What Is Love?


Story Summary:
Draco and Ginny have been married for 6 1/2 years and have 4 boys, when the marriage law that forced her to marry him is repealed. Ginny can choose to annul their marriage within two weeks, divorce him within the next year, or stay with him forever. Will Ginny be able to freely choose what she wants? Will her family try to influence her decision? Will the Malfoy's try to influence her decision? Can Lucius Malfoy sat by and do nothing while others decide his grandsons' futures?

Chapter 02 - Who Are They?


Who Are They?

Ginny woke to see Thuban staring at her from a chair.

"Are you alright, Mummy?"

"Yes, Sweetheart. Come here and give me a squeeze."

He ran to Ginny and lightly hugged her. "Love you, Mummy."

"I love you too, Thuban. Are your brothers awake?"

"Cam and Serpens are." He giggled and pointed to the cradle in the room. "But not him."

"Thuban!" Draco's tone was scolding but just above a whisper as he entered the room. "I told you to let your mother rest!"

The little boy looked down at his feet. "Sorry."

"I am growing weary of your repeated disobedience. Maybe you need a physical reminder to do as you're told?" The little boy covered his bottom with both hands and moved towards the door keeping as far away from Draco as possible.

"No, Daddy, please. I'll be good. I'm going to my chambers." Draco nodded and the boy bolted.

Ginny's eyes had grown dark with anger. "I'm sorry he woke you, Gin."

"HE ISN'T THE PROBLEM! He was merely keeping a watchful eye over me as you have done." Tears started rolling down her cheeks. "He was worried about me and wanted to make sure I was alright. And you... you... threaten to spank him for caring and loving me!" He walked over and held her.

"He hasn't been doing as told lately, Gin. My actions had nothing to do with discouraging his feelings for you. The boy should do as he is told."

"Within reason, Draco. Would you let anything or anyone interfere with your looking after Narcissa, if you believed she was hurt?"

"Good point, Gin," he said with a nod of agreement as he sat next to her on the bed. "I'll talk with Thuban later about this but for now, are you ready to see all of your sons?"

"After you answer a couple of questions. What's that second potion?" she inquired pointing to a pear shaped bottle with pink liquid.

"It's a birth control potion, Love. You take a spoon full each day." Shocked and puzzled she stared at him. He raised a questioning eyebrow to her. "You didn't think I would no longer seek comfort from you? I've always enjoyed our encounters, as I thought you did. Malfoys do not take mistresses," he stated matter-of-factly.

"No mistresses and no affairs?" she questioned and he confirmed with a nod of his head. She smiled, "You surprise me, Draco Malfoy. You don't make this marriage half bad, but we do have a problem." He pulled his upper body away from her and questioningly looked into her eyes. "I want a little girl," she declared as a smile graced her face.

"I don't know if that's possible. It's been ages since a Malfoy had a daughter."

"I was the first female Weasley in generations. I'm willing to give it five more tries and you can afford it," she stated with firmness.

"Nine children! You're mad, witch!" He shook his head at her. "Do you want to be the talk of every garden party?"

"I don't care. I just want a little girl. Wouldn't you like a daughter?"

Smirking, he kissed her cheek. "I'd love a little princess to spoil."

"So five tries for our daughter?"

"Two. I'll never have time for nine children."

"Four more, you will make the time for them."

"Three tries for a little girl, Gin."

"Deal. Second question. What name did you place on his birth record?"

"Leo Gideon," he sneered at her. "I was tired of seeing it on the list. He'll likely be a Gryffindor," Draco snorted.

"Not with Malfoy as a last name," she answered him with a kiss. "Thank you."

"Least I could do, Princess. You're an excellent mother and an outstanding wife."

Crying from the cradle startled Draco into motion. He retrieved the baby and handed him to Ginny. "I'll get our other boys," he told her as he left the room.


The new family of six sat on the large four-poster with Ginny in the middle holding newborn, Leo. Thuban and Cam were kneeling on the left side and Draco sat to Ginny's right holding two and an half year old Serpens. Serpens was outgrowing the pudgy toddler stage and becoming a thinner preschooler. His white blond hair was still baby fine as it rested just above his shoulders and the ends curled. His gray eyes had a sparkle to them and his cheeks dimpled when he smiled or laughed.

"His hair is your color, Mummy," Cam smiled at Ginny, "He's cute."

"He's so small Mummy, was I that little?" Thuban inquired.

"You were even smaller, Sweetie," Ginny answered and a disbelieving Thuban looked at Draco, who nodded.

"Play dragon," Serpens said trying to give a toy dragon to the baby.

Thuban lightly slapped Serpens' hand and pushed the toy away. "No, Serpens. He's too little. Babies only eat, sleep, and shit." The toddler turned his head into Draco's chest and cried.

