Astronomy Tower
James Potter Lily Evans
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Published: 09/07/2002
Updated: 09/07/2002
Words: 3,404
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,849

From That Moment On...


Story Summary:
Lily and James fluffiness...I couldn't think of anything else to write so...it's a good story!

Chapter Summary:
Lily and James fluffiness...I couldn't think of anything else to write so...its a good story!!!

From That Moment On…

    James Potter peeked over his Charms books to see the back of a red haired girl. She turned to her left and James could've sworn that she looked at him. Then, he felt a wand poking his side. "Jamesie, you have no chance with her…" his best friend, Sirius Black said.

    'Hmmm…some friend,' James thought rolling his eyes.

    Sirius continued, "Now, Arabella, she's hot," he said as Arabella looked towards Sirius as he cocked one eyebrow. A skill that he had been practicing in the mirror for the past week and had recently perfected.

    Arabella giggled and turned to talk to Lily. "James totally likes you!" Arabella said to Lily.

    Lily rolled her eyes. She never pictured herself with James Potter. He was just too…well, Lily couldn't put her finger on it but she just never pictured herself with him. "Oh be quiet Bell!" Lily giggled as they grabbed their books and headed to lunch.

    "James, stop drooling," Sirius reminded him, putting his hand on James' chin and pushing up, forcing him to close his slightly opened mouth. "Why don't you concentrate on someone you actually have a chance with?" Sirius joked as they sat in their usual seats. James leaned forward and four seats down was Lily.

    Then, Remus entered the Great Hall, looking like his usual sick self, considering that the full moon was only two days ago.

    Remus took his usual seat by James and the three friends sat chatting. (Sorry, I couldn't put Peter in there because he makes me sick!) Well, at least Sirius and Remus were chatting. James was still looking open-mouthed at Lily Evans. "Oh no…not this again," Remus rolled his eyes.

    "Lily, James is staring…at least be nice and wave," Arabella whispered as she waved at Sirius as he did his little eyebrow trick which was extremely cute.

    Lily looked down at James. Then, she noticed that James had the most incredible brown eyes that she had ever seen. She stood gazing for a moment, lost in his eyes. Then, she snapped out of her trance. She gave him a pleasant smile and a wave. Then, turned back to Arabella and her other friend Cameron. "Was that so hard?" Cameron asked sarcastically.

    "Hardy-har-har," Lily replied. "Arabella?"

    There was no answer.

    "Bella?" Lily asked again.

    "She's over there with Mr. Look At My Eyebrow Trick," Cameron rolled her eyes and they headed off to Transfiguration.

    "Great…Transfiguration!" James groaned as he headed towards his assigned seat in the front of his classroom beside Cameron.

    "What? You are good at Transfiguration," Sirius said.

    "I know, but this is the only class that I don't have a good view of Lily!" James explained, rolling his eyes.

    Sirius and Remus went the opposite way muttering something that sounded suspiciously like, "Obsessive…I'm tellin' ya."

    James slammed his books down on his desk and heard a voice beside him, "Bad day?"

    Him and Cameron were okay friends. They made polite chitchat during class but nothing more. "You could say that."

    Before Cameron had any time to find out just what was wrong with James, McGonagall walked through the door and their regular class had begun.

    Lily was sitting beside Remus. Remus was concentrating on his class work but Lily, however kept getting side tracked. Lily looked from James to Remus. It was thanks to Remus that Lily even knew who James was. They were in their first year when Severus Snape had called Lily a mudblood. Lily, having met Remus earlier got mad and tried to do the jelly leg curse on Snape but backfired. Lily, being the clever witch she was knew the counter-curse. They were friends ever since.

    Lily snapped back to what was happening in class thanks to Remus who was poking her in the side. "Oh, I'm sorry."

    Remus was laughing. "Looking at James again, huh?"

    "What are you talking about?" Lily asked.

    Remus rolled his eyes. "We all know you like Jamesie, now, tell him you like him and put him out of his misery."

    "Misery?" Lily questioned, looking where James usually sat. Except, he wasn't there. "What…?"

    She heard someone clear his throat beside her and Remus sniggering beside her. It was James.

    "Uhhh…hi…ummm…Li-Lily," James said nervously.

    "What's wrong Jamesie?" Remus said as he got up and stood beside James, putting his hand on James' shoulder.

    James blushed and murmured a quick apology for Remus' interruption and exited the Transfiguration classroom. "Remus!" James said angrily.

    Remus smiled mischievously as they took their seats beside Sirius and James did his usual drooling over Lily.

    "So, Lils, there is a Quidditch game this Saturday, want to go?" Cameron asked as they took out their potions ingredients. .

    "Quidditch? Well, I'm not all that interested in Quidditch but since James is playing I guess I'll go," Lily replied.

