The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Original Female Witch Harry and Hermione and Ron Lord Voldemort
Darkfic Drama
In the nineteen years between the last chapter of
Published: 10/20/2009
Updated: 10/20/2009
Words: 2,322
Chapters: 1
Hits: 118

Harry Potter and the Nearly Raised Dark Lord


Story Summary:
Voldemort seems to have died. But a characteristic property of many events occurring both in the wizarding world and the Muggle world is that things aren't always what they seem. The moment Draco Malfoy was branded with the Dark Mark, Voldemort discreetly placed a curse on him which would allow Voldemort to possess Draco Malfoy should he die. His last resort should his Horcruxes, in the unlikely event, fail to save him. Now Draco/Voldemort's evil is becoming more and more apparent, signs and strange events only hinting at Harry, and the wizarding world's, ultimate fate.

Chapter 01


This is my first fan fic, y'all!

I really do hope you enjoy it and COMMENT.

Fan Fiction Title: Harry Potter and the Nearly Raised Dark Lord

Chapter: The Boy who Lived is No More

Harry stared at the unmoving bodies of his two best friends. He sank to his knees, put his face in his hands, and screamed. It was a high, chilling scream, one he was just about to compare to Voldemort's, when he turned to a random mirror, which reflected Voldemort's grotesque alien face...

"Ow," he hissed, clutching his burning scar. He felt tears on his face and his chest was fluctuating as fast as his mind was running.

Just a dream, he reassured himself, in vain. But Voldemort's dead! he insisted.

How do you know?

Fool! I killed him!

Voldemort was and seems to still be a mystery.


Feeling anxious and agonized, not to mention uncomfortably flushed and sweaty, Harry decided to head down to the lobby, where it would be refreshingly cool with a butterbeer in hand. How he wished Ginny were there beside him, ready to comfort him. He would feel rather embarrassed waking Hermione or Ron, telling them about the improbable nightmare. He looked at the clock: 4: 50. It was a bit too early, but he decided there was no harm in having an early breakfast; he desperately craved for a relaxing butterbeer.

A week ago, the Trio had decided to go for a private vacation to replenish that feeling of friendship that had gone through such trying years, a friendship not many could claim to have, which involved a magical school, inhumane relatives, half-giants, baby dragons, underwater missions, not to mention defeating the Dark Lord.

Ginny had make Harry swear to come back in no more than 2 weeks. This for two reasons; one, she would miss him awfully, 2, she suspected she was pregnant and wanted Harry to come with her to St. Mungo's and be with her to witness the moment of revelation.

Hermione, who worked as Head of the Department of Investigation of Dark Activities, a branch of the Auror department, had many good contacts, one of whom recommended a vacation in Albania.

So the threesome were at a Wizard Hotel; they had good fun in reminiscing in memories, as well as exploring different Magical villages, as they were quite a few, trying out indigenous merchandise and selecting presents for their loved ones, as well as visiting the two wizarding schools in the country. It had been going splendidly. And this frightening nightmare had to come and ruin it.

Harry put on a bathrobe and left the room quietly. He walked down the long hall, amused to see many were up at this time as well.

One that stood out was a younger witch in blue robes up till her knees, and a silk pantyhose beneath(apparently these were fashionable in Albania. Her beautiful silvery Patronus, a fox, was circling round her knees like an adoring cat, as she walked, somehow failing to be stepped on by her owner.

She bumped against him, and upon seeing his scar, gave an excited yip. She then smiled and asked something in the language. Harry, noticing her eager smile, nodded cautiously, and the witch broke out into fascinated giggles. Harry rolled his eyes and proceeded. That was Millicent Swordstone, a local witch who apparently had a fondness for this Inn. Harry found her rather annoying. She only seemed to recognize him by his scar, again, annoying. Doors were slamming, people were talking loudly, Harry wondered why he hadn't woken earlier. He turned right and then proceeded down the blue staircase. A small house-elf which looked rather strange; it was wearing one bright pink sock on its head(Harry was reminded of Dobby with a pang), bowed and squeaked, "Master wishes me to sing the meaning of life?" Harry raised an eyebrow, and turned to look into the lobby.

A young witch looked at him, smiling innocently. He grinned and walked over to her.

"Hi, you did that to the elf, huh?"

