
dora mc allister

Story Summary:
With only a few weeks left of seventh year, Hermione and Blaise’s friends decide to take things into their own hands.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
With only a few weeks left of seventh year Hermione and Blaise’s friends decide to take things into their own hands.
Author's Note:
Thank you to my favorite Beta in the world. Shad – you rock!

Chapter 3: In Action

Blaise walked to the Great Hall the night after the Masquerade Ball on his own. He had long tired of his fellow Slytherins' conversations and now that his two best friends were together he often found himself as the third wheel or left out of plans all together. Climbing the stairs he heard the usual scrambling for the door. One group of Gryffindors particularly stood out to him in the cacophony.

From his hidden position in the curve of the dungeon staircases, he could hear them talking. At first he thought nothing of the conversation until he heard Hermione's name. He tried to calm his thoughts; Surely they aren't talking about anything of interest to you. Just idle chitchat about the Head Girl. Yet regardless of his logical thoughts he held up his progression to dinner to remain hidden.

"It's a shame really," Blaise thought he recognized the female voice, but it didn't stand out like the next one.

"I hate to see one of my best friends like this. She likes him, it's true, but she'd never admit it." Harry was talking about Hermione and Blaise's heart fell.

She likes someone. It was bound to happen sometime.

"Hermione is by far the most stubborn person I know. She'd never tell him," Ron added.

Who? Just tell me who and then I'll move on with the mourning process, thought Blaise dramatically.

"Don't you think he knows?" It was Ginny that was talking with them. He knew he'd heard the voice before.


What? Him? Me! Blaise's mind went through a state of paralysis in its inability to process the new information.

"- Slytherin arrogance," Ron was saying, though Blaise had missed the first part. "Probably thinks he's too good for our girl."

"Nonsense. He's her friend too." Blaise had to remember to thank Harry for standing up for him.

"Could he see past that?" Ginny, unknown to Blaise, was grinning wildly at the two boys, knowing that their victim was hooked.

"I would hope so, for both their sakes." The group began to leave Blaise's earshot as they headed in for dinner. Once inside the doors Ron couldn't help himself. "We caught that poor bastard, hook, line, and sinker."

"When dealing with Weasleys, no one knows what's hit them," Harry said in way of a compliment.

"At least we are using our talents for good and not evil."


It was after class the next day that Hermione's turn came up. Walking from Ancient Runes she saw Millicent and Theodore turn down a corridor. She had waved, but they mustn't have seen her as they kept going without stopping to say 'hello'.

As Hermione came up behind them, she found that they were deep in conversation. She began to interrupt until she realized what they were talking about. "He's just a stubborn bastard."

"No he's not and you know better than that, Milli. Blaise is just shy." Theodore had always been the more sensitive of the two.

"All right fine. But either way he won't tell her."

Wonder what they are talking about. Yes, Blaise can be shy, but only about big things. Oh! He must like someone! Hermione's thought ran wild with thoughts of him confessing his feelings for her. Unless it's someone else.

"Hermione doesn't have a clue and she won't since he'll never tell her."

"I thought she'd be smarter than that. Everyone else knows how they feel for each other, how come they don't. She is the Head Girl you'd think -"

"You'd think wrong, Theo. No one is sensible, logical, or intelligent in love. Nothing makes sense ever, so regardless how clever the two of them are it's not easier. If anything they are both probably being over analytical."

"So you think it's as much her fault as his?"

"Blaise won't tell Hermione," Millicent said. "Hermione won't tell Blaise. Therefore, nothing will happen."

"How long do you think she's liked him?" Theo's question caused Hermione to blush. How long has everyone known? What if Blaise found out how long I've liked him? That would end things quick. I'm pathetic that I've done nothing about it in all this time.

"I'm not sure, but definitely over this year, maybe longer." Millicent paused a second before going on. "Of course, any length of time she's liked him is nothing compared to his crush on her."

"Since fourth year, right?"

Fourth year? Fourth year . . . Hermione thought. So he liked me before he even knew me? This information was in a way more profound for Hermione than the fact that he liked her at all. But that's two years before we became friends.

"That's when I first noticed. But like I said, he isn't going to do anything about it. Nearly four years and nothing has happened."

"You never know, maybe unexpected events will force one of them to act." Theo shrugged when Millicent looked at him.

"That's why I love you, Theo. Such a positive outlook." As Millicent pecked Theo on the cheek Hermione cut away down an odd corridor to think.

Blaise likes me? She thought. For the past four years? That means that the entire time we've been friends, he's been interested where I barely noticed him before last year. Her thoughts continued calmly, but her heart's racing belied these thoughts. Somewhere in her chest was a feeling of overwhelming possibility that cannot be described with mere words. What does it mean? What am I supposed to do with this?