    Arabella and Cameron stared at her. Obviously, Lily didn't know what she had said and just continued cutting up her caterpillars.

    "James!" Arabella exclaimed. "JAMES!"

    "What about him?" Lily looked up.

    "Well, I'm not all that interested in Quidditch but since James is playing I guess I'll go," Arabella mimicked Lily, pretending to swoon.

    Before Lily had time to respond, she saw James standing over her. He smiled at her, a very cute smile. "Hi Lily," he said smoothly.

    "Hi James," Lily responded.

    "Jamesie!" Sirius said, coming behind him and putting his hand on his shoulder. "Talking to the future Mrs. Potter…I see."

    James muttered something to Sirius that sounded like, "I swear I am going to Aveda Kedavra you one of these days."

    "So, Lily, what are you doing this Saturday?" He asked.

    "Going to the Quidditch match," Lily responded a little to fast.

    "Now this is the James that we know," Remus whispered to Sirius. The two of them were a few feet away, watching James and Lily flirting.

    "Yeah…but I've never seen him this up tight about a girl. Usually, he is just a big flirt but he has liked Lily for about three months," Sirius responded.

    They saw Lily and James laugh. They made the perfect couple. Then, James started walking towards them, smiling insanely. "She's coming to watch me!"

    "Watch you do what?" Remus asked.

    "Quidditch!" James replied a little louder then he intended to.

~*~*~*~*~The Next Day~*~*~*~*~

    It was Friday when Sirius came into the dormitory grinning broadly. "Uh oh," Remus whispered to James. "This isn't good."

    "I've never seen him smile that big since the day we found that secret passageway underneath the witch," James replied, eyeing Sirius who was still grinning.

    "I asked Arabella out," Sirius explained.

    "Ohhhhhhh," Remus and James said together. "That explains a lot," James continued.

    "And my guess is that you did your eyebrow trick and she melted right? And then she said 'yes' and now you're grinning insanely," Remus said.

    "Exactly my friend," Sirius said happily. "Now that me and Remus have girlfriends, all we need is to find you one."

    "When did you get a girlfriend?" James asked Remus.

    "Oh, while you were flirting with Lily during Broomstick Control," Remus explained, not even looking up from his homework.

    James stared at him blankly. "Excuse me?"

    "My gosh James! I think all of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw know that you like Lily by now!" Sirius said. (They had broomstick control with the Ravenclaws.)

    "I didn't flirt that bad," James explained. Then, he continued, "Did I?"

    "Ohhhhhhh yeah…" Remus and Sirius said together. Then, Sirius continued, "You should've seen the look on Madison's face when she saw you flirting with Lily."

    "Oh man! She has liked me since third year, now, if anyone is obsessed, it's her," James said blushing.

    "Well, well, aren't we the modest one?" Lily Evans asked as she came into the boys' dormitories with Cameron and Arabella.

    "Hey Remus," Cameron said to Remus.

    'Ohhhhhhh, that is his girlfriend, I see…" James thought as Lily came onto the floor and sat beside James.

    After about two hours, the three girls decided that they needed to go back to their dormitory, so, they wished the three of them good luck in the Quidditch Match tomorrow. (Sirius is a beater and Remus is a keeper. And, we all know that James is a chaser.)

    "Why didn't you tell us you were going out with Remus?" Lily asked Cameron as they were lying in bed that night.

    "I was trying to tell you during Broomstick Control but you were too busy flirting with James," Cameron shot back with a grin.

    Lily rolled her eyes. "I didn't flirt with James…he's just too…"

    She was cut off by Arabella's response, "Hott?"

    "Perfect?" Cameron put in. "Well, almost as perfect as Remus." Cameron sighed.

    "Almost as hott as Sirius," Arabella said.


    "The Quaffle is released! And the game begins!" the commentator shouted into the microphone.

    James took off from the ground and immediately seized the Quaffle. He raced towards the goal posts on the end of the field when something caught his eyes. A blur of red hair that he would know anywhere. It was Lily.

    "GO JAMES!!!!!" Lily yelled, even though she didn't know the first thing about Quidditch she looked like she was having the time of her life.

    James waved stupidly and then he focused on the game and saw Remus right in front of him. "Remus!?!?!" James asked. "What are you doing down here? You better get back to your goal posts!"

    Remus rolled his eyes. "I am at the right posts Jamesie, YOU are supposed to go the other way!!" Remus bellowed, pointing to the opposite side of the field where the Slytherin keeper was looming in front of the goal posts.

    "Oh…" James said as he zoomed across the field. He raised his arm and threw the Quaffle easily into the goal posts.

    "Ten points for Gryffindor!" The announcer screamed into the microphone. "Scored by James Potter!"