"Thuban," Draco scolded. "You didn't need to slap your brother and watch your language."

"But Uncle Blaise said it."

"We've talked about this before, son. Adults don't always speak properly, so you shouldn't blindly repeat what you hear."

"Sorry, Daddy." Thuban kissed Ginny's cheek, "I'm sorry for saying a bad word, Mummy."

"What do you say to Serpens?" Ginny prodded her oldest son.

"I didn't slap him hard. He's a crybaby," Thuban avowed, folding his arms refusing to apologize.

"You will apologize to your brother now or spend the rest of the day in your chambers," Draco growled. Noticing the look of defiance still firmly on his oldest son's face he quickly added, "After I warm your bottom with my belt."

"I don't need a spanking," Thuban mumbled before kissing Serpens' hand. "I'm sorry, Serpens. You're not a crybaby. I shouldn't have hit you."

"Name?" Serpens asked while wiping away his tears with the back of his hand.

"He's name is Leo, Sweetheart," Ginny replied with a beaming smile.

Serpens started roaring like a lion and Cam joined in moments later. Thuban hugged Ginny and whispered into her ear, "Mummy, I love you. You look tired, want me to get everyone out of here so you can sleep?"

Ginny whispered back. "Nice of you to think of me, but how are we going to get your daddy to leave?"

"You can tell him to take me flying, Tipsy is waiting downstairs with our brooms."

Ginny held in a giggle. Her oldest was a born Slytherin.

Noises came down the hallway distracting the family. The boys stopped roaring and they all turned their heads to listen. One of the voices was a very angry Lucius Malfoy; another was the concerned voice of Narcissa Malfoy. The voices seemed to get quieter the closer they drew. There was a quick knock on the bedchamber door, but it was opened before anyone could answer. A tall, bald, black wizard wearing a gold hoop earring walked into the room with a parchment in his hand. Narcissa pushed in front of him. "Surely, this can wait. She gave birth early this morning."

There was a gasp and a red haired plump witch pushed her way to the front staring at Ginny, the baby, and the three little boys. "A redhead. Your boys are beautiful, Ginny," she whispered.

Not hearing Molly, Arthur Weasley entered the room in a rage. "Delay, so you can sneak them into hiding. Malfoys can't be..." he stopped when he saw the boys.

Narcissa and Lucius walked over to the bed. Narcissa picked up Cam while Lucius stood protectively by Thuban.

Cam glared at his older brother. "Who are they?"

Thuban pointed at Molly. "She's Mummy's mummy." He then pointed at Arthur. "He's Mummy's daddy." He pointed at the black wizard. "I've never seen a picture of him."

Molly and Arthur exchanged shocked looks. They hadn't seen Thuban in almost three years. How the child remembered them was puzzling. Ginny saw her parents' expressions and she remembered the day Draco forbade them access to their grandchildren.

-------- Flashback ----------

Ginny stood crying in front of the fireplace. Draco had one-year old Cam on his hip. Cam was also crying, so Draco handed the boy a Sugar Quill and he quieted. Seeing his brother with a Sugar Quill upset two-year-old Thuban. He tried to get Draco's attention for a couple of moments but when he failed he screamed, "FERRET!" at his father.

Draco's eyes turned black and he motioned to his oldest son to be quiet. He summoned a house-elf to remove the boys. Only after the boys were gone did he speak.

"You can cry all you like, Ginevra, and my answer will still be, 'No.'" His voice was calm but his eyes were cold. "My sons are no longer allowed to visit your family."

"Draco, please. I would never deny your parents access to our children."

"My parents don't speak ill of you or your family in front of the children."

"Ron slipped, Draco. That's all it was."

"Don't lie to me or I will bind you to the Manor. I've been very generous to you. I've given you freedom like no other husband of an arranged marriage, but I will not allow my children to be around people who badmouth me or my father."

"One more chance. I'll talk with them. If they speak ill of you or Lucius again I will leave with the boys."

"No. I will not make the same mistake twice."

Thuban peeked his head around the corner of the door. When Draco smiled at him, he ran into the room and wrapped his little arms around his father's legs.

"Me sowwy. Me sowwy."

Draco picked up the little boy and took him to a desk where he handed the child a Sugar Quill. When the house-elf came to reclaim the boy, Ginny addressed it. "Take my things to the guestroom on the third floor."

The elf looked at Draco. "Take only a week's worth of her clothing." He turned to Ginny. "You will be back in our bed next Saturday or I will come to the guestroom."

-------- End of flashback ----------

Molly walked up to Ginny, who whispered, "Mum, what's going on?"

"The Pureblood Marriage Law has been repealed, Ginny. We've come to take you and your boys home!"