The eager girl said,"Oh! You speak English as vell? I haff barely found one person here who has spoken it vell besides me and my brother. Yes, my brother Viktor vanted to see how it vas to haff an elf, so he vent and bought vun, very easy since he is rich, I am poor compared to him, and so he brang-"

"Wait, Viktor Krum is your brother?" Harry said in amazement, "I didn't know he had a sister." Now Harry was beginning to see slight resemblances, her eyebrows were slightly thick, and her eyes were the same color and shape.

"Yes," the girl said crossly. "I'm Sephone. It is very annoying, every time I try to go to get a drink, the man over there babbles something about Viktor."

"What're you two doing here?" asked Harry curiously. Surly Krum should be in Bulgaria practicing for the new season.

"Viktor landed a summer job with the Albanians. But he is returning to Bulgaria in fall. There was a big riot and the team vas suspended. Viktor vas very upset." Harry turned to where her eyes were fastened; the elf was doing jumping jacks.

Harry laughed. "You have a sense of humor, you do.'

"Thank you," Sephone said. "My brother gets upset, but I say why not play with the elf? I don't hurt it, and The elf is vith me most of the time anyways-vait," she said, her eyes shining suddenly, "you are Harry Potter!"

"Err...yeah," Harry admitted.

"My brother very much liked your friend Hermy-own-ninny," she said confidentially.

"I know," Harry told her.

"But then she got married, and I told Viktor-"

"Sephone!" Viktor Krum was striding towards them. "Vat haff I told you about charming that elf?" He froze near them.


"Yeah," Harry said uncomfortably.

"Is she here?" Viktor Krum looked nervously around.

"No. She's still sleeping upstairs."

Viktor Krum shook off his anxious face and adapted the surly look again.

"Vat are you doing here, Harry?"

"Well, I just asked your sister here the same thing. What happened with Bulgaria?"

"I don't vant to talk about it," Viktor said, looking quite disagreeable and nervous.

"OK," Harry said indifferently, though he was nearly dying to know what had caused an International Team in the top Ten to be suspended.

Sephone looked like she wanted to tell Harry, but Viktor grabbed her arm roughly and said, "Come, Sephone, ve are leaving."

Sephone pouted but complied, waving at Harry as she left. Harry grinned as he saw the elf follow, but then start tap-dancing as he did so. Sephone would make a nice playmate for George's daughter Nymphadora; she was rather the joker herself like her father.

Then Harry felt a poke at his shoulder and looked up into Ron's sleepy face.

"Hey Harry, what're you doing down here at this time?" Harry chuckled at his half-closed eyes.

"What're you?"

"The kids called us," he yawned. "Ginny's up waiting for you."

"I'll go, then," Harry said, looking forward to talking with Ginny for the first time since he'd left; they'd been rather busy.

"I'll get a drink, shall I?" Ron said, heading towards the counter.

"Grab me a butterbeer, Ron!" Harry said, dashing for the stairs.

He reached Hermione and Ron's room, and knocked. Hermione's smiling face greeted him.

"You look awake," Harry commented as he entered.

"I'm not really a night-person, especially after that party yesterday," Hermione said. "Though I notice you boys are fine with having fun till the early morning," she added sternly.

Harry shrugged. "What're you gonna do with us, Hermione?"

Hermione fondly ruffled his hair. "Go on, Ginny's getting impatient."

"Bad mistake," Harry said softly, tip-toeing towards the fireplace off the entrance hall, earning another laugh from Hermione.

"Hey Ginny," Harry said, yawning, as he bent to peer at Ginny's stressed face.

"Hey Sleepy-Head. Y' hurry down quick, will you? Rose and Hugo are NO picnic." She winced as she heard excited yells.

"Exploding snap; George introduced it to them yesterday," Ginny explained. "Seems they're new things turning up in the wizarding market. They barely even remembered what it was!"

"Yeah," Harry laughed. "There's that new version of the those furry candies that blow up -"

"Yes, Rose was playing with it the other day," Ginny recalled.

"I don't get how they can let their tongues touch it," Harry said, wincing. "They're awful."

"Now that you mention the wizarding market," Ginny said, "while you've been gone Diagon Alley's been displaying this funny sweet that is not for sale yet; it turns the taster into whatever animal they're like for a few hours."

"Awesome!" Harry exclaimed.

"No it is not," Ginny said sternly. "They act like animals as well.

"Yeah..." Harry said thoughtfully. "I guess you'd have to deal with the what comes in comes out problem."

"Harry!" Ginny smiled in amusement. "So...how's it in Albania?"

