Astronomy Tower
Lord Voldemort
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/09/2003
Updated: 08/20/2005
Words: 34,790
Chapters: 25
Hits: 13,679

Puzzle to a Frozen Heart

Cory Potter Granger

Story Summary:
" I had almost succeeded in getting over you. I am a Jedi Wizard! Damn life tricks! But it doesn't matter now, because you are my charge, nothing more, nothing less and I'll make sure it stays that way." Harry````"You bastard! You think that after five years you can suddenly come back into my life and pretend that nothing happened? Well, I'll let you know that I am happily over you and I do have a boyfriend who..."````"Just wants you?"````"Screw you Potter! I don't need a Jedi Wizard and if it was for me, you could just rot in your goddamn Jedi temple! You're still a bastard, an humongous prick, and, damn it! I still want you..." Hermione````H/Hr O/F AU

Puzzle to a Frozen Heart Prologue

Chapter Summary:
" I had almost succeeded in getting over you. I am a Jedi Wizard! Damn life tricks! But it doesn't matter now, because you are my charge, nothing more, nothing less and I'll make sure it stays that way." Harry
Author's Note:
I want to thank my Beta Reader, Caroline Delacour, you know I love you! This is dedicated to all of you H/Hr fans out there! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! H/Hr together forever!


"I won't make that mistake, I won't let my heart get in the way, I'm not like him..."

"Hello. My name is Harry Potter. I am 17 years old and I have just graduated from Dumstrang, Institute for the Training of Jedi Wizards. I guess I should be happy, proud even; but I'm not. I never wanted to become a Jedi Wizard in the first place. I still think it was a rash decision; I was hurt and I didn't know what to do. People say that since I'm Harry Potter, I can have any girl I want. Newsflash; no I can't.

In my second year, I encountered Lord Voldemort, you know, the one who murdered my parents. Everyone says that I did it so I could play the hero, so I could have vengeance for the murder of my parents.

Nobody knows, I prefer it that way, that I had no intention of going to the Chamber; that I was there because Professor Snape had given me the task of guarding the entrance, so no one could enter...

But life...life is beautiful. (I'm being sarcastic now.) And part of its beauty and the main reason why it absolutely sucks is that is full of surprises. And for that matter, it has a way of turning out not exactly the way you planned, which is the worst part of it all.

When she and her stupid little boyfriend Weasel (or whatever his name is) entered Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, everything went out the window. But to make the story short so I can keep from boring you, I'll get to the point; she pushed me into the Chamber, we had an encounter with Voldemort, I almost died, but hey, I didn't...tada! Though I wish I would have...

Anyway, the thing I have never said to anyone that, believe me, I have tried very hard to forget, without success mind you, is that she was the first and only girl that could and did steal my heart. I never tried to pursue her, for she was a Gryffindor and I... was a Slytherin. But, in the Chamber, something happened. Something that I never (well, maybe in my wildest dreams) imagined . She kissed me. She really did! She thought I was unconscious and that I was going to die for sure, so she said a couple of things to me and then, kissed me. Just like that. And for that kiss, I would never be the same again...

When I got out of the Hospital Wing, I intended to pursue her, to make my feelings known. But, then again, as I said, life has a funny way to rain on your parade. I was expelled as soon as I got out and was to leave immediately, so Dumbledore sent me to Dumstrang over the summer. There, I met the one whom I was sure could make me forget all about the Gryffindor girl. She was one year older that me and in Hogwarts too. I met her through the Dumstrang's annual summer camp. So, we started going out and I was finally succeeding in getting the Gryffindor girl out of my head and heart. But, come on, after my lifelong curse, you wouldn't think my life suddenly would be that perfect, would you? Specially when I said that life is very...amusing to say the least. I found her, may I say IN MY ROOM and IN MY BED, sleeping with another guy.

It was after that unfortunate incident that I decided to become a Jedi Wizard, so I wouldn't get hurt again. Now, I have turned my heart into stone and won't ever love again. Not that I want to anyway. What is love? Love is a weakness, a stupid feeling really, one in which there is a 99.9 % chance of getting hurt, like I did. But, not to worry, I won't do it again. I will just comply with my duty and, with any luck, my life won't play very amusing tricks with me again, right?