Harry Potter James Potter Lily Evans Sirius Black
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone
Published: 04/12/2003
Updated: 06/08/2003
Words: 4,196
Chapters: 2
Hits: 1,710

The Potter Place

Dobby and Winky

Story Summary:
What would have happened if James hadn't died? Chapter 1 of the Potter Place. Humor, angst (only in the first chapter), and general cuteness. AW! James is being a (good)father!!!

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
What would have happened if James hadn't died? Chapter 1 of the Potter place. Humor, angst (only in the first chapter), and general cuteness. AW! James is being a (good)father!!!
Author's Note:
Sorry the first chapter is so short. I promise more is on the way!!! Please review so I know wether or not I should make it funnier....ect. I only made it a Riddikulus fic cuz WHO THE HELL READS DARK ARTS FICS???I don't...besides it gets happy around....the second chapter. :-)

The Potter Place

By: Winky

October 24, 1981

Lily Potter was running around the kitchen trying to do many things at once. She was trying to fix baby Harry's bottle, Harry's breakfast, do her make-up, iron James' Quidditch uniform, wake up James, clean the mess Harry had made on the floor, and get Harry to stop crying,

"James! Get up! Oh Harry, baby, please stop crying. Look Harry, here's you bottle!"

She shoved the bottle into Harry's chubby hands and rushed back over to the iron, which was attempting to burn a hole right through the seat of James white pants. On her rush over, he slipped on the mess on the floor. Lily struggled to get back up.

"James! You're going to be late!"

Just then, Harry got bored with his bottle and threw it on the floor. The milk in it spilled out all over the floor. Harry found something else to occupy him though; Lily's lipstick. He twisted around in his highchair and began to give the portrait of the queen a 'pure burgundy' goatee.

"Harry no!" exclaimed Lily running to Harry. She heard a plopping sound behind her and she turned, she saw that Harry's porridge was spilling out of the pot and onto the floor. Lily groaned and filled her lungs,


James suddenly appeared at the bottom of the stairs, belt undone along with the top button of his shirt. He only had one sock on and his hair looked like a jungle.

"I'm here, put down the knife!"

"THERE is no knife James...." Lily's voice dropped from a yell to a weak sort of moan. She slid down the wall she had been leaning on into a crouched position.

James rushed over to her, but not before stopping Harry from giving the Queen a uni-brow to go with her goatee. He pried the lipstick out of Harry tiny fist. He brought Harry his milk and went over to Lily. He put a comforting arm around her trembling shoulders.

"Lily...please stop crying..."

"James...there's just too much for me to do by myself! I need help! I just can't do it all..."

"Lily...I promise I'll help you...you don't have to do it all by yourself...Why don't I skip Quidditch practice today? I'll stay home and clean for you."

Lily looked up and smiled weakly.

"James, I couldn't make you miss Quidditch practice...I wish we could do magic though."

"Me too. What's the use of being a wizard if you can't do magic? I cannot wait for those Muggles to move away!"

James and Lily had found the perfect house. It was the home of James' great-great-great grandfather, Godric Gryffindor. It had been abandoned since Alex Gryffindor (Godric's son) had lived there. It used to be a lone majestic house placed on a hill over looking an enormous valley. Now, Muggles surrounded the house. They couldn't do magic for fear that a Muggle would see.

Harry began to whine and Lily got up and extracted him from his high chair. She led him upstairs so that he could play with his toys.

James just sat on the floor. After a while he began to smell something burning. He looked over his shoulder and saw the iron. "Oh no!" he exclaimed and went to go save his Quidditch robes.