Harry told her about Sephone and Viktor Krum.

Her eyes widened. "Their team got suspended? I wonder why I didn't know that? Or rather, nobody around here did. We just heard they were travelling internationally for some reason or other."

"Hmm..." Harry narrowed his eyes, intrigued .

"Now, you," she warned, "don't go being Mr. Hero and risking your life; I've waited long enough for this quiet life we, mostly you, deserve."

"Fine, Gin, fine," Harry reassured her, now feeling quite apprehensive and wary of the nightmare. He wondered whether he should tell Ginny...

But then a loud bang came from her end.

"HUGO!" shouted Ginny, her face flushed. "He's done it now. Harry honey, I gotta go, I love you, miss you, oh dear, Rose is crying-" And her face disappeared from the fireplace. Harry smiled distantly; even though he hadn't talked to Ginny about the nightmare, he felt better.

Hermione stuck her head into the room.

"Harry, let's go down and have a few drinks; I am NOT letting Ron touch any of those alcoholic drinks, not even butterbeer, not since I learned of what drastic health issues they cause-"

Harry groaned inwardly. No butterbeer?

The two of them left the room, and headed down the stairs. Ron was still at the counter, eagerly trying to convey to the barman which drink he wanted, but to no avail.

"Ron," Hermione said sharply.

Ron started.

"Oh, Mione, you want a drink too? I'm trying this funny green one-" He pointed to a large green bottle with pink liquid in it, with a large sticker with a sorrowful wizard in a large black cauldron.

"Can't you SEE?" hissed Hermione, pointing at the label. "There' s a cauldron sign on it for a reason. In addition, I've heard Albania makes extra strong-"

"That's the point," Ron said stubbornly.

"AND," Hermione plowed on," henceforth NO MORE ALCOHOL."

"What?" Ron spluttered.

"Alcohol is ghastly, Ron," Hermione said," I can't imagine how I even tried butterbeer without searching on the ingredients; or even before to research about alcohol. Lisa, that nice witch over there, told me all about it. Ron, Krum is still a bachelor."

Ron looked furious; both options were dreadful.

"Fine," he hissed. "I'll just have a damn-"

And that swear earned a death glare from Hermione.

He mumbled an order for it, and then proceeded to glaring at the middle-aged witch sitting in one of the plush chairs in the lobby.

After Harry and Ron finished their bland gillywaters with sulking expressions, Hermione sucking on a sugarmalt happily, the trio decided to take a walk; ("Honestly, we do need exercise, even if it is a vacation!" Hermione had insisted, while Harry thought how she'd make a fantastic nutritionist.)

Together they walked until they were breathing the air in rapid gulps.

Hermione pointed her wand at a bush and the poisonous yellow turned into juicy big blue ones.

Ron immediately dug in. Harry took out his own wand and filled a random water bottle after washing it. He set his wand down to drink a few gulps of water, then started towards the bush.

Then he heard a loud snicker.

From a man.

He stared.

The man was wearing a shirt that said, "Yeah, I'm crazy. What you gonna do about it?", really short black shorts, and a hairdo that would have made Severus Snape cringe. He held Harry's wand and jabbed it at the trio, who stared in silence.

"Y'all are some sorta magicking things, ain't ya? I can tell, this is a wand. Got the sign of the GrimmaldRee it do."

While Harry was wondering what the heck was a GrimmaldRee, the man said in his slurring voice," Now you best hand over your magicking wands, all right?"

"Sir," squeaked Hermione," that's a wand? I mean, we thought it wasn't-"

"We bought it from Wizard Cheesy's, that tourist store in Orlando. We're touring the world together," invented Harry.

"Don't gimme crap," he growled. He had a scratched-up black van that rather resembled a zebra, parked right inside the woods. He glanced at it, then said, "You wait right there, you do."

Hermione, Ron, and Harry watched apprehensively as the man stepped into the woods, and fell dead. It was a swift death; as he set his right foot into the woods, he immediately fell over and was dead, facedown. Hermione clapped a hand to her mouth to keep from screaming. A message was bleeding into his back: The Boy Who Lived Is No More.


I have not had this chapter or fan fic beta-d, but may in the near future.

If anyone knows an efficient Beta or thinks they are one, let me know. Once again, I hope you liked this first chapter and check regularly for the second chapter, which i hope will be out before Halloween. I know it is rather early in the fan fic, but if you have any suggestions, questions, etc, I'm open for them.