    "Whoo-hoo!" Lily yelled. "Go James!!!!!"

    Then, a bludger was hit towards a Slytherin chaser by Sirius. "Wow…Sirius is really good."

    Remus blocked the Quaffle and Cameron yelled herself hoarse. The three girls were sitting there, Arabella staring at Sirius, Cameron staring at Remus and Lily, staring at James who was waving stupidly back. Then, they heard a voice. It was Madison (She is the girl that has been obsessed with James since their third year. She is in Ravenclaw,) and she said, "You three sound pathetic…"

    "Well, you look pathetic," Lily shot back without thinking.

    Lily felt something prodding her back. She turned around and Madison pointer her wand right in between Lily's eyes. "Stay away from James, he's mine."

    "He doesn't like you, he likes Lily. You've just been obsessing over him for three years!" Arabella laughed, taking her eyes away from Sirius.

    Madison looked like she could've killed her right then, but she looked up at the sky to see the Quaffle, pelting towards her and knocking her off of her feet. The three girls looked up to see James with an expression that said, 'I did it but I'm just trying to look innocent.'

~*~*~*~After The Match~*~*~*~

    James, Sirius and Remus came out of the Gryffindor dressing rooms to find Lily, Arabella and Cameron running towards them. Arabella hugged Sirius as Cameron ran up and hugged Remus who looked very pleased with himself. Lily stood awkwardly by James, then said to him, "What the hell?" and hugged him.

    James was momentarily shocked. He had thought of Lily hugging him many times but never actually thought what he would do if it actually happened. Then, he remembered that he had hugged plenty of girls before. 'But none of them are as special as Lily. Damn she smells good.'

    Lily released James (quite reluctantly) and the both looked around and blushed.

    James saw Remus and Sirius looking at him with an expression that said, 'We told you so.'

    Cameron and Arabella looked like they were holding in giggles.

~*~*~*~That Night~*~*~*~

    "Well, I'm off!" Sirius said as he exited the boys' dormitory.

    "Where are you going?" James asked.

    "Date with Arabella," Sirius grinned insanely.

    "Yeah…I'm off too," Remus said, getting up and grabbing his cloak from the hook by the door.

    "Do I even have to ask where you're going?" James asked as he sat on the floor by his bed.

    "If you want," Remus told him. "Why are you staying here? Don't you have a date?"

    "Nope," James answered, pouting.

    "Well, that's weird…James Potter, not having a date. Wow, never thought I'd see that," Sirius said, pretending to be amazed. "So, you going to stay here and look at your 'Lily shrine'?"

    "Yes," James answered instantly. "I mean…what Lily shrine?"

    The two laughed. They knew that James had a Lily shrine inside his trunk. "We know about your shrine in your trunk," Remus laughed.

    "It's not a shrine…those are just random pictures," James said, getting nervous.

    "That just happened to be all of Lily!" Sirius yelled, running out of the dormitory before James had time to react.

    Up in the girls' dormitories, Cameron and Arabella were applying makeup and joking. Lily was sitting on her bed, reading. "Why aren't you getting ready for your date with James?" Cameron asked.

    Lily looked up. "What date?"

    "The one you fantasize about all day," Cameron joked as Lily threw a pillow at her. "Ow!" came a muffled scream.

    Lily rolled her eyes as Cameron and Arabella left for their dates with Remus and Sirius. Lily got bored just sitting and reading so she decided to go down to the Common Room. She went down the steps and saw something that she didn't expect to see. It was James, his face half lit by the fire, he was gazing into it.

    "James?" Lily asked as she sat beside him on the couch.

    James snapped out of his trance and looked up at Lily. "Hey Lils," he replied. "Why are you here?"

    "I could ask you the same question. James Potter! Not having a date on a Saturday night! What will people say?" (James had this reputation about having a different girlfriend every couple of weeks.)

    James smiled. There was silence for a moment when James suddenly decided that it was getting to quiet. He reached over the couch and fingered a pillow. He smiled. Lily looked over and asked, "What are you smi-"

    She was cut off by James, who hit her with the pillow.

    Lily grabbed her wand off of the table and said, "Accio pillow!" A red and gold pillow came zooming down from the girls' dormitory. She hit James with it.

    After about thirty minutes chasing each other through the Common Room, they collapsed onto the couch, both breathing heavily.

    All of a sudden, Lily was very tired. "Accio blanket," she muttered as she and James situated themselves under the blanket and fell asleep.

    About ten minutes later, Sirius and Arabella walked through the door. They immediately saw James and Lily, together under a blanket by the fire. "Finally!" Sirius whispered as Remus and Cameron walked in.

