Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter Tom Riddle
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 10/25/2005
Updated: 11/16/2005
Words: 6,529
Chapters: 3
Hits: 1,297

The Riddle of Existence


Story Summary:
It's Harry's sixth year, and he has defeated the king of all problems - Voldemort. But now he has to look after an eleven year old Tom Riddle, lead a campaign for inter-house unity, work out his feelings for Ginny, and deal with an independent, muggle-friendly Slytherin girl with attitude and a lot of secrets... AU after OotP.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
When Harry and his friends visit the Burrow for Christmas, Tom and Aurora hang out together. What they don't expect is a small rescue



Tom was outside in the grounds, walking through the snow, when he heard a tiny, pathetic moan. He stopped, realising a moment later that what his mind had interpreted to be a moan, his ears had heard as a hiss.

Hello? he asked cautiously.

Please help me! a small voice wailed desperately. I'm going to freeze to death!

Tom followed the source of the sound until he noticed a long, dark shape nearby. He crunched over and bent down to see a small, black snake lying motionless in the snow. He moved to pick it up, and the rounded, triangular head whipped around to gaze at him in alarm. It hissed weakly.

It's okay, Tom reassured it. I'm going to get you inside where it's warm.

Loosening his scarf a little, he picked up the snake and gently curled it around his neck before walking back to the castle.

He entered the Slytherin common room to see Aurora playing Solitaire with a pack of Muggle playing cards.

"Hey, Tom," she greeted him without looking up, frowning down at a three of diamonds.

"Guess what I found," Tom told her, walking over to the fireplace and putting the snake down next to it. "See? It's a snake."

Aurora glanced over, and her eyes widened in surprise

"Hey!" she exclaimed. She stood up and walked over to look more closely at it.

What are you doing here? she asked curiously. It's snowing. Far too cold for you.

"You're a Parselmouth too?" Tom blurted, highly astonished. Aurora shook her head, a small smile on her lips.

"I can talk to reptiles," she murmured. "It takes concentration, but I can do it."

Tom looked rather stunned. Why on earth was Aurora a ...whatever she was? He'd never heard of such a gift before.

The snake, somewhat recovered now, looked at her with shiny black eyes.

I've always lived here, it replied. But that cold white stuff was never around before. The others were surprised too.

Others? Tom echoed. The snake dipped its head.

There's others like me. We were all hiding out in the greenhouse, but someone chased us out.

Tom and Aurora looked at each other.

"We'd better go outside and see if we can find them," Tom suggested. "They'll die in this weather." Aurora nodded. Grabbing a pair of gloves from her dorm room, she joined him in tramping outside to the greenhouses in a search for more snakes.

Hello! Aurora called. Anyone there? We're here to take you inside! She walked off to the left, while Tom went off to the right. After about five minutes of calling and searching, Aurora suddenly let out a shout.

"Tom! I've found them!"

Tom went running around to the other side of the greenhouses to see Aurora standing knee-deep in snow, a snake curled around each arm and one around her neck, grinning wildly. She extended one arm out towards Tom's shoulder, and the snake slithered forward to curl around Tom's neck. He felt its tongue flicker in his ear.

Please don't do that, he told the snake. It tickles.

Sorry, replied a distinctly feminine voice. The snake rearranged itself so that it could look him in the face.

Aurora was beaming the entire way back to the castle, addressing friendly and encouraging remarks to her two snakes. Tom and his snake just listened as she explained that the snakes would be taken into the Slytherin common room and placed by the fire.

We'll bring you some food, too, she said happily as they walked inside. A couple of Hufflepuff second-years who had been about to go out hastily got out of their path at the sight of the snake-covered Slytherins. Professor Snape, who was crossing the hall at that moment, came to a halt and glared at them.

"May I ask what you are doing?" he said coldly.

"They were freezing, professor," Aurora explained. "We're just taking them to the common room."

"We'll make sure they behave sir," Tom assured him hastily. Snape snorted but continued to make his way across the hall. Together the two students made their way to the common room, letting the snakes join the other by the fire. As Tom's snake slithered down his arm, the one he had discovered earlier slithered up eagerly.

Hello, it chirped cheerfully. Tom realised that it was a girl. Thanks awfully for rescuing me. Without asking it slithered up his arm and curled back around his neck. You don't mind if I stay with you, do you? You're comfortable.

Uh, I guess that's okay, Tom replied, nonplussed. He looked across at Aurora to see that she, too, had a snake curled around her neck. She shrugged as she saw him looking.

"She likes me," she said in explanation. "Hey, you want to play poker?"


An hour or so later the two went down to dinner in the hall, each with their respective snakes still curled about their neck. Tom's snake had been named Chipper, as it seemed to be unfailingly cheerful, while Aurora had declared her snakes' name to be Aurelia. As the two sat down at the table, the students on either side shot them nervous looks. Aurora grinned and hissed at them.

Dumbledore stared at her in surprise.

"One of the benefits of being a Dark creature?" he queried. Aurora scowled.

"Something like that."

Tom blinked.

"You're a Dark creature?"

Aurora shot him a look and ignored him. Tom just stared, until Aurelia wove forward and gently bit him on the nose.

"Aargghhh!" Tom yelped, instinctively throwing himself backwards. He and his chair went over with a crash. Tom then proceeded to let out a string of curse-words in Parseltongue that made Chipper stare at him in astonishment. When he finished he glared up at Aurelia, who looked down at him impassively.

It's rude to stare, she informed him calmly. Aurora grinned and extended a hand.

"She's right, you know. Come on."

Tom got to his feet and righted his chair, face red with embarrassment as he realised that everyone in the room was staring at him. He hunched over his plate.

Don't worry, Chipper said cheerfully. S*** happens.

Author notes: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's dangerously close to Mary Sue, isn't it? Don't worry, there IS a reason, and she'll be far less amazing in subsequent chapters.... I just couldn't resist. Who could possibly like snakes more than Aurora does?