Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Original Female Witch
Slash Romance
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 02/14/2006
Updated: 11/04/2007
Words: 12,572
Chapters: 13
Hits: 21,337

Always Loving You


Story Summary:
Draco disappears at the night when Dumbledore is killed, leaving concerned Harry behind. What will Harry do when Draco reappears ten years later?

Chapter 06 - Chapter Six

Chapter Summary:
Harry and Draco are getting close again.

Chapter Six

"Shit," Draco groaned as he looked at his neck in the mirror.

"Draco? Breakfast is ready." Harry's voice reached his ears.

"I'm coming!" He covered the mark with his shirt, not bothering to use magic. It would heal soon enough.

He heard Hannah's giggling in the kitchen. He stood by the door, listening a moment before entering. Last night's nightmare has been clearly forgotten.

"Good morning, Dad!" Hannah greeted, brightly.

"Morning, Angel." Draco ruffled her hair up, taking a seat next to her.

Harry smiled at them. "What would you like to have for breakfast, Draco? Eggs, toast, sausages..."

"Toast would be nice, thank you," Draco replied, smiling warmly, pretending to be something he was not.

As Harry turned his back on them Hannah looked at her dad thoughtfully, raising a brow. Draco gave her a warning look to say anything.

They ate in comfortable silence and Harry cleared the dishes away.

"What would you say, Hannah, if we went to the Diagon Alley today?" Harry asked, glancing at Draco.

"That would be great! Please, Dad, can we go?" she pleaded, looking at Draco with her irresistible puppy eyes.

Draco sighed. "All right, but only if you don't spoil her, Potter."

"Wouldn't dream about it." Harry smirked. "Come on, Hannah, let's get ready."


"I have never been at the Diagon Alley before," Hannah said, rummaging around her wardrobe.

"You haven't?" Harry asked, sitting on her bed and watching her inspect a green shirt with a critical eye.

"Dad never let me, saying it was too dangerous," Hannah sighed, throwing the shirt back to the wardrobe.

"He was probably right," Harry muttered thoughtfully.

"Are we ready to go?" Draco appeared at the door, wearing black robes.

"You can't go wearing those!" Harry rushed to his side.

"What's wrong with these?" These robes were his best ones.

"Everybody knows this is the Death Eater attire. Follow me," Harry commanded.

Draco rolled his eyes, but followed him reluctantly.

'No these are not. He doesn't know anything about fashion.'

Draco had his Death Eater robes burned as soon as the reign of Voldemort ended.

"Take these." Harry offered him deep green robes. "It's more of a your colour than mine. You can keep it."

Draco nodded, making his way to his room to change.


Hannah had finally decided to wear a ultramarine cotton skirt and a white shirt. The outfit looked good on her because of her blond hair and brilliant green eyes.

When they entered the Leaky Cauldron was full of life, but the place quieted down as soon as they entered.

Harry had not visited anywhere after he had finished Voldemort off because he felt uncomfortable with people staring at him. He tried his best to ignore them, leading his family to the alley before anyone started to ask questions or congratulate him.

Draco didn't seem bothered by the attention they were getting, he continued walking on expressionless.

The murmurs in the pub started as soon as the wall behind them closed.

"Aren't you worried what people will think when you appear with a suspected Death Eater?" Draco asked, looking Harry's face carefully.

"No, because you are not a Death Eater and, even if they suspect you, they don't have any evidence," Harry answered, taking hold of Draco's hand.

Draco raised and eyebrow, but accepted the touch.

Hannah's hand in his other one Harry made his way towards Gringrotts.


Harry walked in the living-room, seeing Draco sitting on the couch staring into the fire.

"Hey." Harry sat next to him, stroking his head affectionately.

"We've to talk about Hannah," Draco said. "I think it would be best if we took her to see a therapist."

"Yeah, I thought that, too," Harry answered. "It might do some good to you, as well."

"You think I'm crazy?" Draco asked, but he was not serious.

"If crazy entails having a baby with the most dangerous man on Earth and living with him, then I think you are a bit crazy."

Draco's brows furrowed. 'The most dangerous man?' He hadn't thought Harry would fit into that category, but if you killed the Dark Lord, then you would a dangerous man, would you?

"Is something wrong?" Harry's brows furrowed in turn.

Draco smiled. "Of course not. I was thinking how lucky I am," Draco said, hugging Harry close.

Harry's brows rose again.

"That's something you have to figure out by yourself." Draco smirked, pecking Harry on the lips and curling up besides him.

But Harry didn't have to. He already knew how lucky they both were by having each other.

"Is this okay?" Draco asked after a while.

He rose up to look at Harry. "Merlin, I feel like a fool." Draco lowered his head on to Harry's shoulder.

Harry just smiled, waiting for Draco to continue.

"What I mean is that is this okay? I mean do you want this? Is it okay for us to be like we--"

"Shh." Harry pressed his finger against Draco's lips. "I know what you mean, and yes, this is okay as long as you want this as well," Harry said gently and kissed Draco's forehead.

Draco smiled, sighing he resumed his relaxed position at Harry's side.