. "It wasn't supposed to happen."

"Really?" Harry looked at the two of them incredulously. "You aren't giving me anything new."

"Harry, things are happening that we can't quite track. It's obviously worrisome," Charlie rushed to say.

"The giants, the Dementors, You Know Who has a myriad of allies, not all known to the Order. We aren't sure what to expect," Bill frowned.

"Some of our spies are being watched, things are tricky. And he's getting suspicious, guarding who knows what very carefully. Death Eaters are only receiving notice of action hours beforehand." Charlie took a sip of water. "We are practically blind."

"This is supposed to make us feel better?" Hermione asked.

"The Hogwarts attack has set everyone on edge. That was the one place that was safe."

"Rumors have run rampant," Bill said. He pulled out two copies of the Daily Prophet from the cabinet behind him.

Hermione hadn't been able to keep up with her subscription over the break, she was sure Molly had something to do with that. She grabbed one copy as Harry raced through the headlines of the other.

Mole in Hogwarts: Insider Helped Death Eaters in Attack read the headline of the paper Hermione held in her hands. Photos showed the two new professors, Thacker and Borealis, along with Filch in conspicuous positions. None of the three looked too pleased by the surely intruding photographer.

"They must be out of their heads," Ron took the paper from Hermione. "Thacker is the dullest professor ever. Considering he teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts, it's somewhat of an improvement from years past, but a spy?"

Ginny looked at Hermione. "You are taking Arithmancy. How's Borealis?"

"Scholastic. Never would have thought her to be a spy either." Hermione thought about her new professors. "I can't believe any of them would do that. Filch included."

"Not even Filch?" Ron asked.

"He's a squib, why would he follow Voldemort?" Harry looked at the paper closer. "No, none of them."

"We know," Charlie agreed.

"Who then?" Fred asked.

"Had to be someone, no?" George looked over at the other faces.

"Like we said, we're practically blind now. For all we know it could be a student." Bill looked over at the hallway to find Arthur standing there. "Dad, sorry. Harry asked and we couldn't leave him clueless. Honestly, we didn't give him much to go on."

"I know. I heard and it's true." Arthur rubbed his eyes. "You should all head to bed. It's getting late." He turned back towards his room, "Wouldn't want Molly to find you still awake. Don't worry about this mess now. G'night."

Hermione found that she could not help but think about the mess as she lay in bed that night. A spy in Hogwarts. "For all we know it could be a student," Bill had said. Who of her classmates could do such a thing and get that kind of information? Her first thoughts were of Malfoy, but she recognized at once that he would be too obvious. Someone had to have helped, but who?