The Dark Arts
Tom Riddle Oliver Wood
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 06/17/2003
Updated: 06/17/2003
Words: 531
Chapters: 1
Hits: 422

O, Fatherland!


Story Summary:
Oliver Wood is a young Quidditch star who finds himself torn between Nationalism and Morality during Riddle's rise to power. This fic focuses mainly on comparing the Death Eaters to Nazis and Riddle to Hitler. Thus, it is not for the faint at heart as it presses on very serious issues.````Oliver Wood/Penelope Clearwater

O, Fatherland! Prologue

Chapter Summary:
Oliver Wood is a young Quidditch star who finds himself torn between Nationalism and Morality during Riddle's rise to power. This fic focuses mainly on comparing the Death Eaters to Nazis and Riddle to Hitler. Thus, it is not for the faint at heart as it presses on very serious issues.

"Riddle is the leader of the fatherland.

To love him is to love the Magic people of Europe.

To doubt him makes you close to Muggle.

We are the followers of the Riddle.

That makes us the Master Race of Magic Europe.

We take this vow of loyalty to he who is our leader.

All hail Magic Europe, All hail Riddle!"

Those were the words that echoed throughout the stadium at the 1995 Quidditch World Cup. Over ten thousand witches and wizards stood in the bleachers, their right arms outstretched at a ninety-degree angle, repeating their oath of allegiance to the "Dark Lord". By this year, anyone who did not follow the lead of Riddle, were considered "non-Magi". It was either follow him, or be followed.

The main décor of the stadium was the so-called 'Dark Mark'. Over fifty banners reaching over a hundred feet tall encircled the pitch, all with the mark on it. In fact, on every robe of each Quidditch player, there too was the mark.

The key to gaining a "Master Race", was to first purge it of anyone who did not meet up to the standards their leader had set forth. In the magic world, of course, that meant Muggle Borns and Kabbalistic Magi.

Kabbalist witches and wizards were those who practised magic based off Jewish mysticism, as opposed to Classic Magic which was taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Unlike Classic Magic society, the Kabbalists were a monarch. Riddle hated the fact that for over a millennium the Kabbalists had been the reigning magic power and thus controlled much of the money. So of course, Riddle made them into the scape-goats of all the problems in Magic Europe.

The Classic Magi were the ideal for Riddle's world - and only those with completely pure magic background, at that. This factor alone held a bit of irony, as his followers often brushed over the fact that Riddle was, in fact, of Muggle decent himself. However, in order to achieve his plan, he knew he had to rid the world of Muggle Borns and Kabbalists, and in order to do that, he had to get rid of all Jewish witches and wizards.

Yet, all the followers saw was the man who would restore the Magic race. That is what happens in desperate times: people cling to whatever hope they can find. Through the articulate musings in his autobiography, The Tale of My Struggle, which was written during the year which he spent is Azkaban as a political prisoner; Riddle managed to convince approximately two out of every three wizards, that he was an ordinary man just like them.

That is what people look for: someone they can relate to. Like most of the population of Magic England, Riddle had also known what it was like to work hard for no ends to his labour.

"One Empire, One People, One Leader", soon became the words on the lips of half the magic population. That was what he promised was the final solution. What his followers did not know, was that he was not the means to the end, but the beginning of a whole new distruction.