    Remus stopped dead in his tracks. Obviously, he was very surprised to see James and Lily, asleep, on the couch. Together. "Wow…" Remus breathed. "I wasn't expecting that…"

    Sirius grinned and playfully punched him in the arm. They diverted their attention back to James and Lily.

    Lily rolled her head over and adjusted it on James' shoulder and started murmuring in her sleep. The four of them, being the nosy people that they were crept closer to hear Lily muttering incoherently. But, they heard one thing very clearly. "I love you, James."

    The four of them grinned at the sleeping James and Lily. "I knew it!" Sirius said a little too loudly because James stirred and woke up.

    Arabella elbowed him in the ribs and James asked, "What's up? Why are you all back? It's only nine…" he checked his watch. "Midnight? How long have I been asleep? Wow…" he had spotted Lily, soundly sleeping beside him, head on his shoulder.

    Sirius and Remus, eager to see what James would do. Seeing that James had fantasized about this for God knows how long. James smiled and carried Lily up to bed. Lily's eyes fluttered open and she asked, "What happened?"

    "We fell asleep," James tried to stifle a yawn but wasn't too successful. "Well, goodnight, love."

    Sirius, Arabella, Remus and Cameron were all in the doorway. Sirius and Remus grinned. They knew how long James had been waiting to say that. "Well, goodnight," James left the dormitory and up to his own.

    The four were sitting in the Common Room, discussing the night's events. "They love each other!" Cameron squealed. "So, why can't they just say it and get together?"

    "Because Lily is in denial," Arabella rolled her eyes. "She thinks that she doesn't love him when she does."

    "Well, we all know James likes Lily, he has a shrin-" Remus started but was given a shut up glance from Sirius.

    "So, what are you going to do?" Cameron asked anxiously, bouncing up and down.

    "I don't know…" Sirius answered, looking into the fire.

~*~*~*~The Next Day~*~*~*~

    "Come on, Lily! We'll be late for breakfast!" Arabella yelled in Lily's ear. She leaned over to see Lily crying. "Lils…what's wrong?" she asked in a concerned tone. She waved for Cameron to come over. She came and sat on the other side of Lily's bed.

    "Nothing," Lily lied.

    The two friends did 'The Sirius' (raised one eyebrow) and started questioningly at Lily. "Okay, I'm lying."

    "Well, you didn't need to tell us that," Cameron replied. "What is it?"

    "James," Lily replied. She started sobbing all over again. After she had regained control, she continued, "I love him! Ever since I saw him in our first year! I love his untidy black hair! I love his chocolate brown eyes! I love his stupid wave that he does! I love every single thing about him!"

    The two friends broke into smiles but stopped when they saw that Lily was still crying. "And why are you crying your eyes out?" Arabella asked.

    "B-be-c-cause he doesn't love me back!" Lily wailed.

    After lots of consoling, they managed to get Lily up and moving. They said that they would meet her down at breakfast.

    They ran into the Great Hall, screaming, "Remus! Sirius!"

    The two looked up from their porridge. "What?"

    "Lily loves James! Ever since she first saw him in first year! She just had a mental breakdown!!!!" Cameron replied happily.

    "Well, you don't have to look so happy about the whole mental breakdown thing," Arabella replied.

    "Oh, right, where is James?" Cameron asked.

    "Looking at his shrin-I mean, in his dormitory," Remus replied.

    Up in James' dormitory, he was lying on the floor, facing the trunk, looking at, well; you could call it a shrine. He looked at the pictures of Lily, laughing and smiling. How he wished that he could be the one she was laughing and smiling with.

    Then, he felt a presence behind him. "Sirius! I said I'd be down in a minute and if you do that stupid little eyebrow trick again then I'll-" he turned around to face Lily, a tear streaked face Lily.

    James hurriedly closed his trunk and went up to Lily. "What's wrong, Lils?"

    "James, I can't take this anymore. I feel like I'm about to burst!" Lily said.

    "What?" James asked, leading her to Remus' empty bed. "What's wrong?"

    "You, you are what's wrong with me, James Potter!" Lily screamed.

    James' heart broke. He was what she was so upset over. He wanted to make her feel better, he wanted to…well, he could forget that since she was so upset with him. "What did I do?" he asked. He was willing to give up or do anything so that she would stop crying and be happy.

    "I had to fall in love with you," Lily said, barely above a whisper. "I love you, James. For six long years. Everyday I wished that you would return my love…"

    She was cut off by James' lips pressed against hers. His hands wound around her waist as she put her hands around his neck. Six years of unspoken feelings, of bottled emotion came out in that one kiss.

    When they parted, Lily's emerald green eyes looked up into James' chocolate brown ones and they agreed, they would spend the rest of their life together, from that moment on.

A/N: Did ya'll like my Lily/James fic? This is the first one I've written so, I hope it was good. Well, anyway, please review! Thanks!!